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My Best Friend Is a Yandere

"Now all I have to do is wait for Vince to get me the fuck outta here." she exclaimed and waited with a smirk on her face.
The day went on rather uneventful at the prison, at the tournament Zachary won, though it was close.
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"Yeah, you're free to go." An officer said as she went go get Gen and bring her to the lobby.
Zachary was walking out of the building where the tournament was held with a smile on his face, though he was walking to a train station.
His phone was still off, so he didn't get the call. He was going to Louisiana, where the National tournament was being held.
"Answer your stupid phone Zach!" she yelled in irritation which made bystanders look at her strangely.
"You have the new champion's phone number? That's amazing!" A bystander said. Screaming drew a lot of unwanted attention to Gen, and she was going to be bothered for a while.
Zachary looked behind him and saw Gen, then walked towards her. 'It's Gen! I can't wait to... OH FUCK I FORGOT.' He thought as he then ran aboard the train.
"Screw you!" He shouted to her as other people began boarding the train, blocking Gen's entrance.
The flow of people had blocked Gen's way out, so really the only thing she could do was search for Zachary or sit down and go on the ride.
"What is he a magician." she mumbled and sighed. Guess I'm going to play hide and seek. �she thought and went to look for him.
"Everybody, sit down. We are about to start going to our destination." The conductor said through the intercom.
The train ride was uneventful, nothing really happened. When the train stopped and the door opened, people started leaving, with Zachary most likely among them.

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