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Fandom My Little Pony, The Final Generation (OOC)

... On another note, I've got another idea for a villain to suggest... "Daybreaker"! (Corrupted Celestia)

Could be the result of someone doing "Mind Control" on Celestia?
... On another note, I've got another idea for a villain to suggest... "Daybreaker"! (Corrupted Celestia)

Could be the result of someone doing "Mind Control" on Celestia?
OH MY GOOOOOOD!!! You're a genius!!! That is an awesome idea! I will definitely consider that and find a way to squeeze it it.
Could have her be the next villain, followed by an investigation that would, eventually, lead to them discovering Grogar's return? ^_^
Well, looks like we've got a foundation for Season 2 and 3, then... and who knows? Maybe more will build up as time progresses! ^_^
We have a Dice Rolling function. Could be useful for us to determine our own "Episodes" we can also do once the whole "Opening" thing is done. Like, we can each suggest a filler episode to avoid the RP going cold, while also giving us a chance to ALL develop our characters and, perhaps, have them grow more used to their new roles in the world?

Episode 2 Suggestions

"Magical Shenanigans!" Blue Star needs a few ingredients for a Smokescreen Effect. However, said ingredients can only be found deep inside the Everfree Forest.
I would roll a 40.

"Guts or Glory!" Obraxxis was given an assignment that requires him to investigate a cave underneath the Everfree.
He would roll a 41, so Episode 2 goes to him, and Episode 3 could go to me.

We could then ask who wishes to be involved in the episodes here in the OOC Channel, while coming up with a logical reason for said characters to be involved.

For instance, "Why would a Changeling get involved with a Military Operation when she's only a simple hermit?" or "How come an Earth Pony needs to find so and so in the ocean for Alpha?"

Also, think we can update the Main Page to include a link here? That way we don't have to go to Page 4 in order to reach the OOC Channel? ^_^
Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels raven flame raven flame

I want to be sure everyone understand this very well because I feel as though there is some confusion:
The Elements that the New Mane 6 acquire do not have to be the exact same thing.
If one character would like to have an Element but does not wish to have one of the originals (i.e. Kindness) they can change it to be an Element that suits their character well.

For Example: I did not explain it but my character SinderLine does NOT have the element of Honesty, she has the Element of Equity.
SinderLine does not like Alicorns because she believes that their magic is overused and unjust (You can go to my Deviant-Art page if you wish to have a further explanation) Therefore, Sinder represents Equity because she wants everything to be fair and honest.

So, if you want to have a DIFFERENT Element that is fine as long as it makes sense to your character. The other thing I want to all to note is that a NEW Element will NOT BE CREATED IN THE RP!! If a character wants to have a different Element they need to obtain the element that CLOSELY represents theirs and SHOULD NOT FIND A NEW ONE.
Andrita Andrita Hey, thank you for replying. I honestly didn't expect one. I try my best to be open and understanding because my character alone is enough to raise quite a fuss since it is considered a taboo thing to have an Alicorn OC. And on top of that she controls who goes where in the afterlife, which could be considered too OP to be okay right of the bat... However, I have been role-playing as her for about 7 years now. I have had first hand experience with what made a good character and what didn't. I learned the hard way that you don't have too many powers or too many powerful attributes because of its effect on the RP and people in general. Alicorn OC 's are usually made poorly because most are just copies of the Canon Princesses in looks and\or abilities or they are just completely OP and the creator won't change a thing to fix it. Because of this they are hated and usually shunned from ever joining an rp just because they are an alicorn.
[ When you realize this thread actually has an OOC section tho... ] That is definitely an interesting example. I relate so much to you than you think. It isn't really the character and their abilities, it's what you make of them in siad RP, and how you affect the RP. It is quite a challenge to do correctly, but if successful... All will be happy .

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