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Fantasy Neko X Master

Cherrywitch said:
@Mitchs98 could you repost? I lost the posts.
Ensig said:
El took a step inside of the Twins' room with a small breath. If she still had a voice, she would likely let out a small gasp in appreciation of the room. Not only was it wide enough for El to be with the Twins without worrying about it becoming cluttered, it was quite luxurious for a servant's room as well.
Turning back towards her Mistress as well as the Twins, El held a note out after a moment of writing.

[it would be my pleasure to share this room with you both. So long as that's alright, Mistress.]

@Cherrywitch @Mitchs98
Here you go
Hi guys I'm so sorry for not responding in forever. I have a lot on my plate irl right now and I may not have enough time for RPN for a little while. I'm sorry... but I'll have to take a temporary leap of absence, but I'll message when I can be back on. ^^

Again... I'm so sorryyyyyyyy. *wails while bowing apologetically*

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