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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

Leon watched as Jason stormed into the cafe and he forced a weak smile as he looked at the bike. Damn! Leon clenched his teeth as he looked at the bike. He was tempted to kick it over, and he would’ve if it was his. Leon then walked over and opened the door. He needed to wind down. Just then, however, he saw a cup shocking a woman and he sprung towards the cup yelling “What the hell are you doing?”
( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Everyone Everyone else feeling heroic)
Leon, having dealt with much strange shit in his time, hadn’t an issue with the perpetrator. He ran over and attempted to tackle him off of the counter and onto the ground “What the hell are you doing?”
( Akibahara Akibahara GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Everyone Everyone else feeling heroic )
Pandora Kokoro

Location - The Diner | With - Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), Akibahara Akibahara And Vaati ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )

Pandora smiled down at him. "You like sweets? Or are you one of those carnivorous types? Maybe a salad? Can't stand the stuff myself." She looked over the menu and searched for the kids' meals settling on a mac and cheese and a fruit cup for him.
“Ohhhh....Waitress!” She ordered a large platter of pancakes, eggs and bacon. Handed the waitress enough too cover the bill and tip. She took another bite and swallowed it before speaking again.

“Your jewels won’t work here. Our currency is a bit different.”

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Pandora Kokoro

Location - The Diner | With - Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), Akibahara Akibahara And Vaati ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )

Pandora smiled down at him. "You like sweets? Or are you one of those carnivorous types? Maybe a salad? Can't stand the stuff myself." She looked over the menu and searched for the kids' meals settling on a mac and cheese and a fruit cup for him.


Mmm, do you want the Burger a la Lisa?

KandiPoP KandiPoP
Master Shake

As I stood basking in my own glory, some knave had built up the courage to attempt an assault on my person. Having been tackled to behind the counter, I looked up at my attacker with hate and malice in my eyes.

"You DARE lay a hand on the mighty Master Shake, mortal?"

Raising my hands, I shock the perpetrator, like that one Star Wars movie.


Aegis Aegis
"Mouth of Madness"


The storm came, a massive coastal storm system covering most of the Western United States and Oregon swept across Arcadia Bay violently.

It fell on Blackwell Academy, where Principle Wells looked out his window, a strike of thunder illuminating his face before dimming once again.

It fell on the Madsen Residence, where Joyce and David lay on their bed, under a blanket and watched the rain lash against the windows, a look of worry on David’s face while his wife slept, nestled against him.

It fell over you, who watched the torrential downpour wash over the small Oregon town, possibly wondering how you got to Arcadia Bay, and worse yet, what fate has in store for you.

It would be tomorrow for your fear to be realized.



Morning hits.

It's 10:52am and the storm stopped a few hours ago.

You woke up, well rested, but you couldn't shake that terrible feeling something was off, oh so off, today. You opened your windows, or wherever you slept, looking outside: It was normal. Nothing irregular, nothing out of the ordinary. Stepping outside, you decide to make a return trip to Two Whales Diner.


A flashing yellow on blue neon sign lit up the early morning. Stepping through the door, you’re met by your new friends you met yesterday. Of course, there's Joyce welcoming your appearance with that familiar, sweet smile, "Well welcome back, hon. Would you like to try out our new menu item: Beef a la Lisa this morning? It's on special!"

The smell was a little different though. Pleasant, but different.

The fresh aroma of beef and wondrous sound of sizzling bacon fills the air. If you looked at the Chef, he smiled, and the bacon looks a bit more raw than usual, but damned delicious! Mmm, yummy eggs and bacon for my tummy! If you looked to your right, you could see two posters which caught your attention:

A.) Two Whales Diner: Helping the Disenfranchised and Homeless since 2018!

B.) An image of Nathan Prescott sporting an 18th Century powdered wig and Dana Ward sporting an elegant Victorian era dress. There's an inscription on top which read 'New Play Coming Today! Buy tickets now!'

Welcome back to Two Whales Diner.

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will be set up shortly. First kill & Choose-Your-Own-Adventure decision will be posted @ 5:00pm MST depending on activity levels.

Cast List:
Rhysie Rhysie - Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
@Professor Spacecakes - Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia)
@Username - Max Ludwig (OC)
@Jeremiah - Agent 8 (Splatoon)
@Zerulu - Elise Fuser (OC)
@Storm-Shadow14 - Kinara Kaal (OC)
@Zamasu - Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter)
@ghxstfreak - (Placeholder)
GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack - Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
doggodaily doggodaily - Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
@LunarDiscord - Celeste Seshafi Ikari (OC)
@darkred - Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Corrosion - Nathaniel Renko (Singularity)
@FactionGuerrilla - Kessler (Placeholder)
@Noivian - Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)
@thatguyinthestore - Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
@Caffeine Freak - Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Maxiliase Maxiliase - Tony Montana (Scarface)
@Macarons in Pastel - Garry (Ib)
@June Verles - The Joker (DC Universe)
DapperDogman DapperDogman - Gregory House (House)
@Chipdog16 - Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Goldie Goldie - Vernita "Copperhead" Green (Kill Bill)
@Sayo-Nara - Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
@Neptunes_Goddess - Megumin (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)
Stormcloak Stormcloak - Red Hood (DC)
Aegis Aegis - Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
@Alpha007 - The Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
@Spireshade - The Jester (Darkest Dungeon)
@Centurion_ - Nagayuki Tsumita (Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
@e_ighth - Takeyasu Tsumita (Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
MLP_Phoenix MLP_Phoenix - Lanaya (OC)
@LunarDiscord - Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
RAVEN THE DESTROYER RAVEN THE DESTROYER - Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
KandiPoP KandiPoP - Pandora Kokoro (OC)
@Meraki - Mey-Rin (Black Butler)
@Nenma Takashi - Lilian Ashfallen (OC)
@kirimei - Babydoll (Suckerpunch)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Vaati (Legend of Zelda)


Round 1


Ghirahim mainly just roamed around from what he could recall. This place had certainly gotten interesting. He also didn't remember much of finding somewhere to stay but he had. Now he was once more up and moving so simple enough Ghirahim chose to teleport back to the Diner. Why not they had something appetizing before they probably would once again. Just this time he might get something different to drink and eat. New things wasn't something he frowned on. Unless it was something stopping bringing back Demise.

He looked at the two posters. Reading both but was a bit more curios and interested in the poster A.

"Helping people? Why would anyone bother to do such a thing?"

He ask staring at the sign it seems like he spoke in a somewhat joking manner but perhaps Ghirahim is more serious than he is letting on. He then goes back to this interesting special he happened to chose to order and finishes it up. It appears to be good enough for upon finishing the last bites Ghirahim can be caught humming faintly.

Akibahara Akibahara @Dinner Peeps​
Leon's body locked up in pain as he fell to one knee and gritted his teeth. He sees Jason backing him up from the corner of his eye as he lets out a scream in pain ( Stormcloak Stormcloak LEON WILL REMEMBER THAT )
"I'll eat just about anything. As a Minish, and as a demon, food was never really an issue for-" He pauses, and whips his head around to look at the Demon that entered the Diner. "Is that? No, never mind." He quickly whirls around and tries to make himself look smaller. "Any food is good" He says quietly.
Lanaya got into the Diner and looked arround... all tables in the front were either dirty fromt he previous customer or full.. she took a deep breath and sat down at the table besides the tall black woman and this small... strangely pale... person, she begins blushing immensly "uh.. hey.. t-there are n-no free tables..." she takes a deep breath before speaking extremly hastly "do you mind if i sit down here?" she puts both her hands in her hoodies pockets, making herself as small as possible
( Goldie Goldie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )
After the situation seemingly diffused Jason holstered his guns and goes to help Leon up while whispering to him "Dude you got your ass beat by a diet coke".

( Aegis Aegis )
Leon stands up from the ground, smoke rising from his leather jacket “Yea well if he’s a Diet Coke then he is the Darth Sidious of Diet Cokes...” Leon struggles to catch his breath.
Pandora Kokoro

Location - The Diner | With - Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ) Akibahara Akibahara And Vaati ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )

She decided to order one of those gross looking burgers too. Out of curiosity.

Joyce, who has subsequently recovered from her bout of madness, walked toward Pandora, "One Burger a la Lisa coming right up!" You could hear her feet tapping against the Two Wales Diner as Joyce walked into the kitchen. Before long, she'd return, the yummy smell of a medium-rare burger in hand. You couldn't help notice it had a strong scent of iron as she set your meal before you.


"Enjoy, sweetie."

KandiPoP KandiPoP
Tony arrives at the dinner stretching his arms, he walks in and takes a seat
Usted, Doçura! Said Tony with a bright Smile Could I get a small burger?

House gently taps Joyce on the shoulder as he leans over her shoulder "What meat is that exactly?" he asks as he quirks a brow slightly "It doesn't smell like any meat I've ever had" he remarks as he takes a seat next to Pandora "I'll take one, too, if you don't mind" he says, giving her a smile and producing a handful of bills "Keep the change" he adds, with a slight, shifty smile

KandiPoP KandiPoP Akibahara Akibahara
Pandora Kokoro

Location - The Diner | With - Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ) Akibahara Akibahara And Vaati ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )

She took a bite, chewing carefully. She couldn't understand how anyone could stomach things that weren't sugar or human essence. She grimaced and handed the rest to Vaati.
Vaati grabs the food and starts to messily devour it, trying to satiate his hunger. "Thanks." He mutters between mouthfuls, making a mess of his face and the table.
Connor, bored and tired of waiting decided to enter the diner again. He arrived back to the doors, pushing them open as he entered the room. He moved over to the main dining room as he gazed along the people here. He saw Leon there on the ground electrocuted, and the Jason guy by him. He continued to move along as he spotted a select few. A barbecue titty succubus, a...somewhat normal looking man beside the crazy looking face, then a purple looking elf thing...?

Connor took the intitiave to sit down with the group, looking between them, "I'm Connor, the android sent by CyberLife. I'm currently investigating the deviant case, which is androids who have deviated, and could cause a civil war." Connor knew to explain, doing so to them. "So, I'm from Detroit, however somehow ended up here..?" Connor was confused himself, that one question still blazing in his mind. "I myself, am an android, so I don't need to eat." Connor explained to the group, he gazed over to Leon and Jason, if they wanted to come over, they could, in which he signaled to them by nodding. He turned back to the group, looking between them.

KandiPoP KandiPoP Stormcloak Stormcloak Aegis Aegis Rhysie Rhysie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Pandora Kokoro

Location - The Diner | With - Jack ( Rhysie Rhysie ), Akibahara Akibahara And Vaati ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )

Pandora smiled down at him. "You like sweets? Or are you one of those carnivorous types? Maybe a salad? Can't stand the stuff myself." She looked over the menu and searched for the kids' meals settling on a mac and cheese and a fruit cup for him.

Joyce looked at the purple man-thing, "fuck your fruit cup lil bitch"

Joyce walked over to the pair, "Sorry for being late, hon." She yelled out, jotting a few notes on a pad, "A mac and cheese and fruit cup for the lady! Stat!" The waitress walked off toward the kitchen once more.

KandiPoP KandiPoP DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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