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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"hey everyone" Lucy smiled. Sage jumped in surprise of the cheering. "That's some welcome.." She said to herself
A few people began to fight with Natsu right off the back. Macow put his arm around Sage. "Hey pretty lad- OOF!" He stumbled back in response from a flash movement. Sage wasn't sure if it was Peter who moved... But wasn't sure if it wasn't. "Someone kicked me."
A few people began to fight with Natsu right off the back. Macow put his arm around Sage. "Hey pretty lad- OOF!" He stumbled back in response from a flash movement. Sage wasn't sure if it was Peter who moved... But wasn't sure if it wasn't. "Someone kicked me."
"OK then..." She said seeing the fighting. She turned seeing the man stumble back.
"OK then..." She said seeing the fighting. She turned seeing the man stumble back.
"Who did that?" He asked. "I don't know. I'd say it was the man in the weird suit... But..." Erza looked at Peter. "Your movements are hard to track. Are some kind of speed wizard?" She asked. "Nope. I'm just your average run of the mill superhuman. Plus Spider powers."
"Who did that?" He asked. "I don't know. I'd say it was the man in the weird suit... But..." Erza looked at Peter. "Your movements are hard to track. Are some kind of speed wizard?" She asked. "Nope. I'm just your average run of the mill superhuman. Plus Spider powers."
She just listened
Sage keeps watching.
She went to punch him. He grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. He grabbed extra web cartridges and refilled his shooters. His spider-sense tingled and he jumped fpdoong s back flip dodging lunge attack. "Whoa." "How did he do that?" "Was he even looking when she attacked?" "N he looked distracted."
She went to punch him. He grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. He grabbed extra web cartridges and refilled his shooters. His spider-sense tingled and he jumped fpdoong s back flip dodging lunge attack. "Whoa." "How did he do that?" "Was he even looking when she attacked?" "N he looked distracted."
She kept watching, chuckling at the reactions.

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