• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Multi Island

Super Waifu







Which Ward They Live In: (All wards can be found on the Overview tab.)



Character App Rules

Don't directly copy and paste info from a wiki.

The minimum length for a bio is a five-line long paragraph.

OCs are not allowed.

Characters from anime, manga, western animation, comic books and video games only. Characters from movies like How to Train Your Dragon, Rise of the Guardians, etc, will also be accepted. However, use your common sense. Characters from shows like Spongebob will not be accepted.

A like means that you're character is approved.

Pokemon and animal will only be accepted in gijinka form.

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Fandom: Hotline Miami

Name: Richard "Jacket" Fritz

Age: Mid-Twenties

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: "Bodyguard"

Which Ward They Live In: Rubrum

Personality: Jacket is very quiet, almost seemingly mute which is false; He is just thoroughly laid back, enjoys relaxation after every job by having a cigarette or eating junk food while watching a good movie. His background in the military and his unflinching attitude towards over-the-top violence has made him seems generally unafraid to die. Which in turn helps him be a excellent hitman. also noted to have a genuine respect for military personal

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Fandom: Devil may cry

Name: Vergil

Age: 27

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Half demon, half human

Occupation: Demon hunter

Personality: Vergil is typically the strong silent type, he doesn't like to be messed with or for anybody to get in his way. He likes to read and drink tea. Don't ever touch his sword or you will regret it!

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca1987079_VERGILTHEBEST-DevilMayCry3Photo(10609694)-Fanpop.jpg.dd2fd82dd78d38efbaf9712f568f0d7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca1987079_VERGILTHEBEST-DevilMayCry3Photo(10609694)-Fanpop.jpg.dd2fd82dd78d38efbaf9712f568f0d7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption

Name: John Marston

Age: 37

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: Former Outlaw/Farmer

Which Ward He Lives In: Virdis



John doesn't like birds and has a dull immagination. He is very polite to woman, calling mostly as Miss and their surname. He also tries to defend woman when he can. He once pistol-whiped Irish for holding up two nuns. John is also very loyal to his wife.

However, John is not afraid to take morals to the high-ground with less reputable people. Like Irish with his alcoholism or Seth with his grave robbing, which he disgusts. John seems to become angry when someone mentions his wife's past.

John is also a very serious person with little patience with some people. He also uses sarcasm towards those he sees as hypocritic.

John also doesn't like government interference like most people he met during his mission to capture his former brothers in arm.

(Current outfit)


(Face and alternative outfit)

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Totakeke or K.K. Slider








Traveling Musician


K.K. Slider is a dog that knows how to set the mood. He enjoys playing his guitar for folks and loves to learn new songs. He doesn't say much but when he does you can tell he loves living the carefree life and frankly doesn't let what others say bother him.




Personal Information




Alice Margatroid


Presumable early twenties




Youkai (Non-Humans) - Magician



Which Ward They Live In:



Alice has a high understanding of social communication for the utilization of her friendliness but that doesn't mean she is the one to open up and isn't really eager for conversation. Alice can also be quite helpful and caring to other people if moment needs be. She wouldn't lie for the sake of her benefit and will not deny truth that takes advantage of her if exposed (although she would be quite angry). If on an argument, Alice would usually continue it to prove what's right. She's an indoors type and is quite alone but the range of her place of activities is "any kind of place", intermingling with folks and engaging in social activities with others.

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  • Fandom: Undertale

    Name: Sans

    Age: around 25-ish?

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Skeleton

    Occupation: Comedian


  • Fandom: Undertale

    Name: Papyrus

    Age: around 20-ish?

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Skeleton

    Occupation: Soon-to-be Famous Royal Guard


  • Fandom: Kirby

    Name: Human Female Kirby

    Age: 18-ish

    Gender/Sex: Female

    Species: Human

    Occupation: Star Warrior

Meta Knight

  • Fandom: Kirby

    Name: Meta Knight

    Age: around 25-ish?

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Human

    Occupation: Assassin/Knight/Bounty Hunter

Bill Cipher

  • Fandom: Gravity Falls

    Name: Bill Cipher

    Age: Older Than Time (so, around, 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 billion years old maybe?)

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Cipher

    Occupation: Cipher

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  • Fandom: RWBY

    Name: Roman Torchwick

    Age: 25

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Human

    Occupation: Crime Boss

    Which Ward They Live In: Rubrum

  • Fandom: Undertale

    Name: Mettaton

    Age: Somewhere in those 20's

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Robot/Ghost

    Occupation: Idol

    Which Ward They Live In: Rubrum

  • Fandom: Persna 4

    Name: Yosuke Hanamura

    Age: 17

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Human/Persona user

    Occupation: Junes employee

    Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

  • Fandom: Persona 4

    Name: Shadow Yosuke

    Age: 17

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Species: Shadow

    Occupation: Bandit

    Which Ward They Live In: Rubrum

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Fandom: Fallout

Name: Fawkes

Age: Unknown, presumed to be over 200 Hundred years

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Super Mutant

Occupation: Philosopy Teacher

Which Ward They Live In: Virdis

Personality: Unlike most super mutants Fawkes is intelligent and civilized. he has an large interest in literature including Zen Philosophy and he took up the name Fawkes after reading 'The Gunpowder Plot' he chose the name for despite Guy Fawkes's failure, he was still remembered for centuries afterwards. Fawkes has a sort of Zen philosophy... and can rip you apart with his bare hands. Fawkes enjoys spending his time reading and perhaps listening to old holotape music, for despite his frightful appearance Fawkes is kind of a gentle giant. He doesn't enjoy violence however finds to be a necessary part of life

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Fandom: OFF

Name: Dedan

Age: Unknown

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Unknown

Occupation: Theme Park Manager

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Dedan is a foul-mouthed individual whose known for his short-temper and constant abuse of his staff, Horrible listener and someone whose known to known to go back on his word at a moment notice, so in short Dedan is just an all around horrible person. While Dedan's abuse of staff is only Verbal, He is known to get physically violent though never with his workers but rude park attendance, he is quick to deliver his own brand of justice on those who he feels has wronged him or his workers. He is known to be a bit more level headed when off work but it isn't much, so it might just be the stress of his job that makes him so overly cranky

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Fandom: Steven Universe

Name: Peridot

Age: 5(human years)

Gender/Sex: No gender, but goes by female and neutral pronouns.

Species: Gem

Occupation: Elementary school student.

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Peridot was raised in a neglected household with her single mother Yellow Diamond, and her older sister Jasper. She tends to get scared when being yelled at or threatened, and has episodes of crying and curling up into a ball when this happens, afraid that the person will hurt her. Peridot does not like confrontation, and tends to spend time alone in her new house's garage, tinkering with normal household objects like toasters. She's also quite intelligent, winning first place in science fairs, getting straight A's, and is being considered to skip a grade or two. She loves her new family, and has recently gain interest in TV, fry bits, ketchup, and Sour Apple Slurpys.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-22_17-10-35.png.f4323439abb9cfec0751bd84481dfb52.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-22_17-10-35.png.f4323439abb9cfec0751bd84481dfb52.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fandom: Steven Universe

Name: Steven Quartz Universe

Age: 12

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Gem/Human Hybrid

Occupation: Middle school student

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Steven is very caring and generous to other children, as well as adults. He is never seen being mean, but will act out a little if he's in a bad mood. He would rather spend time munching on fry bits with Amethyst than going to school, but he doesn't want to disappoint Pearl, so he tries his best, and has constant A's and B's. Steven also loves animals, and has recently convinced Pearl to get him a cat, which is calls Lion, the cat itself is pink, and is referred to by Peridot as Mr. Cotton Candy.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-22_17-13-54.png.b3387c3da1ea093f77d171fde4b16fb8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-22_17-13-54.png.b3387c3da1ea093f77d171fde4b16fb8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fandom: Steven Universe

Name: Amethyst

Age: 21(human years)

Gender/Sex: No gender, but goes by female and neutral pronouns.

Species: Gem

Occupation: Part time job as Coconut Casanova, a tiki bar.

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Raised in a strict household, Amethyst left home at the age of 16, joining another group of runaways, Pearl and Garnet, who ran away for other reasons. The three were taken in by a older women named Rose, along with her husband Greg. She soon learned her passion for food, sleep, and drinking. The three took Steven in after Rose died during childbirth, and she ended up passing these traits along to him. She tends to lose her temper, but tries her best to keep cool, giving herself a laid back appearance. She is also pretty reckless, accidently burning down their last house while making toast on the stove because she went out to buy some eggs.


Fandom: Steven Universe

Name: Pearl

Age: 27(human years)

Gender/Sex: No gender, but goes by female and neutral pronouns.

Species: Gem

Occupation: Elementary school teacher.

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Pearl comes from a rich family, and comes off a bit snotty and uncaring at times because these are the traits she gained from them. She ran away at the age of 14 after her sire died and her carrier married another man, who she did not like. Once she got off the streets and began living with Rose, she discovered her love of cleaning and athletics. Before Rose died, she promised her that she would make sure nothing would happen to Steven, and that makes her a tad over-protective of the young boy, as well as her new "daughter", Peridot.


Fandom: Steven Universe

Name: Garnet

Age: 29(human years)

Gender/Sex: No gender, but goes by female and neutral pronouns.

Species: Gem

Occupation: Owns and runs Twisted Beats, an arcade that only has dancing games.

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Garnet grew up with her loving parents, Sapphire and Ruby, until their tragic death at her age of 10. Instead of going into foster care she ran away, living on the streets until the age of 23, when her and her street friends were taken in by Rose. She doesn't really talk unless she needs to, which has been the norm since her parent's deaths. She discovered dancing and music when living with Rose, basically gaining an addiction to the stuff. She is also very over-protective of Steven, not wanting the only thing left of Rose to be gone as well. She is apparently also fairly lucky when it comes to gambling, always knowing what to play and what to do to win.



1. They are in a custody battle with Yellow Diamond for Peridot, who they found digging through their trash can, underweight and hadn't bathed in weeks.

2. Amethyst and Pearl are engaged.

New House:



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Fandom: RWBY

Name: Ruby Rose

Age: 15

Gender/Sex: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Student

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Ruby is described as innocent and sweet. She is also childish in a way, but stays as a team leader and acts like one when necessary. She grew up at Signal Academy, which made her a love for weapons and designs. When she went to Beacon Academy early, she learned so much more about teamwork and becoming a huntress. Her team has been on a lot of battles and they are very experienced, with her as leader of team RWBY. She and her team mates escaped a burning Beacon all together with no major injuries. Now they live together in a new, more boring, town with their own home somehow. Her sister is Yang Xiao Long.


Weapon and semblance: Ruby's weapon of choice is the Crescent Rose, a scythe with a built-in 50 caliber sniper rifle that can transform into a more compact state.

Her semblance is her immense speed, which is so fast that it looks like she teleports.

Ruby with the Crescent Rose
Inactive form

Using her semblance

Weaknesses: Can't fight in hand to hand combat, Semblance is limited, does not know the full extent of her power
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Tsuna_Smiles_A.png.5257fbe7e5832929b400b43c138ee9f7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Tsuna_Smiles_A.png.5257fbe7e5832929b400b43c138ee9f7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked_Tsuna.png.4a39a2fee069361ba1598c0578e79ebd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cloaked_Tsuna.png.4a39a2fee069361ba1598c0578e79ebd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (KHR!)

Name: Sawada Tsunayoshi

Age: 15

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: High school student/Mafia Boss

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality/Bio: Sawada Tsunayoshi, or Tsuna for short, is just an average high school student, no below average even. He is very clumsy and not cut out for school at all because he always performs badly. It's not just his academics though, his P.E is beyond saving too. As such, he makes a good laughing subject for his peers. However, deep inside, Tsuna is a very caring person and is always on the lookout for those willing to befriend him. He is a righteous person and always fights hard for the sake of his friends. Underneath the failure of a teenager facade, Tsuna is a mafia boss full of leader potential that everybody bows to. In his mafia mode, Tsuna tends to attract allies and comrades with his warm charisma to fight alondside him.

Appearance: Tsuna is quite short, only stands at 5'4 (a sore subject for him). He looks more feminine than even some girls with his warm brown eyes and his petite build. His hair is the same shade of brown, unruly and always poking out to every direction. The most outstanding feature in him is his smile, full of warmth and trust. Outside of school, he can usually be found in a hoodie over a simple T-shirt and a large pair of jeans. However, in his Hyper Dying Will Mode, Tsuna's eyes turn a sharp shade of orange and in the center of his forehead burns the orange Sky flame of the purest quality. He has a dark cape signature of his Mafia Don status.



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Fandom: Dangan Ronpa 2

Name: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu

Age: 16

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: Yazuka (Gansta)

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Harsh and quite rude. He'll try to give the impression that he isn't one to be messed with, when actually he's a big softie. He has a tendency to sware a lot, and probably cuss people out, but still means well. You could say he all bark and no bite. Contray to what he ususally would say, he can act pretty childish (Like a spoilt brat) sometimes.

Appearance: (Because I don't know how to Insert a picture properly)

Blond hair pushed back, with two shaves lines either side of his head. Round yellow eyes, giving everyone a glare. Typical frown on his face, and prominant pink blushes on his cheeks. He wears a black and grey stiped jacket, with a white button-up top, and a tie with his family emblem on it. Similar to his Jacket, he wears black and grey trousers. he has a mole under his lip.


Age:looks to be 14




Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality:Frisk is nice and loving. Always tries to see the best in people and is determined to make the world a better place. They would never hurt anyone inocent and loves everyone they has befriended.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/IMG_20160523_115023.jpg.53e1e415ae864f6cbdefd6bb497e74ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/IMG_20160523_115023.jpg.53e1e415ae864f6cbdefd6bb497e74ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Coco Adel


Somewhere between 17 and 18


Femme Fatale


Human (Vale)



Huntsmen and huntresses are tasked with keeping order in the world of Remnant and taking care of the incessant Grimm threat.

Which Ward They Live In



Coco has a dominant trait. Being confident. Not necessarily to a fault, but, only rarely has anything frightened her. Despite this, one of her greatest fears is those she wants to protect falling under harm. And, enemies she can't see, but that's not relevant now. Coco, displays good leadership qualities, due to this pre-mentioned confidence. Others look up to her because of this. She displays an up-front nature to confrontations, treating every one as a friend unless events should prove other-wise. And, on a side note, fashion is very integrated into her personality.



Fandom: Blue Exorcist

Name: Rin Okumura

Age: 15

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human/Demon

Occupation: Exorcist in Training

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Rin is a bit hotheaded and immature; it does not take much to anger him, and he has a tendency to get into fights. He is protective of those he cares about and will go to great lengths to keep them safe. (since beginning his training, he has gained more control of his anger) Aside from being aggressive, Rin is actually a very kindhearted guy with an almost childlike behavior. He is easily impressed and excitable. Simple tasks can be seen has fun to him so long as it feels like he accomplishes something. Rin does have a hard time focusing at times, especially in school; definitely more of a hands on learner. He can also be rather clueless at times, making ridiculous assumptions about obvious things. However, when it comes to understanding someones point of view and feelings, he is surprisingly good at that.


(when powers activated)
Fandom: Assassination Classroom

Name: Nagisa Shiota

Age: about 13-14 (they never really say how old he is)

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: student/assassin

Which Ward They Live In: Viridis

Personality: Nagisa is a very quiet and observative boy who lives with his mother. He likes to be around his friends and would do any and everything in his power to help them in any way possible, even if it means cross-dressing. In his spare time, Nagisa can be found in the forest practicing his fighting and just being alone. Nagisa has a second side to him though that he tried to keep hidden as well as he can though that isn't always possible. His alter ego or as he calls it is his Bloodlust side. This is the side of him that makes him an amazing Assassin,though he doesn't always use it to harm others. He might be a great assassin but he never likes to kill if he can avoid it.





Fandom: Assassination Classroom

Name: Karma Akabane

Age: 13-14

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: Student/assassin

Which Ward They Live In: Viridis

Personality: Karma is a sly and sadistic boy who has been suspended from school more times then most people care to count. He likes hanging around his friends and can be very protective under circumstances. He likes to see fear in his enemies eyes during fights and never backs down from a challenge. He does very well in school and even helps teach his classmates at times. He may be a scary guy but under it all he can be helpful and easy going. He almost always has a smile when he fights and rarely books back.



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Fandom: Pokemon

Name: Arceus

Age: 14 billion years, looks mid- to late-20's

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Pokemon

Occupation: bartender, restaurant owner, creator of Pokemon world, musician

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Kind and outgoing, Arceus is willing to offer anyone a helping hand. While not initially trusting of humans, he warmed up to them over time, and now immerses himself in their culture. Arceus holds an air of authority about him, but doesn't demand respect from anyone, preferring to earn it rather than expect it at all times. Despite being considered a god in his world, Arceus likes to insist that he's just like any other Pokemon or human, and certainly acts like it, too. A bit of a hopeless romantic, he's always looking for that certain spark or connection with others, and some day hopes to settle down with a spouse and a family. Being pansexual, he has a lot of options, and matchmaking was partly why he came to the island in the first place. Arceus has a talent for the piano, and shows off his centuries of training and practice whenever he can. Oddly enough, he can't actually cook, but can make good drinks.



Fandom: Pokemon

Name: Latias

Age: 15

Gender/Sex: Female

Species: Latias

Occupation: Student

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Latias is happy, carefree and always talkative. She's very trusting and is most times considered gullible. She hopes to one day become a flight attendant once she graduates school. Latias is very social and loves her brother, Latios. Swimming is a favorite sport of her's along with diving and Hang gliding. She and her brother are both considered legendaries in their world, and they like to make it known. However, they know that there are many more people who could potentially kill them, so even though the brag that they're legendary, most times they're afraid to push it. Latias has a talent for glassmaking and magic tricks.



Fandom: Pokemon

Name: Latios

Age: 16

Gender/Sex: Male

Species: Latios

Occupation: Student

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: Latios, much unlike his sister, is a lot less social. He would much rather stay at home and read all day rather than go and have fun with friends. He wants to become a pilot once he graduates school. Latios happens to be overly protective of Latias and seems to know everything about what she's doing, who's she's with, and where she is. Some find it creepy, but Latios doesn't mind. He just wants to keep his sister safe. Much like his sister, Latios enjoys swimming, but rather than hang gliding, he prefers sky diving. Whether or not he enjoys diving is up for debate. Latios is very skilled at drawing and research.



Fandom: Okami

Name: Ameratsu

Age: Unknown

Gender/Sex: Female

Species: Sun Godess

Occupation: Gardener and Helio Astronomer

Which ward they live in: Viridis

Personality: Totally carefree. Ameratsu is the definition of laid back, happy go lucky, you name it! Her mind is most times scattered everywhere and she gets easily distracted. Despite that Ammy (her nickname) has a good sense for justice and knows when something fishy is up. When she's focused, which is rare, Ameratsu is very good at maintaining plant life and she's surprisingly good at finding ways to use solar energy. She works as a Helio Astronomer, who studies the sun, but most times while studying she falls asleep. Another habit of hers, falling asleep at the most inconvient times. Ameratsu has many friends outside of the ones she knows in Viridis, ones who love to draw as well. Ammy has the ability to create things out of ink, and as long as she has her brush/tail and some ink, she's perfectly happy.




Question. Could Pokemon and other Gijinka revert back and forth from their human and animal forms?
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Anju.jpg.ac8d194ad7e4d4948b23e69920b41ca4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Anju.jpg.ac8d194ad7e4d4948b23e69920b41ca4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fandom: Karin/Chibi Vampire

Name: Anju Maaka

Age: 18

Gender/Sex: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Vampire

Which Ward They Live In: Lutetus

Personality: Anju is very quiet and rarely displays emotion. However, she is loves her family very deeply especially her older sister, Karin. In fact the reason why she moved was to watch over Karin and her fiance, Kenta Usui. She's very secretive and a genius when it comes to her vampire powers (ie controlling bats, erasing memories, etc). Anju is also smart and, to a point, kind, but is not above violence. For the most part, Anju doesn't care about strangers or their feelings and won't bother with them unless they are directly involved with her sister.

Other: Often seen with her doll, Boogie, who seems to makes several sarcastic remarks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca27d85ae_Anju2.jpg.600290d406885e0fdb182068a7c13d34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca27d85ae_Anju2.jpg.600290d406885e0fdb182068a7c13d34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Fandom: Hatoful Boyfriend

Name: Anghel Higure

Alias: Crimson Angel of Judecca (Self-given Title), Yoshio Akagio (Real Name)

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Species: Luzon Bleeding-heart Dove

Occupation: Student / Self-proclaimed Fallen Angel / General Nuisance

Ward: Rubeum


Anghel is at his core a student with average interests. He is quite shy among others, preferring to interact in small groups rather than large gatherings of people. In his spare time he is known to draw his own manga which is actually of a fairly high quality taking into the fact that he is a bird and has no fingers. Easily flustered, he is rather flighty and is known to retreat at the first hint of embarrassment or discomfort.

Unfortunately that core is wrapped in several hundreds of layers of delusions, megalomaniacal behavior, and paranoia. The world through his eyes is much more fantastic than it would appear to others, believing himself to be the reincarnation of a fallen angel who must battle evil in order to help atone for his sins that may or probably not have happened. Because of the perception that evil and danger are constantly surrounding him his twitchy behavior is amplified to a ludicrous degree leading to him regularly breaking objects in his need to stay moving and even an absolute refusal of the use of doors. Even when given a proper introduction he will make a habit of calling each and every single individual he meets by a nickname to match the reality he choose to indulge himself in.

Most would consider his extended presence an unpleasant experience. However there is a special trait that the dove has which can escalate him from that to a true menace.


• Anghel has a constantly active aura surrounding his body at all times which can cause those nearby to hallucinate, making his fantasy their reality as well. This power works best over time and its strength boosted by physical exertion and excitement. As such those who are closest to him are more likely to feel this more vividly, often playing out the roles of JRPG characters or magical girls complete with a perception of all the corny catchphrases, stat points, and usually skimpy outfits that define them. In order to avoid this the best course of action in any situation is to get the peculiar bird to calm down regardless of if the current conflict is entirely his fault or not.

• As mentioned before Anghel has a disproportionate amount of strength for his size. This is largely because of his fantasy keeping his mental and emotional restraints to a minimum. When others are dragged into his world they also gain a similar boost in strength as they play the role of a hero or villain. It isn't something to a superhuman level but it is noticeable.

• For his complete inability to accept and often even perceive reality he is quite talented at sensing one's true nature. Those who can somehow translate his weird manner of speech can often find out quite a bit about others or themselves if they so wish.


• Anghel is a hyper-intelligent mutation of bird that overtook society due to a series of events in his source material, Hatoful Boyfriend. In the roleplay this same mutation took place under much more natural circumstances and individuals like him are actually quite rare, lesser evolutions of their kind still living alongside them and the rest of the creatures that have found their way to Multi Island.

• Due to the mutation he is actually quite larger than normal birds, rising to what would normally be about halfway between one's ankle and kneecap in height. This also accounts for his enhanced lifespan.

• In many of his drawings Anghel depicts himself as an injured, long-haired young man wearing bandages over one of his eyes. This is simply part of his effort to make himself better fit the role of a tragic hero in his stories, having never been in any way, shape, or form anything other than a luzon bleeding-heart.

• At first glance many would assume that Anghel is terribly hurt due to the blood on his chest. This is in fact the defining trait of his breed of bird and where they got their namesake, the mark nothing more than part of their plumage.


• Currently enrolled as a student.

• Despite several attempts to chase him out into Luteus or Viridis after causing some unfortunate incidents he seems particularly interested in Rubrum and refuses to stay away. Just what is he after?


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Fandom: RWBY

Name: Weiss Schnee

Age: 17

Gender/Sex: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Student

Which Ward They Live In: Luteus

Personality: She was lonely throughout her life, making a "cold" personality towards people she doesn't trust enough. A know-it-all girl who believes every action she takes is destined to happen. She remains calm most of the time but can be a little bit bitchy if things don't go her way. When Beacon was destroyed, she and her teammates escaped and using her money from the Schnee Dust Company, they got a house in Luteus. She also acts like she's the most important person in the room all the time.


Weapon: Myrtenaster, a Rapier with an ability to use dust with her strikes and semblance.


Semblance: Glyphs. They vary in their effects but all act on objects. Usually used for propulsion and controlling movement and acting as a solid surface. Known glyph effects: Time dilation, Acceleration, Summoning

Weaknesses: Lacking in endurance, inability to take heavy hits
Fandom: "Only the most awesome one ever, DEADPOOL!" Yeah. That.

Name: Wade Wilson aka 'Deadpool' "Hey, buddy. It's CAPTAIN Deadpool!"

"Oh great, now we wait for this guy to finish writing this thing. Dunno why, everyone knows me!"

(Finishing this later...)

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