NITRO Circus (Live)

Axel grinned widely as he skated, hearing the wheels of a bike catch up to him than Vi on her long board and soon after Liz's too, "I knew you would catch up! We can just never walk, I love it!" A pub was coming up, "Hey Vi-vi? this pub?" Axel pointed it out right ahead.
"That's it" she yelled, scooting back on her board and flipping the nose up into a tigers claw, stepping onto the sidewalk before slamming back down and riding till she came to a stop outfront of the pub.

As Liz came up behind her, she leaned the girl against the wall behind her, stealing a quick kiss again before walking inside to grab a bench cub for them.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Josey looked over at where it was not paying attention to what was in front of him.Once he snapped his view back to the front of him he saw a car was head straight towards him.He whipped the bike around and tried to get on the side walk but,he got hit anyways."Shitt..."he said as he curled up on the floor.He coughed a bit then spit out some blood "I'm fine..."he said as the man came out of the car and looked down at him trying to see if anything was broken.Hell yeah his stomach was hurting like hell and his shoulder got hit the hardest but,no nothing is broken.He got up slowly almost falling down to the ground again but,kept his balance and grabbed his bike."At least you're ok"he said as he checked his bike for anything."Watch out next time.You could have gotten me hurt!"the man shouted.Josey looked over at him"You hurt?You were driving in the bike lane."he said.Josey coughed again and spit out more blood as he pointed over to the bike picture on the road"See.."he said.
Axel stopped at after Liz his wheels make a slight skidding sound on the sidewalk before he retracted them, before he could say anything, even pant out of breath a loud crunch was heard making him swish around, he saw Josey already climbing to his feet, a gloopy red stubstance streaming down his chin, blinking in a rapid session,he was flying back up the slope to Josey aid, he touch his shoulder almost afriad to harm him any more, he opened his mouth to speak, yet cut short his thoughts as the driver pretty much blamed Josey for what happened.

Josey. His way turning he aimed a punch at the man losing his temper as almost fire like sparks blazed in his gray orbs making it look like a flash of lightening on a cloudy stormy day,

"YOU F*cking-!" Axel let lose a stream of curses as he took another anger filled swing at the man before ripping off his shoe and flinging it at the man's car, aiming to break something on it in his rage.

((hey guys I was thinking after they eat/this incident wraps up, we could skip to them doing a show were someone a relative of Axel's will show up dun dun lol its nothing bad, at least the relative is not, its his grandpa who would know everyone have met them at least once, but Liz and of course Axel he would know best. @Shy Shadow You still with us right? ^.^))
Liz smiled, mewling into the kiss and running after Viola, their hands still linked, finding the spot that Vi had been going on about, she plonked herself down and pulled the mop of blue hair next to her, hugging her warmly and resting her head on her shoulder.. With a hand on her thigh..

"I love you.."
Josey tuned to Axel"I'm fine Axel..."he said faintly as he took a tissue from his pocket and wiped away the blood from his face.He bent down slowly and took up his bike then walked over to the side walk.He watched Axel's actions and pulled him back and into the building to stop any further causes from happening.
Viola had made it to the door by the time the man who had been driving the car was gone, but just in time to open it for the boys.

"Are you okay dude? Sh-t. I'm buying you a beer." She mumbled, holding Axels free hand as she brought them to the bench, leaving again to grab everyone some drinks .

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
"And me!" Liz giggled after her, leaning back in the seat and motioning for Axel and Josey to sit down on her other side.. She looked at them both.."Holy shit.. Man are you alright boys?!"
Axel felt his forearm be grabbed and soon he was going backwards, catching his balance with a couple of off placed steps he glared with a fury filled eyes at the driver who threw his shoe at him, catching it perfectly in his right hand, Axel let out a another few cusses at the man as he got in, and drove off. As Vi hand slipped in his, he clung to it turning to face as her and Liz shaking his head in a quick session of shakes,

"How gives a f*ck if I am okay? Josey got hit by a car!" He exclaimed widening his eyes to emphasis his distress. Sure, they did lots of crazy stunts and dares but getting by a car was like real life accident, they, they should be suing people! His face still tight with emotions, he swished around to Josey and guided him to the seat, but refused to sit himself, instead he started pacing just from one foot to the other his hand over his face, muttering things about finding that guy and setting fire to everything he owned. Finally he anger taking its course through him, Axel took a few deep breaths slouching against the wall right by the bench,

"Josey....are you, still...? Still bleeding? You were from the inside...." He gave a light shudder at the recent memory.
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Josey said down softly and groaned at the pain in his shoulder and stomach.e slid further to the wall at one of the tables and laid his back against it trying to breath more and talk less."I-im..."he stuttered a bit then just put a thumbs up to finish off the sentence.As soon as the waiter brought Josey a glass of water he grabbed it quickly and gulped it down like he hadn't drank anything for days."I don't kn-know...Nothing else has come up stomach and shoulder were hit pretty hard."he said faintly."I'm fine though.....really"he said.
Liz got up from her seat quickly and embraced Axel warmly..

"Sh.. Come on Ax.. Look he's here now.. Not fine.. But he's here.." She said softly.. Taking Ax's hands and squeezing them..

"Come sit down, I'lll run Josey down to the hospital if you like?"
Axel stiffened at each sound Josey made than opened his mouth to protest his boyfriend's ongoing claim of being fine, but Liz hugging him shut him up as he returned the embrace calming down a bit although as Liz held his hands speaking too him, they trembled with a vigor. he nodded at the hospital idea but than shook his head no when he realized Liz said "I" and not "we"

"I am coming too! You can just expect me to sit here and and," The idea of not coming seemed to overwhelm him for a moment beofre he could finish speaking, "And chat!" He sputtered out.
"No!....."Josey shouted and looked at all of them"No..i'm not going to the hospital.."he added.He looked at all of them again then looked out of the window"I don't need a fu**king doctor."he protested.He sighed and watched cars go pass out the window.He was determine that he wasn't going to go to a doctor.He hated everything at the doctor and Josey does not go to doctors..not matter what the circumstances may be.
"We. Yes that's what I meant to say Ax.." She smiled at him, her face crumpling at the other boy..

"Dammit Josey!" She hissed.. "Why are you so difficult?".. "Well.. At least if you're not going to go to hospital, let me or Vi take a look at you?"
Viola got back to the seats, handing everyone out their beers. She sat down on the other side of Axel, taking his hand again.

"Hey. It's okay. Okay? When we get back to the house I'll check you out Josey. No hospital. It's okay."

(Uhmmmmm Josey just got hit by a car on their way to the bar so now they're inside talking about it waiting for their food.)

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Axel wiggled his hands free from Vi's and Liz's grasp, he started shaking his head no again waiting in till he could verbally protest once more,

"No! Guys no! That won't cut it this time!" His elbows hit against the table as his hands went over his eyes, they slowly ran under his red bangs pushing them off his forehead and up as his finger nails pressed so roughly into his forehead little dents were created, "This is no flesh wound, could have ruptured something from the inside...not knowing it, so you will keep bleeding in till..." Axel clamped his mouth shut breathing through his nose for a few seconds he squeezed his eyes shut, "Please? Please? Just this once? Ever other time was not like this....but please? Josey?" Axel looked over at the back of his brown head because he was staring out a window, "Doctors are our friends." Axel inisted in a pleading tone.
"I'm not going!That's final.."he said.He got up from the table and grabbed the drink that Vi had put down on the table then walked outside and plopped down on the curve of the sidewalk."Not going to the doctor..."he mumbled to himself.Like i said before...Josey doesn't do doctors.It's just that he hates sitting up in there having strangers touch all over him and having to take pills he doesn't even know what will do to him plus the fact that if he didn't calm down they would stick some needle into his skin to calm him down.

Josey heard an ambulance come around and stop in front of the place.He raised an eyebrow and watched as they rushed inside.After a few minutes they came back out and looked at Josey" need to come with us.."the man said in a soothing tone."What?!I don't need to go.."he shouted.He wondered who could have called the ambulance to come get him,there was nothing wrong with him..but,someone called them anyway.He spit up more blood and looked up at them as they looked back"Sir we are just going to check you out.."he said."NO!..No!Just no!...."Josey refused to go with them.The people rushed to Josey and tried to get him up but,Josey wouldn't budge."Grab the needle.."one of them said.Josey tried to fight them and tell them to get off of him but,they insisted that they weren't going to just leave him alone.They stuck a needle in him and Josey,with one final groan,was out at least for the time being.He when he blinked his eyes open he was strapped to a bed inside a truck but,it wasn't moving yet.Some of the men were inside speaking to whoever trying to figure out what really happened.He blinked a couple of times more before he actually passed out.
Viola walked outside after him, only to be greeted by an ambulance.

"Who called?..." She wondered aloud. They seemed to have parked, so she quickly yanked the door open and jumped inside.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Axel was minutes after Viola watching as they stuck a needle inside Josey, "What the hell was that?!!" His mind rushing to horror movies of poison needles, but no, no this was doctors here, hopping in the ambulance, Axel dropped down next to Josey trying to remove the straps, "He is not some animal! You know!" He hissed out giving up on the straps he cuffed his hands over one of Josey's, "This is not helping his fear of doctors..." He muttered out.
The men that were inside tried to stop Axel from removing the straps"Sir,we have to do this.If not he could go off and hurt someone.If you continue to try this you will not be able to ride along sir."the man explained.Josey blinked open his eyes again and focused them on one of the doctors inside the car.He saw the door of the car begin slammed shut and the car moving.He looked at the straps on his arms and yanked them"G-get me out!"he said as he tried with all his might to break lose.His shoulder was screaming in pain every time he tried it but,he wanted to get out badly.He looked over other the other side of him and noticed that Axel was in there to which comforted him a bit but,still left the thought of him wanting to get out.He pulled on the straps harder but,it didn't seem to be working.
Axel looked up at the guy in the ambulance with a knowing smirk on his face, “Dude you have no idea who this is do you? Just hear me out for a second, the more you keep a tiger tied down the worst he will fail and thrash yet him lose, and he may feel safer and chill the heck out? Get my drift medical guy? Stop restraining him….I am here, so at least I can keep him calm okay?” Axel was not only using his persuasive techniques but common sense and knowledge of his boyfriend.
The men looked at each other a bit then looked down at Josey then to Axel"Alright let his arms free"one of them said.They nodded and let both of Josey's arms go.As soon as Josey's arms were loose he quickly got to work trying to break the other straps and get off"Calm down sir..."the men said.Josey didn't listen and kept doing it.Josey heard a bone crack and instantly knew it was his shoulder.He screamed but,a short one the plopped back down onto the gurney."Gimmie then needle."the man said.This one was a different one that would relieve the pain in Josey's arm.Josey groaned and then blinked his eyes not saying anything.
Axel tried to calm Josey when they released him, than the sickening crack of a bone eched through his mind, causing gray orbs to squeeze shut, "Josey..." Axel had no idea what to do but lay his head on the older boys thigh cuddling him as much as possible, "Your blowing holes through my theory, calm down, please?"
Josey breath deeply and listened to Axel's words.His grip soon loosened and he began to breath normally and calm down.His heart was now moving at a steady paste and his face turned back to its original state.He nodded softly to Axel's words and closed his eyes and blocked out everything then went to sleep.

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