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Nekomates! (Icefox, Robin)

"Well maybe their talking your sweet face? Or maybe your body. I don't know. And what do you mean you have no idea what their talking about?" He was curious on what she meant by that.
Ayumi twiddled her thumbs. She wondered why everyone felt the need to point that out. She was not beautiful, in any way.
Ayumi laughed. "I have judged that that place is bipolar. In the summer, it is way to hot. In the winter, it is way to cold." She said.
Martin laughed. "Well that's not fun at all. Over here it's not to bad in the summer. It's the winter you should worry about. Snow. Everywhere!" He yelled while flailing his arms around.
Martin smiled. "Good to know. Then you'll love it here." Martin took a sip from his ice tea. "Do you want to play the question game?"
Ayumi looked downwards, her face on fire. "You probably wouldn't like it." She said, embarrassed.
Martin nodded and looked up the song then listened. His facial was a mix of happy and confused during the song. When it ended he spoke. "That's not too bad actually."

(I actually had to look them up. Now I'm listening to it right now. Thank you lol xD .)

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