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Fantasy Mysteries of the Mundane (1x1 with Shannon Trevor)

Skye Moonhart

Junior Member
It was one of the boring, ordinary type of days for Skye, and she had just arrived at her office to be greeted by one of her fellow detectives and a mug of hot coffee, after thanking her colleague, she sits down at her computer and puts her feet up. But the moment that she puts the lip of the mug to her lips, she receives a priority alert email from the Police Commissioner.

Sighing, she goes to her computer to open and read it "Priority Case!
Case Type: Occult/Cult Investigation
Location: The Old Manor atop Hangman's Hill
Description: We have received multiple complaints from the citizens of the nearby township, that there have strange noises and lights coming from the old manor atop of the hill known as Hangman's Hill, there have also been complaints that strange people in hooded cloaks have been hovering around the town and a few members of the township have mysteriously disappeared.

The cult is believed to be one that worships something called Mhi'thrha, it is imperative that you take due care and if possible, a partner.

Sincerely Police Commissioner Georgison"

Sighing she thinks of asking her old friend Skulduggery to join her but she then remembered he was on vacation and so she then begun to think of who she could ask, when she heard a knock on the door "Door's unlocked, come in" she says to whoever was on the other side.
Colonel Jon Waggoner paused at the door and read the small plaque: Detective Skye Moonhart. He suppressed a sigh, the name seemed to fit with the bogus assignment that had fell across his desk.

"I'm not sure I follow, Sir," Jon had said when the General had gave him the original briefing.

"The occult, Waggoner. Witchcraft, black magic and the like."

"I understand all that Sir, I'm just not sure how it applies to me."

"National security above you now, Colonel? Break one black market smuggling ring and think you can pick and choose what assignment we give you?"

Jon had no option but to take the dressing down and then take the assignment. He had read the file and found any concrete info to be worrying sparse; a cult operating out of the old manor at Hangman's Hill, strange people and disappearing townsfolk all related to something called Mhi'thrha. All BS of course but Jon was a professional. He'd work any assignment to the best of his ability.

He tapped the wood and waited for a reply. "Door's unlocked, come in," said a muffled female voice from the other side.

"Detective Moonhart? Colonel Jon Waggoner, Inter Agency Defense Command." Jon was tall, tanned, rugged and in better shape than most men half his age. Grey hair was clear on his temples, as were the laughter lines tugging at the corner of each eye and furrowing his brow. Neither feature could be considered a blemish but rather added to a look of distinguished handsomeness. His military tunic, shirt and pants were pressed to perfection and clung tightly to his muscular frame. A two tone Rolex Submariner on his left wrist completed the look.
Skye looks up to see the man at her door "So you're the partner the Commissioner gave me eh?" she says and motions to one of the plush leather seats in front of her desk "you're probably wondering about the case right? Well yes, there are a lot of cults out there that are completely bogus, but I still have to investigate them, and this time Georgison is insisting I have a partner with me" she says and offers him a glass of brandy "And even if their cult is bogus, they could still be highly dangerous. Ever heard of the Jonestown Massacre?" she asks as she eyes the man up and down Kind of like Skulduggery only with skin and all that she thinks to herself with a wry smirk.
"I know about Jonestown," Jon replied as he took the offered brandy and sat down. "Don't worry Detective, even if the case is bogus it has my full attention.

He noticed the wry smile as Moonhart seemed to study him. "So, what's our plan?"
"Right now,I'm waiting to get the blueprints of the manor, see if we can plan out some good steak out places first, as I believe it would be a good idea to see what kind of behaviors these cultists have and if there are any weaknesses" she says with a smile "What do you think Colonel?"
Jon smiled in return, the young detective's aura was almost infectious and her taste in brandy was commendable. "I think you're on the ball, detective. Get an idea of the opposition by watching what they say and do to give us an idea of how dangerous they truly are."

The Colonel checked his Rolex, "How long until the blueprints get here. The sooner we can start, the better."
"Honestly, I had just sent of the requests for them just as you arrived, and as you well know, there's a lot of red tape and protocol to go through, even to get something as simple as blue prints, plus we should also put into consideration that the blue prints will only show the original layout, the cultists could have made changes during their time there" she states and sips on her brandy, "I'll be honest with you, I've investigated cults and the occult in the past, and this..this one feels wrong, like..I don't know, we could be in grave danger"
Jon nodded his head, fully understanding Skye's concern. Danger was nothing new to the Colonel but he wouldn't allow himself to grow complacent.

"I hear you," he agreed, "First instinct about something like this is usually correct." Jon sighed as he took another taste of brandy. "The important thing is that we look out for each other. I'll have your back, Detective."
Skye closed her eyes "And I'll have yours Colonel, and don't worry, I have heard the rumors and stories about you, I honestly don't believe them.. You did the right thing, I think your higher ups were in those gangster's paybooks" she mutters "One of the reasons why I quit the Police and became a detective" she says, getting out her Nintendo 3DSXL, "It may take a bit for the print to get here, I've got books, magazine, newspapers, and feel free to help yourself to my liquor cabinet, it isn't like we're going straight out to the manor" she says in a bit of a huff.
"Thanks," Jon said holding up the empty glass. "I have to admit, I do enjoy a good drink, whiskey especially but I think I better not over indulge, just in case. I'd prefer to have my wits about me in case any fighting needs to be done."

He set the glass on the table and looked backed to the young woman. "So what's your story, detective? You said you quit the force. Any particular reason?"
Skye smiles as she pours him another glass of whiskey "Honestly? Too much red tape to go through, too many protocols to have to go through, and I saw too many criminals get away with the things they did, plus I was constantly put on small missions with little to no chance of a promotion" she says and sits back down "Plus I met this rather interesting guy named Skulduggery who showed me my true path"
Jon looked up from his whiskey. "True path?" He asked with a smile. "That almost sounds like something these cultists would believe in."
Skye snorts "Yeah I suppose it does, let's just say that there's more to me than meets the eye" she says then look at him "Ey big boy, my eyes are up here" she teases, then rolls her eyes "You will see in due time Jon, I'd show you now, but I might just destroy the building" she chuckles just as there was another knock and she gets up "Ah the blueprints, thank you Devin" she says to the detective who gave them to her "Well finally, we can start" she says, spreading the prints on her desk
The Colonel raised his eyebrows, impressed by the young woman's boast. Clearly she didn't mean it literally but there was something genuine about Skye that made her words seem more than empty brags, as if she believed she was capable of such things.

He rode and stood beside her as she unfurled the map. "So, what are we looking at?"
"Well let's see" she says as she looks over the map "Right here we have the manor obviously, and it looks like this map has actually been updated, good" she says then points to a few gazebos in the front and back yard "there are those, they're covered, but not covered enough, hmm" she thinks for a moment "Ah, look, there's a little rise over there, and it looks like we'd have quite the view, we could park behind it then lay low to spy on them?"
Jon nodded. "It looks like it gives us a great view of the manor and grounds. "And here," his hand lightly brushes against Skye's as he points, "A small wood which we can use to cover our coming and going."
At the light brush against her hand, she blushes slightly, shaking her head to get rid of it "Sounds good, but the thing, is they could lookouts or camps within the forest, among the other things that could reside there" she says and closes her eyes "but I don't see any other option" she says before she goes over to her gun cabinet "got any preferences? I have mine, my two trusty MatebaAutoRevolvers": she says as she takes them out, the handles were pure bone and etched in them was the engraving "With Love, S.P"
The Colonel open his jacket to reveal a holstered gun. "Walther PPK," he explained with a hint of pride. "For what it's worth, I hope using deadly force is the ultimate last option."

He took a moment to admire the matching revolvers Skye had produced. "These are beautiful," he said with genuine admiration as he read the engravings. "Who's S.P?" he asked before putting his hands up, "Sorry, that was damn rude. None of my business."
Skye chuckles "S.P stands for Skulduggery Pleasant, the same friend who taught me my skills, he is also a part time partner, but he's on vacation right now" she says and holsters her revolvers "and I agree, violence isn't on my to do list" she says with a soft laugh "Come on then, we'll pick up some coffee and something to eat along the way, its a fair drive after all"
Jon smiled and indicated for Skye to lead the way. "Quite the name. An alias, I'm assuming? Hopefully I can fill his shoes adequately." They left the office and the Colonel took Skye to his car, a black Mercedes sedan. "You mentioned this Skullduggery a couple of times. Are you and he an item?"
Skye laughs but then sighs "Gods no, he's a great detective with a great sense of humor, but..I think his apprentice has her heart set on him, but as for filling in his shoes, that is yet to be seen" she says as she leads the way to her black 1993 Chevvy Caprice "Hop in" she says as she gets in herself and buckles up.
Jon gave a low whistle of appreciate. "Old school choice," he said with a nod of approval. "I like it." The Colonel entered the passenger side and made himself comfortable, sliding the seat back to make room for his large, muscular frame. He tapped the face of his Rolex, "I'm timing you."
"Don't make me speed now Colonel, I may be a detective, but I'm not above the law" she says and giggles softly while shaking her head "And yes, this car was my graduation gift, while my peers chose sports car, I chose a classic" she says and starts to drive off, "So any particular place you'd like to get food at?"
"I'm easy," Jon replied as he settled in for the trip. "Although I have a feeling you may have a place in mind are really want to show it off." Jon could read people, in his job it was an essential skill. Still, he found the young woman harder to get a read on. She did seem like the loyal type however and the Colonel wagered she often stuck to the same restaurants and haunts that she was comfortable with.
She smiles "Good and you'd be right, it's a small little diner just around the corner, best food in the county" she says as she takes a turn and goes through a drive through "Hey Stella, I'll have my usual with a thermos of hot cocoa and one of coffee please" she says to the girl at the window then looks to Jon "what bout you Jon?"-

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