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Next Generation

"I can feel it healing nicely" he smiles intertwining their fingers and naruto brought Ice cream

"Here ya go Kumi" he smiled handing you the bowl which has more than you thought and I sniff the air.

"You honna share kumi?" Zero asked innocently and nicely. "You dont have to" he added blushing.
Kumi laughed as she started to stuff her face.

"Now why would I share my ice cream with the boy who loves to fall off buildings. I mean what if you decide to try to go flying again, but with my ice cream? That would be devastating," Kumi teased.
He laughed. "Hey I dont voluntarily fall, I get knocked off" he giggled as he looked in your direction.
"Mhm, sure, that's what they all say," Kumi replied before taking another bite. Finally though she placed the spoon in Zero's hand.
He blushed abit and ate some and swallows. "Wow this is sweet" he smiled never having ice cream in his life ever.
"But it's awesome right?!" Kumi asked before looking over to Naruto.

"Hey, where is your son, did we scare him off, I haven't seen him since returned, " Kumi laughed, " He must think we are going to finish the little disagreement we had on our mission. "
"I like my theory better," Kumi replied with a chuckle, remember how herself and Zero were a hide and hair away from going at each other.
Sakuto appears in the room. "Oh my god!! Who won?!. He shouted.

Zero couldnt help himself, he butsted out laughing, Sakura facepalms.

"We're here for a diffrent reason" he grined
"Well I saved your ass, so let's just say I won," Kumi teased, as she too busted out into laughter. What she found most funny was none of the adults had a clue what they were laughing at.
"Well, I saw somthing strange coming back, a huge number of Uchia walking around" sakuto said. "Anyone know why?" He asked.

"Wait what?!" Zero looked over.

"Yea, there's a huge number gathered up" Sakuto said.

Suddenly a Cloaked Uchiha teliported into the room.

"Zero Uchiha!, By the order of the Uchiha consil, and your father, Surrender your eyes Or be killed" the cloaked uchiha said.

"WHAT?!" zero growled angerly. "Your all..abunch of fucking traitors!!" he screamed.

"No, you were just a tool created to be sacrificed...your main task was to obtain the Sharingan, get the eternal, have your eyes removed, to have senju blood injected to fuel it to turn it into the rinnegan and fuse it with the ultimate being" he said.
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Sasuke moved in front of the children, activating his rinnegan, "no such thing will happen, and what do you mean, the ultimate being?"

Kumi moved her body in front of Zero, she was weak, but she knew she could force the tenseigan. It would be dangerous, but she would not allow Zero to be killed.

"You will have to kill me first, " She growled.
"Stand back Kumi..Zero is our only target..

he is the key to your perfection" thr uchiha growled.

"Zero was and still is nothing but a tool! Created in a lab with the sole purpose of being discarded away for later YOUR NOTHING BUT AN EXPERAMENT!!" He yelled.

Zero was traumatised by this information, hate and saddness was boiling in him like a virus.
Kumi could tell Zero was becoming unstable. She had to do something quickly. She trusted in Sasuke's ability to defend him as well as Naruto. They were two of the strongest Shinobi around. She turned to Zero, her hand gently caressing his face before she pushed her lips to his.
Hehad blushed forgetting sbout what the uvhiha said, tesrs steamed down his face as he kissed back calming down laying in your arms.

"Cmon naruto!" Sasuke whipered.

"Right" he added teliporting the cloaked man away with the flying Rijin and sasuke gollowing behind.
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Kumi was glad that her idea worked to calm him down.

She held him tightly in her arms, she had felt the hot tears against her face.

"You are so much more than a tool. "
He was shaken from the truth holding her tightly.

"M..my father...he...lied to me..." he said shaken.
"He said he helped give birth to me...i was just made out of random cells just to be used to fuel your power" he said softly. "I dont have a real famiyl..or a real clan.. i was just born to be killed in the end" he said tearing up.
Kumi held him tightly.

"I heard your were Itachi's son, " She spoke softly. She had heard the rumor, some of the jonin whispering about it in hushed tones, especially when they were younger. Then she didn't understand the significance of it.

"I heard that the man you call father, is no blood to you at all. "
"I will kill him...that man will die.." he said diggin his nails into his palms. "The moment these bandages come off, my eyes Are set on him" he said coldly.
"Zero, that will all come in due time. Right now we both need to focus on healing and staying alive. Why do you think they are attacking now? It's because we are weakened, and they know it's their only chance," Kumi spoke as she held him tightly against herself.
"Its me their after, they want my eyes..they wated to mix the Tensigan with the Rinnegan...theyres no coup...its all a distraction to try and get me to die so you can surpass all shinibi even the sage of 6 paths. I may not beable to see yet, but I wonlt let them take me." He said holidng onto you.
"I won't let them take you. What good would your eyes do if I'm dead?" Kumi spoke with a deep sigh. She didn't understand how everything had gotten so complicated.

"As I said before, to get to you they are going to have to come through me," She added.
"I wont let you die, worst case Scenario ill destroy these eyes" he said. "Besides, my eye sockets will heal evenyually if I dp destroy my eyes then after about a week my eyes will come back healed, but yhry dont know that" he grins.

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