NITRO Circus (Live)

"Vi!" She squealed,giggling a she was set down and wrapping her legs around vi's waist,pulling her close.

"They're at the hospital,with Josey" she said quietly,hopping off of the counter and spinning around,pinning Vi against the work top and resting their lips together.

"Forever sounds are more than I ever could have wished for,you sexy little....thing" she giggled,kissing her lips softly.
"Don't worry about it babe.You're with me so you get in everywhere for free and the others to but,mostly you.I got a twelve year old pass the doors of a 18 plus club before."Josey said and chuckled a bit"But,at the end of the night he was running out crying."he said."I told him if he wanted to party with Josey then he had to stand his ground like Josey or the girls would have torn him up,literally."he said."But,anyways.Don't worry I've got you."he said and smiled.

It was already past ten on the clock and the nurse came into Josey's room"Alright sir.Time to leave but,you can see him tomorrow if you like."the girl said and smiled at Axel."Good news.You get to go home tomorrow night isn't that cool?"she said and walked over to Josey then grabbed the pills that were on the small table beside the bed."Yeah i guess that's cool..."Josey responded and looked over at Axel"Alright babe.See you tomorrow."he said with a smile and kissed Axel goodnight.

(Anyone up for a time skip? C:)
Axel grinned like Josey at a candy store, "Right, I keep forgetting I am with a Josey." Axel teased at how much of a big shot this guy was. As the nurse came in saying it was time to go, Axel sat up reclunantly before swing his legs over the bed, "Of course I would like to come back." He told before leaning down to kiss Josey smiling by the fact he would be home tomorrow night, adjusting his tone towards the girl, he smiled more kindly, "Okay, have a good night, take good care of him." Axel blew one last kiss before exiting the hospital, he had no ride, but that was okay, walking home sounded good. Getting lost a few times he made it too the beach house, climbing the steps, he announced while entering, "Jose will be home tomorrow night!" He called out.

((I am up for a skip))
The nurse smiled at Josey once Axel left and Josey did a half grinn back."Alright time to take your pills sir."she said and handed Josey two of them then a cup of water. Josey placed both of the in his mouth then took the water and swallowed.He gave the nurse the empty cup then snuggled under the covers and stared out the window until he went to sleep.which eventually he did.
Viola smiled, pulling the girl up and onto her lap, then pulling her back down to eye level.

"Soooo, what do you wanna do?"

(Time skip would be cool)

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
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(Just saying that Axel,Charlie,and Valo are at home with you guys.Valo and Charlie never went to the hospital with them)
(Woooooppsss. Idk if I can edit it off my phone but I shall try c:)

Even ghosts have a home to haunt. We open windows and lock our doors, so let us in.
"Hm, I don't know baby" she huffed and wrapped her arms around Vi, kissing her lips softly.

"I don't know what I'm going to do when I get home Vi, i'm scared, you.. You'll stay with me right won't you?"
(I'm just going to skip to the next day xP)

Josey blinked his eyes open and yawned as he woke up to the sound of machine beeping and bird making noises outside.He rubbed his neck and stopped when he saw one particular spot was warmer than the rest.He let out a small chuckle as he remembered who put it there.Slowly he got up and grunted when he moved his shoulder the wrong way."Shit..."he said as he moved it around and made it comfortable again.He looked over to the door and saw the nurse come in"Well hello there sir.You get to go home early today."she said with a smile as she wrote down some things on her clip board."So your medicine is already at the pharmacy and ready to be picked up so don't worry about that.You clothes and everything are in the bathroom and don't worry,i washed them for you."she said with a smile"Alright then all is needed of you is that you take your morning pills and once you get home try to take it easy,I don't wanna see you in that bed again with a worst injuries."she said to him. Josey nodded and got up from the bed then walked over to the bathroom.The nurse smiled and left him alone in the room and with one sigh from Josey he stripped down out of the hospital clothes and stepped into the shower making sure his shoulder didn't get wet.Once Josey had finished up he stepped out and dried himself off then put on his clothes and leather jacket.He took the pills that were on the table and walked out of the room then out of the hospital and into the parking lot."Hm...Axel didn't take my motorcycle.."he questioned in his head.He dug into his jacket and pulled out his keys and put them into the motorcycle then drove back to the beach house.He had some trouble driving it since he couldn't exactly turn the way he wanted to without extreme pain shooting through his shoulder but,he managed to get to the beach house.Since it was way early in the morning he knew that everyone was sleeping so he grabbed his house keys,came in and closed the door behind him slowly,then took off his jacket and went upstairs to his room where he found Axel. He laughed softly as he saw that Axel was on his side of the bed"Well someone missed me way to much for one night."he said basically to himself.He got on top of Axel and kissed his cheek"Hey babe,i'm home."he said sweetly as he twirled Axel's hair between his fingers.
Axel had indeed walked home the night before. He did not exactly trust himself in a regular car not to mention his boyfriend motorcyle...he did NOT want to bring upon whatever warth would bestowe him if he wrecked the treasured bike. Getting back to the beach house, Axel had showered taking care to use Josey's shampoo, to tired not to go to bed after, he did move to Josey's side to snuggle up with his pillow.

Feeling a weigh on him, and a kiss to his cheek as well as fingers playing with his red locks, in his sleepy state this was a normal affair his boyfriend trying to wake him so into the pillow he burrowed deeper, "Mmmm, no up, sleep." He uttered his voice sleep incased before his brain processed last nights events. Head popping up like a jack in the box, he blinked away sleep before a large smile broke onto his face, "Josey!" He pretty much squealed from excitment and just waking up. Turning, he held himself back from hardcore embracing the beauty that sat before him, hugging more gently, "Did you bust out?" Axel gave no time for a reply lips were to busy pressed against another.
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Josey giggled and poked his boyfriends cheek"Not even for me?"he said with a pout and then chuckled again.He smiled once Axel noticed it was him"Babe!"he replied and embraced him softly.He was about to reply until his lips were pressed against Axel's.He smiled while kissing him then pulled away and laid beside his lover."Maybe........."he said then laughed a bit.
Axel did not mind snuggling back down with his boyfriend his turn to toy about with truffles of hair. "Maybe? You are so nuts!" Axel laughed wondering if he did make a break for it, the thought amused him, "Meh, I don't care how you got back, just glad you are." Axel purred nuzzling his nose against the older males warm neck.
Josey laughed"Ok this time i followed the instructions and got out on the right time.But,maybe it's just cause the nurse had a crush on me."he said and smirked"Well of course i would come back regardless. I would miss you way to much not to come back to you babe."he said and wrapped his arms around Axel"So tell me Mr.What are you doing in Josey's bed?"he asked curiously"You didn't miss me that much did you?"he asked with a smile already knowing what might the answer be.
Axel felt his cheeks flar up with pleasure at Josey's sweet words, he puckered his lips, he pressed a tender kiss on the warm skin. When asked why he was in Josey's bed, Axel moved his face to look up at him, "Whuuu? Oh, this is YOUR bed? I had no idea, guess I was attarcted to its smells, and your shampoo, I totally did not use have the bottle or anything." Axel grinned coyly as he messed with more of Josey'S hair.
Josey raised an eyebrow at Axel when he explained why he was in his room"Mhmm...sure I believe you."he said and laughed "And you're totally buying me a new bottle Mr."he said and giggled."Now whose gonna teach you not to do that again?"he asked as he got up and pulled Axel's legs on either side of him.Before Axel could reply Josey was already pressed against his lover and his lips were kissing him deeply while he grind against Axel then lifted up and waited for a response.
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Axel gave a heaving sigh as if buying Josey new shampoo was critical to his very health, “ Who me? Well! Maybe you should buy shampoo that is not so alluring,” Axel sassily suggested with a smirk firm on his lips. The smirk soon slipped as Josey straddled him rubbing up against him, soft lips pressed hard against his. Making noises filled with moaning purrs, gray orbs opened half way as Josey lifted up and away, Axel gripped the front of his shirt tugging the brunette back down towards him, breath coming out in hot puffs from the actions of his lover, “I retrack that statement, I will buy you whatever if you keep what you were just doing up.” He crooned tugging again at the front of Josey’s shirt.
Josey laughed a little as he was being pulled back"Ok then.I'll give you what you want if you can tell me what tomorrow is."he said as he blinked up at his lover and pulled his shirt away from his grip then sat in between Axel's legs"One guess is all you get."he said"If right then i'll reward you if you'll see."he said."Better hurry because Josey is getting tired.."he said as he got up and took off his shirt then sat down on the edge of the bed.
What day tomorrow is...? I don't even know what today is! The red head listened to the rest of the words coming from his boyfriend crooking an eyebrow at the unamed threat if he got the answer wrong. Normally threats scared people, but to Axel they made him pretty curious, but biting his lip lightly, he kept thinking as Josey sat on the edge of the bed taking off his shirt showing his good muscles. Crap...! Uh, uh why do most people ask that question...? Axel sat up and moved towards Josey, "Is it your birthday Tomorrow?"
Josey hummed softly the Jeopardy "running out of time" song as he waited for Axel to answer."Oh come on it's not that hard.."he said.Josey smiled when Axel finally said something"Yessss."he said and giggled bu then hit Axel with the pillow"Pft you would have forgotten if i didn't say that.For the fourth year in the row might i add."he said then laid back on top of Axel and kissed him on the lips."Sooo what are we going to do tomorrow?"he asked curiously as hazel brown eyes sparkled and looked into Axel's eyes and one of his hands grabbed Axel's right thigh
Axel ooffed lightly as the fluffy mess smacked him, "Its not my fault! I just don't go by dates...or days," he lent back with a wise look, "life is life, its forever flowing." Than he grinned kissing back as lips calsped his, "Mmm, if you kept looking this cute, anything you want." The red head gave a laugh before rubbing fingers along Josey's cheek, "But seriously, I was thinking we party, and of course, I got my little surprises." He let one eye close in a wink.
Josey giggled when Axel made the sound the rolled his eyes playfully when Axel said something an old person would say and yawned playfully and what he said then laughed."No you're the cute one.I'm the sexy one."he said and giggled then laid down beside Axel on his side."Of course we're going to party."he said with a smile"Oo what's the surprises?Tell meeeee."Josey said with puppy dog eyes and practically whimpered.
Axel shook his head roughly at the claim bottom lip jutting immaturity out, "Nuh uh! I am NOT cute, but you can be some times, as well as sexy." A finger jab to Josey forehead emuthized this. Before Axel rolled his own eyes, and covered Josey face or tried too with one hand, "Do I have to define the word surprise for you? It means no! You can't knowwww, so cute the face out!" The last bit had a little groan because resisting that face was too hard.
Josey smiled"Ok I agree,you're not cute,you're adorable." He said and giggled.He looked down at the hand that was trying to cover his mouth and refrain him from doing a puppy dog face.Josey laughed then pouted"Ok ok fine."he said and smiled."You can be my surprise for now."he said as he kissed Axel deeply and returned to his position on top of him.A hand gripped onto Axel's bottom and squeezed softly S another hand slipped into Axel's pants.

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