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Next Generation

Kumi rolled over onto herside, snuggling closer to Zero, as if to comfort him, even in her sleep she seemed to try and save him.

"What exactly was it, Zero?" Sakura asked.
"Hostages....theyd...take..hostages just to get our power..." he bit his lip hard. "The first I saw in the vision to die was the only parent who cared about me which was my mother.

"Well somthing doesn't add up here" Naruto said.

"If theyre after both of you then why has only Zero been attacked" he added
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"That does seem strange, there has been no attacks against Kumi. Even in her super weakened state right now. Something a lot more sinister is going on here," Sakura spoke with a sigh.

"We will have to get to the bottom of this quickly.
"Maybe they want to take Zero out then Kumi." naruto stated.

"No, Kumi with the Tensigan is about as powerful as Zero if he had gotten the Rinnegan, It doesnt make sense why they're going after Zero only, If anything once Kumi masters her Tensigan she would beable to end this quick. Sasuke replied
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"That would explain why they are rushing it. Once she masters her Tensigan she would be all but unstoppable. She would be on Kage level," Sakura spoke shaking her head.

"It doesn't matter. The only way we can stop this is for Kumi to master her Tensigan."
"Once Kumi heals, Ill take both Zero and Kumi and train them both" Sasuke said.

Zero looked up at naruto. "Hokage..is...there still any of the 1st Hokage's DNA Laying around in the medical library?" he asked thn looks down at Kumi.
"I mean for after my eyes settle..." he looked over at Sakura then Kumi then having flash backs of the moments you protected him using the Tensigan.

He tightend his fists then gripped the bed. "I refuse...I refuse to have my comerades risk their life for me, I want to protect Kumi.." as he talked tears dripped down his face hitting the sheets and a few hitting your cheek.
"You can't always be the hero, you must accept that sometime you must be the one being saved. We don't have the time to wait until your eyes settle, then combine dna, then awaken it, then have you master it. You need to focus on helping Sasuke train Kumi, " Sakura replied, her patience running thin.
"It's not about being the hero, its about protecting someone you love!" Zero said almost yelling then calmed down abit. "Im sorry,..Its just.." he said quietly.
"Let me guess, you love her?" Sakura spoke, shaking her fist at Zero.

"Then let me tell you something! Sometime the best way to protect someone you love is to make sure they can protect themselves. If you are always coming to the rescue they will feel like dead weight, and what if one time you can't aid them? What then?!"
"I know she can Protect her self, Ive seen It countless number's of times,you couldnt possibly understand the pressure of thinking at any moment someone's clan could easily attack you at any point in time..have you ever dealt with having to go through the days staying awake, looking around, being tense just to make sure you don't get killed. Have you ever had to be experimented on every day! suffering unimaginable pain, being starved because your father wanted to see results from the testing, our families have tourchered us to try and make us ultimate killing machines Zero spoke coldly. "Kumi, means alot to me, not just because I love her, but because we went through the same thing..Our fathers would get us both killed to satisfy there need to break this clans tie breaker. "he added his voice had never been so cold ever.

"Sakura, dont make it any worse than it is..he makes a point, no one except I knew because of Itachi, Love makes you say and do crazy things...am I right?" Sasuke said looking over at her.

"You defenitly remind me of me" Naruto said. "Doing what ever you could to protect your comerades even though they could protect themselfs" he Said. "You have a strong will of Fire in you" he smiled.

Zero began to calm feeling something against him as he looked over at you.
One could literally see the rage build in Sakura's eyes.

"Oh Lord, " Sasuke spoke shaking his head.

" DO YOU THINK I AM DUMB ENOUGH TO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY WE'RE DOING! I SAW THE SCARS, I KNOW THE THINGS YOU TWO CAN DO ARE NOT NATURAL. BUT DID YOU TELL ME YOUR LOVING AUNT!? NO!!! " Sakura yelled shaking her fist as him, the blood vessels in her forehead bulging in her rage.

" Darling, calm down, " Sasuke spoke, trying to keep her from giving Zero her legendary thrashing.

"NO, BUT I DO KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO WORRY SICK OVER SOMEONE, TO WANT TO PROTECT THEM BUT CAN'T. YOU CAN ASK THESE TWO KNUCKLE HEADS RIGHT HERE!!" Sakura continued. She finally took a deep breath, regaining some of her composure.

"As I said, it will be too soon for it. "
Zero chuckled abit. "I was gonna wait, and besides, Its not easy trying to tell someone stuff like this, I didn't tell sasuke untill a few months ago" he said.

"As much as I did deserve that I..." Zero stopped. He looked around thinking he heard somthing. "Did...you guys...hear that?" he said looking around nervously.
"Well I have known for a while, I could tell you were trying to conceal it though, so I didn't say anything," Sakura spoke with a sigh before her eyes shot down to Kumi. Kumi stirred. Her eyes slowly fluttering open. Her eyes were horribly bloodshot the outer part of her irises had a ring of red around them. It was clear the strain she had put on herself was massive. She used Zero to pull herself up in a sitting position. She leaned heavily on Zero.

"Are you sure your not Sasuke's kid, cause you and Sakura both got big mouths, you two could wake the dead. "
The fear in Zero's Eyes could still be seen. "Am I the only one hearing these footsteps?!" he said as he held Kumi close cuddling her into him as he brought the blanket up more.
Everyone got death quiet everyone listening.

"I think it's just the nurses, both sides need to recover, plus with all of us here they wouldn't be that stupid," Sakura replied.
"no..not that..maybe Im just hearing things" he sighs continuing to cuddle Kumi.

Meanwhile In a secret Hide out Zero's father is working on a machine as Kumi's father gets back.

"How did it go?" Zero's father asked.

"I almost Killed him, the hokage saved him and I got stuck with dealing with another Uchiha brat..Sasuke" Kumi's father replied.

"Never the less, Intel has it that both of them are in a weakend state," Zero's father said.

"Plus, they think we're still going after Kumi," he added.

"Once I'm Finished with this cloning project, Our army will be created" He grined laughing evily.
"We will exact our revenge, no Uchiha will survive," Kumi's father laughed.

Kumi sighed, before looking over at Naruto.

"I want some ice cream sooo bad, "She whined, hoping the Hokage would take the hint.
"Honestly? Like I have been hit with the rasengan," Kumi spoke with a heavy sigh. Her whole body ached. Her body wasn't use to the amount of Chakra that had been flowing through it.
Sakura began healing your body hoping to atleast get rid of the pain.

Zero looked over then looked up. "I know in the end everything will turn out ok" he smiled soflty

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