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Next Generation

"The same goes for you, oh....by the way" zero stops talking and leans in kissing your cheek. "Thanks for protecting me" he smiled blusshing heavily.
Kumi turned a dark red, she hadn't expected Zero to do that.

"I think you might need it more, remember, you have to fight me while I am using my Tenseigan," she spoke, looking away from Zero. She knew he couldn't see her, but still she couldn't seem to look him in the face.
He kissed her head. "Alright alright jeez" he giggled as he sat in the chair and drifted off to sleep and somewhere in the village, a surviving member from the attack returned to your father.

"Im sorry...we...failed in retrieving the sharingan" the man spoke.

"Do you atleast have the Uchiha brat's location?" Your father asked.

"Yes hes at the hospital, however it seemed Kumi was protecting him which is why we lost.."he spoke.

"My daughter is if none of my concern...shes probably weak and the Uchiha kid cant see" he grind. "Ill go there my self" your father stands and walks out from the building he was in and heading torward the hospital.

Zero woke up shaking. "W-what the...whos...chakra is that" he looks around muttering inder his breath.
Kumi could feel it as well, but she could do nothing. She knew she was in no condition to fight her father.

"Run zero," Kumi whispered.
"Im not leaving you!" He spoke. "I cant" he clenches his fist. "Ill get his attention and move him away from the hospital" he says as his body is shaking abit. Sakura comes in hearing the yelling.

"Hey, hey whats going on in here?" She asked.
"No Zero! He will kill you, he wont kill me," Kumi replied sitting up.

"My father, he is, he is headed here, he will try to kill Zero, I know him. Where is Sasuke?" Kumi asked as Sakura came in.
Hes in my office talking with Tsunade, illget him!" Sasuke teliports in. "I felt the huge surge of energy whats going on?" Sauske asked.

"Hes after me, her father." Zero said.

"What?!" He growled. "I will not allow this!" Sauske said
Kumi forced herself to her feet. She used the wall to stumble towards the entrance. She wouldn't let her father start a war between the two clans, she wouldn't let her father kill Zero.
Sasuke uses his ability to teliport you back into the bed. "Ive got this, I wont beable to kill your father but I can stop him" sasuke said then all of a sudden a huge force of energy hits me and breaks the glass as im falling out the window. Your father used the air palm from the other side and you could hear him laughing and Naruto jumped out the window to catch me and was able to and safely land.

"I got him!!" Natuto yelled
Kumi sat up sharply. She tried to activate her Tenseigan but she simply couldn't force it. Kumi pushed herself to her feet.

"Leave them alone! Leave them out of this!" She yelled.
"You have no right to talk! You are a traitor!!" He snarls walking into the room and Sasuke grabbed him and the teliported away from the area and naruto brings me back up and Im shaking. "M-my ch-chakra..." he kept shaking, his chakra was all messed up and alot of it cut off.

"Kumi, do you mind if I lay Zero in the same bed with you? Theyre arent anymote beds we can use" Naruto asked.
Kumi looked down at the bed that she stood beside.

She could tell that her father had probably messed with Zero's chakra flow.

"I need to correct what my father has done to Zero, to make sure his chakra stays balanced," She spoke before summoning what strength she had to use her byakugan.
Naruto held Kumis hand and transferrd some of the ninetails chakara into her as he laied zero in the bes next to her, hos breathing and heartbeat was unstable.

If the fall wasnt going to kill Zero it was going to be his heart that would finish him
Kumi took a deep breath, steadying herself. She would have to be very careful to unblock his chakra but to not cause any more damage. She very carefully started to unblocked his chakra. When done she collapsed onto the bed. Even with the chakra from the ninetails she was exhausted.
Zero cuddled you against him holding you close feelibg your cold body and heated up his to warm you up and naruto smiled.

"You two....your perfect for each other" he smiled.
Zero kept her in his arms as they both fell asleep Sasuke is still going on an all out battke with your father outside of the village
Kumi hoped and prayed everything would be okay when she woke up. She hoped there would be a village and a clan to go home to.
After about an hour Sasuke came back.

"How are they Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

"Kumis in a deep sleep and zero is doing abit better, what happend?" Naruto asked.

"He got reinforcements then got away but we wont be doing anything for a few days" sasuke replied
Kumi's face seemed troubled as she slept. Though not thrashing around her face was set in a deep frown. Whatever was going on in her head, it couldn't have been pleasant.
"Zero needs to be put under High protection, I over heard what her father was planning..The coup is going to be a distraction to kill Zero" Sauske said.

"WHAT!?" Naruto yelled. "That basterd...doing all this....for Zeros power" Naruto clenched his fist.

"The coup will be used to wipe out the entire Uchiha race, then have more Squads going after Zero to steal his eyes and kill him" Sasuke looked at me cuddling you in a deep sleep.

"I can still teach Kumi to Master the Tensigan but..its not safe for Zero to be in the village.. theyve gone as far as putting a bounty on his head for $20,000 zeni. "Sasuke added
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Sakura sighed deeply as she looked at Zero and Kumi.

"Zero isn't the only one in danger. I am sure you have heard of the Uchiha plans to go after Kumi and her clan as well dear, " Sakura spoke looking at Sasuke. She didn't know the full extent but she knew neither party was innocent. The only innocent ones where the two passed out on the bed.

"I think the only two that can stop this are those two, each one stopping there own clan."
Sasuke looked at the two. "In order to do that....they...would have to do exactly what Itachi did" Sasuke said biting his lip.

"There has to be a more peaceful way to settle this" Naruto said.

"Unless they could talk them out of it which seems impossible...Theyd have to slaughtrer theyre own clans" sasuke sighed.
"Not all. I am sure there are people on both sides that have nothing to do with it, or that can be swayed away from this madness. But I am afraid, there will be death. Of at least the head of the coupes," Sakura spoke with a sigh.

"But until they are strong enough, they will need full protection."
"AHH!!" Zero screamed having woken up from a night mare startling everybody. He was sweating and shaking badly and naruto walked over.

"What happend?!" Naruto asked.

Zero was quiet looking down at Kumi then up at Naruto. "I had a vision...it felt too real.." Zero felt scared.

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