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Fandom Naruto - Shadow of the Leaf! OOC

Welp I didn't know about this Rp but I'll take a gander and see what's up here. I've gotta be off to work in a hour or a tad over but other then that I'll check it out and respond more later. Uncultured Uncultured
Welp I didn't know about this Rp but I'll take a gander and see what's up here. I've gotta be off to work in a hour or a tad over but other then that I'll check it out and respond more later. Uncultured Uncultured
Great to hear! The basic info on the RP is in the "Main" section.

Feel free to port your character from the other RP we were in (if you decide to join), however you will have to reformat.
Great to hear! The basic info on the RP is in the "Main" section.

Feel free to port your character from the other RP we were in (if you decide to join), however you will have to reformat.
Ok cool! I'll look it over.

Oh? I will think about it, but I might try a new idea and oc since I've had several ideas in store since returning to the naruto fandom.
Sorry, going to have to pass on this one. Thanks for the consideration though. :)
Perhaps I've missed the line holding this piece of information. But what are the rules on Hiden and kgs? Would this Rp be like the trials of the forgotten and not have them or are they allowed?

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