Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Cy mewed at her, "Then crawl, stay low somehow. You don't want another of those dart things coming at us. At you." Cy wasn't worried for his own safety, not in the least. He worried only about her as he began to move out of the room, glancing back often to see if she was following. His hackles were raised, but his tail low, he had a very bad feeling, and needed to get to the others as soon as he could.
Adrianna looks at him and then shifted into her cat form. She had to do it slowly though, her body dragging slightly. She slowly started to follow him. She leaned on Cy a little bit. "S-s-sorry...." She said and then looks at him. "What's the matter?" She asked and then continued to walk although struggling to stay up.
Wane turned around and blinked, he opened his mouth to speak and closed it again, not trusting himself to speak. "You...look like one of those human models, but better" his smile softened and he grew pleased, swishing his tail in appreciation "You should be a neko model. As soon as NAL takes off I can set you up" he grins widely and saunters over to her, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Now come on, lets go" He takes her hand and leads her out the door and into the world outside of the manor.
Nirae follows Wane gleefully, a smile planted firmly on her face, "Thank you Wane," she said, "That was so sweet of you." Nii didn't really see herself as so pretty, but it comforted her to know Wane did. Even though Wane had a huge ego, to a certain extent his looks was up to par with his ego. A high bar. Which Nii felt Wane even surpassed. She smiled at him, "So, where exactly are we going?"

Cy looked at Adrianna in concern, "What's the matter? You are hurt and cannot function properly. Again. And I couldn't stop it from happening. I wish they hit me instead of you. Then you would be safe from harm." Cy was completely serious as he shifted into human form, cradling Adrianna. "You have the worst of luck. Truly you do," Cy said, nearly out of the basement by now.
When they made it outside Wane said "I'm gonna have to ask you to change your wardrobe from fabric to fur. Temporarily. For the sake of speed you know". Wane shifts into his cat form and rubs his body up against the dress by her legs, asking her to change to cat form. "Once we reach the neko store we can get a few things for the group. Not to mention me" He purred. His eyes looked up to meet hers.

Lya got up and walked downstairs into the living area of the cabin. It seemed everyone was gone. Where did they go? She shrugged, they all had their relationships they were working on. Sure Wane and Nirae was official, but it was pretty obvious that both Cy and Adrianna and Rekka and Eirlys might be developing. She sighed. With all this going on she felt even more lonely. She wanted her brother back, he was gone, who knows where. Something in her gut told her something was wrong. She didn't know what. Lya decided she should probably find her brother now. With that she stepped outside and took a deep breath. Going the dark and dangerous path to where she had left him last. Vince's house.

Kyrie awakened, staring blankly at the ceiling. Not that he actually had any sleep. His guilty conscience, the uptight part of himself that didn't know what he was doing was revenge and was highly necessary, was bothering him. Not to mention he didn't trust these nekos either. He sat up and yawned. It didn't matter, he'd be okay, he'd had less sleep before and it would take much more than that to mess him up. He stood up and walked over to the mirror. His green eyes went wide at the sight of himself. His gaunt eyes were wild and crazy, the exact portrayal of the tumult of raw emotion on the inside. His half-neko ears and wild hair only completed his look. He didn't recognize himself, it was so long since he'd seen his own reflection. The happy neko boy was long gone. He shook his head, eyes shut and left the room. He went downstairs to see what his new leader, a human, was up to.
Nirae shifted into her feline form when Wane requested it, nuzzling his nose lightly and happily. "Let's go then! We have lots to get I think. The house isn't very...homey yet. Plus, you need some nice clothes. Though, you could wear a potato sack and still look great." She purred and started to pad off, assuming that Wane would follow. She thought about the lab they had found. They didn't have much time to look around, but she found it odd. The lab was clean and almost new looking, whereas the house itself was old and decrepit.
Adrianna looks at cy. "Oh shut up. It was just a tranquilizer." She said and then sighed and looked at him. "I've always been ok so please stop worring. You're annoying me." She said that last part more affectionatly. She looks at him and then yawns a bit. "My luck is bad but I still am a good thef!" She said and then giggled.
Cy pet her a little, "I cannot help but worry. And I am more than happy to have such a capable little Neko by my side." Cy smiled smugly, "Little thief girl." He looked around, now out of the basement, "Well, my little perfect thief, what shall we do now? Want to go find a place to practice my abilities?" As he spoke, Julianna walked up, in her human form now. "If you two are off to practice, allow me with? I would appreciate it very much. I have not seen all of your abilities I believe."
Adrianna looks at him and then back at Julianna. "Um sure." She said and then looks around. "Outside is probably good as long as we're not to noisy." She said and then shakes her head. She licks her nose still in cat form. "Well...shall we go?" She asked and looked up at Cy. She showed her K-9s in an attempt to smile at him.
"Thank you," Julianna said, shifting into her cat form, Cy following suit. "Let us go," Cy said, padding over to the door to the outside, but hopping up to the windowsill instead, going through a hole in the window's glass. "Come on you two!" He was excited to get to practice, and to see Julianna practice. Julianna hopped up and through the same hole after Cy. Once outside she stretched her wings and flew. Hovering slightly, still at eye level with Cy and Adrianna.
"D'awww, thanks Nirae" he purred at the compliment as they made their way into town and he shifted into his human form. He chuckled as he saw a few people on the streets glare at him and a few shutters closed as they came into proximity "It's only natural that you cower before us humans. But worry not, we're on a different errand today" He waves at them with his tail and beckons Nii into the neko shop from the other day "Hey there shopkeeperguy, We're in the market for a few things". Wane takes out the knife from his pocket and places the ware on the desk.The shopkeeper picks it up and inspects it. "It's a fine piece, easily worth any amount of things in my shop". Wane nodded, "Great, mind if we look around" The shopkeeper nods and goes and Wane goes to the other side of the shop.

Wane peruses the items and his ears perk up as he finds a black cloth, he picks it up seeing that its a long sleeved shirt "Hey Nii, check it out. Kind of like my old one except longer sleeves" It would have to do "If I could ever find another purple cloak I'd be set" He purred.
Elm did an army salute," Alrighty ye Wane, boy, she's all yours!" he motioned toward the cloak. He laughed," Make sure ye come back now!" Elm went over and set Wane's knife on a shelf, a smile on his face.

(Elm's an extra, so he's open to anyone to roleplay~)
Nirae didn't shift until in the shop and followed Wane closely, entwining her hand in his. "Hello again Elm. Nice to see you," Nii said, turning to look at Elm for a moment before turning back to look at the shirt Wane had picked up. "I like it," she said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, "Should we look around for a nice cloak for you?"
Adrianna looked at the flying neko. "Lucky." She whispered and then looked at CY. "So exackly how you going to practice?" She asked as she looked up at the sky. She started messing with the light changing it colors.
Cy thought for a while while Julianna purred at Adrianna's comment, "I cannot help being able to fly. It is just how I was born. Maybe I could find a way to lift you up with me." Julianna liked the idea, and tried to think of any spell that could help her achieve this. Cy was still thinking, then exclaimed, "Got it! I will practice my illusions. Let's see... I could try solidifying them, making them seem like real things."

Cy raised a hand and focused on it, furrowing his brow in concentration. After a few moments a blade appeared, shakily at first, then condensing. He clasped his hand around it, looking it over, a bead of sweat going down his temple. "Here Adrianna, your opinion?" Cy said, handing the dagger to Adrianna.
Adrianna looks at Cy. She blinked and then rubs her head. "Nice." she said grabbing the dagger. She felt it and then continued to examine it. "Just like....a real one." She said and then looked at him. She smiled at him. "Very good." she said and then looked back at the dagger. "Oh I wanted to try....picking things up...with my light." She said and then looked at Julianna. "No thanks...I can stay on the ground." She said and then rubs her head.
Julianna shrugged, "Suit yourself." Julianna didn't know why anyone would want to stay always stuck on the ground. Cy smiled at Adrianna weakly, the work of it getting to him a bit, "You can cut someone with the dagger if you wished. But it gets harder the larger the object. And I am not used to it. You can try to lift the dagger with your light, just don't drop it on yourself."
Wane shrugged "If we can find one, that purple cape was pretty special" Wane easily spotted a few things. Curtains, knick-knacks, wall pictures, pillows, cushions, and even food that they could bring back to the house. But Wane didn't think he'd be able to find what he wanted in particular. "Hey Elm, do you know if you have a purple cloak in particular stored her somewhere". Elm put a hand to his chin "Well, I suppose we have some stuff in the back". Elm goes and retrieves a box, bringing it to the front for them to look through. Wane digs through the box, trying to find what hes looking for under piles of other cloths. He stops rummaging when he sees an oddball sapphire-jewel necklace mixed in. "Thats odd" he says picking it up by the silver chain. "Hey Nii, look" he says and waks over behind her, clasping it and letting it drape over her neck. "It goes with your dress" he purrs, satisfied with how it looks.
Adrianna looks at him. "Yeah yeah...I know how to use a dagger you silly boy." She said and then played with the dagger. She slashed a tree with ease. She looks at Cy. "Sorry." She said and then flipped the dagger in the air and caught it with light. She smirked and then giggled. She dropped the dagger. She created light in her hand and then changed it's colors. She smiled as she made it suround her. She started to have her own fun seeming to be in her own world. It seemed she was having fun for a short while before she suddenly stopped. She looked at the two and then looked away.
Nirae watched Wane as he searched for a cape suitable to replace his old one. She glanced around, a little bummed for him and his predicament, but she didn't seem to have any luck either. When she turned back to him, he was walking towards her, and put a necklace on her. "Wow Wane," she said, blushing slightly as she raised it with her right hand, using the left to brush her hair out of the way. "It is beautiful, and you are right, it matches so perfectly."

She smiled at the sapphire jewel, and then turned her head to the side, a slight frown adorning her otherwise cheerful face, "We cannot possibly get this though Wane... we can spend what we have on something so much more useful." Nirae really did like the necklace, for some reason she felt like it was already her's, but she knew that practicality should rule over just simple want. Nirae began to move her hands to unlatch the necklace.


Cy was smiling weakly at Adrianna as she played with the dagger, smiling more when she actually held it with light. As soon as Adrianna dropped the dagger it disappeared, Cy figured it wasn't needed any longer. Fatigue showed obviously on his face, but he still chuckled when Adrianna seemed immersed in her own world. When she stopped however Cy moved to her, placing a hand on her shoulder in concern. Julianna on the other hand frowned with mild concern, but walked to a nearby tree and climbed into it, watching from afar. She felt it wasn't her place to meddle.


Eirlys pawed at Rekka's hand lightly, not remembering what they were doing, but ready to suggest something else. She was bored with what was going on now, and so she spoke fairly quietly, "Rekka? Do you want to go walk further into the forest? It might be nice to know where we can run to and hide....if we have to that is." Eirlys didn't like the idea, but it was a real worry, so she felt like it was necessary to be careful.
Adrianna looks at him and then tilts her head a bit wondering what was wrong. She was ok she just didn't want to goof off in front of them. She was more serious then anything. "What?" she asked and then looked at him. "You're tired maybe you should rest up." she said and then turned around.
Rekka blinked and jolted up. He was dazing off again, but he heard her well and clear. "Okay," he smiled and stood, helping Eirlys up. Rekka held her by the hand as he opened the window, and jumped down. When Rekka reached the bottom, he made sure that Eirlys was okay. He wouldn't want to be responsible for causing her to break an arm or something. "Forest!" he cheered.

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