NITRO Circus (Live)

Viola giggled to herself, smiling at Liz's green hair, which was currently blocking the view of her face.

"And I love you too." She responded confidently, making the girl look at her as to steal a kiss before scooting down so only her head was in the girls lap.

"So Octavia caught a new pet for us. It's name is LeVayan."

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Liz giggled softly..

"Oooh! Oh Vi what is it? Can we look? Can I feed it? Can I touch it?" She said exitedly, hugging Vi tight and kissing her lips again..
"It would be yours, so yes you can touch it. It's a rat. Not a gross city one though. I got it for you after hearing about how much you liked Albinos, and since then it and Octavia have become best friends."

Viola smiled once more o the girl before looking at everyone else.

"I know a great place for a bite to eat. It's an old pub but their burgers are fantastic. My treat?"

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
As Josey bent down to kiss his hand Axel pressed his lips to the boy’s soft infused good smelling hair, “I love you.” His breath whispered into a right ear before he bounced up at the idea of food his stomach like a garbage disposal, “Woot! Woot! Food!” He grinned as Vi came out hugging Liz and kissing her on the cheek as they cuddled he grinned they were too cute themselves, and as Charlie and Valo shared a moment, his fingers eagerly wrapped onto Josey’s hands as his excitement vibrated through him,

“ That sounds great Vi!" He was quiet for a moment than out popped, "Hey, hey guys let’s have a race to the car okay? Member like old times we used to race? How about it…or has old age slowed ya down?” Axel smirked with the little taunt he issued with the challenge.
Josey laughed at Axel when he technically agreed that going to the restaurant was a good idea"Alright then gang let's go."he said.He held Axel's hand securely and watched the others break off into their own little moments.He pulled everyone together and stood them into a circle"Alright guys.Axel has issued a race.Now you all know that i never slow down with anything so age isn't anything but,i don't know Vi over there looks a little rusty"he said and laughed."But,let's just see shall we?Last one to the car pays for dinner but,not just a plain old race,no no that's boring,Guys we're gonna ave a four legged race!"he said happily.

Valo put Charlie down and smiled at her then looked over at Josey then was pulled into a circle"Ok ok.Yeah Vi i think you've gone a little rusty"he said jokingly.Val rolled his eyes at what Josey said but,it was true,the boy never slowed down!He was like a sugar rush that never stopped."Deal!"he agreed.
"Well talk more in the car." She said with a smirk, looking up to the boys.

"Rusty? Nah. I've just gone golden." Viola Retorted, holding her hand out for Liz to hold as she stood.

"So, four legged eh?"
Axel grinned wider as Josey turned the race into an even more challenging type, the red head let out a hoot of laughter at Vi's comeback nudging Josey as he laughed, "Haha that was good she so got ya." Axel chuckled casting a look Val's way too, "Alright, lets do this!"
Josey laughed at Viola" Let's see if your gold can match up with my diamond" he said and with that he grabbed some rope and walked down to the start line." Alright guys pair up i'm guessing it's Val and Charlie together then Vi and Liz then me and my skater boy here." he announced"I assume you know all the rules so no cheating!Don't carry your partner or anything stupid like that."he said.Now come and get the ropes on your ankles"he said.
"Or a piggy back race! Yes! Josey yeah!" She squealed, joking around and hopping onto Vi's back, wrapping her legs around her waist and squealing again..

"Viii! Goo!" She squeaked exitedly, before hopping off, and catching a rope from Josey, thrusting it to Vi and giggling..

"Come on! Come on! Vi!" She giggled, jumping up and down with exitement and looking to Vi.

"I didn't even say go yet!Plus you have to wait for the rest of us!!!!Besides you're going the wrong way"Josey said and laughed.He quickly tied Axel's and his ankles together.He held Axel's hand tightly trying to gain balance and did."Alright Vi!Come back to the start line so we can go ON MY COMMAND!"he shouted.

Valo watched as Liz hopped onto Vi's back almost making her fall to the ground.He chuckled and grabbed some rope then tied it to his and Charlie's ankles"Alright let's at least try to get in second place."he said to Charlie as he went to the start line and waited for the command.
Axel was holding one side in stitches already from Liz's overexcitment and the comments thrown back and forth, Axel wiggled his foot a bit to get the rope were he wanted it, balance was his style, after all he walked along tight ropes like it was regular old sidewalk,

"Oh poor Vally, already giving up first place to the two most awesome guys here." Axe smirked over his shoulder, he was taking a bit of a risk by teasing the twenty three year old, but hey.....risk should have been his middle name.
Vi laughed, eventually getting back up to tie her and Liz's right and left feet together, lining up with the others.

"For losers y'all talk ally of crap. Ready to do this Liz?" Viola laughed, hooking arms with the girl.

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Liz giggled, holding Vi's arm tight and kissing her lips quickly, but not all that innocently..

"Yes!" She squealed.. "Now all you little punks shut your mouths!" She screamed, laughing.. "On Josey's mark guys!"

"FOR NARNIA!" She cried, pointing off to the finishe line and kissing Vi's cheek..
Josey smiled and bent his knees so he could get a better start."On your mark..."he watched as everyone began to squat down"Get set.."Valo had his determined face on as he began to squat and ball his hands up in a 'ready to run'way"GoAt!"Josey blurted out and laughed at everyone who flinched"Come on Josey!"Valo shouted as he was getting a little impatient"Alright....GO,"he said and darted off with the help of Axel of course.They made it to the finish line first an Josey smiled as he leaned against the car and took the he ropes off around Axel's and his ankle"Come on Vi and Charlie you're neck and neck!"he shouted.
Liz couldn't control her laughter as they ran, they finished second and she whipped off the rope and snatched Vi up, hitching the girl onto her shoulders and squealing..

"Oh lord! Hurry up punks!" She hollered at Charlie and Valo, holding Vi tight.. 
Liz couldn't control her laughter as they ran, they finished second and she whipped off the rope and snatched Vi up, hitching the girl onto her shoulders and squealing..

"Oh lord! Hurry up punks!" She hollered at Charlie and Valo, holding Vi tight..
Viola was always surprised by the smaller girls strength, but paid no mind this time when she was hefted up onto her shoulders.

"We rain victorious!" She yelled, laughing until she leaned a little too far back, ending up doing a hand stand with her feet resting on the still standing Liz's head.

"Oh lord..."

After a couple moments of teetering, she finally roused her feet forward and bounded up, turning around just in time to catch Liz.

"Totally saved it."

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Axel bended at the knees ready when go finally yelled out of Josey mouth, they worked together keeping a steady balance while slowly building a speed, that was the key to it, and proved so, as they came in first. Once the rope was off his leg, Axel bounced around the sand cheering first place victory and spinning his boyfriend around some in his excitment, "Wooooo! Come on Liz and Vi! Make Val last, sorry for you Char!" As the two girl lovers came in second Axel threw up a whole new round of cheers, he stopped to watch Liz lift Vi up on her shoulders, than Vi do a wicked ass head stand, "Fuck yes! Saved it did not bust!" Axel double thumps up Viola before dancing about again still cheering for Valo and Charlie to cross the finish line.
The smaller girl laughed loudly as Vi managed to save that..

"Oh yeah, guys that was all planned!" She giggled, pulling Vi close to her and stealing a quick, hungry kiss from her fair lips and giggling, lacing their fingers and resting her head on her shoulder..

"I love you.."
"And excecuted perfectly."

Viola kissed the girl back, wrapping her free arm around her.

"So hey, shall we head down to the pub? It's close enough to walk."

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
"Yes!" She chimed, holding Viola's hand tight and pecking her cheek cutely, flicking her hair out of her eyes..

"Viiiiiiiiii" she droned.. Wanting to ask more about the rat..

(Gtg guys, pwease don't go too far without meh!)
Axel grinned making a pffh sound in his throat, "Walk?" Leaning back on his heels his skates poped out, giving them all a peace sign salute he grinned out, "I got wheels always my friends!" With that he started blanding down the street not fast, but just ahead, he did a trick off a mail box and laughed.
Valo came up just a little after Vi and Liz.He sighed and plopped down on the sand with Charlie falling down on the ground as well but he managed to break her fall by making her fall into his lap.He took off the rope and looked at her then up at the others"You got lucky"he said to everyone.

Josey laughed as Val and Charlie came in and at Vi and. Liz's finish.He watched as Axel rolled away to the place"Well then just leave your boyfriend!"he shouted.Josey took his bike and cycled fast to catch up with him and eventually did.

Valo got up and pulled Charlie up with him then began to walk to the place.
Vi smiled, holding Liz's hand as she walked by the porch, grabbed their long boards, and slid her own out on the ground. Soon enough she caught up with the two boys who had sped ahead, leaning forward into a lunge on her board. Eventually she was down on one knee, leaning to the side out of the way of a car.

"I love the air here. It's amazing!."

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
Squealing, Liz jumped from her board in time to catch it..

"Oh god I know!" She cried, pecking Vi's cheek and pulling her close, wrapping a skinny arm around her waist and looking up at the taller of the two girls intently..

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