Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Cy blinked and let out a breath, "Yeah, maybe I should take a little nap... Julianna and you can practice some stuff together... I guess I will see you later." He walked off, cursing himself for getting so worked up over apparently nothing. 'I can't help it though...' he thought, 'I feel the need to protect her... Heh... I am doing a bang-up job of that it seems.' Cy sighed again, now back into the room, biting his lip, knowing she could hear that. He laid down on the bed and tried to nap, his eyes gazing up into the ceiling.

Juilanna watched him walk off, raising an eyebrow. She hopped down and walked up to Adrianna again, "So... do you wish to see what I can do? Or do you wish to teach me of this time period? Understandably I am still rather... perplexed." Julianna smiled though, interested in whatever she could do. She was ancy and ready to do whatever Adrianna wanted to.

Eirlys looked wide-eyed at the fact they were now outside. She was fine, just startled, but giggled at his exclamation and spoke softly, "You know, we could have used the door. I am not used to going through windows." Eirlys looked out to the forest and shifted into her snow leopard form. She nudged Rekka lightly, purring loudly, "Let's go." Eirlys took off, leaving a trail of snow as she ran ahead of Rekka, hoping he would run after her.
Adrianna tilted her head her eyes closed. She was filled with annoyance at cy's thoughts. I don't need you're protection. I can take care of myself I have been for all of my life! she looked back at Juilanna. She cleared her throat. "Well, can't say I'm the best person to ask. But why don't we just practice modern fighting might be more my style."
Cy jumped at her sudden voice in his head and winced, thinking back to her, 'Oww. Sorry. No need to slam me.' He sounded irritated, but was moreso surprised she could do that so well. Cy was happy she was so good at things so fast, a quick adapter to situations. Unlike himself. He was unable to sleep, and instead created a small illusion above him of nature. Like watching National Geographic, the images changed, using the ceiling as a screen, the illusion also playing music.

Julianna smiled at that and thought for a small while, "Well, I am not too good at hand to hand, but I can conjure some simple familiars to fight for me. Different familiars than Gillian. Speaking of which... where is that little guy?" She whistled using her fingers, and the small dragon named Gillian landed on her shoulder, seemingly out of nowhere. "Now now Gillian, go wait over there. We are going to practice I think, and you shouldn't help me like you usually do."

The small dragon snorted, small trails of smoke rising from it's nostrils, and then flew off to a nearby tree and curled up. His head was propped up, eyes looking intensely at the two. Julianna laughed slightly and turned back to Adrianna after looking at the dragon for a while, "Such a little thing isn't he? Parvum meum draconem. That means, my little dragon."

With a smile big on her face she tilted her head to the side, wondering what she should do. "Ah!" she said, with a sudden moment of realization. "You like hand to hand best. Perhaps I can just conjure a sword with a spell. With that, I can train hand to hand a bit, while practicing incantations." Julianna smiled, waiting for Adrianna to agree or disagree.
(You have to post a character sheet on here, and SongOfTheSpiritWolf will approve it when he logs on next)
( [MENTION=4076]yullen-chan[/MENTION] hai thar~ im Song, ke creator of ze thread. You see the first page? After a bit of reading there's a section with 'Character Skelly' above it. Highlight and copy the form and paste in the quick reply box. (the thing you type in) fill out everything the form asks like you're about to apply to a job or something. When you're done, just hit post! If you need help, mine is also on the 1st page and everyone else's is basicly scattered around the thread xD any questions just pm or message or whatever me. I don't bite ^^)
Adrianna looks at her and then nodded. "Sure." She said and then pushes through her hair. She crossed her arms and then waited for the spell, sword or what ever. She glanced at the window and then back at the dragon in the tree. was kind of cute. She shifted her weight and then took a deep breath. She looked at the ground. Spells made her uncomfortable but she has never tried a sword before but what the heck....on the fly, she guessed.
([MENTION=4076]yullen-chan[/MENTION] uuhhhhmmm... no idea. Try holding your finger over the text and see if there's an option. If that doesn't work, just post when yer on a laptop/ computer kaykays?)
Julianna giggled slightly at Adrianna's apprehensive behavior and smiled big, "Don't worry! Magic isn't bad!" She patted Adrianna on the shoulder then backed up. With a quick glance back at Gillian, she spoke, "This one is very very simple, so it isn't the strongest of blades. Umbrae tenebrarum: Conjuro te, imbuere hoc ferro omnium viribus Umbra!" Almost instantaneously a shadowy blade formed in her hand, swirling until it solidified. She looked at it, almost forlorn, "Oh, well it is too bad I couldn't find a lighter color sword. I like black, but it looks nearly evil."
name:nichole lowe


species:wild mountain cat


powers:elemental, can also teleport and muniplulate aure to for shields ppl etc

bio:nichole was abandoned as a kitten and taken in by a nice family and taught how to control her aura and use multiple weapons

appearance: human form:bklack hair to neck, 5ft4,bhazel eyes,wears glasses, has an ancient bracelet from eygypt, wears a pikachu tee, skinny jeans, turqoise converse, black ears and tailb with a white tip

cat form:small black cat hazel eyes
Adrianna created light in her hand. "You created that from shadow right? What about using light?" She asked and then looked at her. She twitched her ears a bit waiting for her answer. Adrianna looked at the light in her hand a it swirled and glowed. She looked back at Julianna keeping the light going.
Nichole packed her bag and looked back at her room sadly. "goodbye mom, dad i cant stay here any more i'm sorry." and she jumped from her window landing softly. She ran to her motorcycle,put on her helmet riding off. Her yami, namiko said" Aibou where are you going?"
"Well I couldn't remember the spell for a light sword," Julianna said sheepishly, flicking her tail and holding the sword made of shadows, admiring it a little before looking back up at Adrianna, "I am a bit rusty. A long time in a book can do that to you. It is an odd world, really." Julianna seemed genuinely scared of the memories that resurfaced themselves, but it only showed in her eyes. "Not a problem though, right?" Julianna said while shifting her stance into a fighting one, "Come on, you make the first move! Just, go easy on me, I am a sorceress, not a swordfighter. I am not used to closer battles." Gillian watched from his nearby perch, interested. He knew that he was a new thing to Adrianna, and didn't think she knew how intelligent dragons really were, even though he was but a baby.
Adrianna looks at her and then chuckles. "So am I going to fight alone? I can't exactly poof up a sword you know." She said and then rubs her head chuckling. She made the light in the shape of a sword. "I can't make it into a sword..." She said and then try to cut the tree but it didn't do anything.
Julianna tilts her head, "Ok. Give me a moment." Out of nowhere a book appears and she flips through it quickly. Once she found what she was looking for, Julianna smiled and began speaking, "Ex gladiis est carne Ferrum et corde suo sanguis eius vitreum Si superviveret per tot proelia Non qui vel semelcedentes non qui vel semel ens victor Latorem iacet hic solus cudendum ferrum in Collis gladiis Sic, mea vita non indiget significationem Hoc corpus factus est ex infinita gladiis Ego os gladio Ignis est corpus meum et sanguis mei ferri Laminae mille creavi Ignarus damni, Nec conscius lucrum Restiterunt dolorem creare armis." After she was done she winced and huffed out, a number of swords appearing around Adrianna, all stuck in the ground. "I forgot how hard that spell is... it makes a thousand, real steel swords... although it seems like not all of them are here. I wonder where they went."
(lol I can just see somewhere two nekos were walking. *Swords fall down beside them.* AHHHH! *Neko's jump up* O.o ' ) Adrianna looks at her and then picks out a sword. "Interesting." She said and then rubs her head. She looks at her. "Take a break if you're tired but if you're ready to go?" She said and then stared at the sword. She started to fight with the sword being a natural at it. She smiled and then pointed the sword at Julianna.
(Hahahaha I imagined the same thing, except humans. Laughed so hard.)

Julianna shakes her head, watching Adrianna play with the blades, "I am ready to go. Though I really think you will beat me." She thinks for a moment, then drops the shadow sword. The blade dissipated and she grabbed a real sword, looking nervous. Julianna got back into a fighting stance, and waited for Adrianna to attack, still looking quite nervous. Gillian was watching them, getting excited. He loved fights, and was looking forward to this.
Adrianna looks at her and then nodded. She rushed at Julianna and then jumped rolling behind her, while coming out of the role she swung the sword at Julianna's legs. Adrianna smirked as her hair started settling again. The rush of fighting....Adrianna loved it. The weight of the sword was a bit more then she was use to seeing as she only used a knife or a dagger. "This world has become more powerful and more dangerous. Yet there is a good side...less people die because of medicine and knowledge.

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