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Fandom My Hero Academy: Heroes of Tomorrow OOC

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Welcome to the OOC chat for My Hero Academy: Heroes of Tomorrow!

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Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs @RoxasTheExalted All Might All Might @AnnKotz CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Lord Potato Lord Potato Black Jade Black Jade @Kira Times SilverSkyWolf SilverSkyWolf CactusJuice CactusJuice AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy The Comet The Comet Have You Ever Tasted Sand Have You Ever Tasted Sand WoodenZebra WoodenZebra Idea Idea @AKKaleb @MissSuper IctoraPost IctoraPost @Dirty Dan

You all expressed interest in this RP. So here is the OOC! You can find links to the Rules Page and Character Applications Page above. Read the Rules first before anything else.

Also, as an announcement, ~SpicyCInnyRollSenpai will be acting as my co-GM for this Roleplay. So he and I will both be handling character applications, story arcs, and any problems within the OOC. Oh, and also any questions you have.
Refaulted Refaulted I don´t think you got to answer my question regarding the possibility of making a villain character
Ah, right! My apologies. Currently, it is not possible to make villain characters. However, nothing is stopping that idea from happening sometime in the future in the RP.
also Refaulted Refaulted mind giving my character´s quirk a look to see if it works? I will base a lot of their backstory and personality with it factoring into it, so I want to make sure of what edits I might have to do before I craft the character
hey Refaulted Refaulted , will any cannon characters be a part of this? Namely, will Eraser head make an appearance in the RP in the predictable future?
also Refaulted Refaulted mind giving my character´s quirk a look to see if it works? I will base a lot of their backstory and personality with it factoring into it, so I want to make sure of what edits I might have to do before I craft the character
As of right now, there are no plans for canon characters to make appearances in this RP. This may change, but right now, we are focused on introducing original characters instead.
As for your character, that is a very interesting Quirk idea. I'll need a bit of time to look it over and think about it. Is that alright?
As of right now, there are no plans for canon characters to make appearances in this RP. This may change, but right now, we are focused on introducing original characters instead.
As for your character, that is a very interesting Quirk idea. I'll need a bit of time to look it over and think about it. Is that alright?
can you do it within the next 2 hours? If not, do you think you can do it within the next... 15 hours?
can you do it within the next 2 hours? If not, do you think you can do it within the next... 15 hours?
Well, I spoke to Spice about it, and we came to the decision that, while the Quirk is very unique, it is also very complicated. Many Quirk's in the anime/manga are rather nice and simple. All Might is super strong, Eraserhead nullifies Quirks, Shouto can create fire and ice, etc. Yurei's Quirk is way more complex, and there is also no stated weakness that prevents him from just using his Quirk over and over again. So, we will have to turn down this specific Quirk idea at the moment.

Also, Black Jade Black Jade . While I have the chance, I wanted to bring up your character. Your character's Quirk covers too much power over the world. When looking at your Quirk, it is almost like you have four different Quirks (two of which are very powerful) shoved into one person. I'll have to say that this is a big no-no, but I can recommend that you make it so your character has only control over electromagnetism or gravity, both to only a certain extent. Also, you seem to be lacking a name for your character, as well as Extra information. If you haven't finished the character yet, I understand that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
Well, I spoke to Spice about it, and we came to the decision that, while the Quirk is very unique, it is also very complicated. Many Quirk's in the anime/manga are rather nice and simple. All Might is super strong, Eraserhead nullifies Quirks, Shouto can create fire and ice, etc. Yurei's Quirk is way more complex, and there is also no stated weakness that prevents him from just using his Quirk over and over again. So, we will have to turn down this specific Quirk idea at the moment.

Also, Black Jade Black Jade . While I have the chance, I wanted to bring up your character. Your character's Quirk covers too much power over the world. When looking at your Quirk, it is almost like you have four different Quirks (two of which are very powerful) shoved into one person. I'll have to say that this is a big no-no, but I can recommend that you make it so your character has only control over electromagnetism or gravity, both to only a certain extent. Also, you seem to be lacking a name for your character, as well as Extra information. If you haven't finished the character yet, I understand that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

Ok so . . . The name is at the top XD

And awwwwe . . . Shit, well then need to take it all away and replace it
Well, I spoke to Spice about it, and we came to the decision that, while the Quirk is very unique, it is also very complicated. Many Quirk's in the anime/manga are rather nice and simple. All Might is super strong, Eraserhead nullifies Quirks, Shouto can create fire and ice, etc. Yurei's Quirk is way more complex, and there is also no stated weakness that prevents him from just using his Quirk over and over again. So, we will have to turn down this specific Quirk idea at the moment.

Also, Black Jade Black Jade . While I have the chance, I wanted to bring up your character. Your character's Quirk covers too much power over the world. When looking at your Quirk, it is almost like you have four different Quirks (two of which are very powerful) shoved into one person. I'll have to say that this is a big no-no, but I can recommend that you make it so your character has only control over electromagnetism or gravity, both to only a certain extent. Also, you seem to be lacking a name for your character, as well as Extra information. If you haven't finished the character yet, I understand that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
let me see if I get this straight...
I got turned down... because the quirk was complicated?
Because... it was complicated?

So it´s not overpowered, it has the capacity to grow... in short, it meets all rules, as far as your statements have not discredited, but being complicated is what is complicated? And the reason for that is that it seems unnusual?

I will ask you to reconsider. Look, I know you got your place as GMs and stuff, but your reasons are broken, for two reasons:
1. Even in the examples you gave, the quirks are usually more complex than that. You just summarized them. Eraserhead erases a quirk by staring at a person without blinking, cannot nullify as quirks, as etc.. etc... All might´s is the fusion of two quirks, which lead to the creation of a quirk that allows one to accumulate power and then pass it along to another which can in turn accumulate more power, but to pass along DNA needs to be consumed with an unspecified degree of will from the original owner etc... And just as easily mine can be classified as "symbiotic (power enhancing) outfit shapeshifting ". It´s just a matter of how detailed I made the description (thus in a way, helping you keep track of it´s actual extent), and the fact that some things more words to describe cause english.

2.Nonetheless, should this not be the case, a "general feel" from the show would never really be a good criteria, especially when not only does the nitpick affect nothing within the IC, but it also greatly limits players and is deciding factor in approving an idea you yourself stated was interesting.

You might object "but what about the "no stated weakness that prevents him from using his power over and over again". To this, I say
1. The point is that he CAN use his power over and over again. There is the limit of energy, where one can grow tired after using this too many times, but I figured it was so obvious it was unecessary to put it there.
2. Even if that wasn´t true, there were plenty of other weaknesses that were stated. Like, the fact that he can´t move or act without help, or the litteral statement of two ways to kill him
3. And the weakness factor, I suppose, should probably factor weaknesses, whcih I didn´t yet have the opportunity to do because I was waiting for the quirk approval.

Now, Refaulted Refaulted Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs I stated my reasons and I beg that you take a look at them and reconsider your position. I am willing to make changes to make the ability fair, always was: but this is changes to make it fair, not changes to make it bland, not changes to make it different from what it should be at it´s core, not changes that will cast away my ability to trust you to GM with grounded criteria instead of whims and hunches.

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