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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

Darius still couldn't believe his mother was making him go to this school, under the excuse that the government instituted this movement. what she said was obviously right, but his temper blinded him to that, he thought she was just trying to get rid of him so she wouldn't have to put up with his "gift" anymore. He had already said her goodbye's to her earlier that day, he stepped out of the taxi that had brought him here. The loud and obnoxious crowds engulfed the perimeter of the school. He handed the cab driver the fair with a few bucks on top for the tip, and headed back around the car to collect his luggage. "Heh, goodluck kid." The driver said to him, Darius raised his eyebrows at him and rolled his eyes. he wasn't thrilled about this at all, and he wasn't one to strike up a conversation. ".....well, I suppose you gotta get your bags, trunk's unlocked." the voice said, nudging his voice back motioning towards the rear of the car. "Thanks." Darius muttered to him, closing the door.

After pulling his suitcases out of the trunk, the cab was on it's way off of the campus. The swarm of protesters had finally targeted him, calling him ruthless names and made some rather disgusting remarks towards him. "Get the f*ck away from me." That was all he said to the crowd, placing a cigarette in between his lips shortly after. After walking in to the rather large school building, he was greeted by some sort of administrator-looking person. He wasn't sure who it was, but they offered to bring his bags to his room after Darius told him his name. He was then escorted to an assembly area, where he was told to put out his cigarette. The room was being filled up by the mutants pouring through the doors. He sat furthest away from the stage, in the back left corner of the room, he looked down at the floor and played with his feet, he couldn't wait until this presentation was over, he hated them.

((someone should totally sit next to me))
Well he didn't want to be up front of this whole welcome thing, so he looked around for a couple of chairs together. One pair suddenly had two people standing before it when a second before there were none. That must have spooked a couple people behind them because they moved and Nick grabbed Niki by the hand and pulled her towards them before anyone else could take them. He felt a faint tingling sensation on his hand and he chuckled. "Kind of tickles." he told Niki as he pulled her to the seats and sat down patting the chair next to him for her to sit. "Hope this doesn't take long. I hate long welcomes and speeches. Especially boring ones."

He noticed what looked to be teachers and a fury mutant in a suit along with to men in black suits and sunglasses. Secret Service, CIA, or some kind of security. Well with the protesters outside he could see the need for it. After all didn't want all the mutants there using their powers to wipe the Normals out. He didn't think any of the mutants had anything to fear from the Normals. All they had to do was use some of their powers and they would be running down the street screaming bloody murder, and messing their pants at the same time. "Wonder who the fur ball over there?" he asked Niki. His used a normal voice so only those around him could hear him.
Niki walked with him they looked for seats together. She sighed when he found one and grabbed her. She used her electricity to shock him. Being grabbed was definitely a pet peeve of hers when he said it tickled she looked at him."seriously that knock a grown man on his ass or send him flying 50 feet away frim me."She says. She raised and eyebrow. No one had been able to even touch her ever."that is something else we are agreed on. You know your the only one who could be near me."She says.

She watched around her she saw another guy walk in and sut behind them.She rolled her eye's and looked around again. Nikita watched as two appeared in there seats. She was surrounded by people like her but they were definitely not her. She saw the guy who had gotten off the prison bus and the girl who had greeted him she missed nothing. Nikita slumped in her chair. She sighed and closed her eye's and waited for the stupid thing to begin. Her hands were jumping with electricity her annoyance definitely fueled her powers.


Death to all betrayers
Faith blinked and her surroundings changed. One second, she and James were shuffling towards some momentarily free seats amongst a sea of other students, then he took her hand and everything was different. All of a sudden, impossibly, they were standing in front of two empty chairs without even needing to move a muscle. She let out a shaky breath and an uncertain smile before she found herself sitting down suddenly. James had been right.

Not only was it a little disconcerting on the mind, but the feeling of having left her stomach back where she came from was a little too unsettling. The sensation however, remained with her for only a moment longer and Faith was soon able to give James a confident grin. "Impressive," She remarked. "Though next time, I recommend you warn me first before you do so. Or at least give me time to react to your advice."

It would appear that she was not the only one to be impacted by their quick appearance, as many other students, both situated near them or searching for a seat, reacted in shock. Even if every single person in the room was accustomed to mutant abilities and their strange qualities, the surprise of teleportation was something that she imagined would be difficult to get over. With an amused shake of her head, Faith patted the seat next to her for James and then turned slightly to him. "Do you reckon this assembly is going to begin soon? I'm kind of getting impatient wondering about where I'll be staying, who with and how much of this academy I'm really going to have to learn to navigate."
Nick listened to the conversation of the teleporter and the girl in front of them. The mutant that could teleport had made the girl a bit unsettled. He guessed that moving like that would be a bit unnerving and unsetteling. The girl looked as if she was a bit unbalanced by the little jaunt by the way she sat down in her chair. "Now there is a way of traveling, but a bit dangerous if you don't know where you are going. Could wind up in a concrete wall or something." he said to Niki. Though he could use his powers to create storms he could also make himself rise up into the air and fly, but with lightning and wind all about him. Not the way to travel any real distance because of the effects that went with it. That is why he used the motorcycle to get to the Academy. Besides he had not perfected it all. It still was not completely controlled.

"Hope they hurry this up. I hate sitting and waiting." he said. He could also hear and see that others felt the same way. Get it done and over with so they could find out where they would be staying, what kind of classes they were going to have, and how they were going to learn how to control their powers. That was what he really wanted. He wanted to learn to control his powers and then go off to Afganistan and make those that killed his brother pay dearly for it.
Even over the loud buzz of the crowd, James heard a few people gasp in surprise as he and Faith appeared out of thin air. Even though they were all Mutants like him, people never failed to be surprised and even sometimes astonished by teleporters, he even saw a boy move back a few rows after seeing them appear. "Oh.. yeah, sorry about that" James said to Faith, he had forgotten how unsettling it felt for other non-teleporters to teleport. As he sat down he heard someone behind him say "Now there is a way of traveling, but a bit dangerous if you don't know where you are going. Could wind up in a concrete wall or something."

James turned around and looked at the boy who had said it, he was sitting in the row behind them next to a girl. "Yeah.. i've heard of people doing that, had a few close calls myself when i first started" He said looking back. Teleporting in to walls was a fear for all teleporters when they first start teleporting, mainly due to the fact that it is usually instant death although it was extremely unlikely, especially when you had been doing it since you were 9, like James.

The crowd quickly fell silent as Mr Lencher, the furry green principal took his place at the podium.

"Good morning fellow Mutants and welcome to Alexander's Academy" He paused as the crowd applauded "For many of you, this will be your first year at the Academy and for others you may be returning"

Mr Lencher went on for the next 30 minutes about the history of the school before finally changing topic.

"At this school you will learn to control your powers instead of them controlling you" He paused looking around at the sea of students. "Okay, due to recent government decisions, the majority of you are new here, so let me go over some things"

"First off living quarters, each student will share a room with 3 others, sometimes 4 depending on if there are any vacancies. Girls are NOT permitted to be in the boys rooms and vice verser at any point" There was a quiet but still noticeable groan that went through the crowd of students.

"All of you should have received you're room number and key atleast a week prior to today, if you have not please see the main office after the assembly"

"Every student will attend 5 classes a day that range from English, Maths, Gym and other standard classes to Mutant History and Ability control" At the mention of Ability control there was an excited chatter, James assumed that alot of Mutants here werent as lucky as him in controlling their abilities.

Finally, 10 minutes later Mr Lencher finished his address

"So with that, I conclude the start of year address, Remember work hard and you will be rewarded."

((yes, im bad at writing speeches, Okay, now everyone can go find their rooms.. if you're unsure what room your in check the Mutant Academy Conversation))
He chuckled a bit as the one in front of him turned and talked to him about teleporting. "Names Nick and this is Niki." he introduced himself and Niki. They couldn't talk much after that because the program began. The green fur ball in a suit took the stage. Nick learned he was Mr. Lencher the principle of the Academy. Once the name was mentioned he knew exactly who he was and shook his head. A politician running the Academy, now that was going to be fun. Nick had no real earthly use for politicians. To him they were all crooks out to get rich on the poor working people. Then he learned they would be getting more education, Math, English, and the like as well as learning to control their powers. Nick bet that this whole thing was a set up to find the "Useful" mutants. Like him and the one that could teleport would be great for the military. Teleport in place a bomb and then teleport out and no one would be the wiser. Use the power of the weather to devestate areas with nature and no bombs. Would look like nature had done the job and not some government.

He sat there and smiled. Yeah let them train him, and then try to make him work for them. They would find out how dangerous he was. The Principle talked for thirty minutes and then told them that they could go find their rooms. He had received a key with a number on it, now he knew what it was for. "Looks like we have to go our separate ways for now. "Meet in the Entrance way later on, maybe around five and go grab some food. I am sure they must have a caffateria around here some where." he asked Niki and then leaned forward and asked the two in front of them if they would like to meet later and find something to eat.
Landon stood up and exited that assembly area as he felt for the room key in his pocket. The mutant walked around for a bit then stopped in his tracks realizing that he lost himself in the halls. He put his hands out in front of him then created an interface, a “programming” that he established a few years ago which enabled him to create a holographic computer. It was basically a holographic screen that he could manipulate. This programming was actually discovered rather than established by Landon due to his experimentation of his technology manipulation a. k. a. cyber kinetic ability. Anyway, Landon tilted the holographic plane so that it was parallel to the ground. He closed his eyes to focus as he obtained the academy’s codes. A surge of power went through him causing his eyes to shoot open. He placed his hands on the holographic surface swiping around the academy’s shared files and managed to locate a 2 dimensional map of the academy. Ah here it is. Landon moved his hands to the ends of the map and raised his hands a foot up. The diagram became a 4 dimensional model of the academy. Here I am… Landon found his way to room 394 after closing the interface. He opened the door and set his stuff down next to a bed.
Usually, Faith didn't have a very high opinion about politicians. In her view, they were heavily reminiscent of serpents, beings who only served to work for themselves, twisting and manipulating every word which came their way, thriving in a world of betrayal and lies, and always poised to strike. Dangerous men who would do anything to get what they want, and if they could, fuck the little people while they were at it. Undeniably, some would enter the profession with noble ideals and honest words, intent on actually helping society, but no one could survive in it. Not that way. To become a senator or a mayor, secrets were almost required to be a part of the package.

It often made her wonder what the President had been forced to do or to keep quiet about to even reach his position. America wasn't a land of democracy. If it was, she and her kind wouldn't be segregated from the rest of society, hunted and reviled because of the very person who she couldn't help but be. If it was, murderers would never get off free, no matter if they killed a person of colour or not. The government was something in itself, and good men were hard to find. Except for Mr Lenard.

There was a powerful confidence and absolution in the manner with which he spoke. There was no denying that he knew what he was talking about. He wasn't some idiot just standing up there trying to get you to believe in something which he didn't even fully believe in himself. It was easy to understand Mr Lenard, because he wasn't talking about bullshit. Every word he spoke was full of conviction. He had lived through the dreams of mutant rights which he fought for, he had battled within his own conscience for control over his abilities, he had gone through school himself and knew firsthand how important it was for later life. He was the heart of the minority, and Faith found it hard to doubt that he wasn't an honest man. Even though his speech laster for well over an hour, she didn't find herself getting bored once. She admired him, and trusted him. If she hadn't known that his power wasn't influencing emotions, she might have been persuaded to think he was actually using a mutant ability over them. She smiled and clapped along with everyone else at the end of his speech. He would be a good principal.

Faith turned in her seat as the boy behind him asked her and James if they wanted to meet up later and grab something to eat. She looked over at her companion and nodded, already on board with the idea. Even though it was only the first day, it couldn't hurt either one of them to make other friends. "I'm in." She replied, before remembering something. She reached her hand deep into her pocket to grab out the keys to her room. "I'm in room 395, so if any of you guys are with me or near me, we could all make our way to the dorms together as well?"
The hall erupted with excited chatter and the sound of chairs scraping as everyone stood up. James pulled out the piece of paper and key had received about two weeks prior. "Huh, whatta you know? Im in room 394" He said in reply to Faith. What a strange coincidence he thought, out of probably over a hundred rooms what were the chances he would be literally just across from the first person he met, plus it gave him more opportunities run in to her. The crowd was ruthless, James and Faith, in a matter of seconds were cut off from the other two students they had just been talking too. James grabbed her hand so the two didnt get split up. "Eh, want me to teleport?" He almost yelled at her over the noise of the crowd, he wanted to teleport but judging from her reaction to the first time he thought he better ask first.
The crowd was relentless, almost eerily similar to that one time she had gone to a One Direction concert to appease a friend and the walk to the metro had been like swimming in a roaring current of a very alive, very ruthless river. She and James quickly lost sight of the unknown other couple, as she felt a wave of reassurance wash through her when James grabbed her hand. It was enough to calm her knowing that someone was right beside her, striving to stay with her. She tightened her grip on his hand as they moved forward with the crowd, and then held a little tighter when he offered to teleport them to their rooms. Even though he had made sure to ask her first off, she couldn't help the instinct. What if, one time, he decided to teleport and she wasn't holding on enough? Would she just turn up where they had launched from? Or drop off, all alone, halfway towards their destination? Even worse, there was the slight, extremely worrying thought that maybe she might even die. Maybe her theories were a little over the top, but she was no expert in teleportation and the sciences behind it, and didn't know nearly enough about the actual practice of it to assume that she could safely take any risks. She wasn't even sure about the limitations and stresses of her own ability, let alone others. She grimaced at the slightly macabre train of thought running through her mind and shook her head at James' request. "No, it's okay. I wouldn't want to tire you out." She said.

The hallways, although grand and elegant, were of a restricted size and would seriously restrict the amount of students which could travel down it to around four to five abreast. Not to mention, most of the students hadn't attended the academy before and had to find their dorms as well. That would mean a lot of wrong turns, two way passage stream and an even longer waiting time. Faith liked to think that she was generally a very accepting person, but in reality, that only applied to a number of cases. Fairly quickly, after having shuffled forward a couple of meters, she became impatient and more than a little annoyed by all of the pushing and shoving, and by how long it was taking them. Pursing her lips, Faith turned back to James and raised get voice a little so that he could hear her above all of the ruckus. "Yeah, I take it back sorry. Do it please. I don't reckon that I can stand another moment in this crowd." Once she finished, she immediately closed her eyes tightly, so that when James actually did teleport, then maybe this time she wouldn't be so unsettled. Not entirely a very patient, accepting person, but she was a fairly fast learner.
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"Well, I suppose we should get going Elizabeth.... Though, i am not keen of going through this crowd of people to it."He said as he got up and had a look at the form that was given to him."So i am going to room 394. Haven t been in a dorm before, always had a room to my self. No bed but still some privacy. Hey, could be fine i guess. "
Nick looked at the number on the key, it was the same as the guy that could teleport. He never did get his name, nor the girl he was sitting with. Well he figured he would find out when he got to the room. Everyone seemed to get up at once and begin moving. He stood up and took Niki's hand and just stood there. "Think we had best just wait. We have the rest of the day and no sense getting crushed and ran over by the crowd.' he told her. Once the rest had cleared out of the assembly hall he gently pulled on her hand and began to move towards one of the doors leading out. Outside the hall he found one of the older persons, probably a teacher and asked where the dorms were and the room number he had. The man gave him directions and he took his time, letting the others go ahead of him and Niki.

"Well now, perhaps they will be able to teach you how to turn your powers off. He raised his hand with hers in it and smiled. "Still tickles." he chuckled. "By the way, what is your room number?" he asked. By the time they got to the staircase they were to go up, the mass of mutants had thinned a bit and made it easier for them to move up them. He was in no hurry. He figured once he got to his room and looked it over he would go down and get his things off his bike and bring them up. He looked over at Niki, she was alright, he liked her.
(Thanks seriously passed out after work couldn't reply or it be Crap in my opinion. Also have no clue where to get the room number I looked for it last night send me a link please on tapatalk. I am also part blonde if that helps )

Nikita had listened to Nick introduce him and her to the guy in front of him. She shot Nick a look, she didn't want to come off friendly or friend like to any one. She wasn't here to make friends. She was here to get the hell out and never look back. It was always her goal. When the speeches started she leaned back held the bridge of her nose."This is so lame."She muttered. Finally the crowd started to get rowdy again and head for the door.She stayed sitting and put her feet up they all wanted to get to there rooms. She however again could careless.

However sitting was not an option. She stood as Nick held her hand and talked about not getting crushed." Well I do have a way to make people move out of my way quickly. Though you my dear seem amune to it. Which is a first. Once out side the hall Nick had asked for directions and she waited on him arms crossed.

When He walked back over she raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Yes I am sure one of the morons can teach me to control it."She says and laughed. She gave him a look " told you immune to even something that could kill a grown man."She said laughing. "Room no Idea lets go to yours I know it's against the rules, but who said ai play by the rules."She said with a wink.Nikita laughed as they walked up the stairs it was quieter now. She looked around and just laughed holding nicks hand. They were walking for his room.When He looked at her Nikita gave him a what look. She didn't mind being with Nick slight ass, but other wise okay in her opinion.

Death to all betrayers
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(Sorry for late reply, I didn't get a notification)

Elizabeth smiled at him and stood up. "At least you had privacy, my room was full with cameras and the stupid security had to watch me all the time. Our rooms are really close I'm in room

395 " she said exited. "I had a roommate once but she escapes before I did"
"Well they could have been monitored, it was dark inside."He said before giving a look of a realization as the walked to their rooms."Oh boy the compromising position the could have could me in.. That would explain a lot actually... Well, never-mind about that, i was...." He paused as his eyesight went blurry and then his surrounding began to spin, he rubbed his eyes before the dizziness hit him making him reach out to something to steady himself.
Nick looked at the door and it had his name as well as four others on it. Lovely he had four room mates. "Four room mates, now that is going to be hell. I could see maybe one, but four?" he shook his head. Then he looked at her, "What number do you have on your key?" he asked her. He tried his key and it opened the door. It looked as if one of his room mates had showed up already and had claimed a bed. He wondered what power he had and if he had any control on it. The hallway was now only half full of people looking for their rooms and he could just see how it was going to be in the morning when they had to go to their first class. He had his schedule, will really the room numbers of where he was to go.

He pulled her closer to him so she would not get bumped into constantly by the others and smiled down at her. "Now that we know where I am to live, lets find your place and see who you have to deal with. Hopefully some that are not wierder then we already are. He hoped he didn't have any of the fury looking ones for room mates.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow when Matthew was finishing his sentence since she was curious of what was he talking about. She noticed he was acting really weird so she placed a hand in his shoulder to check if he was alright.

"Matt? Are you alright? What happened? " she said worried about him.
Nikita sighed and looked at Nicks room."Nice if it is four girls in one room I swear to god all will not go well." She took out her key "395, just adjacent to this room actually."She said. She looked around his room with a sigh."I do wish they allow us to sleep in a guys dorm, be much easier for me."She says. She sighed and pulled out her key.

She jumped when he pulled her close. She used her power and new it wouldn't hurt him. Her Hazel eyes starred up at him."yeah I be lucky to get someone normal in my room. Trust me it is just a place to sleep nothing spectacular. "She said she walked to the adjacent room and used her key she opened it and let out a small sigh."great four girls."She muttered. she chose the open bed by the window. She didn't care, like she said it was a place to sleep.

Death to all betrayers
"It just... Just a little dizzy.. Just need to sit down..."He was barely able say before groaning as a throbbing pain in the front of his head. He needed to support himself on a wall to steady himself, eventually leaning his back at him, his hand rubbing his temples."Just go... I will be fine...It..passes."
Elizabeth rolled her eyes and looked at Matt. "You look like you're about to pass out. Nice try but I'm not leaving if you need help." She said with a serious tone of voice. "Is it because of your powers?" She asked, she remembered that there was a guy in her research facility who got dizzy every time he used his powers so what was happening to Matthew could be similar.

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