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Fantasy ♡ Neko Cafe ♡

" Welp, I had my fun, gotta go!" He gave Kirai a good bye hug, paid for his food and left the little sweet cafe to go back to his masters.
Asami's alarm clock went off and she got up from bed, stretched and scratched her head knowing she had work today. She let out a big yawn before getting out of bed. She went into the bathroom to freshen up and when she was done she runs over to where Kirai was sleeping and she jumps on top of Kirai and looks down at him, "You sure do sleep a lot Kirai," Asami giggled watching her sleeping looked so peaceful. @ThugSama
Harutora wake's up yawning as he leans over looking at the time "Hm..." Harutora thought as he slowly gets up off his bed and stretches as he walks tiredly to the bathroom to freshen himself up.
Tobias woke up in cat form, streched and then turn back into a neko to freshen up."Another day, Another visit to my favorite cafe!" he said to himself as he got dressed. He started to daydream about him and Kirai.


Tobias: Kirai...

Kirai: Yes?

Tobias gets on one knee with a small sliver box

Tobias: Will you marry me and be my loving wife for the rest of my life?

Kirai: Yes! I do!

Tobias and Kirai kiss

~Real Life~

"Sigh.....She's a beauty" said Tobias
Soon Harutora was finished being dressed and was freshened up as he put is jacket on and decided he would stop by the Neko Cafe again for another cappuccino as he thinks "Hmmm I can't wait for a cappuccino today....or should I get a mocha?"
Asami and Kirai were still there at the apartment and Asami was trying to wake her up still. Asami was already dressed for work in her knee high white stockings and her black and white uniform with her black two inch heels on. Asami kept on jumping on Kirai trying to wake her up, she leaned in close to Kirai. Asami giggled and began tickling her," KIRAIIIIII!!!!" Asami exclaimed, "Man you're a hard sleeper," She mutter and Asami put her hair behind her ear. @ThugSama
Harutora was leaning against a wall outside of the Neko Cafe as he had his hands in his pockets and was waiting for the cafe to open "Hmmm cappiccino or mocha?" He thought
sprouhtt said:
Asami and Kirai were still there at the apartment and Asami was trying to wake her up still. Asami was already dressed for work in her knee high white stockings and her black and white uniform with her black two inch heels on. Asami kept on jumping on Kirai trying to wake her up, she leaned in close to Kirai. Asami giggled and began tickling her," KIRAIIIIII!!!!" Asami exclaimed, "Man you're a hard sleeper," She mutter and Asami put her hair behind her ear. @ThugSama
"Uuuuuuuuugh..." Kirai groaned loudly and dragged herself off of Asami's (rather comfy) couch. She then went into the bathroom and put on her work outfit, then hip bumped Asami. "I'm pumped, maaaan. Let's do some workety-work." She encouraged with a bit of silly manner.

They walked to the store, and Kirai unlocked it. She was ready to begin the day.

(Sorry I controlled your character a little, I don't want to keep these guys waiting.)
Harutora sees the door two he saw from the window yesterday was opening the door as he walks into the store behind them as he went to go sit down at the same table from yesterday as he looks out the same window from yesterday
As Tobias waved good bye to his masters, he was going to the cafe, read a book, drink some coffee and see his crush, Thugsa- I mean......uhh......Kirai,yeah...Kirai. "Jooooooy!" Tobias said as he pressed his face on the window.
Thatonechillgirl said:
As Tobias waved good bye to his masters, he was going to the cafe, read a book, drink some coffee and see his crush, Thugsa- I mean......uhh......Kirai,yeah...Kirai. "Jooooooy!" Tobias said as he pressed his face on the window.
Kirai looked to the window and rolled her eyes at him with a smile. It was nine in the morning, time to open, so she opened the door and let him in. "Buy some food." She demanded in a joking manner and patted his back.
"C'mon bro, it's just one more block!"

"You said that five blocks ago, Nik!"

"I mean it this time!"

Nikolas had been dragging Lucas behind him by the wrist since the moment they left their house. Lucas tugged on his beanie as a strong breeze blew through the streets. It was hard enough trying not to bump into people on the crowded sidewalk while his brother quickly made his way to whereever it was they were going. All Nikolas had told him was that he found a cool cafe and wanted them to have breakfast there.

When they reached their destination, Lucas' brows drew together before a grin settled across his lips. "Neko Cafe, huh?" he said, slinging an arm around his brothers shoulders and squeezing affectionately. "Let's see if it's any good."

The two walked into the cafe, Lucas' ears and tail still hidden beneath his clothes. They looked like two human customers.
‘A neko café. Now here’s something one doesn’t see everyday.’ Haruka mused, staring at the sign in the café’s window, proudly presenting the words OPEN to anyone who passed by. She chewed on her lip, contemplating whether it would be worth stepping inside and ordering something, if only to see a neko up-close.

‘Curiosity killed the cat.’ She snorted in response to her train of thought and dug around her pockets, searching for her phone and checking the time.

‘It is pretty early, and my classes don’t start until noon…ah, what the heck, one drink won’t hurt anyone.’ The inside was cozy and welcoming, Haruka noticed, as she made her way to one of the tables near the window. The place was pretty vacant, but she supposed it was because of the time; some people simply didn’t agree with mornings. She picked up one of the menus provided at each table and scanned its contents, still undecided over what she should buy.
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Tigger stepped up to the café, for once a smile on her face. She stepped inside and breathed in deeply. "Today doesnt suck as much as yesterday." She commented. @Thatonechillgirl @ThugSama
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Thatonechillgirl said:
Tobias gave Kirai a hug as usual. "Kirai....I-I have a question for you...just a small one." Tobias asked nervously while blushing
"Hold that thought. I've got two customers." Kirai told him, mouthing a 'sorry' and heading toward the two men. She smiled to them and bowed politely. "Hai hai! Please help yourself to a seat, I'll serve you both in one moment."

Specter said:
"C'mon bro, it's just one more block!"
"You said that five blocks ago, Nik!"

"I mean it this time!"

Nikolas had been dragging Lucas behind him by the wrist since the moment they left their house. Lucas tugged on his beanie as a strong breeze blew through the streets. It was hard enough trying not to bump into people on the crowded sidewalk while his brother quickly made his way to whereever it was they were going. All Nikolas had told him was that he found a cool cafe and wanted them to have breakfast there.

When they reached their destination, Lucas' brows drew together before a grin settled across his lips. "Neko Cafe, huh?" he said, slinging an arm around his brothers shoulders and squeezing affectionately. "Let's see if it's any good."

The two walked into the cafe, Lucas' ears and tail still hidden beneath his clothes. They looked like two human customers.
ObviouslySketchy said:
‘A neko café. Now here’s something one doesn’t see everyday.’ Haruka mused, staring at the sign in the café’s window, proudly presenting the words OPEN to anyone who passed by. She chewed on her lip, contemplating whether it would be worth stepping inside and ordering something, if only to see a neko up-close.
‘Curiosity killed the cat.’ She snorted in response to her train of thought and dug around her pockets, searching for her phone and checking the time.

‘It is pretty early, and my classes don’t start until noon…ah, what the heck, one drink won’t hurt anyone.’ The inside was cozy and welcoming, Haruka noticed, as she made her way to one of the tables near the window. The place was pretty vacant, but she supposed it was because of the time; some people simply didn’t agree with mornings. She picked up one of the menus provided at each table and scanned its contents, still undecided over what she should buy.
Kirai then quickly headed over t

sprouhtt said:
"I got it Kirai!" Asami said and rushed to the two guys. Asami saw a whole bunch of customers moving in and she began taking in the customers that just arrived. She brought her tag over and began moving quickly, "Good morning and Welcome to Neko Cafe, my name is Asami and I will be your waitress for today." She said with a cute smile on her face and all perked up. Asami showed the two to their table. Asami smelled a neko around, prefferably male but she didn't know why he wasn't showing that he was a neko. Asami decided to keep it to herself since she hated asking customers.
@ThugSama (sorry im here now )
(( I already got them AHHH I SHOULD SPECIFY FIRST ))
Tobias stopped blushing " Pheew! I thought is was gonna bust out crying...good thing she had those customers." Tobias took as seat and waited.
Whale said:
Tigger stepped up to the café, for once a smile on her face. She stepped inside and breathed in deeply. "Today doesnt suck as much as yesterday." She commented. @Thatonechillgirl @ThugSama
Kirai then headed toward Tigger and politely bowed to her. She obviously looked nervous and overwhelmed. "H-Hai hai! Would you like a drink today?" She asked with an awkward chuckle.
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Harutora sees the door two he saw from the window yesterday was opening the door as he walks into the store behind them as he went to go sit down at the same table from yesterday as he looks out the same window from yesterday

Asami saw the same guy from yesterday and she walked over to him with a smile on her face and her note tab ready with her cute pink pen in her hand, "Hello Harutora, what would you like?" She asked him as she flashed a smile. "When you are ready to order please call me over." SHe said as she rushed over to another customer.

ObviouslySketchy said:
‘A neko café. Now here’s something one doesn’t see everyday.’ Haruka mused, staring at the sign in the café’s window, proudly presenting the words OPEN to anyone who passed by. She chewed on her lip, contemplating whether it would be worth stepping inside and ordering something, if only to see a neko up-close.
‘Curiosity killed the cat.’ She snorted in response to her train of thought and dug around her pockets, searching for her phone and checking the time.

‘It is pretty early, and my classes don’t start until noon…ah, what the heck, one drink won’t hurt anyone.’ The inside was cozy and welcoming, Haruka noticed, as she made her way to one of the tables near the window. The place was pretty vacant, but she supposed it was because of the time; some people simply didn’t agree with mornings. She picked up one of the menus provided at each table and scanned its contents, still undecided over what she should buy.
Asami rushed over to a girl who just walked in. "Good morning and welcome to Neko Cafe, my name is Asami and I will be your server for today. Today was going to be a busy day for Neko Cafe seeing that they had a lot of customers then yesterday.
Nishio woke up early as usual and got dressed, he dressed for his evening job but he was going out to the cafe before he went to work. He saw that not many of the customers had arrived yet, he was one of the first in. He took a seat in a booth near the window facing the street, patiently waiting to be served.

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