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Fantasy Nighttraveler Academy


New Member
Feel free to use whatever bbcoding you wish! I have no obligations towards beauty! Make it simple too, I don't want anything super-duper! There should be surprises for further on. And add anything to this character sheet that you want, this is just some basics to follow!

IMPORTANT: Items with [] are required items with () are optional, but recommended. Delete anything in {}





()Date of Birth()

[]Sexual Orientation[]


{What powers do you have? No god modding!}


{Maybe you have an interest in someone? Romantic-wise?}




{Picture:Anime Recommended}







[]Theme Song[]

[]Dormitory Room #[]

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Name: Susan Ella-Rosa

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Personality: Pessimistic/realistic, self conscious, sarcastic, integrity, reliable, swearer, Sarcastic, mild language, independent. Also tends to talk to herself like there's two people in the room (herself and another) and gets mad at the other likes they've done something, has trouble trusting with others, cries alone and is very good at hiding, has trouble finding her "lover".

History: Was abused after her father died at age four, and the abuse happened several months later. She was then sent into the woods at around age seven, and made friends and relied on them when she was 10. They taught her her strengths and weaknesses, and how to be more independent. Even though after the abuse, It made her stronger after she'd "escaped" from her mother. After a few years on her 13 birthday, she met a boy and fell in love, but very soon she fell in love with one of her friends-a girl. The girl didn't like her back after she tried the attempt to kiss her, but they're still great friends. The boy isn't her lover as much, but she's still searching for a new one.

Abilities: Can turn into red mist to disappear and reappear and can flick her wrist to reveal red magic to throw at people, or get things hidden in her "inventory".

Likes: Surrounding herself with people she likes, music, and reading

Fears: Death and being judge for what she's not

Talents: Is very flexible and can hang onto things without loosing her grip

Dislikes: Manipulation

Hobbies: (Unknown yet)

Mannerisms: Swearing, waving her hands around, and giving looks when angry

Theme Song: [media]

Dormitory Room #: No idea.... .-.




Leia (Crescent/Luna) Nightshine







[]Sexual Orientation[]




Crescent can control darkness - she can hide herself in it, or blind another person ect.

Luna can control light -Creating Light/Heat or bend it to make people see things that aren't there (the illusions take a lot of concentration)


Both are small and flexible, meaning they can get to spaces others can't.

They can see excellently in the dark.


She was born under the name Leia, which is her main name used to describe both of her personalities. As a child, she lived with her parents until age 6. Her dominant side when she was born was Luna, and she was always a happy smiling baby. She and her parents were always very happy and she would have had a great life.

However, at age 6 Crescent appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. At that point, her hair didn't change colour, and she was simply thought of as having multiple personality disorder. Her parents, unable to cope with this, entrusted her to the care of a child's asylum. She spent 9 months there, until the staff decided that she was safe to be around. Her parents never came for her, so she was put up for adoption.

Her adopted family never fully accepted her, and always treated her as crazy. It was after 3 months of living with them that her hair changed colour as the two sides became dominant. As a result, she was often locked in her room for hours, and left at home. However, the Lina side never lost her happiness and good natured news, but Luna was more dominant due to the environment. Eventually, she had the opportunity to come to the Academy and the family gladly handed her over.



Crescent and Luna are essentially two personalities in one body, except her hair changes colour depending on which side is dominant. If Luna is in control, her hair is blonde. If Crescent is in control, her hair is black. The sides switch apparently randomly. There isn't a trigger it just happens, but if she really tries she can make the switch happen?

Luna is a sunny and good natured, a real extrovert, she loves being in front of a crowd and making people happy. She is a very fun person to be around and would have lots of friends. She is a real people person and is always happy. However, she can sometimes be a bit ditzy and silly.

Crescent however is well known for being hot tempered and surly. She prefers to be alone, and can get angry easily. She is not a side you want to hang around with. However, she is generally more intelligent and serious, as well as making better decisions.




Sugar/Sweet Food/Chocolate




Being Alone



The Dark



Luna becoming permanently dominant

Being hated




Being Alone





Luna likes Theatre and Performing Arts, as she loves to be the centre of attention.

Crescent likes to read and write. Alone.


Luna is always smiling and happy, and has a habit of holding onto any skirt she might be wearing. She is very clumsy though, and often trips.

Crescent has a permanent scowl and often has her arms crossed. She moves with grace, but often ignores others and holds her head low.

The two sides often talk to each other when one is dominant, sometimes out loud. This makes it appear though she is falking to herseof at first, but if you know her well enough then you would understand.


[]Theme Song[]

Uhmm not sure here

[]Dormitory Room #[]

919 {I picked randomly}


Whichever side is dominant, the other side is always see in the mirror. If Luna is dominant, she might smile into a mirror and see Crescent scowling back. It doesn't work for photos though.

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Noiz (left)

Yuuki (right










Date of Birth:



Sexual Orientation:




Pyrokenesis- fire manipulation

Animation- he can bring inanimate objects to life and bend them to his will




Noises isn't really the type to socialize, he'll probably sit Yuuki on his lap snuggling his chin in his hair while he plays a game on an electronic. Some people wouldn't he cold and distant although that's not true, he just doesn't really get a.ong with others unless that person is Yuuki. He's very good when it comes to electronics and can be called a genius in that field, he is also an exceptional hacker, though he does not go around telling people this. He is often also seen playing games with Yuuki, or playing with his hair.

Yuuki has the mind and body of a young child. It seemed that when he was at the age of five he completely stopped aging, the doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong with him as they haven't exactly seen anything like it. He is easily entertained and sometimes can be seen noticing the little things is someone, such as when their expressions change, and sometimes he can even clearly guess what they are thinking. He likes socializing a lot more than Noiz does and seems to be really good at making friends.


-being on electronics

-playing with Yuuki

-sour foods

-playing with Noiz

-nice people




-dying a slow and painful death

-his loved ones being taken

-his loved ones dying

-his loved ones dying




-ignoring people

-he's really flexible



-annoying people

-boring food

-bad food

-the dark


-super tall people

-mean people

-quick sudden movements




-hacking networks


-doing rubix cubes


They're both pretty good as far as manners go, the only problem is that Yuuki usually sits on Noiz's lap no matter what the others around him say.

Theme Song:


Dormitory Room:

I have no idea...

Beau Jackson


  • Name

    William Beau Jackson


    Beau (Preferred name) Will (Parents)





    Date of Birth

    June 3rd


    Cis Male

    Sexual Orientation





Allison Mae Blackwood

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." -Unknown

  • Nicknames :

    Allie or Allie Cat

    Gender :


    Age :

    Seventeen (17)

    Sexuality :


    Zodiac :


    Date of Birth :

    May 21st, 1999

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[]Name: Castiel/ Cas

[]Age[]: 21

()Zodiac(): Aries

[]Gender[]: Male

()Date of Birth(): April 9th

[]Sexual Orientation[]: Bisexual

[]Abilities[]: Super strength and regeneration

Interest: none at the moment

[]Personality[]: He is a bit of a silent hot head. He doesn't like violence but he doesn't hate it either, he is quite the gentleman despite his looks, and when it comes to friends he is protective and a sweetheart if you get to know him. He is also incredibly intelligent and observant but is too lazy to show it

[]Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/animeboy102.jpg.58c25757602697a245702044f2f9ebe1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/animeboy102.jpg.58c25757602697a245702044f2f9ebe1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> he usually wears a black leather jacket, leather gloves and a black tank top underneath

[]Likes[]: animals, charming people, flirting...like a lot of flirting, smoking and drinking

[]Fears[]: he will be alone forever, he will be his own demise

[]Talents[]: He can draw and play some instruments like piano and guitar, answering extremely hard questions

[]Dislikes[]: violence, punks who disrespect women or injure animals, being active sometimes

[]Hobbies[]: drawing, tending to animals, playing or composing lyrics

[]Mannerisms[]: gentleman?

[]Theme Song[]: [media]

[]Dormitory Room #[]
not sure



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[]Name[]: Jessica

[]Age[]: 21

()Zodiac(): Libra

[]Gender[]: female

()Date of Birth(): October 10

[]Sexual Orientation[]: Heterosexual

[]Abilities[]: super strength and shadow, she can use shadow as a weapon and shift it into anything

Interest: None at the moment

[]Personality[]: She is fun loving and carefree, when it comes to fighting she is ruthless since she enjoys a good fight, she can be quite a prankster but if you need an ear she will lend it to you. She's not all bad if you get to know her

[]Appearance[]:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/kamijo_eri-2010-calendar-03.jpg.93942d4c616ffcb8fd73d441bcadbc2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/kamijo_eri-2010-calendar-03.jpg.93942d4c616ffcb8fd73d441bcadbc2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[]Likes[]: sweets, tea time, chatting, having a good laugh and art

[]Fears[]: to be alone, ironically the darkness on certain ocassions or situations, being hated

[]Talents[]: making people laugh, singing, acting

[]Dislikes[]: straight up jerks, people who take things to seriously or literal, haters

[]Hobbies[]: to sing and dance sad songs

[]Mannerisms[]: she actually polite in public or when needed to and does not take her jokes too far. She knows when to stop talking or doing pranks.

[]Theme Song[][media]

[]Dormitory Room #[] idk



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[]Name: Milo Brown

[]Age: 17


[]Gender: Male

()Date of Birth: May 5th

[]Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


{AudioKinesis/Sound Manipulation: Can create, shape,and manipulate sound. Can mimic, intensify, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects.




He is very quick mentally and can make a plan in a snap second. At times he could get a little cocky with his plans and mess up. He hates to fight unless there is no other way solve the problem, he believes that he can just talk out of most of his situations.He is very smart for his age always coming up with new, yet strange ideas. He can be manipulative to get what he wants when he wants it, this can cause him to lose allies. He always just goes head first into arguments and is usually victorious. Most of the time he is friendly and a pleasure to be around.






Spiders,Losing loved ones,Death,being lonely


Driving,Persuading others,Fast thinking,Great chef


Being hated,Ignorance,Pain


Reading,Thinking,Cooking,Listening to music


Bites nails,snaps fingers when bored

[]Theme Song[]




Marya Veridia








5'5 , around 130 lbs


Date of Birth

December 8th

Sexual Orientation



She possesses the ability to manipulate plants. She may also speed up or halt a plant's growth cycle which in turn, shortens or lengthens a plant's life. She, however, cannot restore health or reduce damage to plants with her ability. She must do that manually. The larger mass of the plant, the harder it is for her to manipulate it.


None as of yet.


Marya is very outgoing and open. She's polite and well-mannered when first meeting people, but she's loud and boisterous with those closer to her. She's rather straightforward as well, saying it how it is, but also making sure not to offend people
too badly. She likes to socialize with all people, often having dozens of friends and acquaintances, but only having a few close friends who she goes to for everything. She doesn't discriminate against any walk of life and is actually interested in meeting people with different or 'odd' views of the world. She's not shy at all and has no shame whatsoever. She's always down for anything, no matter how troublesome or daring, as long as it remains classy.

She's an outdoorsy person and absolutely loves and respects nature. She likes to be out of the house and doing things in the great outdoors. Community events or anything she can go out to are her favorite.

She also has a weird mental impulse to decorate. It's another one of her favorite things to do. She'll often personalize whatever she can.

Marya is both caring
and indifferent. It depends on the situation. She'll care if somebody is hurt, but she won't care that much if somebody's boyfriend just broke up with them. To her, a lot of things that people get emotional about are just idiotic and trivial. While she does understand people's emotions, she believes that people should move on quickly as there is no point in sulking over what was inevitable and/or has already happened. While she has been depressed in the past, she claims to have never been so to the point where it has impacted her to this day.

Marya is actually not that great with her emotions. She prefers to distract herself if she feels down, or run away from her feelings until they pass over her, often denying how she really feels or refusing to acknowledge what troubles her. She uses this approach with problems that are presented to her as well. She'll procrastinate or run away from problems until they either take care of themselves or until they catch up to her and become too big to escape from. Only then will she take action. This doesn't make her a pacifist, however, she is still headstrong when the situation demands of it. She just prefers not to be.


Marya had a regular life prior to coming to this school. In fact, it was
her choice to be here. Nothing intensively traumatizing or abnormal happened to her. She was an only child and she had regular, normal parents.

From a young age, Marya had a thing for gardening. Her mother and her would often spend time together growing and maintaining their back garden. Eventually, her favorite past-time grew into a passion. Marya's room would be filled with flowers and various little house plants as a child. Her parents were happy that their daughter had such a passion at a very early age. Marya was quite spoiled, but she didn't notice until later.

Her life flew by uneventful for a couple years. This was until her parents began fighting more often. Of course, small disputes were normal in every family. But either Marya was too young to notice the gradual, painstakingly slow buildup, or she was too optimistic to acknowledge it. Either way, the fights between her parents were no longer petty arguments. They would never turn brutal or violent, but for a small child, they were frightening nonetheless.

Eventually, after some time, her parents split. Marya lived with her mother and moved away. Her garden was left behind and she grew depressed. During this time, she took up a new hobby to cope. Sketching how she felt would help her. And although she claims to have never felt down in her life, she would sketch for hours, alone.

Once Marya had discovered her ability at age 13, she was elated. She had stopped gardening, but now she had a reason to get back into it. It was a miracle almost, that her ability was related to plants. But although
she was happy about her ability, she wasn't too sure how her parents would feel about it. After all, no matter how glorified her power was, it was unnatural and out of human capability. So, she hid it. And it wasn't until a few more years later that she decided to spill it.

To her surprise, her parents handled it well. They were greatly stupefied, of course, but they accepted her ability as if it were just another of her quirks. And she secretly hoped that her power would bring her parents back together as her and her mother began contacting her father again.

Years later, she heard of Nighttraveler academy. After intensive research, she decided it was best for her to enroll.

Likes (No particular order)


+Classy people

+Artsy vibes



+The outdoors


+Decorative ornaments


Dislikes (No particular order)

-Rude behavior


-People using their sob-stories to fish for pity


-People who lack concern for the environment

-Staying at home for too long

-People messing up her decorations ))):<


-Not finding 'the right people'

-Being the cause of her parents' divorce

-Her parents cutting ties with each other or her


She shows a lot of potential with art and has a green thumb


Sketching and gardening


She is generally very friendly and open to all and likes to remain well-versed and polite as she doesn't like to be seen as unclassy. With closer friends, she is more boisterous.

Theme Song


Dormitory Room




Jasper Heartly








5'8 , around 150 lbs


Date of Birth

February 24th

Sexual Orientation

Heterosexual ... but bicurious


He may alter the shapes of physical objects by bending or 'sculpting' an object's physical form. He mainly likes to do this with glass and wood to create abstract sculptures out of boredom. The heavier the density of the object, the harder it is and the more concentration it takes for him to use his ability on it. He may also only do this with solids.


None as of yet.


Jasper's generally really friendly and open. He likes to laugh and he likes to joke. He's a laid-back and light-hearted kind of guy. Around strangers, he's polite and a bit softer-spoken, but loud and cheerful with his friends. He's a little shy around people he doesn't know very well, and downright nervous around those with strong or aggressive personalities, but he likes socializing and he enjoys meeting new people in general. Jasper's a people-person. And you'll usually catch him in a sunny mood when all is right with the world.

He's a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, and this reflects itself in almost every aspect of his personality. He's really uncoordinated and usually has trouble planning things out. He likes to daydream, which he does a lot, more than he likes to actually think, which some others would see as annoying, and he sees as him just being himself. He doesn't like being pressured, and he doesn't like having to carry out important tasks or make 'heavy-weighted' decisions. It also makes him nervous when he's being counted on.

Jasper's submissive and non-aggressive by nature. He'll take a lot of bullshit before snapping, if he ever does. And usually- he'll complain about whatever bullshit is imposed onto him without ever doing anything about it. Call him out on it and he'll just make up some stupid excuse as to why. He likes to rant to whoever will listen and he's also a good listener himself. He likes to rant
with people too. When confronted- if violently, he'll back down as best as he can to avoid any break outs. He tries to avoid violence and it makes him uncomfortable when others approach him aggressively.

He's also sensitive with moods. When others around him are angry, he'll stay out of their way, and when others are down, he'll show pity and compassion. When people around him are happy, he feels most comfortable. He's very sensitive to others, but when it comes to his own emotions, he'd rather not deal with them. He'll distance himself when he's angry and he'll try to brush off his own sadness. He thinks of happiness as his neutral mood and he thinks of every other emotion as 'unproductive.' This might not be true with how he actually feels, but it's how he copes.


If you asked him, he wouldn't say much. He would most likely say that his life was full of ups and downs like anybody else's.

He had two brothers; they were both older. He had two parents; they were both hard on their children.

Since Jasper was the youngest, he was babied, to which he very much disliked. Everything was done for him, and he was always being worried about. While this may seem like a rather positive thing to have such concerned parents, they acted this way because he was always seen as inferior to his brothers as they were naturally gifted at many different things while Jasper had nothing going for him.

As He grew up, he felt like he had to overcompensate for his lack of talent. He tried desperately to find something that he was good at for validation from his family. But alas, he just lacked the skill for anything. So, he spent the majority of his time alone or out of the house as a child. He felt that he was the outlier. His brothers and parents were all talented in their own ways. And he just wasn't.

He put most of his time into animals. As a child, he'd often feed the feral cats and stray dogs, he'd leave things out for the birds, and he would always observe animals from afar. Animals unusually had a peculiar attraction to him and he would always be around them. Being around animals served as a way of coping, and it was better than being completely alone.

Eventually, he was seen as the failure of the family. He began to adopt the mentality that some are just born with bright futures and some are not. And there is nothing you can do about it. This mentality stuck to him for a while. And as his brothers left home, Jasper was left alone with his parents. They berated him non-stop and would even chastise him for being so useless. But he didn't fight back; he believed that he was useless as well. And it didn't help that he was constantly being compared to his older brothers. Even they would pick out his flaws too.

Jasper discovered his ability at age 15. Once he found out that he possessed this strange, unique, and redeeming quality of himself, he wanted to show his parents. He thought that he had found the one thing that could impress his family and be granted their acceptance. But his parents were appalled. To himself, he was magnificent; to them, he was a monster due to his supernatural, unearthly ability. For this, his parents shunned him even further. After his parents' reaction, he chose not to tell his brothers of his ability. And life went on, monotonously so.

Two years later, as soon as Jasper's parents were informed of this odd school for misfits, they sent him away to directly convey their rejection of and to him.

Likes (No particular order)



+Sunny weather


+Sour flavors

+Animals, but cats especially

+Complaining- and then doing nothing about it


+Chill people

Dislikes (No particular order)

-Having to fight in general


-Getting pushed around

-Being given important tasks to carry out

-Having to lead

-Being alone

-Being pressured

-Aggressive people



-Letting people down

-Being rejected in general


I mean, he's friends with animals. Is that a talent?


Is 'animals' a hobby?


He is quieter and a bit awkward with strangers, but he is generally very friendly and considerate. With people whom he is more comfortable around, his speech is more informal and laid-back and he is less nervous.

Theme Song


Dormitory Room

You choose for me. (;

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