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Writers Fury

New Member
Hello! My name is Anna and I have be role playing for about 3-4 years! I really enjoy it and hope to find people who do as well.

I would say I am a semi-lit to literate Roleplayer. I post 1-6 paragraphs depending on what I am given and how into the replay I am. I definitely mirror my partner though, so if you give me 2 sentences I will give them right back.

I play females and I do mxf only. I have nothing against mxm and fxf and I will soon hopefully be able to do it, it is just not a strong suit at the moment. I do not mind if your characters aren‘t heterosexual either!

I do appreciate literacy, but I do rp on my I pad so I guarantee there will be at least one or two mistakes in my writing. I try and catch them but it isn’t always possible. That being said I can handle if you make a few mistakes too just as long as I know what you are trying to say!

I like romance a lot but it doesn’t have to be the main point of the rp but I prefer it to be a sub plot. I can double up if we do any plot! (but I am warning you I do tend to favor one side and that is something I am trying to work on.)

I don’t do anime fandoms or anime face claims. I prefer real people as face claims.

I am 17 so I prefer people within a 5 year age range older or younger

NOW with all that out of the way. Here are some plots I am interested in!

Detective x criminal
Werewolf x human
King x commoner
Any historical rp (Rome especially)
God (mythology) x human
Assassin x assassin
Assassin x civilian
Gang leader x civilian
Angel x demon
Doctor x injured

Fandoms - (bold is the character I want to play)
Kylo x Rey
Drogo x OC

I do have plots for some of my pairings, pm me if you were insterested!

If you have any other ideas just let me know, I am interested in most things!

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