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Graded [Nan Gau Fort] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. II


One Thousand Club
Hello everyone; this RP is set in the world of Isekai Hell; you can find information about the world here.

This Rp follows the events of [Isekai Hell] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Nan Gau. A village has taken root outside the fort where this once used to be a military outpost. It has slowly become akin to a castle town. Recently strange reports have been coming in and every time a patrol is sent out they go missing, the most likely cause is bandits in the minds of the townspeople and the small garrison.
Locations: Nan Gau Fort
Time of Day: 10:00 AM
Weather: A dusting of snow covers the ground reflecting off the morning sun. There is a large wall of snow and mist on the horizon that will be hitting the town in a few hours.
Goal: To increase reputation within the Beast Republic and to save the Village of Nan Gau from the unknown threat.
Interactions/Mentions: RavenSong RavenSong Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude
Notes: Please link your character Sheet in your first post and any point boosters. 3-4 Day around can always put a new round up earlier if everyone posts sooner than expected.


AyaAya B Grade.png
Following the bandit takeover several months ago, a new garrison commander has been put in charge of the fort that sits behind the village. The roads as of late have returned to normal with merchants traveling up and down the road, which has brought a boom to the Nan Gau economy as a whole. The fort is slowly being repaired though due to the winter weather that persists in the mountains, supplies for repairing it are trickling in slowly. Aya had decided to take up a stent of residency in the village thanks to the help she and the others provided; the town was more than glad to put up anyone who wanted to stick around.
Aya walked out of the Silver Moon Tavern, stretching her arms toward the sky as she yawned. She looked out onto the normally clear horizon only to see the snow wall coming toward them. Rubbing her eyes, she took a deep breath of the crisp cold mountain air. "Does weather like this happen very often?" Aya asked as she looked over her shoulder at the barkeeper, who stepped outside and place a sign down.
The barkeeper was one of the few humans in the village, his ginger hair seemed to reflect off the sunlight as he turned around to face Aya. He looked up at the wall as his face twitched, "Not commonly, maybe once a year though it is strange we already had our big blizzard for the year. But nothing to worry about, I suppose," The barkeep stated as he then walked back inside of the Tavern to begin his day. Though that left more to the mind than previously, those walking through the streets would notice posters posting rewards for finding particular bandits that were still at large. There were even a few posters of people who have gone missing, though they seemed to be people who lived outside of the village such as lumberjacks and hunters.

Many of the villagers had chalked up the disappearance to bandits slowly creeping their way back into the fold. Though the strange part was no signs of struggle were ever found. They seemed to have vanished without a trace or telling anyone. The local garrison has started to become concerned about the matter, but even some of their men have gone missing, and no one can find out why. Aya walked through the village square as a wooden stage had been set up and the Garrison commander stood on top of the stage.

"Village Folk of Nan Gua, I urge you to prepare for the bad weather that is coming any elderly or less fortunate individuals are more than welcome to come to the keep. However that is now the reason that I am here today," Commander Rextelan pause for a moment as he gave a nod to one of the soldiers who then nailed a letter to a board next to the stage. "We are looking into the issues however we have gotten permission to request the aid of adventurers. If any reside in this town please meet me in my office following this," He concluded his message he walked off the stage as the group started to head back up the main road that led to the at the edge of the village.

Aya cocked her head to the right as the message was delivered walking over to the message that was posted, there really wasn't much to it other than the reward offered was a nice chunk of change. Which probably meant the garrison knew far more about what was going on than they were letting on in public. Resting her hands on her hips for a moment she started to walk up to the fort.


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Mentions: saxon saxon


The otter Beastman clapped his bandaged paws together, repeatedly, the stinging sensation bringing his exposed digits back to life. He lifted them up to his face and blew warm air into them, then lifted his head to take in his surroundings once again. He’d gotten his start today shortly after sunrise, and the sun was still low on the horizon. Foraging was difficult with the bite of winter still in the air, but he’d found the telltale signs of some predator’s cache, and after digging it up and giving it a good roasting over his rekindled fire, the Beastman had enjoyed a hearty breakfast of mystery meat and begun his day’s walking.

“Whew. ‘S cold,” he said, to, well, himself. So far as he knew, he was alone. But hey, when you talked to yourself, at least you didn’t have to worry about arguing!

Todd, as the Beastman called himself, had left his village a week or so ago now. He was a bona fide adventurer now! The Kushtaka – to be more specific than Beastman – had taken a circuitous route with the idea of avoiding most major settlements around his home. With nothing but the whims of his wanderlust to guide him, and the trail of shallow pawprints left in the dusting of snow behind him to mark where he’d been, he’d gotten maybe a little lost, once or twice. But, he’d swum a river, followed a few animal trails, and now here he was on what appeared to be a decently sized trade road! The Kushtaka was pretty proud of himself for finding it!

He snorted, and caught the sharp scent of oncoming snow. And, indeed, lifting his head to the horizon, the Kushtaka caught sight of the wall of approaching weather. Looked like it would be a bad one. Luckily for him, Todd also spotted the village jutting out of the snow, smoke rising pleasantly from the chimneys, promising warm hearths and hot food. The walls of a nearby fort, meanwhile, stood as the best guarantee of safety a frontier town could offer. Even from here, he could tell the architecture was like nothing he’d seen back home. The ornate roofs of the buildings lifted into the sky and flared out at their bases, reminding him of waves on the lake back home. Agitated waters promising trouble ahead.

His tail twitched as he felt a shiver run up his spine. Then he shook his head and dismissed the thought from his mind. It wasn’t like him to get all introspective, and he really couldn’t be wasting time! If he hurried, he might make the town with a few hours to spare. Time to beat feet.


The town, when he reached it, was a bustle of nervous energy. Though at first Todd assumed it had something to do with the oncoming storm, he was quickly disabused by that notion. Practically everywhere he looked he caught sight of some new poster, broadcasting dead-or-alive bounties for all sorts of dangerous looking ne’er-do-wells. Sadder were the ones promising rewards for information leading to the safe return of some citizen or other. A missing father, a wife vanished without a trace, a son who never came back from work that day, a niece that was all someone had left in the world. Apparently not even guardsmen were safe from the string of disappearings. It gave the whole place a sense of quiet desperation.

The town square seemed to be the source of much of the day’s hubbub. A blond, horned humanoid – apparently someone of some importance – had climbed onto a makeshift wooden stage, and just as soon as Todd had entered the square, the man began a proclamation. The first bit invited all those without to take shelter in the fortress from the coming storm. That part suited Todd just fine, the keep looked plenty warm and inviting, even if up close like this it was obvious the place was under repair – its walls not quite so solid as they appeared from the distance.

The second part though, that was more interesting. The man was putting out a call to adventurers to help the town deal with “the issues” as the blond man described them. A euphemism that could only be about the bandits and the vanishings! And shoot, Todd was an adventurer! So that meant the call was going out to him! This was his chance to do some good!

The Kushtaka scanned the crowd as it began to disperse, eventually zeroing in on a half-fox looking lady - gray furred and gray haired, and dressed somewhat formally to boot. Still, she gave off an air of competence, seemed to know where she was going and what she was doing, and was presently marching in the direction of the fort. At least, he hoped that was where she was going, because he’d already begun following after her.

While those three were meeting each other, something descended from the sky. Near like, somewhat away from the town, a dragon had arrived. This specimen was Kalodox, a rather young dragon right now, only 6 feet tall. The wind flew right through his scales, and of course, he felt rather cold.

"Wow, it's really snowy out here..."

Kalodox could have caught a cold if it wasn't for pretty much his fire-producing organ. Anyways, Kalodox had really no intent of destruction, but as a monster and his desire to be strong, Kalodox wanted to test himself before fleeing away, since survival is well... Important.

"...A Town, I see.. Seems pretty big. Might have to draw them out.."

Our fellow dragon is now pondering, thinking of ways to make atleast some reveal themselves. His "Monster" title could help since everyone hates them, but due to the town's size, he couldn't simply take on them himself. He may be classified as a monster, but isn't really craving death all the time.
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Love is a magical thing.

  • Sometimes the young child wondered why he couldn't have been reborn as an animal with lots of fluffy warm fur instead of as a human being again. Now here he was, in a shivery town of falling frigid snow, wearing a quite the weather-inappropriate pink dress with only a layer of white lace and stockings to help keep himself warm. Afterall this time, Sariel has still not acquired a pair of pants, or any more boyish form of clothing. He was honestly surprised he wasn't frozen to death by a tree somewhere.

    Shivering were this body's quaint legs, and with Salboros in the arm, he walked through the town looking for where Aya had gone off to. Why were they even still here in this horrid chilly settlement? How did he lose her? She just left the tavern before him had she not? Where in the two moons of this horrid world had that stupid grandma-haired hag gone off to? Some caretaker she was. Despite the cold, Sariel did somewhat enjoy the aesthetic of the falling snow. It was calming in a way... He was honestly debating whether or not to just sleep in today until tomorrow.

    Sariel squeezed Salboros's body, trying to siphon some warmth from him... Unfortunately, Salboros was less warm than the snow was. It was odd, considering how fluffy he looked. "Ugh-" Sariel huffed, "If you were a fox-hag, where'd ya off tah?" He'd ask the stuffed animal-looking thing. Salboros did kind of look like a fox... or a dog... maybe a rabbit? Who knew, he didn't. Nor did he really care much. It felt annoying to walk through the thin layer of snow on the floor with mary janes. It was cold. This body's face was likely all red and puffy because of it.

    After passing by the many blurring faces that were insignificant to the brat, Sariel would, sooner or later, catch a glimpse of Aya standing amongst the crowd in front of a crappy stage thing. He'd squint a bit, before coming to the conclusion that it was indeed the fox-hag he was searching for. On that crappy stage was some... really cool-looking guy? Sariel didn't think there were cool people in this dumb town. He wondered what was going on there. Was he a comedian or something?

    Sariel would miss out on whatever he was saying, but it didn't really concern him, Salboros could probably fill him in later. He'd soon notice Aya walking away somewhere, Sariel ran up to her. "Oi!" He'd call out before fully catching up, "Where're ya off to? Why'd I hafta walk 'round in this grotesque weather ta find ya?" The child sighed cumbersomely, "Aiyaiyai, making a dainty little girl like me run up to you like this. Anywho, what're ya doin' eh?" He'd ask while taking a looksie at his surroundings. "Also!" He'd hist, leaning a slight bit closer to whisper, "There was this weirdo totally eyein' ya up! We'd better watch it, ain't there a more of 'em handsy creeps around 'ere again?" He'd softly say, peeking behind them.

    "Ey, fox-tails, that weirdo creep is super major tailin' us? Whaddya we do? Do we call for help? Should we punt 'em and run fer it?!" He'd continue whispering a slight bit softer. Sariel was a slightly bit excited, beating up villains was his specialty, after all!... If he wasn't in this in this uselessly girlish body that is.
Kalodox was currently thinking of how to exactly get someone to fight him. If he tries drawing one out by roaring, it won't really work, as his roars are more like a squawk rather something actually threatening. He began to ponder more..

"Lets see... I could enter the town, but if they find out, they'll kill me for sure... WAIT..."

Our fellow dragon looks at a couple of sticks lying around. BINGO! What he's gonna do is get near the town, throw them at a random wooden house or something, and hopefully start a fire. This will draw possibly someone's attention! Yeah, he could attract WAY more attention, but hey, it's worth a try...

Our fellow Dragon began making his way slowly to the town in secret, holding many sticks in his claws while he watched the town from the top of a small tower there.. All he has to do is aim at anything wooden over the fort, and that's it. He began inspecting the houses to see which one he could ignite. First, he uses his Fire Breath to ignite the sticks. Now, he was ready..

"It's time.."
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Aya B Grade.png
Aya clasped her hands behind her back as she walked on her path, stopping as she heard a familiar voice. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the familiar small child with the demon that looked like a stuffed animal. Though when she heard Sariel speak, she glared a little. "There are other ways of asking a question; you should use more appropriate words," Aya scolded her as she placed her hands on her hips. "This weather is not normal there isn't much to do about that now is there. You could have stayed inside if you didn't want to go outside you know," Aya replied as she looked at the girl and then at the stuffed animal.

Aya rolled her eyes as she asked her second question, "I doubt there would be anything would happen to a cute little girl like you," Aya smirked as she lowered her voice. "Besides we both know that you can fight," Aya responded as she spun on her heel. "But, the new commander of the garrison is asking for help to deal with some missing people, though by the looks of the weather that search might get postponed. He asked for the adventurers to come to the fort," Aya explained as she brought her hand to her chin.

"Well, I suppose we shall see what it leads to, I doubt that our friend would try anything with this many people around,"
Aya stated as she simply shrugged her shoulder as she continued to make her way to the fort. As the group approached the fort, the soldiers could be seen walking the battlements. All the while the fort was unaware of the other threat that was now in their area.

While the dragon was small enough to escape the notice of the guards due to the heavy coverage of the trees, however, other things in the forest should be of concern. Bandits were one thing, but so far, no tracks have been seen, and the bodies of those missing have not been found as of yet.

Though the dragon could hear the sound of snow crunching, there was something off about it, though nothing could be seen yet. There was no doubt that it was getting closer to the dragon. Though there was no sound and there was a lack of birds, the sounds of wildlife from the tower were absent.

Meanwhile, back at the fort, the garrison commander stood at the center of the courtyard as he spoke with several officers. The garrison was relatively small still as there was really only enough to man the fort and a few extra to patrol. Normally a fort this size would have doubled the number of soldiers, but thanks to the weather the reinforcements requested haven't arrived yet.

As the group approached, there was a total of three adventurers present; there were several others in the village however, they had decided to hole up in the town until the storm passed. The other group had found their way to the tavern where they were staying. After a moment Commander Rextelian turned around from the officers. A frown appeared on his face as he had hoped for more to be there.
"Adventurers, I had hoped for more of you but, we must make do with what we have, and two of you I know are well acquainted with the village. However, due to the weather, the mission will have to wait until the storm passes," he informed the group as he looked over at the storm as it was slowly approaching.

Interactions/Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude

Hearing the footsteps, Kalodox making a squawk, and turned around, only for nothing to be there. This however.. Made the Dragon wary of what might be there. Thus, Kalodox decided to ignite the sticks

However, While he set the sticks on fire, the current guards could see his clubbed tail from the tower, as a orange light came from said spot.

"Well... Here it goes.."

Kalodox finished setting the sharpened sticks on fire. He first spotted the three Guards, thus making him instantly know there is some people who may be able to stop him. And now, he decided to begin. Throwing the first three sticks aimed at varying houses, hoping they will hit eventually, and start the fire. With that said, Kalodox decided to spread his wings, and move to another tower, unfortunately alerting the guards.

Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel
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With a sigh Integra placed one boot in front of the other, the snow crunching underneath his feet as his entourage finally neared the village they had been told about. Tired enough to consider sleeping out in the wilderness, he spared a glance to his First Mate, Dani, and asked her the question his men had been mumbling to each other every so often, "Are we there yet?"

Before she could answer, they reached the peak of the mountain path and the road turned downward, leading to a village. The Beastman town of Nan Gua sat before them, snow painting the landscape white with a powdery downpour. Slowly a grin crept across the would-be Pirate's face and he rubbed his gloved hands together with glee. "Finally! Warm food, a warm bed, and plenty of gold to be paid." His crew members all voiced various degrees of assent, one of them even firing a spark of energy directly into the air with joy. Casting an annoyed glance at crewman number five, Integra jerked his chin in the direction of the village and prompted his team to spread out as they approached.

One of his men let out a scream, "Dragon!"

Integra almost laughed, there was no way the village was under attack by a- The overgrown lizard took flight, moving to another vantage point from which to rain fire. "Huh, that's a dragon alright. Let's move gentry." Grinning wildly, Integra launched himself into a sprint, headed into the town. Once there was something solid between him and the dragon, he figured it was time to find the Captain of the watch, or someone similarly entitled to hire his services. If they had the right amount of coin, he might get to leave the town with a dragon head on a stake. If they couldn't... Well, a pet dragon could serve as just a valuable reward. Looking around the village he noticed most people had taken shelter from the cold inside. "Yoohoo, anyone home? We're sellswords for hire looking for work."

It didn't take long before they stumbled across a horned man wearing clothes that rivaled Integra's own in terms of aesthetics. A few guards were with him, along with a weasel man, a fox lady, and a small child. "Bienvenue my good sir! I was hoping you had a job for us," he gestured to the entourage behind him.

Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude
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Interacts with: saxon saxon Faynorae Faynorae ReptilianDude ReptilianDude
Mentions: Sepokku Sepokku

It wasn’t long before the fox lady he was following was joined by someone else. A girl – perhaps a young teenager? Maybe the daughter or granddaughter of the fox woman? Actually, she had a closer resemblance to the horned humanoid who was giving the proclamation earlier. She was wearing a shockingly bright pink dress, and little else. Just looking at her made Todd feel cold, he couldn’t imagine how much the poor thing must be suffering. That dress was not cold weather appropriate at all! Neither was his shirt and pants, but he at least had the excuse of his fur to keep the worst of the cold at bay.

Anyway, the child and the fox lady conversed briefly – about what Todd wasn’t sure. He wasn’t some common eavesdropper, after all! He did think he caught the girl shooting him a glance at one point, but he pretended not to notice. The situation was already awkward enough, he was a stranger in this town and people were disappearing. He couldn’t exactly blame the girl for being suspicious of him, if that was the case. Still, it did hurt his feelings, at least a little. The Kushtaka couldn’t imagine being a villain of that caliber!

Well, regardless, the two were soon on their way, and Todd was able to follow them to the fort with no issues. The fort itself was, well, odd to say the least. The Kushtaka had never seen so many armed guards around – his village wasn’t large or successful enough to require or have the luxury of being able to have a set group of people whose job just consisted of ‘look intimidating and stop people making trouble.’At the same time though, the fort itself seemed almost empty, like it was built to host an even larger group than it already did.

The man from the town square was there, conversing with some of the guards. When he turned to face them, the disappointment on his face was, well, pretty evident. Todd himself was pretty surprised at the lack of willing adventurers, as it seemed like only the three of them had bothered to show up. Wait, did that mean the teenager was also an adventurer? He hadn’t really considered that possibility, but apparently the horned man didn’t expect her to be here taking shelter! Well, maybe she was more capable than Todd thought. He wasn’t here to judge.

Still, it seemed like the others were all familiar with one another, leaving him the odd one out. He was about to introduce himself, but things began to happen very quickly before he could. A flicker of harsh orange light drew his attention upward, over the walls towards a crumbling tower beyond city limits. He was in time to catch sight of what appeared to be three fireballs, streaking over towards the structures of the town. Then, a pair of red wings, before a dragon – yes, really – took off from its cover behind the peaked roof of the building to make it’s way to a new vantage point.

Todd drew his pistol without even thinking. The Kushtaka took aim and fired, the attack announced by the sharp report of the small firearm – only somewhat dampened by the snow – and the cloud of smoke the cartridge left in its wake as it sailed out of the barrel. It happened all on instinct, he was actually a bit surprised at himself when he realized he was holding the still smoking gun. He sheepishly lowered the weapon, releasing the hinge so he could stuff a new paper cartridge into the chamber, then swinging it back up to its locked position.

The Kushtaka looked around the assembled group – which had grown larger without him realizing. A blond human – this one definitely looked like he could be the teenager’s father, why did Todd always have so much trouble telling humans, and human-like beasts, apart? – and a gaggle of what appeared to be his followers. The man was currently waylaying the horned man, so Todd glanced over at the fox woman and child again, then his eyes returned to the sky, searching for sight of the dragon.

It occurred to him that, adventurer or not, the Kushtaka wasn’t a fan of the little girl having to fend for herself against a dragon, even one as young as that one appeared to be. Such a creature may not know its own limits, and could well be hard to drive off because of it. That made it especially dangerous, especially if it were to find itself in a do-or-die situation. So, the Kushtaka took a few careful steps over to the woman and child, glancing at them and giving them both an awkward smile, before looking skywards yet again.

“Uh, howdy! I’m Todd, sorry we’re havin’ to meet under these circumstances,” he said, ‘Hopin’ you ladies don’t mind if I stick close, on account of the fire breathin’ lizard?”
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Adoration is a magical thing.

  • "Heh?" sputtered out Sariel's mouth at the sudden scolding of Aya, "Excuse you, I'm bein' way appropriate right 'bout now. It's way more comfortable to speak like this." Sariel answered with his eyes furrowed and his head held high. "Honestly, do ya really want me to speak all of haughty like some spoilt princess? I may be the daughter of some stupid noble, but it ain't like I'm that high-ranked in society to issue etiquette. I'm still a kid, I'll be as inappropriate as I'd like. Don't be so jealous that I'm not as old and haggish like ya're." Snidely remarked the child, smiling quite confidently. Sariel raised a hand to his head and flipped the short blonde curl of this body's hair with an arrogant flair.

    "Whaddya mean this weather ain't the norm? Ya serious..?" Sariel sighed with overexaggerated exhaustion, it was less of a sigh and more of an elongated Ugh. "Y'know that means this place is like totally major cursed y'know? Ain't gotta be any other reason. 'Haps an icy krone was so insulted by a local and curse the entire town!" Theorised the child, "Oi, P-tan! You know any stories about an ice witch or somethin'?" Sariel looked down at the smiling monster he held like a stuffed toy.

    "Oi--" He scowled at Aya, "Do not call me 'Cute.'" Sariel said viciously, "I'll like way ditch ya if you do it again. It ain't like I actually need you takin' care of me. I've been alone for a whole lot longer than I've been with you." Said he, looking away callously with a pout. "For your information Fox-tails, only Dulcifer can fight, I can't. 'Kay?" He scoffed at the fox-featured woman. "I see. Well then, I'll just be an accompany until then If there are other folks, I'll leave and come back as you know who. 'Kay?" Sariel stated nonchalantly, "I think it'd be kinda strange for a kid to be helping in an adventurer's quest." He'd add. After all, who hires a 10-year-old for something as dangerous as this?

    Sariel continued to accompany Aya to the fort with weary and shivering steps. The child would constantly look behind them at the beastman following them with a weary gaze.

    Once the two had made their way to the fort, Sariel would peer around, taking in the environment quite wholely. Sariel was too short-sighted to actually see and take note of the dragon that assumedly took flight in the sky. He would've been amazed less than shocked either way, so it really didn't matter. Sariel held the lavender-furred creature in his hands slightly tighter after noticing the supposed garrison commander. It was the guy who looked really cool again!

    "Ah!" Sariel squeaked, turning his head to Aya with a slighted excitement showing on his face, "Fox-tails, he knows us!" He'd say quietly. Sariel felt honoured, and somewhat embarrassed. Did he look shabby? Did he do his hair properly today? What was his current expression? Yes, he had to keep a straight face to show off his own coolness. Although, this body's lips couldn't help but creep a smile in. It was funny, he somehow felt a bit warmer.

    It was then that some other guy also came in, he was quite dandily dressed and was followed along by some other folk. He looked super chic, and that jacket he wore was something to be jealous of. Sariel couldn't help but marvel with sparkling eyes, "Woah... This place is surrounded by cool people!" He'd softly exclaim to himself. "I'm envious... Ugh, why do I have to look so stupid?..." The child looked up at Aya, "Ey, don'tcha have like any extra clothes? Like a hakama or somethin'; a belt or sash... I have a lot of navy ribbons, I think it'd be easy to restyle something..." Sariel spoke, muttering to himself as well as he'd thought about it. "Ugh," He'd scoff, "Nevermind." Sariel waved his hand to the idea looking away.

    Redressing wasn't the issue right about now, they probably already saw him in this stupid get-up. Their first impression of him has already been set in stone as some weird pink-dress'd girl. At least, that's what Sariel assumed they thought. Other than that, another person, or well the person who had been supposedly following them, introduced themself. First impression; Who the heck says howdy in this day and age?

    Sariel winced, brow furrowed quite roughly, "Fire-breathing lizard?" Sariel squeezed onto the smiling creature in his hands a tince tighter. "What're ya sayin', dog-beak?" Sariel replied quite brashly. This creep just fired a gun at the sky for no reason or somethin'. Sariel bitterly glared at him. [Intimidation F] Still... He has a gun? That seemed really cool.
Aya B Grade.png
As Kalodox flew into the air, the bells sounded, alerting the whole village of a threat. The beating sound of the wings as the creature flew into the air. As there was shouting from the village, the villagers rushed inside and some of them ran toward the main gate of the keep. A few moments later, three limbs of trees were dropping out of the sky, two of them hitting buildings, one crashing through the roof of a shop and another into a house. The third limb crashed in the village square and sent embers up into the sky. Some of the garrison that was in the town started to help the locals as a new group of people arrived.

The new arrivals entered the town, a few people waved to them as they walked pasted. "Yes, yes come on in," The man replied as the bells reached his part of the village as the shopkeeper quickly closed the shop only for a second later for a limb on fire crashing into the store. As the mercenaries arrived at the fort they were let through the gates of the fort as they spoke to the garrison commander.

"Well there is money in it if you can get rid of the dragon, though the same is open to any of the other adventurers here." Commander Rextelian responded as he drew his sword and looked to the battlements. "Get those balistas firing! We didn't bring them here to have them look pretty!" He shouted as he then ran towards the staircase as to join the soldiers that were up on the wall. A few seconds later, three bolts went flying toward the dragon as they all soared past the slow-moving dragon.

Aya looked up toward the shadow as passed over the three that were now in the courtyard. That was until there was a loud bang; Aya looked over her shoulder at the weasel man as he fired a shot toward the dragon. However, unlike the soldiers at the fort, the pistol landed its mark hitting the dragon and lodging the bullet in the scale. However, the dragon would only feel something akin to a punch.

"Well, that would make the most sense; dragons typically are not the creatures you want to mess with by yourself," Aya agreed as she drew her katana and looked over toward the mercenaries. "Well, now that you all look like you can take care of yourselves, though we need to find a way to bring that dragon down," Aya pointed out as she looked over toward the wall of snow that was creeping closer and closer. The winds were even starting to pick up which would start soon start to affect anything flying.

When Sarial asked a question Aya looked back at the girl, "Uh, we can get you something heavier to wear once we deal with the dragon that's flying around," Aya replied as all the attention at the moment was directed toward the dragon.

Interactions/Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude

Notes: Bullet is lodged into Kalodox's scales.
A wide grin slowly crept across Integra's face, the village wanted them to put down a dragon? Seemed simple enough, especially since one of the other adventurers present seemed to know his way around a firearm. With a snap of his fingers, he pointed his men's attention toward the Otterman. "Support the Boy with the smoke." The crew were god-awful shots, but get enough lead flying in one direction, and well... their track record spoke for itself.

Turning to Dani he gave her an expectant look and reached his hand out to take a rifle from her. Their guns were different than the Otterman's, more advanced, designs stolen from the world he had come from. With a smug look, he snapped the breech on the gun open, making sure it was properly loaded and the bullets sat snug in their chambers. Satisfied, he slammed the breech shut and handed the gun back to Dani.

"Happy?" Her bored expression said everything he needed to hear.

"Ecstatic," He confirmed. Turning so that he faced his crew, he put on a degree of bravado as his voice rang out, "Pay close attention to that Kushtaka, men; you may learn something." Dani was the only one with any measure of skill with a gun, and even then, he attributed that more to her natural dexterity more than any real aptitude for gunplay. Still, she was a welcome gun hand in this new world.

Returning his attention to those around him, Integra couldn't help but notice the blonde girl that was among the adventurers, she hardly looked old enough to be adventuring. Just where were this small child's parents? Taking a step forward, he activated Appraisal and attempted to get a read on her. It spat out an error message. She was a higher Grade than him? He took a step back, he doubted she would attack him, but it never hurt to play it safe.
Appraisal Rank E used, Cooldown 1 post
Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude
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Interacts with: saxon saxon Faynorae Faynorae Sepokku Sepokku
Mentions: ReptilianDude ReptilianDude

Well, that wasn’t exactly the response he was anticipating. What a rude little girl! Well, maybe she was just at that difficult age, every child has one… Why was she glaring at him though? It was a little… Disconcerting! And what was with that strange stuffed doll she was carrying around? Was it supposed to be an animal of some kind? Some kind of hooved winged cat? He’d never seen one like it. But all the details – and not to mention all the colors worked into the wings and the, uh, horse tail? – suggested the work of a particularly skilled craftsman.

“Smart as a whip, your little girl,” Todd said, looking over at the fox-woman, his smile turning slightly strained. Well, her tongue lashed out like one, if nothing else. The older woman seemed more amenable to his company at least, which was appreciated. Neither of them gave him their names though, so he was kind of put out about that. Well, the Kushtaka reasoned, the dragon was a bit more pressing right now, so he couldn’t exactly blame them. He’d lost sight of it after shooting – had he hit it? Had he even injured it if he had? – and looking around now, the only thing that stood out to him was the approaching wall of weather. The wind was picking up now, snatching at his shirt collar and blowing loose snow around the fort grounds.

“That dragon’d be a fool to keep up the fight with the weather turnin’ like this,” he said to the fox-woman, raising his voice a little to be heard over the increasing breeze, before looking back at the child, “Little girl, I’m cold just lookin’ at cha. We oughta get you inside.”

But, his attention was soon diverted by the blonde newcomer and his crew. His earlier antics with his pistol had apparently made the Kushtaka a man of some interest. And the rifle the blond man handed over to his red headed lady friend caught Todd’s interest in turn. He took a few steps over to join the mercenary group, the fox woman and child momentarily forgotten, the dragon that was probably still nearby shoved into a background concern.

“That’s some fancy kit ya got there,” he said, looking the weapon up and down, before launching into a series of questions, “Ain’t never seen a make like that. How’s it fire? Come apart easy? How’d’ya clean it? Do ya make your own black powder? What’s your mixture? I’m still perfecting mine, power’s not so bad but it produces a lot of smoke as ya saw, and not to mention the fouling that needs cleanin’ out every so often!”

His tail swished behind him, as if his excitement wasn’t already obvious enough. To be honest, he’d been a little embarrassed to be highlighted as an example to emulate by the blond mind. And yet here he was, making a further embarrassment of himself fawning over their weaponry. He shook his head again, trying to get a hold of himself. Then he passed his pistol over to his left paw so he could hold out his right for the man and the woman to shake in turn, if they so desired to.

“Where are my manners? I’m Todd, it’s nice to meet cha both,” the Kushtaka said with a grin. “Would really appreciate it if ya let me give that gun of yours a proper look-see once all this excitement dies down.”
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Adoration is a magical thing.

  • Sariel looked up with anticipation, "...huh?" He'd utter, trying to see if he could get a glimpse at the so-called dragon that was in the sky. He saw nothing, which made him a slight bit saddened. He missed the chance to see a REAL dragon because he was shortsighted and distracted with people. He'd sigh, "Why'd ya wanna mess with a dragon when you could like..." Sariel thought for a moment, looking up at Aya, "Buddy up with 'em?" He'd say naively. "After all, they're just big lizards with wings. Haven't you caught a gecko at least once in your childhood?" Said he.

    DulciferTransformation1.pngThe blonde turned his attention to the stranger who decided to shoot at the sky, staring in absolute displeasure at his statement to Aya. Little girl? thought the child. Indeed, it was true that Sariel was stuck in the body of a little girl but it still panged to be called one and recognized as such. It was awful, to say the least.

    "Oi, dog-beak," Sariel's brows furrowed as he'd hist, "My name's not 'little girl.' It's Sariella Von Albuleus, although that may be too long for someone like you to remember--" The child haughtily smiled, "So, it may prove to be fair if you called me by Sariel instead." He'd remark, still with an arrogant smile plastered upon the body's face.

    Other than the other cool-looking red-coat guy Sariel lacked the multi-task listening skills to remember hearing the name of who had seemingly taken a step closer toward him and then took a step back for some reason, Sariel had no other reason to loiter around. He'd sigh, to think he'd have to start working so early in the morning(?). He'd lift his head, "Well, Dog-beak, it seems you mayhaps be indeed correct. I am cold." Sariel said, "Thus, I should run around for a bit and get my body heated up. I'll take my leave. Perhaps I can go help... The citizens... or something." He'd say quite unconvincingly.

    "Whatever, bye. See you on the flip side." He'd wave slightly to the group, turn around, and start running in the opposite direction of them toward the town. Sariel intended to find a place where there were no people, and that should likely be easier with the town in a panic. Sariel ran until he found a spot swathed in shadows somewhere behind a seemingly empty building.

    Taking a quick peer around the area, Sariel would sigh. "Jeez gag me with a spoon, I think I'm totally gonna die of like... Pneumonia or something." He'd say with relief, before letting go of the monster in his hands. Salboros gleefully floated, wings beating with unnerving joy. "Oi, you, get ready, 'kay?" Sariel turned to the thing and took a deep breath in, breathing in the chokingly cold air.

    [TRIGGER WARNING: Violent Imagery, Body horror(?). Please continue at your own discretion.]
    Love and Friendship Conquers All!

    "Okay! P-tan, I'm ready!" Sariel would say, however, that wasn't really needed. It wasn't as if that creature ever truly listened to anybody in the first place. However, saying such just reassured the child. In all honesty, Sariel wished that the lavender-fur'd thing just didn't have to do whatever it did during the 'transformation.' Sariel unpinned the brooch on his collar's ribbon, clutching it tight within his hands.

    "Didiriko ☆ Ditiriko..." He'd sing, with a fluttering wave of his right hand which held the brooch in a circular motion. Sudden it was, bleeding from the crevices between his fingers was the dazzlingly dark crimson light which shone swirling like a black star. With a pulse, Sariel lifted his right hand high into the air and shouted out the magical incantation, "Ririka ☆ Rou!"

    Shining from within, gleamed brightly was the sparkling light from the Witch's heart. Beautifully and with unwarranted contempt, ribbons of glittering gleam had burst out from within and through the body's right hand. The ribbons danced capriciously around the body, twirling in pirouettes of fervent blazes. The blood-hued lines of light then with a sudden quickness decided to strike the body's torso, rupturing through the chest and ribs as flushed skin lost its colour, becoming pearly-white in hue. Glitzing in capricious movements, the ribbons tore through. Pulling and stretching limbs until they snapped. Then, it wrapped them up in pale-coloured light, reforming them into a longer and more slender visage.

    As if to further show age, the body's blonde hair where pulled in length, siphoned was its golden colour into an iridescent white. Efflorescently, feathery appendages burst in a gentle manner around this form's ears, collarbone and waist, expanding into three couples of pure white wings. All of a sudden, the ribbons of red gleam swirled in a frenzy, wringing tightly around the torso, arms and legs of the body. Squeezing almost as if to pop joints and split veins, before glittering and bursting into a lacey white dress, gloves, hosiery and pair of heels all daintily tied together with pink ribbons.

    Although, the pain which would be assumed to be felt was easily muted by a much more overwhelming feeling during the transformation. An unruly tinge of an unnerving ecstasy which washed over me. Nothing else mattered in these few moments.

"AGH!?" The Dragon soon noticed the bullet stuck between his scales, and the bolts coming straight at him. He knew this was obviously gonna bring attention.. but hey, you gotta prove your not a coward, I suppose. Kalodox was still a hatchling, so he had to be careful.

As one bolt was about to hit him, he decided to drop about 4 sticks like a bomber plane. Fortunately for him, the bolt managed to avoid him like the other two. This allowed him to rather clumsily land on another tower. "That sure made my adrenaline rush, but no focus on that now.."

Since he was now a target, he might have to fight some of the guards..
Song on the Air:

Aya B Grade.png

As Kalodox flew into the air, the ballistas being drawn back echoed into the crisp cold air. The tension in the air as the orange blaze started to spread to a few other buildings. The villagers were frantically drawing water or anything kind of liquid they could find to attempt to put out the fire. However, the winds were not helping with that fact as several more sticks dropped from the sky, landing on several other houses, causing more fires to spring to life. As the soldiers finished pulling back the string on the weapon, they loaded their next bolts as the dragon landed on a nearby tower.

Aya looked over her shoulder at the mercenaries and noticed the firearms. Which were way too advanced to have been made in this world, so there was no doubt in her mind that at least one of them had come from Earth or some other world. Letting out a small sigh as she returned her attention to the threat at hand the dragon that snowstorm well that probably would deal with the threat for them but that put everyone at a disadvantage. Aya drew her katana and looked at the tower the dragon had landed on,
"She isn't mine, I'm more of a caretaker if that makes any sense as much as she hates it," Aya responded.

As Todd was making nice with the new arrivals, Aya turned back over her shoulder, "Maybe introductions can wait until after we deal with the dragon?" Aya suggested as she looked over at Sariel, who was complaining as she usually did before rushing off to a secluded spot. Aya knew exactly what was about to happen. But she and the others in the area couldn't shake off this feeling of dread. In this situation if Aya couldn't reach the target she was useless.

Aya was about to run up the nearest set of stairs when a sound rang out across the wind. After a moment, she could tell it was a song coming from the fort's main keep. Commander Rextelian's Voice echoed over the courtyard though it was more of shock and surprise. "The Hime-Sama is here!? Men fight with dignity we must slay this dragon!" The song seemingly dissipated the dread that was falling over the whole village.

With the Dragon Landing on the tower the snowstorm finally was hit the village and was up to the village gates. Though there was something strange about this as there was now people screaming as the faint blue light was seen in the winds of the snow as fighting erupted. Rextelian looked over his shoulder with shock, "Send the excess guards to the village now! Bring the torches and anything that can make a fire! Hurry!" There was fear in his voice as the bell tower quickly rang again as several villagers rushed toward the gate as a few of them reached the edge of the storm they fell as weapons made of ice were lodged in their backs.

The guards not manning the walls rushed out carrying torches, igniting their weapons, and rushed into the storm as the fighting got larger. As the bolts were loosed three of the bolts missed, as the fourth hit its marking striking the dragon in the chest as a few scales were dislodged and this time he would feel pain. The bolt didn't go all the way through but the effectiveness of its natural armor was impacted.

That was when the song got louder as a greater eagle slightly larger than the dragon flew out of the sky striking the dragon from above. However this eagle looked like it was rotting from the inside out as the eyes of the creature were bright blue. As the eagle tried to sink its claws into the dragon it was stopped by the scales.

Hime-Sama peseants.jpg
Interactions/Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Sepokku Sepokku

Notes: Kalodox's natural Armor is now F grade.
The storm continued creeping in, the cold pressing against the exposed parts of Integra's skin. His crew had to be faring worse, their clothing being much lighter, with an emphasis on protection rather than actual warmth. With any luck they could all afford a few new winter coats after this job. His thoughts were momentarily put on pause as the Kushtaka approached him, all sense of urgency seemingly lost to the creature. A barrage of questions followed, and while he supposed he probably could have answered them all if he really wanted to, shop talk like that really wasn't befitting a Captain.

"I simply provided the inspiration, Dani here is the girl that make it all happen, she can answer any questions you may have about the specifics mechanics." His companion gave a slight nod of assent at his statement, a majority of her focus trained entirely on the sky. The otterman before him seemed to have at least a slight obsession with guns, made all the more evident by his excitedly animated tail. 'Eager fellow, aren't you?'

Reaching out, he grabbed Todd's hand in his own and gave it a firm shake, "Good man. Name's Captain Integra of Black Hart, my friend here is Dani, also of Black Hart, and the crew here are Juan, Deuce, Trey, Fore, and Quintus." The crewman each offered a salute as their names were said.

Integra couldn't help but notice the Otterman's own firearm wasn't much less advanced than his own, different solutions to the same problem. Where Dani's design housed the gunpowder and primer all in the same cartridge, the Otterman's design necessitated a less compact approach. With a glint of greed in his eyes, Integra proudly informed the Kushtaka, "We came here to procure materials for a new round of firearms. If you prove worth your salt today, consider one of them yours, free of charge."

He watched as the blonde child made a few snarky remarks and then ran into the city, an annoyed scowl on his face, 'Where in the Hell do they think they're going?' Raising a gloved hand, he signaled for the group to get into position. The crewmen formed up around Todd, standing in an arrow formation, with him in the center of it. Dani held her rifle at the ready, standing close behind Integra as she scanned the horizon in the direction the dragon had disappeared into.

The blonde guard captain said something about a priestess as the village stirred itself into a defensive frenzy. 'Interesting choice of words, Hime-sama. This village has ties to my world?' There would be time to ruminate on that later. Drawing a pistol, he made sure his Catalysts were sitting comfortably on his fingers and grabbed a nearby torch as they started in the direction of the storm.

Rank E Cooldown 1/1 post
Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude
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Love Love!

  • When the transformation was over, Sariel's new form's heels clicked onto the ground quite satisfyingly. "Okay..." He'd sigh, sounding a slight bit exhausted. Even if he couldn't feel the twisting of this body's skin, it still strained him... Somehow. "Alright! Let's get a move on!" He'd say, getting himself readied up.

    The wing's around this body began to glitter, faintly glowing. They began to flutter, as Sariel took flight, soaring high with that fox-eared creature following swiftly behind with its unsettling snickers. He was still trying to get fully used to this flying thing, it was an odd experience. He would have thought this was only something true angels or dreamers would experience, yet here he was as someone else, experiencing this honestly churning venture.

    Sariel flew over the fort, as he was now, Sariel lacked the ability to help with putting out houses set ablaze, however, he could at least apprehend a dragon... Or so he believed. With clumsy wings fluttering gently upon the cold wind, the sudden harsh breeze pulled back the maidenly one's set off to the 'dragon.' "Agh?!" Sariel sputtered, "Oi! What's with the weather shift?! Jeez..." He'd shout to no one, looking up at the sky. A sleeveless dress with a sweetheart neckline wasn't helping with this sudden cold.

    "Whatever!" Sariel yelled, pressing on with wings beating more frantically. Sariel noticed the song which rang through the atmosphere, he was surprised he could hear it from such a height. It was... It was an odd song, he didn't really know how to feel about it. Truthfully, it made him feel quite unsettled. He looked down and squinted, trying to get a grasp on what might've been happening down at the fort.

    It didn't seem like they were having a smooth sail down there. Sariel concluded, he honestly hated the cold. Whatever! He'd think, he trusted Aya. He trusted that whatever was going on down there would resolve with her help or even those other guys like that otter-face and red-coated guy. Once the heroine stopped concerning himself with what was going on down by the village, Sariel looked up.

    It was then that he saw the dragon by a tower getting attacked by some... some sort of eagle? It looked so grotesque. "Eugh..." Sariel uttered, his face pulling back. The demon which followed beside him only giggled, with its sinister and wide smile. Sariel took a deep breath in, regretting it as the cold air entered his throat. He'd cough, before sighing and pulling himself together.

    It was time for a mighty heroine to act. With renewed vigour, Sariel flew forth in beautiful pursuit. He'd held out his staff and twirled in a fluttering manner, the staff's jewel glittered with crimson gleam. "Hold it right there!" He'd yell, "[Love Me♡Chain]!" He twirled his staff, as out from a briefly shining circle of magic shot out a pink magical chain of candy heart-shaped links. They flew forth energetically, as they homed in on the supposed 'Eagle.'

    Whether it landed or not, Sariel shouted, "Truly, it is much too despicable for those of the same kind to fight each other like 3-year-olds in a kindergarten, but yet what is more disturbing is burning down the houses of innocent families who do their best every day just to get by in horrible weather like this!" He'd say with a determined gaze, fluttering as if to take a step back and then pointing at the dragon and the eagle with his staff,

    "Shining brilliantly upon those who live within darkness... Behold! I am the handsomely beautiful and chivalrous maiden who fights not only for love and for justice, but also poor mud-stuck families and sad lonely dragons being attacked by zombie eagles!" With that, Sariel twirled his staff and turned to strike a pose, "Be not afraid, little lamb! For I am the valiant seraf of sweetness, Dulcifer! In the name of heavenly law and holy order, I will cleanse all evil filth--" The heroine pointed his staff vindictively at the rotting(?) eagle, "And that means you, you brainless zombie! ☆" He'd yell out loudly.
Interacts with: saxon saxon Faynorae Faynorae Sepokku Sepokku
Mentions: ReptilianDude ReptilianDude

Now see, this was more along the lines of what he’d hoped for! He got the blond man’s name – Integra – and even a firm handshake! Apparently Integra was a Captain and this was his crew? Seemed an awful far distance from the sea to Todd, but what did he know? The captain’s lady friend was Dani, the brains behind the firearms the group possessed. The Kushtaka would have to pick her brain later, if she’d let him. Apparently both were from a town called Black Heart. The name didn’t ring any bells for him, but then again, not a lot did since he’d woken up in his village. He also got the names of the various crew members, and offered each a friendly nod in turn when they saluted.

The Captain’s promise of an upgrade to the Kushtaka’s kit definitely got him to perk up. A voice in the back of his head cautioned that such promises were often too good to be true, there had to be some kind of catch, more than just the stated goal of doing well in the current conflict. Still, he didn’t want to seem ungrateful for the offer, so he gave Integra a smile and nod, “I’ll do my best to keep up with you all.”

Generally speaking, the introductions with Captain Integra, Dani – Quartermaster Dani? She certainly seemed to be a person of somewhat higher authority than the rank and file – and their crew, seemed to be going fairly well! The same could not be said for the fox woman and her ward. The former was quick to disavow any relationship between herself and the child; who haughtily introduced herself as ~Sariella Von Albuleus~ with all the self important flare a child of her age could muster. And then the little girl insulted his intelligence. Definitely at that difficult age. He was determined not to let the child bother him. However, the fox woman was something more akin to a peer, and so her admonishment stung a little.

“Ah, my apologies, ma’am,” he said, his tail and ears drooping ever so slightly. The Kushtaka supposed he did get a bit carried away. He passed his pistol back to his dominant – right – paw, and glanced around their surroundings again. By now the snowstorm was literally at the village gates, and quickly approaching the town proper. It was also very obvious that it was far from a normal blizzard, what with the ghostly lights and the screaming. So this was the perfect time for the little girl to book it right towards the apparent danger, right?

“Miss Von Albuleus, wait!” Todd called after her, reaching out his free paw ineffectively. She was already long gone. How exactly she managed to run so fast in that dress and with those tiny legs, the Kushtaka had no idea. He looked around at the rest of the group. The fox woman didn’t seem all that concerned about her ward charging off, Integra, meanwhile, seemed more annoyed than anything. Oh dear. Todd had half a mind to chase after her, but something kept him rooted to the spot.

The howling wind carried with it many noises. The screams of the villagers and guardsmen as whatever it was in the storm cut them down. The fearful shouts of the horned man, ordering his guards this way and that. The bell chiming in its tower. The shrieks and squawks of a great bird, somewhere he couldn’t see. Above it all, a chanted song, flowing ethereally from everywhere and nowhere. A few villagers approached the fort, and then fell dead, pierced by solid ice. Something about the whole situation made his fur stand on end.

You’re frightened, he reasoned to himself, but this was no time for getting spooked. Fear was natural, fear meant he was alive. But right now people needed help, and Todd certainly didn’t think of himself as a coward. Whatever had happened to the dragon, between the weather and what was inside it, it was unlikely to continue on as a major threat. That meant their primary goal was saving the villagers from whatever it was menacing them. Integra seemed to reason something similar, as the man had grabbed a torch and ordered his men to form up around the Kushtaka.

“Don’t any of you go getting separated now,” Todd called to the crewmen over the wind, moving with the rest of the group towards the storm. Hopefully the fox woman could take care of herself, or at least take shelter in the fort until whatever this was passed. There were people out there that needed help now! And he was still worried about Sariella, so far as the Kushtaka knew she was caught up in all this too. Snot-nosed brat she might be, that didn’t mean she deserved to die like those villagers did!
Song on the Air:

Aya B Grade.png

As the song continued to echo into the air, the storm seemed to remain halted at the fort's gate as several villagers emerged from the frosts carrying what they had in their hands. There were still sounds of fighting in the village, though the guards on the walls had a slightly better picture as there was fighting all over the village. Cries of pain and the sight of death assault the town and those remaining's ears. The guards were surely hurting and could use the reinforcements they were denied upon their return to reoccupy the fort from the bandits a few months prior. The ballistae were reloaded and waiting for the dragon to fly into the air again as they aimed toward the tower the creatures had landed on.

Aya looked over as Sariel in her transformation, appeared, Well it took her long enough, though it can't be helped at least we have someone that can fly in the air now as well. Aya smirked as she looked over at the weasle man who had introduced himself as Todd as he seemed concerned for the girl. "She hardly runs into trouble, let's keep our focus on the task at hand, mainly the threats in the sky and around us, probably best to help the village folk," Aya suggested as she turned her attention to the fog as three humanoid figures with blue eyes slowly stepped out of the storm and into the fort. Though any who paid attention to it they would notice the sluggish motion the figures had as they crossed the threshold, signaling some kind of barrier was erected around the fort itself that probably prevented then from storming into the courtyard.

Turning to face the threat, the group didn't look particularly threatening, their rotting flesh was evident to those who could see the creatures. They all carried swords, Aya rushed forward, bringing her blade up, and used quazi as she closed the 30 ft gap between the group and the first creature. As she brought her blade down, the creature was split into two with little effort required as it fell to the ground limp. She then prepared to defend herself in case of a counterattack from the other two creatures, though she hoped the others would do something beforehand.

Meanwhile, at the tower, the dragon and the eagle were still fighting amongst each other, with Kalodox managing to bite back at the greater dead eagle that was attacking him. The two seemed to be focused on their own struggle when Dulcifer used her ability and sent the heart-shaped attack toward the two targets. The eagle was too busy to see the attack coming as it came in contact with the eagle, the creature literally exploded sending rotting flesh into the air and raining down on the ground below.

Much to the shock of those that could see the aftermath of that explosion the other two creatures with swords that were on the ground rushed forward, one charging toward the weakest-looking mercenary while another tried to attack Aya which she parried the strike off with her katana. Just as the fighting began there was a screeching sound that came from inside the storm as a tall figure on a horse could be seen coming up the path as more of the villagers stormed through the gate as the sound of fighting only got closer and closer to the fort.

Based on the situation it looked like the guards were being pushed back slowly to the fort and there was no telling what was going to happen next. With the appearance of the figure, the guards on the wall with the ballistae changed their target and fired at the mysterious figure which erected a wall of ice stopping the bolts in their tracks. The crews quickly started to reload as shards of ice started to shoot out from the storm destroying two of the emplacements and enjury8ing the crews that were manning them.

Hime-Sama peseants.jpg
"Take cover! Get off the walls we have to fight them inside the barrier!" Commander Rextelian shouted to the soldiers on the wall as many of them started to rush down the stairs to get off the nearby walls. The commander himself drew a handheld crossbow as he let the bolt loose as it brought down one of the walking corpses that had entered.

For anyone looking at the gate they would be able to see that it looked like more of the creatures were trying to swarm into the courtyard but for the moment were held at bay by the barrier that they could only assume was put up by the Hime-Sama whose voiced was still heard over the fort.

  • Qazi - Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C [sword], Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare E (Sight, Touch), Area F, Fast E, Energized C - Aya uses her katana to make a wide swing in a 5ft area in a single direction overloading the target's sense of sight and touch for a single post. When not in combat up to the narrator's discretion. - C Grade - 2 post cooldown
1. Rushed 30 ft
2. used Qazi
3. Defended
Interactions/Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Sepokku Sepokku

Notes: Kalodox's natural Armor is now F grade. Combat has started 3 action economy has begun! Send your praises to Jupiter!
IH Lilith Cat.jpg
Character Grade - E

  1. Teleport F - 30 ft
  2. Pick up child
  3. Run towards fort

What the hell was [God] thinking? Lilith wondered to herself as she trudged through the snow. The supposed deity had seen fit to drop her off in the middle of a field of powdered white, which normally wouldn't have been a problem, but ever since she had arrived in this world she had been unable to activate her Aura, the one thing that could protect her from the cold. Even the coat that she had wrapped tightly around her did little to ward off the oppressive chill in the air. If she didn't find shelter soon she would freeze to death only hours after having been given a second life.

Luckily Lilith had almost immediately found a direction to travel in the form of plumes of smoke drifting above the trees. Sure signs of civilization. She had no idea how long she'd been marching when she broke through the tree line and found herself overlooking what looked to be a village built around a fort, the source of the smoke. Safety at last. She needed to hurry though as the there was a blizzard rolling in. Getting caught in that would mean death. So picking up her pace she jogged down the hill towards the shelter.

As she drew nearer Lilith noted that the place seemed to be under attack by some strange lizard creature with wings. Perhaps if she helped fight it she could build some good will with the people here? Or maybe she'd just be viewed as getting in the way and build ire instead. She would have to wait till she was closer to judge the situation better. Also, was that singing?

As Lilith trekked towards the village her eyes kept being drawn to the incoming storm. Something about it felt off. She could quite put her finger on why, but it gave her a bad feeling, more than just an imminent frozen grave. Finally she reached the town only moments before the wall of white. She stepped into the streets, fighting against the freezing wind. She should have felt relief now that shelter was so near, but why was everyone of her nerves screaming that there was danger? Her tail, fur on end, flicked anxiously. Something was very wrong.

And then the screaming started.

Ears flicking towards the sound Lilith sprinted in the direction of the commotion, skidding around a corner to find chaos. Dead bodies, villagers running for their lives, soldiers battling blue-eyed corpses, and a figure on horseback in the storm. This was far more than Lilith had been expecting and she had no idea what to do. Until she saw a fleeing child trip and fall in the middle of a terrified crowd.

Begin Action

Lilith vanished into thin air, reappearing beside the child and scooping him up before he got trampled by the stampede, then began running alongside the people towards the fort. There was no need to think about this. There were too many enemies to fight on her own, even with the guards, and the horseman was probably too much to handle in her weakened state. She just needed to help who she could, and right now that meant making sure this little boy wasn't killed. Once he was to safety she would come back to help others.

At least all the running would keep her warm.
"We have to fight them inside the barrier!"

Integra frowned as he listened to the Guard Captain ordering his troops. Was he speaking from experience, and this sort of thing happened often? Or was he making an educated guess and gambling with his troops lives? Either way, he didn't envy the man. Hordes of undead were the last thing he wanted to be dealing with, but people were dying and the dead couldn't make coin to reward him with.

Therefore, his actions were guided by practicality, not mercy, he reasoned as he gave Dani a sidelong glance. Her head nodded slightly as she shouldered the rifle and took aim; with a calming exhalation, she pulled the trigger. The undead on Aya's left staggered as its head was wrenched back by the force of a bullet tearing through its skull. In one practiced motion she snapped the breech open and let the spent cartridge fly, slamming another bullet into the chamber as she prepared for the next target.

Pursing his lips, Integra let out a low whistle of appreciation; the same natural dexterity that made her a masterful craftsman, also made her a crack shot. He thanked his lucky stars they'd been born in the same village and leveled his pistol at the same target, before firing off the shot. Grinning, he pulled the slide back and loaded the next bullet up.

The fox woman was skilled with her sword, thankfully, meaning they were in very little danger, realistically. Turning his attention to the village around him, Integra's mind started to wander to the easiest way to turn this situation to his advantage.
Dani Actions: Aim, Fire at Zombie 1, reload
Integra Actions: Aim, Fire at Zombie 1, reload
Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Ian Temero Ian Temero
Interacts with: saxon saxon Sepokku Sepokku
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae

“Ma’am, your little girl’s liable to freeze to death running into a storm like that,” Todd replied, incredulously, to the fox woman’s generally blasé attitude about Sariella running off. And he’d like to think he knew a thing or two about weather like this, Kushtaka saved people from blizzards all the time! That wasn’t Todd’s job specifically, he was more involved in the nursing them back to health part of the whole equation, but still! And that wasn’t even taking into consideration all the horrible things hidden within the swirling snow! Horrible things like the trio of undead that just came shambling out of the storm into the fort grounds. And just like that, the fox woman shot off, quick as a blur, and cleanly cut one of the walking corpses in two.

Okay. In situations like this, the important thing was not to panic. One had to be able to rationally assess their surroundings, and make the best possible decision. Panicking helped nobody, in fact it only made things worse. A drowning man might drag under his would-be saviors in his mad desire to save himself. Her cold attitude aside, the fox woman was absolutely right that their focus needed to be on stopping the creatures attempting to storm the gates, and protecting as many villagers as they could. The storm had yet to move past the gates, likely some magic was holding it back. So, this was the line they had to hold. Beginning with the two undead still standing, which were showing a little more liveliness now that they were beyond whatever magical barrier that was keeping the storm at bay.

One of the zombies made a play for the fox woman, and was parried, before it’s head snapped back from the force of a well aimed bullet from Dani, one which Integra followed up. The other zombie was trying to close the distance between itself and the various members of Integra’s crew, still in their formation around Todd. That made it as good a target as any to the Kushtaka, who leveled his pistol before taking a shot aimed right between its eyes. Small fry like this weren’t too great a threat, so long as their numbers could be kept low.

What was a threat, on the other hand, was the mounted figure coming up the path, following leisurely behind a number of villagers fleeing in abject terror at its approach. With the expenditure of no obvious effort, the figure called up a wall of ice thick enough to stop a ballista bolt in its tracks. The creature’s counterattack was such that it rendered two of the bolt throwers completely inoperable, the premiere anti-personnel weapon of its day reduced to splinters and matchsticks by the horseback figure’s ice magic. And if that was what the creature could do a ballista, just imagine what it could do to a group of people. A group kind of like their own.

“Fan out, we’re a more appealing target bunched up like this!” Todd called out to the crewmen, before breaking into the run across the fortress grounds, perpendicularly to the gate. “Keep on the move until you find something solid to take cover behind, don’t let it get a lock on you!”

  1. Aim
  2. Shoot
  3. Move
Petit Canape A la Choux

  • "Ohohohoho!" Resonated from Sariel, who laughed quite happily upon seeing that his attack went by without whiffing... Although it did weird him out a bit that the eagle literally just exploded. He'd have to consult the flying rodent-esque creature on that later. On the other hand, the sound of that strange song still rang closely in the air. Are they crying? Sariel really did not understand. He wasn't much of the poetic type.

    On the other hand, with the dragon and that odd creature dealt with, Sariel looked to ground level putting a hand above his forehead to cover the snow and wind from hitting this body's blood-coloured eyes. "Huh...?" Sariel mustered, squinting to better glimpse what was occurring beneath them. "Ugh, are you serious? What in hell's..." He'd wonder how things could escalate so suddenly. Were they being attacked by something else?

    He'd turn to look at the dragon, "Oi-- I mean, Pardon me, sir Dragon, but..." He'd clear his throat, [Itimidation F] "Would you be so kind as to help us out? I say nothing but the truth when I say I can totally make a wreck out of you. So aid us a lil'; 'Kay?" Sariel said with a smile, it was genuine. He couldn't believe he got to see a real actual dragon! That's soo cool. He couldn't help but squeal inside. He was holding back as much as he could.

    "Anyway~" Sariel turned, "Let's get to it!" He'd say enthusiastically, pulsing forth as his wing glittered with light. Swiftly, Sariel dove down quite ungracefully to the fort and fluttered from above. He'd fly to Aya who had seemingly been helped by that cool guy and his friend. "Hey! you okay?" Sariel asked hastily, "And what's all this? Who're we fighting 'gainst?" He'd add. "Whatever! Your guardian angel of utmost beauty and strength has come to help you! Are you not most glad, Miss Tails? Ohohohohoho!" He'd smile, even chuckling in an obnoxious manner... What the heck was wrong with him?

    Sariel looked to the gate, fluttering up a bit to get a closer look. Clutching his staff and spinning it out to hold it in front of his body, Sariel fluttered in place and readied himself in case of needing to attack. Locking his sights on the horseriding figure, a magical circle with a crimson glow gleamed in front of Sariel.

    "And shoot!" The heroine shouted with a fluttering voice, "[Love Me♡Chain]!" He'd twirl, a ribbon of crimson light ringing around Sariel from his staff as he'd point it into the magical circle. It briefly glowed, as a pink chain shot out and homed in on the horse'd figure. Glitzing in a snapping manner. Sariel wasn't about to respite, he'd quickly ready himself as he anticipated the heart-linked chain's landing.
Song on the Air:

Aya B Grade.png

As Lilith reappeared, she attracted the attention of some of the wights around her. If she acted quickly, she could make it to the fort's safety before getting swarmed. The guards in her area were slowly being pushed back toward the fort itself. There was a screech overhead as many of them covered their ears, only to be quickly cut down by the wights taking advantage of the matter. The Hime-Sama continued to chant as the song carried over the wind.

The ice shards stopped pounding the walls as Aya looked at the creature she had just dodged to see its head rock back and followed by two other gunshots; one of them put the beast down as Todd's shot didn't find its intended mark and went the storm hitting one of the wights as they tried to pass through the barrier. The final creature that was in the courtyard brought its sword down on top of one of the mercenaries; as the sword came into contact, the man's arm that was cut turned to ice instantly, causing the former pirate to freak out. Aya's eyes went wide for a second as she turned her attention back to the horse figure as several more of the creatures pushed their way through the barrier and started to engage the remaining soldiers in the courtyard.

"Don't let them take any ground! We have to keep them from entering the main keep of the fort!" Commander Rextelian ordered as he joined the fray as started to engage one of the wights bringing his sword across and relieving the body of its head. There was ringing all over the courtyard as metal was hitting against metal. That was when Sariel called out over head which Aya looked up at.

"Took you long enough Dulcifer, now come and help the others please!" Aya called out as Dulcifer shot chains toward the figure on the horse. The Creature once again erected an Ice wall which the chains bounced off on but as they made their next attempt managed to chain the target down and lock it in place. Aya smirked as she saw the figure chained in place. "Lets take out that horseman, I bet the others will run if he goes down, everyone else if you would please help the fort I think we can take down the horseman." Aya stated as she then rushed forward to engage the horseman.

When she reached the horseman she used Shinten as she cut the horseman her attack made contact as the undead horse spooked and knocked the rider off the horse. However, the creature took a swing at Aya and put a large gash in her armor as the sight of the creature seemed to be completely unaffected by what had just happened.

  • Qazi - Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C [sword], Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare E (Sight, Touch), Area F, Fast E, Energized C - Aya uses her katana to make a wide swing in a 5ft area in a single direction overloading the target's sense of sight and touch for a single post. When not in combat up to the narrator's discretion. - C Grade - 2 post cooldown 2/2
  • Shinten- Kitsune Style D, Flare, Sword F, Fast E, Energized D- Aya strike at targets within sword length overloading the target's sense of sight. When not in combat, the narrator's discretion for duration. - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
1. Speaks to Dulcifer
2. Moves 30 ft
3. Uses Shinten
Interactions/Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Weazel Weazel ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Sepokku Sepokku Ian Temero Ian Temero

Notes: Kalodox's natural Armor is F grade. Aya's Armor is now C Grade.

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