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Music of the Night: The Phantom of the Opera Returns (Guile & Melody)

The Phantom walked up behind her, smiling. "I'm glad to see that you have come back. Although, if I may say so, I knew you would - you're so much like your mother." He didn't allow himself to think deeper into that subject. "I'm glad you've accepted my offer to be my new pupil." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Your parents...they are here with you?" He chuckled softly. "How did you ever manage to get away from them?"
She jumped out of her own skin. "You know you can appear in front of me too so that I won't scream every time we meet." She chuckled softly, not actually minding that he chose to be behind her. She understood why, he didn't want her to get scared of him right from the start. "Am I really so much like her? If you continue to compare me to my mother, this will never work. I am a completely different person." Catherine turned around. "Very well, let's just continue, if you will, sir. I have a performance tonight and I have to be ready." She was eager to get started.
The Phantom laughed, a little surprised by her boldness, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, Miss Catherine. If you're so sure of yourself...let's begin." He smirked out of the corner of his mouth before asking her to sing something for him, anything - a series of notes, a scale, a quick song. Just something that would allow him to see where she was at with her singing abilities. "Let us hope your mother taught you something of what I taught her. It will make my job a lot easier." He joked.
"As for how I am alone with you, now, I told my parents that I would meet with my teacher. I told the truth, so they shouldn't be upset." She stopped talking, took a deep breath and sang the song from the earlier performance. It was Think of Me. There was barely any noticeable difference between herself and Christine's voices, even though she was fourteen years old. "That was horrible, wasn't it?" She asked, shyly as she reached up to mess with her hair.
The Phantom found it hard to breath as she began singing Think of Me. As much as he didn't want to - he thought of Christine. Young Catherine's voice brought back so many memories and all he could think of was how beautiful Christine had looked and sounded out on stage - singing with the new voice he had given her. He had to force himself to stay calm and focus on Catherine's voice - which was almost as perfect as her mothers' - so that he wouldn't begin to cry thinking about her mother. When the girl finished he smiled at her, though his thoughts were still elsewhere. "I regret to inform you, Catherine, that once again...you are just like your mother." He smiled genuinely at the young girl and continued. "Horrible, child? Horrible? You must learn to take pride in that voice that you have!" He was starting to sound more like an enthusiastic, encouraging teacher rather than a strange, masked man. He walked up to her and hesitantly placed his hand on her shoulder. "You did wonderful, Catherine. I've no doubt in my mind that you will sing wonderfully tonight and for many nights to come."
Yet again, she could feel herself getting weaker and even more so when he touched her, but she did not move away. She let him stay there - secretly wanting him to hold her so that she knew he was real. "My teacher, thank you for your kind words." She moved closer, reaching for his face, but stopped. "You believe that I can do this? We have only just met. I can't be ready by now." She put her hand down, within inches of his mask.
The Phantom smiled at her as genuine as before. "Of course, my girl! You sounded splendid. Naturally, everyone needs to practice no matter how good they are - and the same is true for you, your mother, and I even - but you will do wonderfully tonight, I promise you that." He noticed how close her hand was to his mask and his heart pounded in his chest. He was feeling more nervous as each second ticked by that her hand stayed so close to it. Once he could stand it no longer, he backed away a few steps - casually, not wanting the girl to think she had done something wrong - and nodded. "Yes," he confirmed, "you will stun the audience tonight. They aren't expecting someone as young as you to have a voice as good as that." He smiled, feeling comfortable again.
"I am sorry if I upset you just now. I hope that won't deter you from allowing me to continue with your lessons." She felt awful for pushing him away from her already. "Promise that you will be there for my audition?" She heard the chiming of a clock and jumped. "Promise. I must go, but I won't until you swear you'll be there." She made her way toward the door. "Please."
The Phantom said nothing about her being a little too close for comfort. He just smiled and stared at the ground. Then he looked up at her, with the same reassuring smile on his face. "I promise, child. I will be there. Hurry now, you don't want to be late." He warned her as she left. When she was completely out of earshot he added in a whisper, almost to himself, "I'll always be there." Then, he made his way to box five to watch his new pupil audition in secrecy.
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Christine and Raoul took their seats a few rows behind Lady Beaumont, who would be auditioning their daughter. Backstage, Catherine was extremely nervous, as she was only one out of twenty or so girls auditioning for the now open spot of the female lead. The others would be minor characters, such as dancers and servants and the like. Christine took a special interest in this, wanting her only child to succeed. One by one, the auditions started. When Frida called her name, Catherine trembled on the spot in the center of the stage. "Don't be nervous, dear. It's alright." The woman urged her to continue.
The Phantom sat in the shadows of box five and stared down at Catherine, as if trying to will confidence into her. He clenched his hands into fists, feeling not nervous, but anxious and excited for Catherine. He knew she would do amazingly and he wanted to see everyone else's reactions at this young girl's amazing voice. He tried to avoid looking at Christine and Raoul, who were seated in the seats below the boxes, in front of the stage. Instead he watched intently as Catherine took her spot in the center of the stage. He couldn't stop smiling.
She looked up with just her eyes, not inclining her head in case she attracted attention to her master. She had the slightest hint of a smile upon her lips as she began to sing the song that she was given. Her notes were perfect and precise. Her confidence seemed restored as she spotted the Phantom. When she was finished and everyone remained quiet, she got somewhat nervous watching Frida write something down. She stepped back and closed her eyes, praying to her Angel of Music.
When Catherine finished her song, the Phantom breathed a sigh of both relief and pride. He released the grip on his hands, realizing that he had been digging into his skin but not caring. He stood and slipped out of box five with a smile plastered to his face. As he walked through the halls all he could think about was how wonderful Catherine had sounded and how she had to be getting the part. He returned to the place that the two of them had first met - knowing that Catherine would assume he had come here - and waited to congratulate his pupil if she could somehow get away from her parents to see him.
"My child, you were wonderful!" Christine embraced the teenager, causing her to stumble under her mother's weight. "Thank you, Mother, Father, forgive me, but I must go find my teacher." "We'll go toget-..." Christine began, but she was cut off by Catherine's objection. "No! I mean...no, he isn't kind to strangers and he is very ill." She escaped her parents, yearning to be around the Phantom. "Master, are you here?" She whispered.
The Phantom approached from the shadows, this time in front of her. He clasped his hands together in front of him, smiling widely. "Catherine de Chagney, I do believe you may have just outdone yourself." He stood, observing his new pupil from afar for a few seconds before willingly opening his arms up to her - a silent gesture that told her she could approach him in an embrace. He was so proud of her that he couldn't help it.
"You helped me! Thank you!" She almost knocked him over as she sprinted to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You are amazing!" She was almost crying as she spoke. "I can't stay long, I just wanted to see you. When next we meet, you should show me where you live. I've been dying to see it!" She hung to him like a leech. "Please?"
The Phantom laughed at her enthusiasm, but he was smiling at how good he felt holding the child close to him. "I can hardly say I helped." He confessed. "It was your mother - I'm sure - that taught you what you know. Plus, natural talent. It's in your blood, Catherine. If there's anyone who should be thanked, it's you, child. You've made me very proud today." He paused, and thought about how his world seemed to be starting to turn around for the better at last. Then, he considered her request. "Hmm...I suppose I could." He added, "since you did so well at your audition." Then, he broke the embrace gently and smiled at her. "Perhaps you should find your parents now. They'll be searching for you to leave." He smiled at her once more, finding himself getting a bit excited for the next time they would meet and he could teach her.
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Her rosy red cheeks grew even more so as she blushed. "Very well. I hate leaving and not knowing if you'll be caught, but I must leave." Her lips were close to his now, so close in fact that it was almost intoxicating. "Stay out of sight, please." She moved away from him with difficulty. "So, tomorrow then!" She called over her shoulder as she flew down the stairs to the nearly empty streets ahead.
The Phantom smiled and waved goodbye. "Tomorrow!" He called after her, making a mental note to not get caught...ever. He grinned at the thought of the young girl and as he made his way down back to his lair he let his thoughts wander off to the future and how his world was getting brighter now. He thought about Catherine's future as a singer and how the people would love her and her voice. He kept his thought of Christine at the back of his mind. Looking down at the cuts on his hand, he reminded himself that he didn't want to repeat the episode he'd had from earlier that day.
That very evening, at dinner, it was unusually quiet. They were waiting for a letter to be sent to them informing the family whether or not their daughter was getting the lead. It was a very tense time for Catherine especially. She was tapping her foot nervously. There was a knock on their door and she nearly choked on her tea. Christine retrieved the letter and handed it over to Catherine. With trembling digits, she fumbled with the letter, read it and tears soaked her dress. She left the table for her room and threw herself on her bed, curling up and almost screaming her head off in pain.
The Phantom didn't know the outcome of Catherine's audition, but he wasn't worried. As far as he was concerned, Catherine was in. And, if she wasn't...well, he would have to do something about that. So, that night he slept peacefully - aside from the nightmares that usually plagued his sleep. Although, none of them were any different than ones he'd had before. So, he certainly wasn't having them because of Catherine and that, at least, was comforting.
Catherine didn't stop screaming, even after her parents tried to comfort her and she was only silent when she finally fell asleep, thinking of the Phantom. When she woke, she spoke to no one.

Her parents spoke in the other room. "What do you wish for me to do? I can't change the decision. She is at least still participating and that's all we can ask for." Raoul sat at the table, ready to go back to the House. "I know, love. But she was so determined and excited." Christine wrapped her arms around him from behind. Catherine walked alone to the House, wanting to be left alone. The Phantom was the only one who could help her now.
The Phantom woke to find himself rather curious as to the manager's decision on Catherine. He decided that he could wait, though, until the young girl came to see him to find out what the outcome of her audition was. He paced back and forth thinking about all the different threats he could use against the managers if Catherine was not accepted as the lead role. However, he quickly brushed the thought away. "Of course she got the lead, though. She was practically perfect!" He muttered to himself. Then, he made his way up to the Opera House once again to wait patiently for his pupil.
She couldn't look anyone in the eyes, especially not the new lead, Anastasia Tremaine. The girl was practically dancing for joy and smirked at De Chagney as she passed by. "Looks like the Daae tradition is over, eh?" She was obviously drunk, for she stumbled and fell as she walked. She was ignored as Catherine went below the base floor to where the dancers were.
The Phantom watched as Catherine entered the Opera House. She looked sullen and extremely disappointed and the Phantom knew instantly what the outcome of her audition had been. He shook his head as furry coursed through his body. Those managers never did know talent when they saw it! He watched sickened as the new lead taunted Catherine and his eyes flared with rage. But, he smirked at the sight of the intoxicated girl. He knew exactly how to get the managers to accept Catherine as the true lead. Before he would carry out his plan though, he would write a note to the managers. He hurriedly retreated to his lair and found himself pacing once again, thinking about what he would say to convince them to change their minds. Eventually, he came up with this:

Dear Managers,

I entrust that this letter will strike you as very important and that you will have read it and taken it's contents into serious consideration. It has come to my attention that you have chosen Anastasia Tremaine as the new lead - a very big mistake on your part, if I may say so. As the music professional amongst you I shall offer you a way out of this potential blunder of yours: make Catherine de Chagney the new lead. She has the natural talent and determination to succeed in this business. Very much unlike your current lead, who has spent her night celebrating with alcohol rather than modestly practicing for her upcoming performance. This is the first and only warning you shall receive. If Catherine is not put in as the new lead, then I shall be forced to take drastic measures to ensure that she is.

Your humble servant,

~ O.G.

The Phantom took the letter and placed it in the empty managers office, knowing they would be by soon. Then, he left the office without being seen - the same way he went in - and waited.

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