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My Best Friend Is a Yandere

A person stepped up onto the stage, and grabbed the microphone. "The top 8 have been selected, in about ten minutes we'll be back with the top eight battling it out to see who'll be in Nationals." The person said as eight people walked up on stage, Zachary and some other people. The eight went back stage to wait for the ten minutes, and it didn't seem like they'd let anybody else backstage.
"Let me back there you fucktards! My husband to be is in here!" currently Gen was being held back by security. She didn't have any weapons since she left her multi tool so she had to settle with clawing their eyes out and screaming 'Bloody murder!'
Everybody heard the screaming, everybody saw the fighting, and they emptied the building. People backstage were evacuated, and the police quickly arrived, blocking all exits. "We've got you surrounded!" They shouted, pointing their guns at her.
One of the guards she had clawed up was on the ground but he was not dead. "What did I do!? Is all this really necessary?" she questioned feeling only slightly nervous about this.
"Drop your... What do we do with people using their bare hands?" An officer said. "We uhh... I think we tell them to put their hands in the air." Another one said. "Put your hands in the air and don't resist arrest!"
"You assaulted some Security Guards at a tournament for a video game!" The officer said as two approached Gen, one with cuffs and another with a gun.
"For assaulting multiple people, yes." The officer with the handcuffs said as he put the cuffs on Gen. "And since there are multiple witnesses, you really have no hope of appeal to the supreme court."
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The police brought Gen to jail, where she'd await her case that was doomed to go against her. Meanwhile, Zachary won Regionals and got an invite for Nationals.
"Yeah, you get your phone call." An officer said as he brought her to the phones. "You get one call. that's all."
"You can't bail yourself out, otherwise millionaires would be committing even more crime." The officer said. "You have five minutes, use them wisely."
"Hasty aren't we?" she commented and made her call. "Hey Vince! No don't hang up bro! I need ya for something." there was a pause "I'm in jail and need bail money..." she waited for Vince to respond and nodded "Got it."
"Yeah..Did I forget the water works? My apologies!" she said and started to fake sob "Vincey help! I wanna get out!" she kept pretending to cry "I didn't mean to..."
"No, I didn't to cry. Wouldn't you call a loved one or something and tell them you'll be here for a while?"
"Whoever you called can ask some other officer how much your bail is." The officer said as he brought Gen back to the courtyard.

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