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My Best Friend Is a Yandere


The Dazzling Prince
The storyline is that (A) OC's friend is a yandere and that (B) OC is obsessed with (A) OC and wants to keep anyone else from being their friend. (A) OC stays friends with (B) OC because they still care for them and wants to keep them stable. Will their friendship stay in one piece, will it develop into something a little bit more, or will it crumble down?

(Make sure to choose if you want to be the yandere or not. Your OC can be any gender.)
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I'll play the yandere it's no big deal at all. So could you go to character sign up and I could make a character sheet if you want.
Zachary was at his Grandmother's house, on his laptop. He was playing a game he recently downloaded.
Gen watched her television with a bored expression wondering what to do today. A idea flashed in her head about how to relieve the boredom. She went to call her best friend, Zachary.
Zachary heard his phone ring and accepted Gen's call. "What's up Gen?" He asked, pausing what he was playing.
Gen laughed "You playin a new game?" she said smiling before getting to the point "I'm bored come over to my place." she said, well ordered is more like it.
"Eh, sure. I'm at my grandmother's house so I can actually go places." Zachary said, "What do you want to do, anyways?"
"I have no idea." she said before correcting herself "Well actually...Do you want to go shopping for games or something." she said while cutting off her tv.
"Sure, that sounds like fun." Zachary said, picking his wallet up off of a shelf he was sitting by. "See you soon, bye!" He said to Gen before he hung up his phone and put it into his pocket. "Granny, I'm going to Gen's house, I'll be back in a while." He said, "Be careful, and remember to get some milk while you're at it." His granny replied. "Don't worry, I'll try to remember." He said before exiting his Granny's house and walking down the block to Gen's house.
Gen gripped her phone tightly Why doesn't he ever stay on the phone? she thought sullenly but then sighed dreamily Doesn't matter! We're going out together! I better pick out some clothes that look like I didn't think about my wardrobe in the least. she jumped up and ran into her room and got herself together as quickly as she could since he would be there soon.
He certainly took his time, he saw a rather large lizard eating some sort of bug, and stopped to watch. 'Man, I would like a pet Iguana.' He thought to himself, after the lizard finished eating he started walking to Gen's house again. It took him a little while to get there, but to him, watching a lizard eat was worth the time wasted. "Gen?" He said while knocking on the door to her house.
Gen walked around her room impatiently He was supposed to arrive a few minutes ago... she thought and continued to pace around her rather big room. She sat on her bed but as soon as she did she heard a knock on her door and jumped up to answer it. She heard his voice and threw open the door "Where in the hell have you been?!!" she yelled at Zachary not because he was late but who he was with to cause him to get there at that time.
Zachary was extremely startled by Gen almost ripping the door to her house off it's hinges and yelling in practically the same instant. He fell backward and hit the sidewalk, without much damage. "I was watching a lizard eat a bug! Why are you yelling? I took only an extra minute or two to get here!" He said, getting up.
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Gen could feel her eye twitching "So you're saying that some reptile eating a bug is more important than a date with me!?" she yelled then lowered her voice "I have a half a mind to kick you while you're down." she said while reaching to pull Zachary up from the side walk. She was relieved that he wasn't with some other person though.
"A date? This is a date?" Zachary asked. He thought dates were more impressive and stressful, but this? This isn't stressful, he didn't really feel any different than when he would hang out with his other friends. "If I would've known this was a date, I would've dressed more formally, maybe got some flowers or something." He said, looking at what he was wearing. He was wearing a plain T-shirt with some spearmint snowball stains on it, and shorts with the logo of whatever company made them worn off. @TaraSobiki
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Gen looked at him wide eyed before bursting into laughter "Pfft! A date? Please! In your dreams and in my nightmares buddy." she said brushing it off like it was nothing. "I mean look at the way we're dressed." she said and walked past Zachary and turned around to see if he was following "Come Zach." she ordered before walking off again. Of course what she said was just a slight slip of the tongue which she planned to completely forget about and ignore through out their whole time together.
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