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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy


The extended hand was tempting and Faith really didn't enjoy being sprawled on the well manicured lawn of the academy, so she accepted his invitation with a returned smile and another observation of the boy who had not exactly formed such a positive first impression with her. At least, not many people enjoyed being slammed into by another human being, and then falling ungracefully to the ground because of it. Her second thought about him, however, wasn't bad. Although she could sense a bit of a cocky, over-confident attitude was hidden somewhere inside his personality. Maybe he was a flirt too, judging from the smile and the wink.

"Don't worry about it." She replied, dusting herself off once she was comfortably on her feet. "I managed not to hurt myself. I have no cause to sue." She laughed softly, implying that she wasn't bothered by his unorthodox introduction. Although, gathering from some of the other displays of mutant abilities which she was currently witnessing across the campus, it wasn't the strangest thing that had occurred so far. It was definitely not going to be the weirdest thing to happen all day either. She would be lying if she said that it didn't make her feel a little apprehensive. "My name's Faith, and I'm guessing you are either a teleporter or you can fly but you can't land very well."
James looked at the girl as he helped her up. He instantly liked her, which was strange for him because it was usually the other way round. The courtyard they were standing in was huge, It was mostly made of stone with a huge statue of the founder of the school, who every mutant knew of, Alexander Isaacs, a huge activist for Mutant rights, he had been killed 10 years ago. Surrounding the courtyard were sort of hallways, the roof's of them held up by stone pillars. There had to be hundreds of students moving through these excitedly and standing around the court yard. There were the more "noticeable" mutants, who had blue fur, horns and even tails, but for the most part, most students looked normal but the irony was that no one here was.

"I'm alot of things" James replied to the girl who had introduced herself as Faith, he knew he was trying to hard. "Yeah.. I can teleport" He said. He was also approxiamately 300% stronger than normal humans, but he thought he'd save that for gym class.
"I have to say, unfortunately I haven't had much experience with teleporters before. The only one I've really talked to was about five years ago when he chose to hide inside my house after he robbed a bank. Stole approximately a hundred thousand dollars. Surprisingly nice guy, after I got over the initial shock of having a stranger appear in my living room. I wasn't exactly the model citizen for allowing him to stay for a couple of hours and escape capture, but I was alone in the house and I had nothing better to do." Faith remarked, lips quirking upward slightly into an amused smile as she visualised one of the weirdest moments of her past. She shook her head after a moment, dragging herself out of her reverie. "Anyway, I have to say it's a pretty interesting ability. I would suggest, however, that maybe you should work on your aim. Most girls wouldn't be so uncaring about such a botched landing."

"In case you were wondering," She continued, finding herself talking more often than usual for some reason. Maybe she found some sort of companionable relationship available from the stranger who had yet to to tell her his name. Or maybe, his charm was actually working on her and she was already well on her way to babbling like a stereotypical girly teenager. Something she would have to stop in her tracks if she didn't want to appear like an idiot to the first person she met. "I have the ability to project and create any vision or illusion in the mind of currently one other person after having maintained eye contact for at least three seconds. It can be rather potent too. I have no doubts that if I so desired, I have the power to drive someone to insanity. Still interested in me?" Her eyes danced with mirth, and a challenge which betrayed her slightly mischievous nature.
She was rambling but he liked it. She didn't ramble like most other girls, there was a way about her, she was smart, intelligent. He grinned as she told him about a teleporter she had met. Teleporting was not exactly a unique ability but there weren't a lot of people who had it either and many people only had what was known "line of sight" teleporting which meant that they could only teleport to places that they could see with there own eyes, so not very far. Fortunately for James he could teleport pretty much anywhere although huge distances could be exhausting. He thought about asking her what sort of teleporter the man was but didn't want to come across "Weird".

Her power on the other hand, he had never heard of and he was instantly intrigued. "I'll do that" He said as she told him to work on his teleporting aim better. "Still interested in me?" Faith asked with a hint of mischievous in her tone. "Very" James replied in an almost flirtatious manner.

He noticed that the crowd was starting to shift and a stream of students had formed, all heading into the huge hall that stood at the head of the courtyard.
A small smirk appeared in Elizabeth's face when she heard Mathew speaking and gently rubbed her arm as she looked down. She was terrible talking with others and starting a conversation with a stranger was not the easiest thing to do.

"I like the view too, I though the government was going to give us an abandoned building with blood on the walls but I guess we got lucky" she chuckled and then bit her lip. What could she say? Conversations with other mutants were difficult and Elizabeth wanted to continue the conversation with the only person that seemed alright and had the same problems she had. "So... You might hate me for asking this but... Were you in a research facility before?"

She said as she looked at him right in the eyes and tried to smile. "Oh, I'm Elizabeth"
"Yeah you mentioned..." He said awkwardly unsure how to take her smile, did she like him or is he making a fool of himself. She was pretty and female which made him feel more awkward, only experience with women was doctors and didn't talk much beyond doctors."No! eh...Not hate... its fine and yes. I don't what mine was exactly, never had any window. Maybe underground, would explain it." He said before going quite, not sure what to say yet not wanting this interaction to end."I guess you are the same... Should make a club for us, get t-shirts." He tried to joke.
Faith laughed. "I'm relieved then. Wouldn't want to be setting off the wrong signals to people, frightening them off with my very terrifying power." She said it sarcastically and then winked at him. "I like you, teleporter. Even though you did manage to push me over on the first day. I'm never going to let you forget that by the way. You're just lucky I wasn't eating at the time. I can get very protective over food, it's my weakness. But what to do you say we join that mass of mutant students behind us and make our way into the hall now. I reckon they'll be starting some form of welcoming assembly or principal's address soon, and I would hate to get caught sitting at the back next to some weird kid. I'd much rather sit with you."

It had not escaped her notice either that the front courtyard was steadily beginning to empty of students, as not only did the flow of those arriving begin to slow down, but people also started to wander in to have a look at where the next (or first) event of excitement would be taking place. Those who were more social or who had already managed to form some level of friendship were more the ones who were remaining outside now, and Faith hadn't been lying. She did want to get a good seat, preferably somewhere she could both see the front and hear the people who were talking there and also sit next to someone who she was already managing to get along with. Her stranger seemed to be the best option, and he certainly wasn't unattractive.
Elizabeth giggled when she heard his joke "Well, I would love to be in that club" she said with a big smile on her face. She was gaining some confidence around him and she didnt want to loose that confidence, the last thing she wanted was to be alone during the whole school year. She noticed most of the students entering the school and crossed her arms. She looked back at Mathew and smiled at him "We better get going before all the good seats are taken"
When Niki approached him after his near disasterous power display she asked him about it. "Weather. It seems I can control weather, but right now it runs amok if I get angry. He looked over at the other mutants heading into the huge building. "Think it is time to go in and meet who ever I guess." Another school, but better then the one he had went to back home. He seen others that seemed to have come together, in a way. Was always interesting when school started, to see who hooked up with who. He took her by the arm gently and began to guide her towards the main entrance. He looked back and saw the gate being shut as he guessed all the mutants that were coming had already showed up. "This should be interesting." he said as he stepped inside the entrance of the Academy.

The place was made of stone and looked as if it had come out of a middle ages. But the floor of the huge entryway was tiled and polished to shine like glass He could see two staircases, one to the left and one to the right going up to the next floor, like something out of a mansion or something in a movie. There were a number of adults guiding the students down a hall way to where they were suppose to be going. He wondered if they were mutants as well or if they were Normals that were going to try and tell them how to control their powers. Now that would be a laugh. Normals who had no idea of how their powers worked telling them how to control them. "What you think of this place." he asked Niki.
"Yeah, lets." He said finally looking at her with a smile, he said before following her inside towards the academy at the academy. As he stepped into the school and looked around, taking in the place mostly the student and others he figured were teachers were moving about through the building. There was noise, chatter both joyful and otherwise something he wasnt used to a until recently. He returned his attention back to Elizabeth."Eh, were do we go? This place is a maze and i normally taken from place to place."
She rolled her eye's and sighed. "I figured most of our powers run on emotions we just have to learn to control our emotions or channel it into something."She said. She saw the other's going in and when Nick took her by the arm she lifted an eyebrow."do you want to sign your own death warrant?"She asked. And nodded when he let go she isn't one to be touched and moved by other's. She normally shocked them.

She stepped inside with him and looked around. The school was massive and amazing. Very beautiful. She how ever didn't care for school so she wandered if this was waisting her time maybe jail be better, who was she kidding this was like Jaol but ypu were forced to learn. She looked over when Asked her what she thought of the place. Nikita shrugged"not my thing, but it will do."She said. Niki was a hard girl to please.Ever since she got off drugs her attitude was still off. She hadn't fully got over withdrawals. she had only gotten clean few months ago.


Death to all betrayers
Elizabeth was completely hypnotised when she saw how beautiful the school was from the inside. She felt like a millionare as soon as she entered because of the luxury that was before her eyes. Elizabeth happily pointed at the front seats and smiled at him.

"We should sit there, we will be able to hear whoever is going to talk clearly"
"Not to worry." he told her but still let go of her. "It seems I am immune to electricity as part of my powers seem to deal with lightning. I have had it crackle about me." he told her. He followed the crowd as it seemed to be going somewhere, if anything, a big auditorum where they would be welcomed, briefed and told the rules of the place. Much like he had been in regular school. Was the same every year and he guessed everywhere. He wondered what the accomidation were at the Academy. Would he have his own room? The place looked big enough to accomadate such a thing, but then again if what he heard about collages were true, he probably would be share a room with others. He just hoped that none were asses and bothersome.

"So you don't like schools." he said. Well not everyone liked them. They tollerated them, because it was the law that everyone had to go to school. Had to get an education. Most of what was learned never came into play with one's life. He didn't see the sense in all of it. Some yes. Reading, writing, math, those were important. But of world history and the past what use was that unless you were going into a profession that used them. "Well I have to agree with you on that one."
"I see. Good at least i know its idiot proof."He joked as he followed her instruction and sat down, hopping she would sit next down next him. He looked out throughout the auditorium looking out the various faces about, also he listened out for what people were taking about so he maintain a conversation with Elizabeth. He mostly heard mention of there powers and mutations, and scolded himself for not thinking of it himself. He then cursed as he realized the question will be thrown back at him and wondered how people would react to the answer. He almost panicked before thinking up a suitable answer."Hey, i guess the conversation was going to come to this eventually...So what are you in for...I mean your mutation?"
She raised an eyebrow at him."you immune to me now that be a first I definitely want to test that."She said. She smirked and walked beside him. She knew they were probably going to orientation man she rather ditch and Have a cigarette then listen to a lame schools welcome. She sighed realizing for the first time she might have to share room with one of these bozos. That didn't help her mood any. She wasn't one to get along with others to well. Nick seemed to be okay. She smirked and looked over at him when he made his comment.

"Who in the hell likes school. No one that I know of unless you are an annoying nerd or geek."She said. She hated school didn't see the point except another pointless thing the government controlled like there lives since they were different or mutants as people called them.History was the only subject in school she could stand and English all the other's just made her hostile."yup."She said to his last comment her hand brushed his and she pulled it away like she always did. More an automatic thing then a reaction.


Death to all betrayers
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Elizabeth sat down next to Matthew and gave him a bright smile. For her social skills, it was impressive that he was still talking to her and that he seemed happy, or at least that's what Elizabeth thought. When she heard the question about her mutation she rubber her arm and looked at her hand.

"Yeah... I have an ability called super evil person. Meaning that I'm actually trying to take over the world. Being here is part of my plan" she joked and then smiled, hoping he knew it was just a joke "nah, I'm kidding. I can just manipulate dark energy, what can you do?"
"Yeah, lets do that" James said in reply to Faith. "My names James by the way" He said, remembering that he still hadn't told her his name and that she had just referred to him as "Teleporter". The two of them moved through the thick crowd of students that were quickly filling the huge rows of metal chairs that covered most of the hall. At the head of this sea of chairs was a stage with a podium in the middle, he assumed that was where the principal would give his address to "officially" start the school year. He could see off to the side of the stage were around 10 or so people, two he noticed were wearing black suits with black sunglasses, probably secret service. Then he saw a man, he was completely covered in green furry hair that looked like it had been well kept for some time. James and many Mutants around America knew who this man was, Henry Lencher, Senator of New York, Leader of the Mutant Rights party, Minister for Mutant Affairs and of course Principal of Alexander's Academy. It was fair to say that this man had a lot of political power, often working closely with the President and what made it better is that he was a Mutant and he stood up for them all, but there was only so much he could do, things were still bad for Mutants in America.

James quickly realised that he and Faith were barely moving forward due to the density of the crowd. He locked his eyes onto two free chairs, he grabbed Faith's hand giving her a wink and saying "This may feel a little weird", and they dissapeared only to reaper almost instantly in front of the two chairs.
He chuckled hardily to the evil comment, he could remember when he last laughed hard like this." Oh, you are joking? Shame, i think you will look good in throne over mountain a skulls chuckling evilly. Also being friends with the next world rules has its benefits. A high position maybe minister of something."He said smiling back."Anyways dark power is interesting, i assume its portals and energy blasts? Mine is less interesting. I have reptilian traits, wall crawling and regenerating healing factor as in cut of my arm and it grows. However i am no immortal, brain is not regenerative so eh,,,Make that what you will. Also i am afraid i am venomous so we have to be careful when we smooch..eh... "He found himself becoming embarrassment at the kiss comment."If we... Not that i have.... You know what i mean."
(Sorry for late reply, I'm in school)

Elizabeth made an evil laugh and smiled at him "I would love to make a trone of the skulls of my enemies and yes, you can rule with me but I still want the throne all for myself. Besides, if I feel sleepy I can just make the skulls in the throne sing for me" she said trying to not laugh. "Belive me, you are lucky that we didn't know each other befire , I was a monster when I was learning to control my powers. One time, I destroyed an entire lab full of information about me when I was sleeping." She said chuckling and then smiled when she heard about his powers. "My brother would love your powers, he loves reptiles" she was about to say more until she heard the kiss comment and stopped talking. "Heh... I know what you mean... Don't worry"
"Yes! Caught you on a good day." He said jokingly as he scored in a match." This strange, you should say that though i was actually in a similar state before as well. Though your brother would have like me better them..." He trailed off realizing he was about to divulge his true form."Eh, well... You know anything about this place? I was told anything just that it was school?"
"Well, I guess we all have to go through that stage were we learn to control our powers" Elizabeth said as she smiled at him. "Well, the only information I got was that the government created it and many normal humans hate it" she said before looking down and rubbing her arm. "Can I ask you a question? Did you... Ever try to escape the facility you where in? I know you probably don't want to talk about that but I was just curious"
"Control our powers, yeah something like that. All huss huss and government you say? That is never good sign in my experience but lets hope i am wrong."He said curiously as he took in the information. At the question of escaping hee looked down at the question as though slightly ashamed." No, i haven't tried..." He admitted."Didn't feel i would be better off outside at least in there i wouldn't be a danger to others outside."
(People just arrived. Some are meeting others)

Landon followed the flow of the crowd into an area where some sort of assembly was going to be held at. His gaze shifted around the place as he observed some mutants and searched for a chair. Oh look a seat. Landon thought to himself as he approached a couple of chairs. Suddenly, two people teleported to them. Oh right, ha now anyone can use their stuff at anytime. The mutant moved a few rows back sitting himself down next to a furry blue...thing.

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