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Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

She considered his words for a while and then gave in, as always. "Alright, from head to toe, then." She took a deep breath, then another, just to take in the smell of the fresh air. "His hair is always parted correctly. It's a decent shade of chocolate brown, almost black." She stared deep into his eyes, trying to pick out the right words for the color. "His eyes..." she held her heart, as though she were about to pass out. "Those hypnotic, exquisite brown eyes that just captivate me every time he manages to trap me with them." She was having one of those moments now. "He's very secretive, only allowing few to see half of his face. He's very angry yet sweet at times." She smiled at him. "I feel like the only thing keeping him calm is...me." she turned away, smiling. "Did I tell you that his voice was what truly captivated me? How he would sing me to sleep as a child, though he wouldn't show me anything as far as appearances?On to his body. Not much to say as far as muscles go, other than the fact that I love it when he traps me in them." she held his hands. "He would hold me with his muscles and dance with me. He's not so bad as far as sweet talk goes. That's how he traps me at night." She laughs out loud. "He's a wonderful father and even more so as a husband. He's given me four beautiful little children. I owe him so much."
Erik smiled at Christine, not removing his gaze from her the entire time she spoke. Her words filled him with such joy, especially because all of them were true. He found himself getting lost in how animated she became when she talked, moving around this way and that, taking his hands in hers - everything she did amazed him. When at last Christine finished, Erik had become so overwhelmed by her that he swept her up in his arms and placed a soft, slow kiss on her lips. "You sound like a lucky woman. I must admit I'm rather jealous of this fellow." He joked when they finally broke the kiss. "I may have to steal you from him."
"Oh, please do." She kisses him again. "But, as I have warned you," she smirked. "He is very, very possessive." She lived for teasing him. "He's almost strangled a man for trying to take me from him. He won't let me.free until one of us dies." She.kissed him again. "And, I love him so much for that. I love everything about him." She kissed his cheek. "He sends chills down my back every time he sings or reverts.to his old ways." She admits.
"If I recall correctly," Erik whispered his tease after she kissed him again, "I almost strangled a man twice for trying to take you away from me." He laughed softly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in when she kissed his cheek. "I'll have to remember that. From now on I'll sing more and revert to my old ways, just to keep things exciting for you." Erik chuckled, then placed her back on her feet, allowing her to walk freely again, though he loved the feeling of holding her in his arms.
She smiled. "Look who finally caught on!" She was surprised that he had come to such a quick conclusion. "Whoever said that I was speaking about you?" she asked as they rounded a corner, walking aimlessly around. "There are a number of men fitting that description, but, seeing as you are the only one that is close, I guess you'll have to do." Sighing, she leaned into him. "Please, do keep giving me these wonderful sensations." She begged him, though she didn't need to.
Chuckling softly, Erik wrapped an arm around Christine as she leaned into him. "Oh, yes. I forgot about the affair you're having with the other masked man with the angelic voice from the Opera House down the street." He teased, enjoying that the two of them were just enjoying themselves and not stressing for once. Erik placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I will, always. I promise." He didn't have to ask her to do so in return. Erik trusted that she always would.
She took the hand around her in her own hands as they walked. "Indeed, much better looking than you." Christine stroked his knuckles. "And, I know that you never break your promises. Not since our infancy, dear." As they continued to walk, Christine got nervous. "Where are we going, Erik." She scraped the heels of her shoes against the concrete, not wanting to take a step further. "I don't know this area."
Erik smiled at nothing it seemed, he was just overjoyed to be with her - everything about this moment was making him smile. Then, he stopped beside Christine and looked at their surroundings for the first time. It was unfamiliar to him as well and it certainly didn't look welcoming, to say the least. To top if off, there were suspicious looking people around and Erik found himself getting worried. "Come, Christine. Let's go back the way we came." He did his best to stay calm and keep his voice steady as he took her arm and pulled her along gently, attempting to go back and get away from this area.
Christine obeyed him immediately and without question. "Yes, Erik. Let us go from here." She held tightly to him, afraid that if she let go, she.would get lost like a child getting lost from her parents in a store. "I don't like this at all." She admitted, noticing how men were dressed in a not so friendly way.
Erik kept his arm wrapped around Christine protectively, catching the glances of men as they watched them go. "Me neither, dear. Don't worry. I'm here." Erik whispered his assurance to her. He glared back at the men, hoping to keep them away. Normally, he wouldn't have minded if he were alone. After all, he could be just as intimidating and not many people would normally bother him, but today Christine was with him. With each glare Erik received, the more unnerved he felt, and the tighter he held to Christine. "I think we're almost clear of this place." He said what he could, hoping that Christine wasn't too frightened. Unfortunately, it seemed the more they tried to blend into the surroundings, the more noticeable they were. At one point Erik heard a vulgar whistle come from one of the men - obviously directed at Christine - and he turned, glaring furiously in the direction the noise come from as he picked up their pace.
Christine had heard the whistle as well and wouldn't relinquish Erik's coat. Too scared to even look at the moronic man that whistled, she kept going, until she heard him speak to his friend. "Hey, we aren't gonna hurt her!" He laughed. "Let us have some fun with her!" He started toward the couple. Christine could smell the disgusting scent of alcohol on his breath. He was within feet of them now. "Damn! She looks good!" Christine's eyes bulged. "Er-ik" she whispered, starting to panic.
Erik held tightly to Christine as the man started to approach them. He had hoped they wouldn't, but it was too late to run now - this disgusting fellow was far too close. Erik stopped walking and pushed Christine behind him carefully, keeping her out of reach of the men. He kept one arm still around her and pulled the dagger from his side with his free hand. "You will not touch her." Erik told them firmly, keeping the weapon in front of him threateningly. "Stand back!" He shouted as the one just kept coming closer and closer.
Seeing the blade glint in the sunlight, the man called to his fellow. "Give me that bottle!" The other man obeyed. The first caught it and busted it against the wall of a nearby building. "What do you think you're gonna do to me?" He chortled. "Cut me with that?" There was a drunken fear behind this facade. He was frightened. "Erik!" Christine whispered sharply, tightening her grip on his arm. She prayed that her angel of music would be alright. "Please, let's just go." The man that threw the bottle saw the knife. "John, let's just get out of here!" He pleaded, obviously the smarter of the two. John was too drunk to understand as he kept coming.
Erik started to get that old feeling back - the thrill of violence. However, the sound of Christine's voice pulled him from his thoughts of murder and he longed to just leave with her as she asked - he still didn't want to be a killer. But, this man, John, he kept coming for them. He was too close for Erik and Christine to turn and leave - he would just follow them, hurt them anyway. Rather, hurt her. "We can't..." he whispered back, sounding as if he were trapped. Erik tried one last attempt at peace. "Leave, now. Or I will have no choice but to hurt you." His voice was steady, but Erik found it hard to swallow.
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John kept coming. "You prat, Charlie, don't be such a baby!" He laughed, inching ever closer to Monsieur and Madame Destler. "Erik, please!" Christine begged. "Let's go!" She could tell by the look in his eyes that part of her old music master, her old angel of music was back. There was no use in trying to stop this madness. John stumbled forward and waved the bottle threateningly at Erik. "Now, are you gonna turn the broad over or are we gonna have to take her?" He teased, reaching around to grab Christine, who yelped in terror. "Erik!" She screamed, until the bottle was held dangerously close to her neck.
"God, forgive me." Erik whispered seemingly to himself. He grabbed this man, John, by the wrist which held his broken bottle, and shoved him backwards into the wall behind him so that the glass wouldn't cut Christine. In an attempt to be free, however, Erik did feel John run the glass over his skin, but as of right now Erik could hardly feel the slash in his arm. As John was thrown into the brick, Erik felt his fury rise again as he reached out with his dagger and pushed it through John's stomach.
Charlie, being, obviously, the smarter of the two, took his friend in his arms and ran away with him in a desperate attempt to save the drunk's life. Christine screamed still, crying through these screams that were so ear splitting, that they.cut through the wind like the knife. "Erik!" She wailed again, holding his bleeding arm and even.going so far as to rip a piece of her dress, just to wrap his arm. "Y-You'll be fine." She assured him. "Please, you'll b-be fine, my angel." She walked away with him, at a faster pace than.before. "Oh, Erik, forgive me, please! Forgive me!" She walked with him all the way home.
Erik let Charlie take his friend after he pulled the dagger out from the man's stomach. He felt lost in this trance, not even Christine's screams could cause a reaction in Erik right then. He walked along with her though, stumbling from the pain and feeling weaker and weaker by the second. However, it wasn't because of the gash in his arm. About halfway home, Erik found himself falling to his knees and shamefully throwing up on the side of the street. His entire body shook and he felt himself having hot and cold flashes as he tried desperately not to look at the blood that stained his dagger. Yes, he had killed before. But, there was something different about this time. Of course, he couldn't be sure he had killed this man, but the possibility of death plagued Erik's thoughts. "I-I broke a promise..." Erik attempted to explain himself to Christine as he tried to get to his feet again, now feeling the stabbing pain in his arm at last. "...to myself. I promised I wouldn't kill again." He fought back tears as he struggled to walk home with her. Erik listened to her pleas and found himself having to fight even harder not to break down. "There is nothing to forgive you for, Christine. You did nothing wrong." He held tight to her hand - careful not to hurt her - partly to balance himself, but mostly to keep himself calm.
"But, you were trying to keep another promise." She explained to him. "Oh, God! This is my fault!" She walked him all the way home. "If I hadn't suggested we go! If I hadn't said that I enjoyed your old self!" She unwrapped his arm. "Oh, God!" She fell to her knees and cried. Andrew took over from there. "Now, I'm not a doctor, but I do know about stitches." He assured the couple. "When you work hard chopping wood, you have to learn these things." He tried to lighten the mood as he set to work on his father in law's arm. "Now, this is a nasty cut. Lucky it isn't deep."
Erik nodded, giving Andrew his permission to do what he could for his arm. As the young man set to work, Erik whispered soft comforts to Christine and smiled at her as he reached out to take her hand in his. "Darling, this is not your fault. I did it to protect you from that foul man, not to impress you." Erik ran his thumb lightly over the skin of her hand. "Do not blame yourself. I will be fine, I promise you."
Catherine was almost as bad as her mother. The daddy's girl rushed her siblings away from this grisly scene. Andrew ran the thread through Erik's arm centimeter by centimeter, eventually wrapping it back up again. "There, just don't do anything that might open it back up." He ordered. "No heavy lifting, no more bottles." He teased, trying to lighten the mood. "No carrying anything or anyone. In fact, don't leave this bed." He grinned from ear to ear. "Just let Mum take care of you." He jerked his head in Christine's direction. "You should stop promising everything. You may get hurt." She teased.
Erik laughed at Andrew's attempt to lighten the mood, grateful it was working. "Thank you, Andrew." He said, moving his arm only enough to lay it over his stomach and rest. At the mention of Christine taking care of him, he scoffed. "I've hurt my arm, son, not had it amputated." Though, Erik was laughing. "Alright, I'll do as you say." He sighed and gave in willingly as smiled at Christine. "Ah, now you warn me!" Laughing, Erik's eyes brightened up and the color started returning to his cheeks.
Christine blushed when Erik said this. "Erik, it doesn't matter to me if it isn't amputated or not." She kissed his cheek. "You really need to relax, dear. You scared me." Christine stood back up. Catherine took her place and kissed her father's cheek. "Please, just get better." She almost pleaded. Then, Christine got an idea. Picking up her baby from his crib and placing him on his father's chest, she explained. "Now is your chance to bond with him."
Erik nodded at Christine's words and smiled at them both. When Catherine came over and kissed his cheek, he returned the kiss. "I will, my dear." He ran his fingers through his daughter's hair lovingly, then Christine was coming over to him. He let her place Jonathan on his chest, but raised his brow questioningly up at her, though his smile couldn't have been more clear. Erik looked back at his baby, whom he had rarely held since his birth, and felt his heart melting. Reaching out with his good arm, Erik took the baby's tiny hand in his and held it, noticing how soft it was. He found himself chuckling at nothing, just the fact that his son was so dear.
Catherine stood back with her mother, just enough to give Erik space, while, at the same time, whispering to Christine. "Now's our chance to escape, Mother." She giggled lightly. "After all, Father can't stop us." She spoke out loud during that last sentence. "He's got to stay home in bed." Christine thought about this for a long time. "I'm free!" She exclaimed, jokingly, of course. "I'm free!" She trotted from the area and toward the world above. "I can go back to the theater!"

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