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Fantasy Neko X Master


I see... Hm... Then besides basic schooling things (History, Math, Language, etc.), she'd have stuff like Physical lessons (like Swordsmanship training, maybe? Perhaps Fencing.) and a lack of 'Arts' type things (other than Dancing, which can be used for social events)?

Alright. I'll plan it all out, then. But... After I go to sleep. It's already the 20th for me, so... My brain's partially shut down already.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]so does that mean i link my post to your or are you going to create a new char

link your post

Yep, yep. I saw that, I was just notifying.

Also, @JayKuro: What timeframe is the RP taking place in? There've been Carriages, Limos, and cellphones mentioned at this point, so I'm kind of confused.
I am so lost, where is everyone in the rp?

Why do I say I'm lost:

1. there are people caring for injured

2. some people are playing the piano

3. I think someone is being sold/bought
@JayKuro is there still room for more here? Seems interesting. If so, which do you need more of? I'd play both roles.

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