NITRO Circus (Live)

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
It is Friday 11:00 am. We just landed in California to do our first show tomorrow. We are all really excited to be out in California, the sun shinning bright and the col beaches. We will be here for a week doing shows everyday, today is our only day to enjoy the beaches before we go performing.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The plane finally lands. Charlie was so excited she had never been to California before. Actually she had never left Texas now she was going to travel the world with her best friends and show people what she loves to do. This was going to be awesome. She felt the plain going down and the wills landing on the black gravel. "Welcome to California," a formal female voice said in the speakers.
"Finally" Josey said as he got up and grabbed his bags.He slug them over his shoulder and grabbed his keys to his motorcycle and went out.His vehicles were coming in tomorrow and would be ready at the show although he did have his skateboard and his car at his grandparents beach house that they let him borrow."Im home California haha"he said
Axel's face was pressed to the window as they decended and landed down, "WOOOOOHOOOOOOO CALLLY!" He yelled pumping his fist and grabbing his carry on duffle bag. He slide sunglasses on to his face, leaning back on his heels rollerblades popped out, yes, he had those shoes, "Haha! Okayyyyy Katy Perry lets see if your song is true hmmmmm?" he bladed passed Josey and Charlie laughing.
"Haha oh right my Cali girls they're waiting for me tonight"he said as he dialed a number on his phone."Tess hey you and your girls are coming to he club huh?Great great meet you there cuties"he said as he put the phone away and smiled."Tonight is gonna be a good one.TONIGHTS GONNA BE A GOOD NIGHT" he sung as his car was driven up."There's are ride guys haha." He said as he hopped into his car.
"Sweet," she said as she hoped in the car. She was so excited to get here. She was totally going to check for cute guys. She was so happy to get out of Texas. She was taking in everything here was so different. She liked it.
Josey smiled."Come on guys the day is waiting for us.I would like to have fun before i take the risk of injuring myself tomorrow.Do you want us to leave you?Haha"he said as he started the car and turned the radio on.
Axel grinned and started singing along with Josey. The sun hit him spot on, and it burned awesome. He skated to the car showing off a bit for the other tourist who were probbaly coming to see them perform. Hopping in next to Charlie, Ax was still singing I got a feeling, "Lets BLAZE through Cally guys shut it down! They don't even understand our epic!" Ax teeth gleamed with a smile, some of his. teeth were false due to injuries, but they looked real, "Beeeppppp beeep hurry up slowpokes its Cally! not slow ville!" He hollered out the window. Sitting still for hours always got him like this, pint up engry erupted everywhere especially his mouth.
"Haha.Californiaaaa"he said as he smiled."Ay Axe take the wheel for a minute.I wanna do something"he said as he held it with on hand and waited for him to take the wheel.
Viola jumped around, happy to finally be out of the plane. Her animals were at the hotel now with a freind who lived in the area, so she didn't have to worry about them.

"I would like to be left here, thanks. And I think char will too once she sees what's pulling up." He yelled to Josey as two escorts pulled up in their motorcycles. She handed them a ticket to assure they were hers, and they walked back around the corner to the garage.

"C'mon, I'll race you to the hotel." She smiled, tossing the keys to Chorrlitte and hopping onto her own bike. It took her a moment to put on her full skull helmet and get her bearings, but as soon as she did, Viola was off headed through traffic, taking detours through the narrow alleys.
Charlie soon hopped out of the car as soon as she saw her motorcycle. She loved her motorcycle and everyone new it. She jumped on. "Race? Me? Challenge accepted," she laughed making her engine roar.
"Why would you spend money on a hotel when we have a beach house?Isn't that just a waste a money?Plus i ordered something for you guys but that's ok you guys can go on by yourselves while we go to every club imaginable haha.Even the strip clubs.Oh did i forget to mention there's a strip club for girls as well?Come on you haven't even been here before i know the hottest spot i mean i did grow up here."he said
(Oh my god beach house? okay lets forget Viola raced off for a moment xD )

An eyebrow raised, taking off her helmet for a moment.

"Care to show us the way?" She said, thoughts dancing around in her mind as to the fact of Cali being the gay pride central of the USA. Eyup, she was going to have fun here.
"Oh no no you want to go to the hotel and race haha.I'll have fun with Axe all night while you guys have a pillow fight or whatever and get lost in town."he said laughing.
Axel grasped the wheel a light in his eye, "Hehe, you don't want me driving dude but okay, the risk is thrilling!" He blink, "Ah what?? we want to race! Cars should not be excluded two wheels!" He slammed his fist on the horn as it beep loudly. Beach house? he thought, "YES! I friggen love you dude top spot for babes!"
"Um durr.Hhahah.They come out on the beach all the time especially the ones that get naked."he said as he let go of the wheel and climbed on top of the hood."WOOHOO"he said as he sat down on the car."We are totally up for a race as well.You guys can't leave a four wheeler out.Or yes and we go by my map.Hahah"he said as he showed them the directions for the race and how to get to the beach house as well.
"Thanks dudes. We'll see you at the beach house. And save some chicks for me! It is Callie after all!" She called, throwing her helmet back on and signalling for Char to follow her.
Axel laughed heartily, "Oh cally I love thee let me count the ways. One naked babes," He grinned, "Verm voom ladies lets race this race and no getting arrested!"
"No promises," she said before she raced off. Her engine roaring. She loved racing and especially on her motorcycle. She zoomed past cars and lights quickly making her way to the beach house. She loved the way her hair was wiping rapidly behined her it felt so good. She loved the rush and she didn't want to stop. She let out a cheerful scream as she raced down the road.
"Aww come on the police ait shuttin us down!Haha we own California."he said as he looked at the other cars that pasted by.One of the people in another car complained about him being on the hood of the car."Oh hush you mouth.It's ok we know you want to be with us but can't cause you're stuck at home all day reading books."he said laughing.
Viola gunned it on the motor, going full force on her throttle. Eventually she ended up at the beach house, taking it a step up and parked her bike on the porch after she managed to make it climb the outdoor staircase.

"I bet you I can meet atleast one girl tonight." Viola said as Char pulled up.
She parked her motorcycle then followed Viola. "I bet you will," she told her. Charlie wasn't into all the love and stuff, secretly she was but she never allowed any boy close enough to her, personally.
"What took you guys so long?"Josey said as he came out from around the house.He and Axel had to the shortcut to the house."Welp there's a pool inside if you want to go there or to the beach.Um don't worry about snacks cause we're loaded up on them.I ordered food already and yes girls are coming over haha.Oh and the thing i order male strippers for you guys.Haha i told you,you an't come to cali without me!"he said as he unlocked the door to the house and went in.It was big and he was right the pool was down the hall to the left and their was plenty of snacks.Enough for years.
"I'll supervise the male strippery. But Charlie hun, I'm sorry if I laugh." She said, picking the girl up and walking inside.

"So, what clubs are you boys hitting up tonight?" She said, happy to find all of her luggage(and animals) were delivered here.
(Man down!! haha, alright. Night Shy! we can pick back up tomorrow guys?)

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