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Fantasy Neko X Master

Dkingow said:
I dont mind if other people made masters, I just figured since this is how the rp is suppose to go and no other masters seemed to sign up, this was the best option so that some nekos arnt left high and dry. (In my opinion)
Masters are supposed to buy the Nekos, but... Buying all of them made it very, very difficult for any new Masters to come into play. This is especially the case because of the last bit of #58, which restricted the personality types of Masters that would reject your character's claim.

To elaborate:

It's easy to see that your character wants what they feel would be best for the Nekos -- they don't have any bad intentions. Therefor, anyone who would interfere with what is literally a shot at freedom for all of the Nekos present would need to either really need a Neko (for whatever reason), hate Nekos, or be completely full of themselves and want to 1-up your character.

Masters who simply want to be friends with Nekos are now forced to remain silent, because 'freedom' was undoubtedly the best gift anyone could have offered. If they said 'Hey, I want a Neko just to be my companion' at this point, it could be seen as 'Hey, you can't take them away! I still haven't bought one for myself!'. Even if they aren't bad guys, there's just no good intentions that can match the level of straight-up freedom-offering.

That's how I see it, anyways.
Well to elaborate, since my character couldn't be at the auction before you bought all of the nekos, she had no way to get a neko from someone at the auction by appearing there late. But, since she is a semi-popular postitive-syndicate leader with good intentions and bright eye for the future as well as a nice person, she could find your character and your character can deem her worthy/unworthy to buy a neko from your character rather than at an auction? That's what some people did at other peoples homes before the civil war, like; "That male slave of your's, he's quite the little hard worker, I'd love it if I could take him off your hands, I'll take care of him and such...." or something along the lines of that, of course, there was paper work involved as well as money, negotiations, and the choice of the owner of the slave being bargained for. That's what I'm proposing; my character to buy a neko off of yours. @Dkingow
I never came over here but I love how it went from states to buying and selling lol and Don't worry guys! Mississippi isn't to great either xD just super hot!

I missed roll call but I'm here •.•' If anyone cares xD

Caden already expects the worse so I don't think he would be to surprised to be 'bought and sold' If anyone wants him and his attutude

Because Amelia's Father left to get 'something he likes' (as mentioned in #85), would it be possible for him to return with my character (here) with him? She's experienced as a personal maid, so she'd be able to train Allison and Serena.

It's also kind of hard to introduce my character anywhere else unless she was silently sitting in one of @Dkingow's carriages without anyone noticing.
@Ensig Oh yeah sure, I don't mind! Do you just want to post with her walking into the garden with him so she can meet Amelia and the twins?

Would the Father's meeting have finished so soon?

... Or was that just an excuse to get out of the house and buy his daughter a maid to train the two that she chose, with the father being a real softy on the inside?
@Ensig actually it was a coverup to try and find a more suited servant because he disliked the choice. The father is supposed to be very cruel and cold hearted, and only see Amelia as the next in line. It's why Amelia has such low self esteem and is so obedient and surprised by affection.

Hmm... In that case, would it be too troublesome to ask you to post as the Father after I give a leading-up-to Post (essentially El following the Father to Amelia)? Otherwise, any explanation/reply between Amelia and her Father would be kind of fragmented.
This shall be interesting xD

I get off work in 12 minutes so I'll be back to good replies xD

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