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New Member, Experienced Roleplayer


Hey there, I am Sahji. I've been roleplaying for years and years, and my travels have taken me from your simple, asterisk-based roleplay, to full on page-by-page paragraphs full apostrophes and semi-colons (gasp!). My journey even brought me into real-time gaming roleplay and just about everything in between. Now my wandering has brought me here to RPNation and I'm looking around, trying to get a feel for the place. So, hello to you my fellows. What shall we roleplay today?

IF YOU'RE IN A RUSH you really don't have to read any of this. I promise, there's no hidden message nor requirement. The rest is here for those of you who have descriminating tastes and those of you who are curious.

About My Roleplay Preferences

I can play males, females, of any age, Villains, Heroes, and your average Joes and Jills alike. I have a tendency toward eccentric characters because they're just plain fun. I've been known to make long term, slowly unveiling plots. I've also been known to just hash it out all willy-nilly as I go. I like to discuss plots. I like to surprise people, too.

Essentially, I'm saying I can match your style whatever it may be. But word to the wise, if you're expecting some six paragraphs a post you'll be disappointed in me. I'm the type of roleplayer who likes quick feedback, and while I have been known to go out full on detail for special scenes, I can't be bothered with the miniscule details over banal situations. Something like 3 paragraphs tends to be my usual, but again, it depends on the roleplay, the situation, and you.

As for your "requirements" or "minimum", I'd say... uh.... ....yeah, as long as you're not a jerk I think we can roleplay. Hahaha. Honestly, I want to roleplay with anyone and just about everyone, especially those willing to give me some slack for being a newbie here.

I guess, the roleplays I tend to FLOURISH in, tend to be complex plot-wise. So, in the zombie apocalypse, we have the serious dark undertones of grief and characters clashing. Woooooah. Or, in the romance roleplay, there's something in the way between the characters--perhaps even the characters themsevles!! That doesn't mean I hate the short-change, penny-novel type of cash grab either, but those bloom and die quite quickly, as is their nature.

Time constraints? No problem. Losing interest? No problem. I won't hold you hostage, nor guilt trip you for never responding, nor shall I expect you to be here at any given moment. I'm pretty freeform, and I've had roleplays that lasted years. That's like, with an S. I'm on a few right now, albeit in a different medium and with some friends I've known awhile. If you're getting bored, we can change the scene, the timeframe, the genre. If you have an idea but aren't sure how to get it going, tell me, maybe we'll figure out a way to make it work. IF SUDDENLY you decide you HATE MY ROLEPLAY that's also fine, not everyone will suit everyone, and if you just disappear without responding, that's enough of a cue to me.

I'm willing to do fandom-like roleplays, set in specific universes, but I can't promise you I'm familiar with the lore. Recently I'm into Dragon Age, and have that down pat. But if you asked me to do a roleplay in Diagon Alley, you should expect hiccups.

About My Characters

I have a good range of characters that I can fit into just about any genre. I don't play characters that already exist (such as in a specific movie, story, comic). I can play the villain just as easily as the good guy. I can play the spoiled brat as easily as the moody angsty teen. Optimists, old grizzled veterans, wannabes, jerks and burnouts.

Really, just...throw me something and see what we can cook up together.

About Me

I'm a USA citizen at GMT -5 (That's CDT). I am an adult (GASP) that plays videogames and roleplays on the internet. I like comics and literature, but haven't read enough of either to be considered competent. I like music. A lot of music. Mostly instrumental. I don't talk politics. I'm not grammatically correct. Recently I've been watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Courage the Cowardly Dog Show. My birthday was a few days ago and I'm enjoying Dragon Age Inquisition and a few The Sims 3 expansion packs.

Questions? Suggestions? Random Posts?

Feel free. I'm the newbie. I will say this though.... these prefixes, if I am all of them, should I just create this same thread repeatedly but with different prefixes in each to reflect my flexibility? ( :P ) I picked Plots. You can tell me if I'm Wrong.

AHA I changed the lable to PARTNERS. That seems to be the popular lable. Besides, Plots seems to imply that I HAVE a plot clearly lined out....and while I do have those, I'm more getting a feel for things. I'm not so ambitious to throw around ideas to a society I'm a newcomer in.
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You had me at penny-novel.

I'd love to work on a roleplay with you and see if we've got the right spark it seems to take for two roleplayers to be compatible. Want to see if we can hash out a few ideas?
Hey there! I am also new to the site but an experienced player. I'd be delighted to talk about playing, though I'm not sure how often I'll check the site.
I'd love a good, complex RP. On plot and ideas, however, I am short at the moment! It's my first day back in any sort of forum RP scene in a long time. Just made my account, actually! But, if you are looking for a detailed writing partner, let me know. My account thus far is bare - still at work and just created it - but maybe we can see if we have a few similar interests?
I, for one, was quite taken as soon as you mentioned Courage the Cowardly Dog. > :D

Okay, I kid with you, just... not about the Courage part. I love that show just as much as I love Flapjack. ^^

If you don't mind sharing, I'd like to hear some of the plots you have in mind. To kind of get a feel for what you like to do. Welcome to the forums!
SeverusX said:
I would be interested in plotting with you, if you're cool with that.
Love the avatar picture. So yeah, I'm totally up for plotting.


Scriven said:
You had me at penny-novel.
I'd love to work on a roleplay with you and see if we've got the right spark it seems to take for two roleplayers to be compatible. Want to see if we can hash out a few ideas?
Let us hash away, oh kitty Scriven.


darkminathegone said:
I'd be willing to role play with you ^-^
I guess that makes two of us! That is, willing to play. Okay, not my most savvy response yet. But the point remains unchanged. Just let me know what you're craving, story wise or character wise!
I shall reply to you both at once, because they're both kind of about plots. Also I think I'm REALLY messing up with this whole, replying thing. Still learning the site, excuse the awkwardness...

I wasn't kidding when I said I'm up for just about anything. It might be easier for me to give you examples of roleplays, and the characters that I played. Keep in mind, most of these were developed when I was a teenager--so they tend to be teenage centric.

The Arranged Marriage

This is a plot of mine that sort of broke the fourth wall, because the story revolves around two scions who are arranged to be married, but have found friendship online at a roleplay/poetry/etc site with each other without realizing. They hate each other in real life because of their situation, but they get along on a deep level online. This is a multifaceted story that isn't just about their relationship, but throws in some murder mystery and darker themes. My character was the young man, he is standoffish but artistic, and honestly acts like a brat because he's something of a misanthrope, haha. But that's just how he starts, he can change throughout the story.

SeeDs was based off of Final Fantasy 8. It was a story about a young group of recent graduates who are about to take their test to become one of the world's elite monster-fighting mercenaries. This story is much more of a GROUP roleplay, and involves a lot of action, fighting, exploration. But it has its dark undertone and mystery, too.

Papparazzi Club is a story set in the future of Japan or Korea, I forget which. Anyways, due to economic decline, crime goes up, and police start awarding civillians for bringing proof to them that someone is breaking the law--called "papparazzi". Paparazzi club was about a secret group of highschool students who want to be papparazzi, even though having an afterschool job is actually banned by the school, and such activity might get them kicked out. For money, glory, or from personal values, these students are willing to risk their future to become one of the secret crime fighters... Obviously, this one is definitely a group roleplay. I played a guy named Wolf, who is a juvenile delinquent looking for something useful to do with his fists.


I don't remember this one well, it was yeeeears ago. But this was just one that I joined. I played a jaded military man who lost his family to the hoard.


This one was a lonnnnnnnnng roleplay. It's a modern fantasy about a group of runaways. Weird things happen around the youngest member, who is sickly. It has a flair for dramatic.

Diary of a Madman's Slave

This is one of my darker ones, about an slave who escaped and became kind of a Vigilante. This was a D&D world, and had sword and sorcery elements to it.

Zodiac Game

This story was one that I joined. It was about two japanese families that opposed each other. Each family had members of the zodiac with specific traits. They were taught by their elders that they must fight each other, and whichever family lives, gets a wish. I played the Ram/Sheep, a girl who was artistic, shy, and gentle. She didn't even realize her role in the game, because she was born out of wedlock.

Sins of Angels

Another story I came up with, this is about genetic engineering/cloning with ANGELS and Fallen Angels involved. Essentially, the Nephilim were children of humans and angels. They were fearsome and were destroyed and outlawed. But using modern technology, the earth-bound disgraced angels have figured out they can beget children again. This is set to spark off a huge war, once again.

So you see, I'm all over the place. These are just samples of some of my roleplays, and while I think some of them are stereotypical now, I would totally go for them again. I'd also go for roleplays with more mature characters and themes, so just tell me what you crave. Like, White Castle. I could do something like, Dr. Quinn.

Anybody get that dumb commercial joke?
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No... no... I don't get the joke, lol. Thanks so much for typing that all up, though. Have you ever done anything set in an older Japanese time period? I love period/historically-based rps myself, but I still enjoy fantasy and royalty rps. Of course, none of these have to be exclusive from each other. :)

I'm not sure if you can reply yet via pms (there's like a post limit you've got to reach or something before you can send pms), but I think I'm going to shoot you a message with some ideas. No obligation or anything. ^^ It just might be easier to expand on the ideas through direct messages. Speak with you soon!
I've been here for a week and have Role Played for years. Still having trouble finding something good. If you are still looking for a partner then I am sure we can figure something out.
Hmm I totally forgot I already made an intro post but it looks like I never got the post requirement so I guess I'm just going to bump my thread.
Very interested in figuring something out, I am unfortunately limited on my time tonight. But I do have a setting in mind, maybe even a few settings, basically fandom-based but very OC welcoming really in one of the settings the main character is basically a bit of an OC so I think that would work well with another OC.
I will gladly contact you tomorrow when I am fully able again and full more brain cells c:

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