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Fantasy Murk Mob or die:: rp page



The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Underneath the biggest prison in America Blackgate penitentiary, a hellhole is reserved for the more dangerous and deranged of criminals. A place known as Deepsteel... This underground prison is inescapable, everything about it is designed to subdue and keep supers from breaking out and using their abilities.
So naturally the best technology they can manage is utilised,
Security is top notch with no room for error,
But worst of all is the experiments done on these sick twisted individuals in the hopes of learning more about their super powers and maybe even using it to help the world. All of this is done "off the books" As our government does not allow immoral acts such as torture or human experimentation. Wink wink nudge nudge...
Another off the books thing that totally doesn't happen is using imprisoned supers as expendable soldiers in black ops missions for the government.

Anyway you was recently caught for that non existent thing, deep underground is where you probably awoke momentarily only to be knocked unconscious an drugged once more. Once your sound asleep they strap you into a chair which injects a device into the base of your skull. This device is made to track, subdue and kill you if the need ever arises. But you'll probably learn a bit more about that later.
You might be waking up around now. Waking up to a pain in the neck with a black bag over your head. Your hands and feet are cuffed together and you are chained to the wall inside a moving truck, (as far as you can tell anyway)
You don't know how long you've been like this but your cramped, uncomfortable, probably a bit hurt and you feel as if people haven't been treating your unconscious body with respect.

Eventually the truck stops completely and people begin the process of getting you out of the truck. Any resistance is met with swift and brutal repercussion from a number of people...
Still cuffed by the hands you are shoved to the ground and the bag is removed from your head.
Your in a warehouse filled with government sorts, not regular prison guards or cops as these people seemed intense and much more willing to waste you on the spot for little reason.
You notice five others in a similar situation, then you notice the most important man in the room.Nicholas_Fury_(Earth-101001).png
"The term super refers to abilities and technology which could be described as crazy alien magic or supernatural sci-fi shit or anything in between. You super criminal pieces of shit wouldn't believe half the super shit that's been kept hidden. Would you guess that the government has access to teleportation? It's a fucked up story that's for sure."
The man lights a cigarette with a match and breathes smoke before he continues with a jaded smirk.
"Here's a more recent bit of trivia, did you know there was Snake human hybrids living deep within the earth? Was being the key word there hehheh."
The warehouse was silent apart from the vague noises of someone failing to stand up due to being smacked back down to his knees.

"What pisses me off is aliens exist but a whole fucking lot of them look pretty much juuuust like us and they--"
The man in charge was interrupted by a angry shout, a thick german accent of broken English demands answers.
"Well I figure dead men can't share secrets so why not let loose, it's cathartic to share a secret every so often and I figure if any of you survive your first mission you can get paid in a story or two for the work you do"

The same angry shout declares that he will never work for him, he would rather die. "There's always one... alright pay attention to Adolf Shitler here" the man flicks his cigarette butt away and raises a handheld device to his face to push at the screen a few times. The thick accent cried out in pain for a few agonizing seconds before his head erupted into red paste and smoke.
"Feel that pain in the back of your neck? That's a tiny device that lets us know where you are. Why isn't Shitler shouting any more? Cause that device is also a very tiny bomb."
He pressed the device again and each member of the Murk Mob are incapacitated by a strong electric shock.

"You can call me sir Wall, I'm the son of a bitch you can't get past through or to. I'm the most important person in the world and you assholes need to realise that quickly and show respect accordingly. Hell i may as well be your new God so listen to my commandments and worship my kindness for the life I graciously let you super shit stains live. The first command I have for you lot is do as I say to the best of your ability... do you understand or are you all as dumb as you look?"

A man with pale skin and bored brown eyes sat up to move hair from his face looking slightly annoyed "aye sir, but I was promised alot and I ain't starting if I'm hungry"
This man is dressed in track pants and a hoodie, he isn't cuffed like the new arrivals but he was definitely electrocuted the same way.
"We got you pizza so fuck up Max, I wanna hear if the newbies have questions..."
Your on the ground with some bullshit handcuffs on, your able to speak but any hostile movement or rude/sassy/pissy remarks are quickly answered by electric shock or more brutal ways. Beaten with a nightstick or the end of a rifle, kicked in the face etc
SoftSmile SoftSmile Nellancholy Nellancholy Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed
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An-wen grumbled, their muscles sore and joints stiff as they were hauled out for the perusal of their new...employers. Alongside them were a lean, dignified woman with inordinately pale skin, and a rather scrawny looking fellow, the kind of punk An-wen was very used to beating down. Of course, the very fact that he was here with them meant he'd done some pretty nasty things, or at least was capable of them. The handcuffs that kept their hands behind their back took the form of a solid, heavy shackle. Nothing like the kind of typical police utility that they could (theoretically) break out of by moving fast enough. Not that they had room to build up momentum anyway.

The tall, burly American in a coat seemed to be the leader of this whole operation, and had quite the foul mouth. An-wen couldn't quite get all he was saying, but they got the idea. Now that was language they knew. Instead of engaging directly with that loudmouth, they leaned over to one of the stone-faced, heavily armored guards. "这讲坐还开得久吗? 我跟你老娘约了会呢!" They chuckled.

A boot to the back of their knee and a stock to the side of their head answered their wisecrack. "Watch that mouth."

"他妈的..." Either the people here (surprisingly) knew more than the language of the glorious US of A, or they were predisposed to view any comment as hostility. And in this case, they were right. The miracle was that everyone except the leader of this damned place was pretty calm in their brutality. Almost robotic.

The firm blows that left An-wen taking a knee were punctuated by the Kraut's head being flippantly blasted open by Mr. Wall over there. "Jesus...!" They'd seen some nasty business before, and maybe this wasn't the worse, but it was up there, and they couldn't stop themselves from yelling. They'd really be willing to just throw their "assets" away at the first sign of defiance, huh? Even after all the trouble of bringing them here in the first place...

And then his gaze turned to the others. Deciding it was far better to play along for now, An-wen staggered to their feet, shaking their head. "Uh...no sir, Mr. Wall. No questions."

One way or another, the people in An-wen's life tended to end up in this kind of situation, repaying their "debt" to society. It was just that this time around, the walls were a little thicker, and the prison was a little further from home. Better to keep their head down and work off their sentence, all to make sure Uncle Chu didn't get himself into trouble again.
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Renata sat calmly in the truck, her single arm forced to her back with specialized handcuffs. She had a knack for unlocking anything, but decided against it. She was a powerful woman with powerful connections. She knew she could just bide her time and wait for an opening.

When she finally got her sight back, she immediately began surveying the area and her fellow prisoners. Children. Almost all of them were practically toddlers that could slip in their own piss and vomit. She chuckled lightly to herself as they were met with the leader of the operations. How wonderful the American government was, needing criminals to do their dirty work. She wasn't above it, of course, but these assholes seemed to always claim the moral high ground over her despite doing the exact same things she did.

Seeing one of her fellow prisoners get whacked by the boot of one of the guards made her laugh out loud, smiling towards them. "Oh darling, did that hurt?" The way she spoke was leaking with venom, but there was some motherly concern in her voice.

She then turned to the man in charge to listen to his little speech when blood splattered on her face and prison uniform. Her eye twitched, her expression growing annoyed. "Well, Mr. Wall, I hope you have good janitors." She laughs manically again before continuing. "Will I be getting my arm back, love?" She needed her chemicals to be extremely useful, and anyone that knew her well would be smart enough to know that.
Mr Wall kept a small smirk during this entire situation letting the other men beat the scum as needed. The only one to remain mostly untouched was the one named Max who was supposedly getting pizza later. Remaining quietly sitting the man waited for the bullshit to finish and them to be given some bullshit mission that will kill them.
When An-wen stood up to answer he was beaten back down again "no one told you to stand"
Nellancholy Nellancholy

Immediately after Renata laughed and asked if being struck hurt a guard gave her the answer directly.
"See for yourself" cracking the butt of his gun into the side of her face hard enough to knock her down.
Max looked over his newest team.
The only one he knew of was the woman, some foriegner... Something to do with poisons?
The two men left alive were a mystery to him but it didn't matter anyway. They might survive the first mission maybe even the second or third but no one lasts for long...
Max looked at the large German with no head and thought quietly to himself what Nick Wall wanted with a buff german, the only tall Chinese man, a one armed chemist and a creepy looking ginger.

Mr Wall answered the first question directed at him with a stifled laugh before composing himself in a stoic professional manner. With a roll of his finger the guard closest to Renata gave her a swift smack with his gun.
"I ain't your love, your friend, ya mate, your homie, your dad,your mother, or your brother.
All you pieces of shit call me Sir Wall, Mr Wall or even just Sir as I'm cool like that.
Anyway no, we will not be giving YOUR arm back as the boys in R&D broke that shit and half of them got covered in your specialty. You get a choice of fake arm with a hookshot or a 9mm machine gun in the shape of a arm"
SoftSmile SoftSmile

Max glanced across with a small sense of curiosity growing in his heart. take the hookshot...
Mr Wall turned his attention to the ginger "no questions you sick spider fuck? Tounge all filled with web or you just shit scared being near some real super villians and the big bads who caught you all?"
Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed

Max sighed and rolled his eyes. Pizza sounded good as he hadn't eaten it in seven or eight months but they probably had another twenty minutes of Nick being a dick and these assholes acting tough before food is given to him. "I don't wanna eat cold food for fucks sake" Max groaned.
Mr Wall walked over to stand infront of Max asking "you got something to say Maxwell?"
"Sir, your a cruel asshole but you've always kept your word... even with the likes of us"
Wall glared for a moment but didn't answer, walking back over to the ginger.
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When the butt of the gun hit her, her face moved to the side but her feet stayed planted to the ground. Bad bitches don't fall down. She chuckled to the guard winking. "What a wonderful hit! You trained them well, didn't you Mr. Wall? I wonder how much money went in to these operations..." She thought for a minute. "Hookshot, my darling. Please and thank you." She caught herself this time. "Don't take the petnames personally, Mr. Wall. Simply a mother's habit. My apologies."

When the boss turned to the ginger, and called him a spider freak, Renata's eye's lit up. The devious glint of a plan. "Oh, love, are you the spinner? Oh you're so much cuter than I expected!" She turned to Ollie, smiling. "Oh dear, you might even have a successful modeling career if you don't mess up your face anymore." She started coughing a bit, before spitting out some blood that had collected in her mouth from the hits.

"I do have one more question for you, Mr. Wall. May I have a mirror, nothing extravagant, I just need to check my face, you understand keeping your youth, yes? I haven't seen a mirror in weeks ever since you switched my connections off the guard duty in the prison."

NeonFlow NeonFlow Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed Nellancholy Nellancholy
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Ollie couldn't comprehend what exactly was happening to him. All that ran through his thoughts were, 'These assholes want to control me? yeah right, let's just see how well that turns out for them!' He didn't really give a shit about the other "prisoners" in the room with him. Although, it did peek his interest to see another's blood spattered on the floor. Maybe this Wall guy wasn't so boring after all.

His wrists tugged on the restraints against him, his arms still bound behind his back. He glanced down to check his feet and- yep, those were still covered too. Damn. There wasn't really much he could do to escape then.. other than try and get outta his bindings. However, if he did that- didn't this jerk say he would kill him? Hm.. this was quite the sticky situation indeed.

Spinner's attention was quickly caught by the man addressing him. Despite how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the toothy smile that crawled across Ollie's face. ' This guy was amusing indeed. He might just be worth playing with. ' His eyes bore unblinkingly onto his face, tilting his head slightly in mock confusion. His dried up voice was rough as he spoke to Mr. Wall in playful banter, " ...You don't know how spiders work do you? hehe oh of course not... Pardon me- I forgot the only thing someone like you would know is how to project your worthless life's anger onto others, like the pathetic whelp you are!" He then broke into a fit of giggles, which then led to him coughing, a few small droplets of blood landing on the floor. He licked his lips once his throat calmed down, shaking his head to right himself again.

His eyes roamed over to the woman in the room, tilting his head once more in curiosity towards her. He gave her a taunting smile, feigning genuine flattery. Did she want something from him? Why was she speaking to him in this matter? He eyed her warily before speaking in an even tone, "Oh! Thank you! Although modeling sounds like such a bore... hehe I much prefer how life was- before being caught up in a shithole like this. "

He gave her one last close-eyed smile before an idea ran across his mind. Ollie Quickly snapped his head back to Mr. Wall. He perked up, genuine excitement filling his voice, " Oh! I do have a question or two! Can you untie me? I'm getting real achy here, Some much needed relief would be fantastic~! Also, can you eat shit and die? Anyone thinking they can threaten my life is too idiotic to live. " He smiled, no emotion lighting up his eyes.

NeonFlow NeonFlow SoftSmile SoftSmile Nellancholy Nellancholy
Max had guessed this would take a while, he drones out to ignore the pointless banter to think about the risks and rewards of just being sent in alone to save time. Let alone having to go through this whole ordeal each time.

"Wow, so scary..." Mr Wall wasn't impressed or worried and proceeded to take a good fifteen minutes or more to bully the ginger into the reality of the situation. Situation is fucked, fall in line or die.
"Hehheh look at this shit stain spider fool twitching like a bug stuck in one of those zappers"
Mr Wall would zap Spinner and belittle him only to zap once more and make fun in increasingly annoying and childish ways to the amusement of the guards.
"Seriously though shitstain your dumb cannibal ass is holding us all up why you like getting zapped?"
More boring torture happened....
"Aha look at this shit he pissed himself"

While everyone else was uncuffed and given their gear to get ready Mr wall and Spinner had a one sided conversation that only ended once the man with a bomb in his head realised he had better obey and not cause shit.

Once the mob was geared up and ready they were told to sit down and listen to the mission. Max was given five boxes of pizza and two more were tossed towards the newbies. Mr wall spoke and a projector displayed the pictures as needed.

"You've been assembled here to kidnap a scientist by the name of Leed Johnston. He's a genius when it comes to genetics and messing with DNA. He was working on top secret shit to do with man made super soldiers when the funding got cut and SO... he threw a hissy fit and has tried to defect to the Chinese, who have sent a small force to guarantee his safety while they figure out a way to smuggle Johnston out... since he knows to much we need you to capture Leed alive so we can question him. We've had eyes on Leed and his entourage for weeks now so we know where they are and that there is about fifty men some of them enhanced with technology so I guess cyborgs or androids, I don't care kill any that get in your way."

Once the projector turned off the lights came on and Mr wall continues...
"You are now going to get a ear piece, this is so you can hear my orders then you follow them exactly or else ill be a tad miffed with you shitstains."

A guard hands each member a ear piece to put in as Wall keeps going. "The boring looking fuck eating way to much is Maxwell Yonny, more commonly known as Ambush. He is your team leader and in the event your earpiece is broken or cannot receive my instructions then you will listen to him as if he is your lord Mr Wall. Those devices in your skull can track you, so you ain't getting away. Infact the moment I feel any one of you little shits is being disobedient, hell if you follow my orders to slowly I'll pop your head off then and there. If you so much as joke about escaping or some stupid shit like trying to get help ill zap you for ten minutes before I pop your head off.
You'll be let loose in two vans and directions will be provided as you drive
Any questions?"

Max finished his pizza and burped, teleporting from his sitting position and returning in a instant drinking a bottle of water.
Can rp getting your shit ready, asking questions or getting into the van to silently sulk/fume
Nellancholy Nellancholy Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed SoftSmile SoftSmile the hookshot arm is basically your standard robot arm that works as a grapple gun. Solid enough to grasp a building and pull you up
The same as what she had except a bit weaker and the only real tech is a robot hand that helps you be a knock off Batman
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She gave a sweet closed eye smile to the Spinner despite his little outburst at the end there. "Watch your language, dear." Was the only comment she made. Then the punishment started, oh great. She sent a quick side-eye towards Mr.Wall with a small scoff. Men have this inevitable need to constantly have pissing contests, to constantly show dominance and put other down. It seems Mr.Wall had this problem in great amounts.

She waited it out patiently, crossing her arms and refusing to look at the literal child he was torturing. He probably deserved it, considering how much of an asshole the little demon was, but she would at least give him the dignity of not seeing him piss himself.

She stretched her arm after being uncuffed, flexing her hand. "It's been so long since I've gotten my hands dirty..." She thought for a moment. "But I enjoy it so." She let out a maniacal laugh before equipping her new 'hook shot' arm, flexing it's robotic fingers. "A little outdated, but I'll manage." She then put on her signature gas mask, or one similar to hers.

"I can't wait to play with my new toys." Her voice sounded even more ominous before with the gravely nature the gas mask added to her voice. She examined the ear piece closely before sliding it in her ear and tapping it lightly.

NeonFlow NeonFlow Nellancholy Nellancholy Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed
An-wen turned their head, loosening their neck and shoulders as the handcuffs came off, allowing them to move their arms at the full range of motion and work out the knots they'd received from being manhandled. Then they began to hop in place and stretch their legs, more out of habit than anything else, limbering up so they'd be ready to run. If only they could accelerate to the speed of light like those guys in the movies, they could barge right out of there, probably even disable whatever it was Mr. Wall would use to trigger those bombs. Well, either way, they couldn't gain speed fast enough, nor were they interested in gambling on an escape.

As for the food, it really wasn't much better than the fare back in town, but who knew what their feeding policy actually was in this pit. They carefully tore off two pieces of the offered pizza, looking over Ambush. The guy looked like shit, but he wasn't the one in handcuffs and with a bomb drilled into his head. Still, the top dog in the pen was still just a dog. An-wen acknowledged this fact with a little "heh" as they took their position inside the van.

The Baroness seemed to appreciate her gift, but it wasn't like An-wen needed a lot to do their job. Even so...

They glanced at Mr. Wall, idly wiggling their toes as they pointed at their feet. "I need shoes. I'm going to be running a lot."
Mr Wall couldn't see An-wen's toes in the van or hear his request for shoes as once Spinner was uncuffed and dressed he saw a chance to attack! Spitting web from his mouth as he lept towards Mr Wall, the web sticks to his hand and covers the device!

Though Mr Wall literally smacked Spinner from the air with his free hand and stepped on his throat with enough pressure to crush a windpipe. As a guard cut the web from Wall's hand he decided three would be enough for this mission. At the very worse they fail to get Leed, if they manage to kill said rogue scientist then it's a passing grade but still worth popping some heads to get across the point of orders.

Though without the Spinner and Techfuerer this Murk Mob was left with a trio of indviduals who were more suited to murder than abduction
"just so you shit stains know, I ain't the only one with a trigger to those bombs. So on the zero point zero zero zero one percent chance I get taken down by a shit stain slice o scum they'll still lose their head. And God damn i am sick of popping y'all heads off! Shits expensive you know? You three remember the look on this fuck's face"

Mr Wall twisted his heel before walking away so chunks of brain and skull don't touch his suit.
"That shit stain was vital in this mission, he is now dead for the fact he was rude to me and I don't even remember what this shit stain said! Didn't bother me none. I have no time for bullshit! If you do not follow orders you are useless to me and will die like the criminal scum you are... get going and do not dissapoint me."
The guards started cleaning the mess and packing shit away.

One guard brings a bag that was missed by the mob. "Someone's gear, just get going already before we have to clean more shit."
Mr Wall added "take one van don't need to send three people in two cars"
Wen would find his shoes and whatever else was on him at the time he was captured in this bag.
Max put his mask on to make sure it still fits right and got into his uniform 1a1c80326a778b56ade37b3e4ca2982c.jpg
"When this is done I wanna have a good long talk with you. I deserve better Mr Wall."
"If you shit stains get the job done good then maybe I'll find some time. Go"
Max realised he would be driving so he took his mask off with a grumble.
Once the Murk Mob was in the van they set off onto the highway.

One might realise they were somewhat close to BlueBay city. A fabulous place despite the crime, gangs, corruption etc etc. Skyscrapers could already be seen...
"oh wow I haven't been in BlueBay for years... Bang had a hideout in a penthouse downtown..."
No directions or orders yet so it's safe to say driving towards the city is the correct way.
Max put the radio on and the window down to yawn.
They rode in a Van disguised to look like one of those Large lake internet technicians. Some uniforms were inside in five different sizes so if any of the assembled Murk Mob wanted to they could attempt to disguise themselves.

Maxwell knew they wouldn't be needed but it's still a tickle to think Mr Wall made someone get shit ready for a infiltration plan that would most likely be ruined by the mob being murked or straight up ignoring any attempt at stealth in preference to mayhem.

Once they were on the road for a bit Maxwell yawned at the radio and turned the music down to ask.
"So, who are you two and what do you do? I've been locked away so im not sure on a few things... I don't know if i should know the chancer in the back, seems small time... and I could be wrong, but ain't you the baron or something like that?"
He looked at the woman with a bit of confused inflection.
"Ya took over a pharmaceutical company or something? Not what I expect wall to gather for this bullshit team..."
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She had practically zoned out by the time Mr.Wall had gotten done and they were finally loaded up into the van. She waited silently, studying the two she was with until she was spoken to. "I am a Chemical Baron. Specifically perfumes, well, that's what I do according to the public anyway." She laughed, trying to hide her anger that this asshole didn't know who she was.

"Sefira Glass." She properly introduced herself. "To sum it up, how do I put this? I created a deadly chemical that could control minds in a sort of way. Of course, that was the main ingredient, most of my business was under board and I have the tendency to...Lose my temper." She put it lightly, the gravely murderous tone returning to her voice.

She looked down to her mechanical fist, bawling it up, her eye twitching slightly as memories of her losing her temper in front of a hidden security camera, how that was the nail in her coffin. Out of all the stupid shit, she had killed one fucking ginger kid. Pissant had annoyed her. She usually was far more composed, far more secretive, but in over 30 years of business, you're bound to trip.

"Now, who are you, exactly?"

NeonFlow NeonFlow Nellancholy Nellancholy
An-wen's attention wasn't much on their immediate surroundings for the moment, as the vans took them out to their target's apparent location. They couldn't recognize their surroundings, and really they didn't expect to. Blue Bay...they'd heard of it, but never really seen it. Never even left their own country, really. Yes, this was almost a vacation, if not for the very pertinent obligations before them. It was a big city, bright lights and the kind of wide streets that would be fantastic to tear up at 300 kilometers an hour at night.

Nevertheless, the conversation happening around them needed their attention. Not sure what "small time" meant, but clearly the haggard-looking guy had the nerve to look down on them as though he wasn't also dancing to Mr. Wall's tune. "Me? I am just an ordinary mechanic, doing honest work. Or I was, until your boss offered me a job. I'm sure you're a real tough guy though. Nasty killer." They smiled dryly, not caring to challenge his ego. And maybe just maybe Ambush was close enough to the Wall to actually have a say in their...immediate well-being.

"And you, Madam Glass? Heh. I haven't heard your name, but that's because I don't wear perfume. But if a rich and famous like you is here, it's an honor to work with you." They extended a hand in Sefira's general direction and then withdrew it, not much caring for a handshake.

Satisfied that their new shoes were tied, An-wen decided to exercise their power in the most useful way they could at present. Closing their eyes, they leaned back and let the sound of the truck's engine blend into a monotonous hum. Their body grew rigid, and everything slowed down...their mind trying to probe for what might await them at their destination.
Max made the usual noises one does for small talk.

"fair enough"
Though to answer her question Max didnt feel like elaborating a huge deal.
"You heard Mr Wall, A boring looking fuck called Ambush. At the moment I'm the leader of Walls super human errand squad..."
With the mechanic in the back telling a obvious lie Max sighed loud enough for it to be heard and then lost the only fuck that could be found for the chancer. "cause honest mechanics get thrown into super prison... I try and give everyone one chance but fuck you small time, it don't bother me any if your head goes poof. So fuck wasting time to help you any... "
Hardly matters anyway. Even when the team is working together the chance of death is likely, if the newbie doesn't want to listen or respect his betters then his betters was gonna poke fun for the hell of it.

"Probably not alot going on in that boring space between your ears anyway. The Lights on but no ones home. I bet inside your cookie ass head theres a slip of paper with the worlds shittest fortune"
Max laughed and kept going
"About as needed like a screen door on a submarine or spikes on a seat."
He pressed his finger to the earpiece and it works like a walkie talkie, allowing Mr Wall and his team, aswell as the Murk Mob to hear.
"Oi Wall this fuck is Useless isnt he? like ventilation slits in a condom or steel wool toilet paper."
Max looked at Sefira and kept on
"Not sure what a chemist is gonna do to help as I'm guessing you can't make that mind control shit on the fly... "

Mr Wall could be heard. "Everyone has a use, even shit stains like you guys. Anyway proceed on the highway and into the city. Once there head towards the fancy hotels on the waterfront. We believe Leed is going to try escaping on a private cruiser. We want you to capture that defecting sonofabitch before he sets foot on that ship. God help you shit stains If that asshole even sniffs one of those all you can eat buffet mixed with the salt of the sea breeze... I'll probably kill one of you"
Max sighed again.
"Hopefully it'll be me"

The car ride was uneventful. Until they needed to get gas... "miss glass would you care to drive? I'll fill it up then go inside."
Putting his mask on and stepping out of the van unable to wait for the goodies inside. Alcohol, chips, chocolate, cigarettes... trivial shit that becomes treasure after years of being stuck underground eating potato paste and peas.
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