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Fandom Naruto Roleplay [When I See You Again]

Is the sensei position still available? I'm hoping it's not, but it's crossed our and there's three pages of posts here.
That's reassuring. I'd be glad to finish up the role call and take the position then.

(This is a sample of my style and writing. My two favorite paragraphs from this scene)

12...13...14...Fifte--Huh?" Counting off his repetitions in his head, Drake abruptly stops and listens intently. "...It sounds like a drum almost...Faint, but quick...," he thinks, slowly releasing his grip on the thin branch. The slight thump of his feet hitting the dry ground matched a beat of the sound he was listening to, though a bit louder than it. He turns around calmly and his eyes widen. The sound was the quick beat of a mammals heart. Stressed from something or the other. He just stares at the black and blue beast in front of him, not 30 feet away at least. A moment passes, and he takes a step back...Another...And one more, but then he stops, as he isn't really sure what's going on. He begins to relax a hair, but still quite on alert. He listens for any people nearby, but hears none for the most part. He watches intently, waiting for the time to react.

Experiencing a faint sense of embarrassment at how little he actually knew about werewolves, and his cheeks showing it a little with a slight blush, he welcomes the voice coming obviously from the werewolf. Much more relaxed, he begins to have his normal intelligent train of thought. Almost immediately he begins to realize, his eyes and facial expressions showing it more and more as he hits each point. It started in his mind, but he gradually found himself saying it out loud, "
Obviously a female wolf...Not wolf, werewolf, because we're near the school..." And now, out loud, a little above a whisper and while he looks slowly up and stands slowly up, "The flashes of yellow in her eyes... Wondering how I didn't see it... The way she thought I should know... I'm one, she's one..." And finally, looking back down at her, he calmly says with a barely noticeable smile and a small chuckle, "Aella. We're both werewolves, aren't we."
How's this?

Kisuke Uchiha

Gender; Male

Height; 5'8

Weakness; Pride, and willingness to do some sacrifices for the greater good. He also has not leaned the

Strength; His intellect is higher than the average kid, and as such, makes smarter decisions. Some teachers and family members have said that he sees through all their lies. He also is adept in taijutsu and ninjutsu as well, and has honed them as much as he can.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/kisuke_uchiha_by_original_artist-d4t73l1.jpg.5d53086483356e07df3750787643bfe6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/kisuke_uchiha_by_original_artist-d4t73l1.jpg.5d53086483356e07df3750787643bfe6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Beneath his cold-ish attitude, he is a kind and loving individual.

Background; Kisuke was the son of Urishima and Hintata (Unrelated) Uchiha. Like the fable, Kisuke's father was a fisherman and a bit off a scholar. He told Kisuke him most of what he knew of the time before, and with that learned his philosophies and some neat tricks. At the playground, he was a force to be reckoned with at chess and some sports. Although he was constantly urged by his family and parents to go to ninja school earlier than expected, he refused, sating that it was not 'his time'.



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Yeah, I'm fine playing a guy. Did gogojojo31's post get cut a little?
I did it again...I wrote too much...

: Shizumi Hanabishi

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Physical Appearance: Shizumi is considered to be a young girl of rare beauty. Her most notable feature is her bright red hair. Her hair has always been quite lengthy reaching the middle of her back before the age of three. It has a bright robust red hue that shines magnificently in direct sunlight. It is full and thick; hair that was built for various rough situations and exercises. "Long and lustrously lustful" is one phrase that can be used to describe the impressions people get just by looking at her hair. She has very fair skin and a very light complexion that match her rather short statue. Shizumi's face is by far the most delicate feature in her arsenal. She has an absolute flawless face which is perfectly shaped into an oval. Shizumi possesses three different iris colors; ember, dark red and sky blue. These colors gradually change depending on the light that reaches them. Some might even find this more appealing as the blue deeply contrasts with her red hair. The ember and red almost match her hair color. She is only 4'11 but she is luckily still growing so she may get taller yet.


Clothing: During her leisure time she will usually wear a dark blue shirt, a black skirt and high-heeled boots. She also sometimes wears the standard Konoha shinobi uniform.

Her shinobi attire consists of a long-sleeved dark-green dress that falls just below the knees. The dress seems to be closed at the front with a zip . Underneath, she wears a mesh shirt that covers more of her upper body than her dress, but stops short of covering her shoulders. She also wears dark-green shorts and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over to her knees. Around her waist, she wears a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left. Furthermore, she wears high-heeled sandals and shin-guards reaching up over her knees. She also wears dark nail polish and is usually shown wearing a ring on her right hand ring finger, the ring is a ring her parents gave her with the Hanabishi clan symbol on it.

Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Wind release(Futon), Yin Release(Genjutsu falls under the broad category of Yin Release)

Clan: Hanabishi clan- They were a clan which seemingly popped out of no where near the start of the war eight years ago, they were a nomad clan always on the move, never staying in one place for too long. A disease and three quarters of the clan lost their life's with the only ones left being the old and the young less than a handful of people and only two with the Kekkei Genkai. The remaining members of the clan fled to the leaf village where they were granted refuge in return for the use of their Kekkei Genkai when their next generation came of age. What the leaf didn't expect that the next generation currently only consisted of one able bodied person.

Kekkei Genkai: Genso no kaze(the winds of illusion). It is a Kekkei Genkai that is limited to her clan. The Kekkei Genkai its self works like a genjutsu. Once activated it seems to make a sudden just of wind around the area near the user, this a a sign of its activation but as wind is natural it can often be very hard to tell. The wind works much like the effect as a normal genjutsu would however instead of just manipulating the flow of chakra in the victim's brain the wind effects the victims whole chakra flow making the genjutsu seems more realistic than it really is. Inside the area she can combine genjutsu to make what would seem like a augmented reality or her own dimension, she can keep adding more and more layers to this 'reality' until she either fully tires out of chakra or until her opponent breaks out. However if a target escapes the area then it becomes chakra being wasted until she cancels the area. It can be broke like a normal genjutsu it also has a constant chakra usage meaning the more "layers" of genjutsu she uses the more chakra it costs. Another downside to this Jutsu is that it makes the users defenseless as they must keep using hand sighs

Personality: Shizumi has an extremely ruthless and coldblooded outside. She strongly believes in the concept of social Darwinism, where the weak exist for the benefit of the strong, and generally appears devoid of compassion or mercy. She also believes that Darwinism was the reason a lot of her clan members lost their life's as instead of using the weak to benefit their clan they chose to stick to themselves and rely on only their own clan for food, whether it came from theft or if someone made it themselves but yet if they used the idea of Darwinism they would have had more than enough food to go around. However, she is not completely heartless. In spite of her sinister nature, she seems genuinely to care for anyone from the village which is shocking for most people to find out.

If they is one thing Shizumi hates it people that are depressed the main reason is the fact that at her young age she has what no family members left and the only people that look after her are a handful of old men and women and yet shes happy as can be, sure she admits she very cruel and coldblooded but when you feel your the only hope for a whole clan wouldn't you be, she had decided that no matter what she must live whether that means she must kill everyone or thing that gets in her way she is more than willing to do so.

She only has one thing in mind and will do anything to achieve it which, to most at a young age this would sound like a too big of a burden, but its one she has chosen to take on. Her one dream is to make her clan what it once was and bring it back to how it was when she was born. A strong clan full of pride in themselves rather than the few depressing old men and women moaning about their losses and the fact that this clan is doomed, Shizumi refuses to think the same way as them and even cruelly states that they should all "Roll over and die already as I have had enough of your moaning."

Although keeping a ruthless and coldblooded outside, inside she is like a cracked piece of glass. Meaning that it is not quite full smashed just yet but with just enough force it will smash into pieces, as a person this refers to the fact that she keeps a ruthless and coldblooded outside so that she doesn't let anybody in meaning that no one can 'smash the glass' as it is protected by a wall of anger.

Backstory: Shizumi was born to two members of the nomad clan Hanabishi. Shizumi was fussed over much like a little baby would be especially since for whatever reason the number of children in the clan had lowered since the year before but the birth of Shizumi hopefully would have changed that. However as a year went on people began talking as the color of Shizumi hair was bright red , which is a natural trademark of the Uzumaki Clan. So the question was did Shizumi mother betray the clan and was Shizumi father a Uzumaki, all the accusations were quickly brushed aside as it was impossible for Shizumi mother to have met another man as the clan hadn't stopped at another village from the day Shizumi was conceived. Still because of her hair she was originally looked at strange.

Her beauty was starting to show by this age, a rare and almost goddess like beauty making many of the youngish clan members want to wait till she became of age rather than go for someone of a similar age. By age Eight her beauty ended up causing trouble for her as it wasn't just her fellow clan members that wanted her but some 'predators' were out to get her, it was mostly older men who wanted to explicitly take control of the young girl going as far as to try and buy her off her clan in which everyone disagreed with and they left the town as soon as they could.

Upon leaving the town a strange disease began killing several adult members of the clan, leaving the clan almost defenseless. The ones that managed to survive were few and the ones who could use the Kekkei Genkai fewer being narrowed down to only two, one being Shizumi and the other the head of the clan a weary old man who lead the Hanabishi to take refuge within the leaf and persuaded them to do so after showing them the power of the clans Kekkei Genkai and informing them of the disease that struck them. The leaf accepted the Hanabishi as leaf civilians but at a cost anyone that could use the Kekkei Genkai know as Genso no kaze had to attend Konoha academy with the exception of anyone over the age of fifty, what the leaf didn't expect was that the only other person who could use Genso no kaze was an eight year old girl. So they allowed her to mature to a reasonable age before calling for her to serve the debt her clan owed.
I'm confused. Is this where everything is supposed to be? I mean, it's still in recruitment check.

Also, I'm wondering if I can use a character I created a while ago. The rp never really started, so I'm kind of disappointed all my work was for nothing. I wouldn't just copy and paste, I'd take the time to modify him, but is that alright?
Sure, you can use him! And I'm gonna close the thread and move it tonight, hopefully, but you can still post your character here :)

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