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Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

The tiny, curly haired, freckle faced girl relaxed her grip, just a little. Looking up at her father, she pecked his lips. "I guess you're right."she tried to sound disappointed. Her gaze traveled downward, 'shamefully'. "You're married now. That's just going to cause you to completely immerse yourself in Mama now." She giggled. "It's probably a little late for that, already." When her father brought up that childish comment she made in the boat months ago, her face went almost as red as the dress Meg was wearing. She relaxed her arms completely, letting Christine take Erik from her. "That isn't what I said, Papa. You heard me wrong."
Erik smiled at Lilly when she placed a tiny kiss on his lips. "I won't completely immerse myself in her. And what's that supposed to mean?" He teased back, laughing, but didn't need an answer. He watched her face grow red and he smiled at how precious she was, even when embarrassed. He rubbed her arm lightly, a little reassurance, and smiled at her as he teased on. "You certainly said something like it." Laughing, Erik finished with, "don't fret, my dear. It's precious." Erik admitted before turning to Christine with a smile still on his face. He placed his hands on her waist as the band continued to play. "Hello, my love. It's nice to see you again. How was your first dance of the night?" Erik chuckled, already starting to get lost in her eyes again.
"Okay, Papa."she hugged him once more before she dragged her brother away to dance with him. "But, I don't know how to dance, Lilly!" He pleaded with her. "I'll lead, then." Lilly wasn't going to let Alistair get away. "Hello, Monsieur." Christine greeted Erik as though they were meeting for the first time. "It's nice to see you again, as well, my friend." She paused as she thought of her son's dancing, or rather, clinging to her as she danced. "My dance partner was just dazzling. But, not quite as dazzling as his father." She admitted.
Erik chuckled as he danced with Christine, not having messed up yet and he was thankful for that. "Well, that's good to know. I wouldn't wish to have to compete with my son." He contemplated his own dance with Lilly and teased Christine just a bit. "You know, Lilly was quite good. I would say better than you at dancing, but I can't really be sure. I kept messing it up, so I wasn't able to judge her real potential as a dancer." He chuckled and placed a kiss on Christine's forehead. Being close to her reminded him just how lucky he was. Today was the day he had prayed for all his life - he was finally a husband. And, he wasn't just a husband, he was Christine's husband. His Christine, now his bride. The thought made Erik's heart swell up again.
"Awe, don't fret, my darling." She kissed him. "He could never compare to a big, strong,.." at the word 'strong', she turned herself around to face away from him, wrapping his arms around her waist as well "rather handsome man such as yourself. I need a man, not a boy." She kept swaying. "He just can't compare to perfection, Erik." The truth seeped past her lips. "No one can compare to you." She turned her head, her cheek against his left shoulder. "This night is just exquisite!"
Erik swayed with Christine in silence, listening to her flattering words that were causing him to blush slightly. "You're too sweet, Christine." As she leaned against him, Erik placed a kiss on her cheek and let his hands rest on her stomach. "If anyone is perfect it is you, my angel. I can't get enough of you." He confessed to her. "I'm glad you're having a good time - I wanted tonight to be perfect for you." As he spoke he let his thumbs grace over her stomach lightly while he closed his eyes, lost in her touch and the music that they swayed to.
With her eyes now shut, lightly, of course, she brought her left hand up to his left cheek and held it there. Her right hand graced his hand that was on her stomach. "You have completed your quest, dearest." She wanted to be alone with him, but, the night was still young and the music wasn't letting up. "How long did you schedule our night?" She whispered, raising her brow and opening her eyes as her stomach started rumbling. "Ooh, not that. Not now!" She sighed. "Why ruin my moment?"
Erik almost let out a sigh when she reached up and touched him. Her touch always did wondrous things to him and he couldn't stop smiling. "That's good to hear." He whispered. "I hoped more than anything you would be happy with tonight. It means the world to me that you are." At her question Erik chuckled softly. "Oh, a few hours." He opened his eyes and raised a brow teasingly. "I didn't know you'd be so eager to leave." Then he heard her stomach rumbling lightly. Chuckling again, Erik turned her around to face him again and kissed her on the lips. "There will be plenty more moments like this Christine," he whispered to her. "I promise. For now, you must eat. It's no fun to dance on an empty stomach." Erik lead her over off the dance floor to where there were small tables with food stuffs set out, near the alcohol. "Take what you like, my love. It's already been paid for." Erik informed Christine as he poured himself a glass of wine and took a small sip.
There was the slightest hint of guilt in Christine's voice. He was so peaceful when dancing and she had just ruined that. "Oh, alright." She gave in. "I'll scarf something down, if I must, sir." She put a few items of food on her plate and started eating. Just wait until it's time for cake. She turned away from him to hide the devious smile plastered to her face as she poured herself some wine. "I'm glad you're enjoying the selection I provided, Christine." Andrew poured himself a glass, standing at the far end of the table. "Erik and I had a long, absolutely grueling chat about how this had to be just above perfect." He was recalling spilling wine on stage a few days ago. "Oh, I love it,dear Andrew." Christine admitted. "Thank you." "It was absolutely my pleasure, Madame Erik Destler." A sly grin escaped him. "I found it better, while speaking, or, rather, listening to my love's father, to nod politely and say 'yes' the whole thirty minutes." He joked. Christine laughed too. "That's a good boy!"
Erik smiled and continued to sip his wine as Andrew joked with Christine. He tried his best to hide his amusement. "Andrew, my boy, you're getting rather bold aren't you?" He joked, removing the glass from his lips so that he could speak to the young man. "First you walk around my home shirtless, in front of three women, mind you. Now you joke with my wife about a matter that was rather important to me and...and you refer to my daughter as 'my love.' Oh yes, rather bold of you." Erik smiled at Andrew so that he could be sure he was only joking. "However, you're a good fellow. And, Christine's right." He sighed jokingly, went around the table to Andrew, and confessed. "It's probably just best to do what I say and be done with it. So, that makes you smart as well." Laughing Erik patted Andrew on the back.
"Mind you, sir..." Andrew pointed out. "I never disrespected anyone in your home while my shirt was off." His tease was also light. "Your Catherine and I had a discussion about these things prior to entering your home." He hesitated. "And, I would never hurt any of your family. I love them. Especially, your Catherine." He admitted. "I haven't even asked her to grace my lips with hers yet. Not until I ask for her hand." Andrew saw the pat on the back as payment for him almost knocking Erik over that day. "But, that's a ways off."
Erik took another sip of his wine, listening to Andrew's words intently. When the young man finished, Erik sat his glass down on the table and confessed something to Andrew - something he had been thinking for quite some time. "You know something, Andrew? I admire you. I truly do. You are a very good man, not even kissing my daughter yet." When Andrew mentioned asking for Catherine's hand Erik's heart almost stopped. So...perhaps that is why he was so nervous earlier. Erik grew curious when Andrew mentioned that asking for Catherine's hand was a ways off. "And why is that so?" Erik's voice had lost it's tease, but was still light and he was smiling at the young man. He truly wanted to know because he saw how much Catherine cared about Andrew. "If you don't mind my asking, of course." He added, respectfully.
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This question burned into Andrew's heart like a blazing fire. "Sir,.." he paused. "I can't give her what she deserves. I'm trying to help my father with the bills after my mother died. I have four siblings that need food in their bellies." He wasn't going to give Erik a pity speech. "I can't give your daughter the life that she needs. I can't give her this." He waved his hand at the party."I can't accept William as mine until I can afford it." Tears threatened to sting his face. "But, do not worry. This is supposed to be your night. Go. Have a good time." He refilled more glasses.
Erik listened to Andrew and he felt guilty right away. He had not known the young man's state. "Son, listen to me." Erik placed his hands on Andrew's shoulder and turned him to face him, forcing him to stop refilling glasses. "Do you know what my daughter deserves - what I want her to have? She doesn't need a rich man to provide for her - we," he waved at himself and Christine, "can provide any trivial thing she may need, or, if times are hard we can provide a place to stay, money for food to eat." Erik shook his head, unable to understand why a nice young man like Andrew was put in such a rough position. "As for your father and your siblings - you let me know if they need anything, please. Any family of yours is family to us, Andrew - I don't care if we are family or not. Now, let me tell you what my little girl needs. She needs a nice, young man that will respect her and value her as a person. A man who will love her and William no matter what and who will be there to provide love for them. She isn't looking for money, son. She has that from us. She wants security and, especially, she wants love." Erik stared into Andrew's eyes, his hands still on his shoulders, and whispered to him. "Son, you can provide that much plus some. I have already seen you do it." He paused for a moment, thinking. Erik knew that Andrew might find it hard to accept this, but he prayed that he would eventually. "Just...think about it, alright?" He smiled at Andrew, picked up his glass and took another sip.
Catherine, having heard this from Andrew before, was engaged in conversation with Monsieur Debienne about an upcoming performance, almost skipped up to Andrew and hugged his waist. "I understand, sir." Andrew answered her father. "Thank you." He turned on his heel and hugged Erik's daughter. Christine, also feeling guilt for not knowing about this, set her full glass down and dismissed it as, "I just want to stay sober right now." She smiled at Erik. "If you understand." "Have I ever told you that your eyes are like little brown sapphires?" He kissed her forehead as it changed from white, to pink. His tease was what made her smile every day. "And yours are like medium sized green candies." Her retort made Andrew laugh out loud as he led her in a dance. "I feel awful, Erik." Christine admitted. "I never knew. Catherine said nothing."
Erik waited, listening to the two young adults, and sipped his wine. He couldn't help, despite what he had just heard, feeling a little embarrassed that he was overhearing a young man sweet talk his daughter. However, Erik reminded himself that this young man was the kind waiter that had not shunned him when he saw his face - the same young man who loved his daughter and respected her. When the two finally left to dance, Erik stood beside Christine, taking another sip of his wine. It seemed to be a small habit - now he kept sipping every time he didn't know how to respond or when he felt awkward. "Yes, I do as well. I wish Catherine had said something. Andrew is such a nice young man..." He watched the two of them out on the floor and smiled. "I can only hope he will come around, take what I said to heart." Erik forced himself to put his glass down again - one because it was empty, two because he was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.
Catherine couldn't help but continue to laugh at their less than perfect compliments toward each other. "Brown sapphires?" She doubled over laughing. "Sapphires are blue, dear." Andrew shrugged. "Blue sapphires are highly overrated." Christine felt nothing yet, but was certain that the effects would take over soon. "Perhaps..." she cut a piece of the cake off and held it behind her. "We should just...stick...to...the...cake!" She stuffed his face with it and ran, pushing people out of the way as she escaped.
Erik tried to jump back out of the way, but it was too late - Christine got it all over around his mouth. He didn't bother to wipe it off because he was already chasing after her. Erik found himself pushing past people, fortunately not knocking anyone down. He was running blind, laughing like mad, just trying to catch her. Finally he did. Erik reached out and grabbed Christine around the waist and held her there for a few moments so that she couldn't escape. "Ah ha! I got you! You little devil!" He shouted over the music, laughing the whole time, as he turned her around to face him. He gave her a sly grin through his laugh, hinting what he was about to do to her. Then, before she could protest, Erik bent foreword and pressed his lips to Christine's, smearing cake all over her face as he did so, considering he hadn't wiped the cake off his face.
"Wai-" Christine started to say, but it was too late. Her face was smeared in frosting. "I hate you so much." She joked. "You're just awful." She wiped her face on his shoulder. "Abusive, already?" She teased, kissing the cake off of his face. When he was clean, mostly, she noticed people watching them. "Oh, dear..." she sighed. "Is the party over, my dear one?" She swayed him, still covered in cake.
Erik chuckled and held her close, his arms wrapped around her waist, as she kissed the cake off his face. "Awe! I hate you too, my love." Erik teased, laughing. It was then that he realized people were watching them too. His face turned a little red, from more than the wine - though that was a factor as well. He cleared his throat, but turned his attention back to Christine, almost immediately forgetting the crowd. "It's over if you wish it to be," Erik whispered back to her. "Honestly," he glanced down at his watch, "I think it is just about time to be heading out. The wine is starting to get to my head, and if I stay around here much longer I'll do something really regrettably stupid in front of these people." Erik laughed at the very idea.
"NO!" A little girl's voice erupted over the crowd, causing it to part for their baby daughter. Christine smiled. "It's well past your bed time." She told Lilly. "We have babies to put to bed and Daddy cannot dance. He's sleepy." Christine explained, causing Lilly to stomp her way through the halls until she reached the trap door that led to her home. Christine didn't feel guilty at all as she watched Lillith go. Catherine hugged Andrew good night and watched as he left too. She then picked up Alistair and William and started for home. Christine yawned. "I guess I'll get Jonathan." She took her son from Meg and followed Catherine, but stumbled, now drunk.
Erik felt a pang of guilt - he had promised Lilly that he would dance with her later. The idea that he had broken his promise to his little girl stung at his heart, but his head was foggy and he was finding it hard to concentrate. He watched as everyone started to clear out and Christine took Jonathan in her arms. Erik saw her stumbling, so he came up from behind and stood beside her, supporting her with his one arm on her shoulder, the other on her waist. "Woah," he laughed, "careful now, Christine." Erik placed a kiss on her cheek as he helped her through the trap door and down to their home behind the others.
The family kept moving, Lillith ahead of the rest by a good mile. "I feel funny, Erik." Christine put a hand to her forehead as her eyes blurred in and out, but she kept going, until they reached the safety of their little ship. "Catherine, would you put Jonathan to bed tonight, my dear?" Catherine nodded as she took control of the boat, noticing her father's reaction to the alcohol. "Daddy, you should just relax." She rowed the boat through the myriad of statues decorated along the walls until they reached home. "Here we go." She got out of the little boat, made even smaller by the size of her family, and took the infants to the crib to lay them down. Lilly refused to talk to anyone.
Erik smiled at Christine, knowing exactly how she felt. "Don't worry, Christine. We're almost to the boat." He helped guide her there, making sure the baby stayed safe in her arms, and then he helped her into the boat. He stumbled getting into the boat and almost fell, but caught himself before he did. Rubbing his eyes with his fingers, he tried shaking his head to clear it. "Oh...thank you, Catherine." He responded, half-aware of what was going on around him. When they got home Erik got out of the boat more carefully this time, positioned himself so that he wouldn't fall over, and helped Christine out as well.
"Mother, I've never seen you this bad." Catherine admitted. Christine merely clung to her newly wed husband and got out. "My dear, we must lie down." Christine suggested. "You know, just have some down time." She literally meant just to lie down, nothing more, but, with a smile on her face, she was certain that something more traditional may happen. Without thinking, she got in bed, supposedly alone. "I'm tired." She confessed.

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