NITRO Circus (Live)

"I won't get in trouble, and I won't go to jail. Baby he hurt you bad. People around here would take the gay girls side anyways"

Viola grabbed the smaller girls hand, wrapping it up in her own as she looked up, a tall man rounding the corner, blood spattered his shirt.

"Go inside. Now." She said, opening up the door to the pub right behind her and walking her into the doors before letting her go. "If you hear a scream, it's him." She growled, looking Liz in the face briefly before turning back around and catching the man before he rounded the next corner.

"Hey!" She yelled, pulling a cigarette out of her chest pocket and resting it between her lips.

"You got a light?"

As the man held out a banged up zippo lighter to her mouth, she leave forward just enough for it to catch before grabbing the man arm and pulling it back and around, putting it at a sharp angle behind his back and pinning him to the ground.

"You think it's okay to lay a hand on a girl? You think it's okay to lay a hand on anyone if they're smaller than you and lost and scared?" She yelled, bending his arm back a little bit more with each curse the man threw at her.

"Go ahead and tell someone after I'm done with you. Tell them you broke a poor girls nose for no reason." Viola urged, slamming the mans face into the ground and breaking his nose.

"You broke my girlfriends nose you bastard. She was bleeding. Bad."

Viola flipped the man over before kicking him in the side and standing him up, slamming him into the brick wall next to her. She stood for a moment as he stared at her, scared by herself until she snapped back to reality and wiped a drop of blood from her broken lip, returning to the bar a block over.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
(I'm 5"3 and have had grown 6"5 men on the ground cx really it's just how well trained someone is and their reaction time. Nothing to do with height or strengths. Plus it's determination. In situations like this adrenaline is rushing so someone could do much more than they usually are capable of.)

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Liz nodded silently,placing a quick kiss on vi's heel before running back inside,she could hear screams but they sounded male,that was good.

When Vi returned she flung her arms around the other girl and her eyes widened at the cut on her lip

"You know you don't have to do that,but thankyou" she whispered,leaning forwards to catch a drop of blood on her tongue before kissing the girl's lips gently
((Yeah its all about knowing what your doing, for both genders, if you don't know how to throw a punch, regardless someone can easily dodge. I enjoyed that scene! Nicely done Vi :D ))

Axel listened to Josey talk, just let him talk sometimes that was just the best thing. When the male finally came to the conculsion life was were he needed to be, Axel was quick to encourge that thought, "I think that is where you need to be too." He said assuredly before kissing Josey's neck softly, "Your not boring, nothing about you ever is, not even now." Axel reached his hand up stroking through his hair smoothing it back out, "Its going to be okay, I know you broke bones before, but this time, I can be here to help you through it this time, I'd know you would do the same for me."
Josey grinned a bit turned over slowly so he could be face to face,well a little higher than Axel because he was taller."Yeah..."he said and smirked a bit."Yeah but,if it was you i would be in bed naked instead of clothes."he giggled a bit and looked into Axel eyes then kissed him deeply and pulled back slowly."Wish you could stay here all day..."he said with a soft sighed then poked Axel's nose and smiled.
Axel let his hand rest on top his other as Josey turned towards him, Axel giggled before his lips were incased by another, tilting his head up slightly he deepened the kiss just as much pulling away a little, Axel smiled softly, "I could hid in the bathroom, get naked for you in there, or inpersonate a doctor, or a nurse whichever you fancy." He smirked back, "You could see me in a shorty dress."
"Or we could turn this thing into a live porn show."Josey said then slipped his hand into Axel's pants.After a few minutes he took it out"But,i love it when you have to wait.."he said with a chuckle.He laughed more when Axel mentioned a dress"Yeah babe...totallly see you in one."he said."You'll be more adorable."he said with a slight tease.He sighed softly before playing with Axel's hair"I wonder when i'll get out..."he said.
Axel just laughed at the idea of Josey's before making quiet sounds of pleasure, his face heating with a blush. He whined when Josey hand went away toying with his freaking hair instead, he puffed out his cheeks and blew the air out in Josey's face before giving a thinking expression, "Umm, I forget if the doctor told me when, but Char got out in less than a day, and she banged her head pretty bad." As he talked he tried to slip the older's males hand back were it came from.
Josey smirked"I don't know.I think they love me so they're probably gonna keep me here longer."he said then chuckled.He watched as Axel tried to more his hand back down"Well aren't we a little impatient?"he asked and laughed a bit."Besides we can't even do that much with my arm like this.Not to mention the bed is like....super small haha."he added."But,i can do one thing for you..."he said.He pulled Axel closer by his belt and kissed him deeply while undoing the belt on his pants and slipped his hand fully inside.He messed around in Axel's pants while still kissing him."Let me how i'm doing.Don't hold it back."Josey whispered into Axel's ear and kissed him again.Of course he was referring to the pleasure sounds Axel was trying his best to hold back but,Josey wanted to hear it.
Axel tried to play innocent at the hand movement he was yes, restlessly trying to do things with, but he gave up nodding before chucking, “But, you forgot I am magic so I could make it happen.” He purred out moving closer letting out a clearly that he was satisfied as Josey coaxed the response. Letting out a little gasp he lightly bit into Josey neck gripping the older boy on his hip.
Josey smiled while he heard the pleasing sounds coming from Axel.Josey lifted his neck to give Axel more room."We should stop before someone comes in and then you really would have to leave."Josey said in a low moaning voice.He slipped his hand out of Axel's bottoms and tightened his belt back.He slid his hand down Axel's chest and smiled"When i get out,i promise."he said."Contain that magic until then eh?"he asked and chuckled a bit.
(I've never been beat by a guy, and I've never had any formal training. But thank you Roxel! Action scenes are what I have practice with c:)

Viola smiled down at the girl, using her thumb to wipe a little of her own blood from Liz's lip. "Let's go home?" She asked, grabbing her hand and walking down the other way, holding the girl closer than was really necessary.

"We leave in a couple days don't we? We've gotta ask Charlie where it is were heading next. Feels like forever we've been here."

As the beach house seemed to come closer and closer, viola wondered on what will become of them by the time they have to go home.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Axel let go of the sensitive skin in his teeth and laid kisses one the spots he had sucked like a vampire, he gave Josey’s hip on more gently squeeze before trailing his hands up his toned arms resting them on shoulders, “They will only kick me out because they are so jealous,” But he nodded looking into light brown orbs he rubbed a single finger along Josey’s cheeks and chin, “I will preserve the magic, although I may have left a mark on your neck, sorry.” It came out a laugh as his gray eyes danced implying he was not all that sorry actually quite proud of his love bite.
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Liz smiled up at her,linking her fingers with Vi and snuggling close to her...

"Hm..I would stay here if I could,yanno,because nobody cares at all.about the tattoos,the hair,the piercings and us." She said softly,resting her head on Vi's shoulder and kissing her neck lightly.

She indeed was thinking the same..

"Vi? Are we going to stay together?"
Josey smiled and giggled"Well how ever would they be jealous my dear?"he asked already having a hint of what he was going to say but,wanted to ask anyway.Josey chuckled as he rubbed his neck"Don't worry.I'll put more on you."he said."God i love you..and your hunger for me."he said and laughed"You do get out of control when you're like that."he added."The way you walk after...that's the fun part."he concluded."But,i love everything about you really.Even when you get a little grumpy when you wake up."he said and smiled
"You know why they would get jealous, us having a good time together while they work their boring everyday jobs, hm maybe they would be amused for the change of pace, anyways the looks on their face would be priceless!" Laughter came out before he let out a sigh, "But, I don't want to get banned from the hospital tis only a dream." Axel continued to trace Josey's face with his finger as he talked taking in each word loving the truth of them, "I love you more, you make me hunger for you, I love your feisty confidence to your calm peaceful drawing mood, I love how we can do anything, like right now for example and it be awesome, also walking funny is the sweet price to pay." Axel smiled pressing his lips to Josey's again, "Even when you are such a teasing son of a gun, I love you."
Josey laughed a bit"Yeah but, I think you would be their favorite.Your moans could get anyone kinky."he said and chuckled again.Josey couldn't help but,smile as Axel talked about him in a loving way"Well I can't help it if I make you want more every time."he said"Ha yeah,especially when you try to play it off.Oh and that butt of yours in skinny jean..."Josey said any giggled s he grabbed Axel's bottom then released but,kept his hand there."Oh hush.If I didn't tease then it wouldn't be fun now would it?"he asked
"I'm sure well be accepted wherever we go." Viola said, rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand. She could feel the kitten still in her chest pocket.

"About that."

Viola gas been wondering on it for a while now. Years really. She'd always been head over heels for the girl. But after all that wondering she had decided that by the end of their tour, they would be engaged.

"I wanted to ask you what you thought about it. If you could choose to just go out for a while, or to be together forever what would you choose? And don't just think about now. Think about the future too. The long future. Would you want to even then?"

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
"Forever." She said simply,before pulling her into a passionate kiss,anchoring her arms around Vi's waist and running her tongue over her lip.

She wanted to stay with Vi forever,in her eyes,in a few years when they were more serious,Vi would propose and they'd get married,she just knew that Vi was the girl for her,the one she'd stay with forever,she liked that that word.

Axel chuckled blushing lightly at the compliment of his noises he made, "Well, skinny jeans are my thing, but you rock sleeveless shirt or just no shirt," He poked Josey chest rubbing his finger up his good arm, "Hmm, that bod," he mumbled in a lusty way before resting his forehead on said tasty body, he could not help letting out a snicker at the claim it was true, but Axe just made a neutral sound in his throat not wanting to admit that fact.
Josey smiled and caressed Axel's flushed cheeks"Well then.I guess i'll wear them more and maybe restrain from them in the winter time so i won't freeze to death."he said then chuckled. Josey's smile dropped to a half one when Axel's moved around"Pft it's not even that good."he said as he laid his hand on his own stomach then pat it and giggled."But,at least i'm not fat or anything like that.Not that i would even get close to it.If i was a grandpa i would still have abs."he said"And we would still be doing crazy things like this together."he said and laughed."I think I've had enough of L.A for now.I can't wait to go to Los Vegas!I've went so many times but,i miss it still."he said.
Axel chuckled at the image of Josey as an old grampa, still ripped it was awesome. "Okay you are permitted of wearing a shirt in the winter...outside at least." He teased a bit before listening to Josey talk about the city of sin a lot of people called it, "Sounds awesome, but do you have really good hook ups there too? I am still to young to do most of the fun stuff." Axel made a face at that fact, "We should set course for there next, bet the others would be down for it."
"Sounds good to me." She said with a smile, finally picking the girl up and walking inside of the beach house, and setting her down on the kitchen counter.

"Now now, where are those two little rainbow warriors we love oh so much?"

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.

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