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Fantasy Mystery, Pistols, and Other Things at Sea


The Supreme and Magnificent Ruler
Scarlett Finch, 24 years of age, sailor and inventor by trade, pirate hunter by choice.
Marshall Finch was charismatic, successful, wealthy, and dead. Those first three things didn’t much mean a thing anymore, but everyone seemed to find it best to focus on the ‘good’ in life. Scarlett didn’t have the same belief. Her father was dead, along with 35 other members of a crew hired to sail a merchant and his kin across the sea on a voyage of discovery, and that was what meant the most to her. Scarlett and her Uncle, Henry Finch, were the sole survivors of a pirate attack against that ill-fated voyage. The Kraken's Wrath struck again, flag waving high as their prey sank beneath the depths.

The sea blessed them in that vital hour, and Henry escaped with his niece. The waves carried them ashore the next day, and from there life truly began for Scarlett. Her mother was distraught, terrified, swore off the sea forever. But young Scarlett could never quite shake her love for it. Plus, she had a need for it now. She needed the sea to sail her to her vengeance, so she may enact justice upon the Kraken's Wrath pirate crew. Henry enabled this desire, he taught Scarlett all he knew of sailing and navigating, of the quick footed fighting she would need, and Scarlett’s own interests led her to wondering how to get the upper hand in the battle she sought. Canon fire, she mused, if only it could be an easier tool to weild. Fast forward 15 years, and Scarlett Finch was a sailor of the high seas, working seamlessly with any crew that needed her, and all with her own handcrafted weapons to put her at the top of the sea’s most dangerous of children. What was a rapier to a pistol, after all?

But a letter from her Aunt, received while she was home at Port Dunum between travels, put a pause on her destiny. Henry had gone missing, and Scarlett refused to lose the stand in father figure of her life. She blew a kiss on the wind to her ocean home, rubbed the smooth rock dangling from a cord round her neck(a luck charm and a remnant of her father), and turned her sights inland. Cursed be those who end up between the hairs of her scope now.
- Joseph Bray -


Jospeh was born in a family of fishers together with 4 sisters and 3 brothers. He wasn't the oldest nor the youngest so he didn't feel the kind of responsibility that a lot of older kin felt for their brethren and he wasn't looked upon or cared for as he wasn't the youngest anymore. You can imagine, it was quite hard to get attention from your parents with 7 others wanting the same. The all lived in a small town located at the coast called Shipwreck. This because the sea was rough around here and it wasn't weird to hear about a ship or merchant who failed to sail off. His family wasn't rich and wasn't poor, just as himself, they were something in between. They had a roof above their head and they could eat, but they couldn't afford luxury. Ever since Jospeh was born he frowned upon the way he and his family were treated. They weren't treated bad, there were no bullies and most people were nice to them, but he didn't like the way how richer folk were treated differently. He found himself quite jealous of the respect they got and for what? For having gold coins and big rings with more gold in them.

In his late teens he decided to conquer the sea himself. Not as a fisher, but as a merchant. Joseph had found himself a captain that could use him and he was ready to get rich. This was just the start though, he would climb up and become captain himself. This all changed when a pirate ship attacked theirs. It was rough, bloody and fearful, but Joseph found himself in awe for the stinking men with unwashed beards and wooden legs. It was like he finally felt what he wanted to be, what he could be. A pirate gained exactly what he wanted, money, fame and the respect it deserved. Sure, the job had some risks with it, but he could overcome that. Everything to get at the same status as they were. That night Joseph escaped from the hands of the pirates and washed somewhere ashore. Years later at the age of 30 he found another captain, this time not a merchant but a pirate who controlled the Kraken's Wrath.
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The sea was restless today, tide coming in dark and harsh. The ships at Port rocked with the wind and tumultuous water, and shiphands shouts carried into town as they scrambled to secure their vessels. Salt soaked wind whipped through the tangled red hair of Scarlett where she stood, looking out at the sea. A storm was coming in, and she pitied anyone who found themselves sailing in it today. Sighing, she turned her back to the coast and headed along the cobble street into town, stomach reminding her it was time for breakfast.

An hour later and she found herself seated at a dining table in the local inn, spooning what she hoped was oatmeal into her mouth. Not that she was very picky, sailors never were, but the luxuries of her youth sometimes made her miss more refined cuisines. Her dark eyes drew across the dining room, cataloging the other patrons as was habit ever since her search began. Never knew who may have information on her missing uncle, though after a week in this port she was seriously doubting there would be any clues. Her aunt had said this was the place Henry was heard from last, but that was three months ago. The trail was likely dried up cold, which meant she needed to move on quickly- it's just she had no idea where to go from here.

She sighs into her meal, eyes dropping to the table as she tunes out everyone near and sourly finishes her bland breakfast.
"And never come back, scumbag!" The black bearded man grabbed his collar and threw him off board, right on the sand. Joseph coughed and spit in the sea where the pirate ship rested. The crew on top laughed and spit back at him. "That's right, spit him under boys!" They smirked and before they started attacking with the wet drops again, Jospeh crawled backwards, further towards the land. The drops landed before him. He wanted to say something back, yell, scold and even fight. But he was powerless now, and he was powerless when they sailed off. He stared as the Kraken's Wrath became a tiny dot on the horizon. "Those bastards." The retired pirate growled to himself. He deserved to be thrown off, after all he didn't really thought about what he did last night and how stupid it was. He sighed, coughed again and scrambled up. Now, at least they took the courtesy to throw him somewhere known. It was the town where they always lay ashore, although not in the town it self, just further up the shore, the town had to be close though. Joseph grabbed his back with belongings, which they also had thrown overboard. Thoughtful. He snickered and made way towards the common folk.

"One pint please, and hurry!" He said as he swung open the door of the local inn. Folk looked at him, not used to people like Joseph. The Innkeeper raised one eyebrow while he washed and dried a can. "One pint ya say? It's morning mate! You sure are the early bird." The man answered with a loud laugh. Joseph turned his eyes and looked for an empty table, he quickly found one next to woman who appeared to have breakfast. After he sat down he let his head fall backwards and sighed a loud sigh. "Here ya go, looks like you need it." The innkeeper appeared in his eye sight and winked. "I got you, I am a early drinker myself!" With a broad grin he dissapeared. Jospeh swung himself back and grabbed the pint, brought it to his lips and drank. At least beer made his failure a little bit more brighter.

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