Opinion Movie critic sins


Movie critics, movie reviewers, YouTube channels like cinema sins. That's what this is about.

Perhaps it is just me. I don't consider myself a complainer. Nor a whiner. Perhaps I'm just not very critical. Maybe that's why I don't hate movies the same way they do.

I listen to the complaints about these movies and I just don't see what the hell they're talking about. I feel as if these people are overanalyzing a movie just because they want something to complain about. I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but... certain movies that everybody seems to hate... I don't see what the hell these people are talking about. Confession: I have seen the phantom menace literally dozens of times. These people are bit€hing far too much. A lot of their criticisms to me are just ridiculous. I cannot find it in me to validate this foolishness.

Anybody else find themselves liking a hated movie? Anybody else not see what the hell everybody is talking about?
I've got a similar problem. But it's more so to do with the tone. Some online critics just don't know how to laugh at a piece of garbage. They just ramble along in a bunch of nitpicks instead of teasing the movie for being, well a joke. Just feels pretty annoying. Also, CinemaSins is supposed to be a joke. It's not legit criticism. They even say "We're not critics, we're assholes"
I see so many damn comments on YouTube on various videos saying the same tired out old phrase... "Still a better love story than twilight". To be honest the movie gets a lot more hate than it's worth. I liked it and I'm not sure why people hate it so much. It's not the BEST love story or movie. That I won't say. But I feel like many critics don't know what the hate about, they just simply know they are SUPPOSED to hate on it.
With CinemaSins, I feel like they're just having fun with a movie. I'm sure that like a lot of movies they do.

The only critics I watch on YouTube are the Nostalgia Critic and Phelous. The Nostalgia Critic gives (for the most part) honest reviews. I only watch the Disney ripoff reviews of Phelous. Those movies are pretty bad. I don't think anyone likes them.
Honestly it's about finding people whose opinions or tastes match up with your own. I watch TONS of reactions and movie reviewers on Youtube ( and listen to a fair number of podcasts doing similar things ).

Some people I agree with more often than others but the thing I like about this format is they'll often bring up things I either don't know ( usually for more comic-booky shows ) or that I would never have thought of on my own.

Do I necessarily take their word as gospel and base my entire movie going experience around it ? No, mostly because I tend to go to movies and enjoy them regardless of the relative "quality of the movie. I view reaction/reviews as sort of those long conversations you have with friends after seeing a movie.

Sometimes you agree and sometimes you don't but it's more about breaking down individual aspects of the movie and discussing your take aways from them than it is just bashing on movies.

Also yes Cinemasins is meant to be funny, sort of like honest trailers or how it should have ended.

It might not be your sense of humor but it's not really meant to be a vicious take down of the movie going experience.

Also side note : never read youtube comments. They're usually cesspools of horrible behavior or just long tangenty rants anyway.
Specific Channels I follow
- Jeremy Jahn - good reviewers tends to be fairly upbeat
- Andre the Black Nerd - consistently balanced, usually gives both good and bad points
- Channel Awesome - so many different reviewers on here you're bound to find someone you like. I'd check out their website for a full list of all the reviewers affiliated with them.
- Double Toasted - they're fun but I don't necessarily agree with their take aways all the time. It's fun to watch them chat about stuff though.
- Midnight Screenings - ditto above

Usually when a movie comes out after I've watched it I'll just search for reviews. If you try a selection you're bound to find someone you can resonate with.
I think there's quite a difference between Channels like Cinema Sins / Honest trailers / How it should have ended on one hand and People who are actually trying to reviews movies and who are just doing it badly on the other hand.

Like, Cinema Sins & Co are reviewing a lot of great and highly considered movies and turning it into something funny, but the point is to be at the same time relevant and funny. So sometimes they do dig deep in. Sometimes it's not funny. But they have made cinema Sins out of Titanic and Harry Potter and stuff, so the most liked movies ever. Cause when you love something it's funny to see it being criticise.

And I guess the whole point is that people love being picky and watching other people being picky.

And the other hand, you've got many people actually reviewing movies and many who are doing it wrong. People who are trying to be original or even edgy and who end up saying "Twilight is so bad ".

Twilight is not bad. Twilight is not even cliché, Twilight is super interesting and classical and it's amazing to study from ten different point of view. But because it's badly written it's now shamefull to like it and people will laugh at it because people are not original.
I think there's quite a difference between Channels like Cinema Sins / Honest trailers / How it should have ended on one hand and People who are actually trying to reviews movies and who are just doing it badly on the other hand.

Like, Cinema Sins & Co are reviewing a lot of great and highly considered movies and turning it into something funny, but the point is to be at the same time relevant and funny. So sometimes they do dig deep in. Sometimes it's not funny. But they have made cinema Sins out of Titanic and Harry Potter and stuff, so the most liked movies ever. Cause when you love something it's funny to see it being criticise.

And I guess the whole point is that people love being picky and watching other people being picky.

And the other hand, you've got many people actually reviewing movies and many who are doing it wrong. People who are trying to be original or even edgy and who end up saying "Twilight is so bad ".

Twilight is not bad. Twilight is not even cliché, Twilight is super interesting and classical and it's amazing to study from ten different point of view. But because it's badly written it's now shamefull to like it and people will laugh at it because people are not original.
THANKYOU! Somebody else FINALLY said it. I liked it and it gets more hate than it deserves. In my opinion, part of the hate stems from jealous hetero males. All these girls fanning themselves over Edward and Jacob must get pretty bad on the self esteem of guys who know they can't compete. I've even heard the comments of "twilight is gay". There are no gay twilight characters. Not even hints. That's stupid to call anything that girls like gay. If it's target is a female audience, that doesn't make it gay. Yes. There are shirtless men. But that's only simple consequence. Hetero females like hot guys without shirts on. That just so happens to be something gay guys like too. But it IS aimed at a female heterosexual audience. Get over yourselves you insecure sons of guns. You'll never compared to or compete with Jacob. But that doesn't make it a bad movie lol.
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THANKYOU! Somebody else FINALLY said it. I liked it and it gets more hate than it deserves. In my opinion, part of the hate stems from jealous hetero males. All these girls fanning themselves over Edward and Jacob must get pretty bad on the self esteem of guys who know they can't compete. I've even heard the comments of "twilight is gay". There are no gay twilight characters. Not even hints. That's stupid to call anything that girls like gay. If it's target is a female audience, that doesn't make it gay. Yes. There are shirtless men. But that's only simple consequence. Hetero females like hot guys without shirts on. That just so happens to be something gay guys like too. But it IS aimed at a female heterosexual audience. Get over yourselves you insecure sons of guns. You'll never compared to or compete with Jacob. But that doesn't make it a bad movie lol.
Wut in halation
And the other hand, you've got many people actually reviewing movies and many who are doing it wrong. People who are trying to be original or even edgy and who end up saying "Twilight is so bad ".

Twilight is not bad. Twilight is not even cliché, Twilight is super interesting and classical and it's amazing to study from ten different point of view. But because it's badly written it's now shamefull to like it and people will laugh at it because people are not original.

Well I think there are some valid criticisms to be had for the Twilight book series. Just like there are valid criticisms to be had for Fifty Shades of Grey or Harry Potter.

No book series is without flaws and depending on your point of view and perspective some of those flaws are going to be more important to you than others.

It all comes down to what you can forgive of a narrative in order to find enjoyment in the series.

Personally I found the last two books of Twilight to be forgettable. I literally do not remember a single thing that happened in the third book and the fourth book I got two chapters in before giving up.

The movies were just straight boring. The CG was okay and some of the scenery was pretty to look at but the acting was just snoresville.

But that being said I don't know how you're getting all this hate for Twilight from Movie Reviewers?

I mean the ones I listen to ( that I've listed above )

None of them even mention Twilight. I mean outside of specific reviews of the series or when mentioning that Fifty Shades is a Twilight Knock off.

If they say a book/movie/tv show is bad they'll explain why that is for that particular medium. They're not like - Oh I'm reviewing Moana and btw Twilight Is Bad hahahaha suck it twihard idiots.

I mean I think two reviewers that I follow did reviews on Twilight

Jeremy Jahns and Erod Blockbuster Buster.

Neither of them liked it but they both gave valid reasons for it.

Jeremy Jahn - found the actors bland and the story boring
Erod - is a fan of classic universal monster movies so i'm sure you can figure out what his big gripes where ( hint: largely world building and boring actors )

But it wasn't like oooh we're saying it's bad because we wanna be edgy. They say it's bad because that was their opinions and they backed it up.

I mean personally I disagreed with some of it - I found the world-building in the book series/movies to be fine. I did however find the characters boring ( moreso in the movies, the books were okay i just stopped carrying about the relationships towards the end )

But I still accepted that they had valid criticisms. The same way when I see reviews of Harry Potter ( books and movies ) there gonna be issues brought up that I have never thought of or I disagree with. I think as you said earlier in your post valid criticism can often increase your enjoyment of a series because it means that you think about it in a more in depth way.
If I tried I TOO would likely have valid criticisms. I never once said twilight is the best movie. I beleive you mistake me. I can see why you would find the characters boring. The series doesn't really show any depth to the characters and they are pretty one dimensional. We just don't get told much more than the stuff relevant to the romance genre aspect. All we know bout Edward and Jacob are that they are both perfect guys with hot abs. That's pretty much it. They don't get much character depth.

But what I hate is when people, like you mentioned, hates something because it's POPULAR to hate on it. They never actually make an active effort to note WHAT they hate about it other than stupid statements like 'it's gay'. They do not go to see the movie with an open mind and so they OBVIOUSLY are going to hate it if they went into the theaters with the INTENTION of hating it. That's what I'm picking at.
If I tried I TOO would likely have valid criticisms. I never once said twilight is the best movie. I beleive you mistake me. I can see why you would find the characters boring. The series doesn't really show any depth to the characters and they are pretty one dimensional. We just don't get told much more than the stuff relevant to the romance genre aspect. All we know bout Edward and Jacob are that they are both perfect guys with hot abs. That's pretty much it. They don't get much character depth.

But what I hate is when people, like you mentioned, hates something because it's POPULAR to hate on it. They never actually make an active effort to note WHAT they hate about it other than stupid statements like 'it's gay'. They do not go to see the movie with an open mind and so they OBVIOUSLY are going to hate it if they went into the theaters with the INTENTION of hating it. That's what I'm picking at.

And the point I was trying to make is what your describing is not a movie reviewer or a movie critic. It is a teenager with a video channel who wants to whine about things because they think it impresses people or makes them seem cool.

And comparing those people with valid movie critics is like comparing Twilight to Fifty Shades of Grey.

Twilight, whatever it's flaws, is at least an original idea created by Stephanie Meyer. Fifty Shades is bad fanfiction that EL James got published as a way to make a quick buck.

A movie critic ( someone who takes it seriously ) is vastly different than someone who just posts whiney videos of movies for the clicks.
I think this thread, and a lot of critics as well, have this difficulty in understanding the basic distinction between liking something and that something being good, or the opposite, disliking it and it being bad. The problem here is that the contents of any form of art, don't change in accordance with your feelings. What is there is there. But your feelings aren't just affected by what is in the actual art, it can also change by such random factors as having a bad day, your education and personal interests (example: if I'm reading a book and I'm not interested in grammar, I may end up missing the objectively present grammar tricks the author put in that others might enjoy because they caught on to them), the order in which you consume art... all of this affects your feelings while having NO bearing in the actual quality of the art piece.

The thing you complain about critics doing is entirely justified, on the critics side. Sure, it gets blown way out of proportion by some or even many out there, but going into the fine details is exactly what one should do when attempting to assess quality. Overall appreciation just doesn't cut it.
I think this thread, and a lot of critics as well, have this difficulty in understanding the basic distinction between liking something and that something being good, or the opposite, disliking it and it being bad. The problem here is that the contents of any form of art, don't change in accordance with your feelings. What is there is there. But your feelings aren't just affected by what is in the actual art, it can also change by such random factors as having a bad day, your education and personal interests (example: if I'm reading a book and I'm not interested in grammar, I may end up missing the objectively present grammar tricks the author put in that others might enjoy because they caught on to them), the order in which you consume art... all of this affects your feelings while having NO bearing in the actual quality of the art piece.

The thing you complain about critics doing is entirely justified, on the critics side. Sure, it gets blown way out of proportion by some or even many out there, but going into the fine details is exactly what one should do when attempting to assess quality. Overall appreciation just doesn't cut it.

I believe what they're talking about is less movie critics and more people getting on the hate bandwagon without actually seeing/reading the material.

I mean Cinema Sins was admittedly a bad example of that as they certainly review the actual series they just get super nit-picky and kind of dickish when they do ( which hey that's their schtick so it works for them )

I believe what xpstitch xpstitch is talking about is more in line with those people that say for instance :

"Justice League is A Hot Steaming Pile of Garbage Cinema and DC Should Stop Making Movies Because They're So Bad." And when you ask them for specifics of why they think that they turn around and say they haven't actually seen the movie they've just seen reviews or they just "know it's trash" because XXX reasons.

Same in reverse : When someone says Justice League Is The Best Movie Ever and the haters are just rude assholes who want childish laughs and feel good cinema and they're the whole reason that movies are being dumbed down and [ long pretentious rant about everything but the movie they are supposedly promoting ]

And again you ask them about specifics from the movie that they like and they say they haven't actually seen the movie they're just going off reviews or what they "know" to be true.
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I believe what they're talking about is less movie critics and more people getting on the hate bandwagon without actually seeing/reading the material.

I mean Cinema Sins was admittedly a bad example of that as they certainly review the actual series they just get super nit-picky and kind of dickish when they do ( which hey that's they're schtick so it works for them )

I believe what xpstitch xpstitch is talking about is more in line with those people that say for instance :

"Justice League is A Hot Steaming Pile of Garbage Cinema and DC Should Stop Making Movies Because They're So Bad." And when you ask them for specifics of why they think that they turn around and say they haven't actually seen the movie they've just seen reviews or they just "know it's trash" because XXX reasons.

Same in reverse : When someone says Justice League Is The Best Movie Ever and the haters are just rude assholes who want childish laughs and feel good cinema and they're the whole reason that movies are being dumbed down and [ long pretentious rant about everything but the movie they are supposedly promoting ]

And again you ask them about specifics from the movie that they like and they say they haven't actually seen the movie they're just going off reviews or what they "know" to be true.
Really? That's not what I got from the original post at all... but I guess I must have misread. Sorry!
Really? That's not what I got from the original post at all... but I guess I must have misread. Sorry!

Lol no that's what I thought they were talking about too at first but after talking with them a bit it seems they're less mad about Movie Critics in general and more mad when people just hate something to hate it.

Admittedly the first post is kind of misleading though.
Lol no that's what I thought they were talking about too at first but after talking with them a bit it seems they're less mad about Movie Critics in general and more mad when people just hate something to hate it.

Admittedly the first post is kind of misleading though.
And the title too
"Hating by Sheep Effect- A rant"

lol or : Loving Movies Others Hate.

As a good portion of this seems to be in defense of the Twilight Movies ( and to an extend the books ). And the fact that the legitimate flaws of the source material were overshadowed by basically the hate bandwagon where people just hated on it to hate on it.

I mean it's actually a pretty interesting conversation to have. Why some movies are just universally hated without cause and why some movies are judged more on their own merit with people liking them / hating them based on actual opinion and not on what's trending.

I think Twilight specifically it's big problem was it's too niche. It appeals to a very narrow portion of the population and so anyone not in that particular demographic is going to be able to tear it apart or complain that it doesn't do enough to empower women/enrich cinema/etc.

Batman Vs. Superman on the other hand had to compete with Marvel and Fans Nostalgia for the source material and between those two things it got picked a part a lot because it didn't meet sky high expectations.
Cinema Sins have operated the way they are largely due to the click bait titles. ‘Sin’ has more serious and negative connotations than criticism and come on, Everything Wrong With X will attract a large proportion of the common lowest denominator of the population.

There’s even the fact that Cinemasins acts as an outlet for most of the creator’s actual opinions about the movie.

Of course, if you validate your opinion of a movie by random ass movie critics, then, that’s more shallow than merely criticising the movie itself.
I have seen the phantom menace literally dozens of times.


I think it's one to call out a movie on its bad. If the bad in it overwhelms you to the point of ruining your movie experience, like TFA did for me, then I'd call it out. If it doesn't, then show what it did do well.
Batman Vs. Superman on the other hand had to compete with Marvel and Fans Nostalgia for the source material and between those two things it got picked a part a lot because it didn't meet sky high expectations.
I found some channel that has a two-part 3 hour video on how BvS is just plain bad.
I have to agree, and even though there were some things I liked that others didn't, and things I didn't that others did, I think that BvS really wasn't a very good film. It wasn't a very good film largely because of higher-ups and the fact that it was less of a movie than a combination of corporate checklists, not because of the cast or directing. But it still wasn't a very good film.

But I largely agree. I think that there is good that forgets to be addressed because it's easier to lay out what is bad in a movie than what is good.
I found some channel that has a two-part 3 hour video on how BvS is just plain bad.
I have to agree, and even though there were some things I liked that others didn't, and things I didn't that others did, I think that BvS really wasn't a very good film. It wasn't a very good film largely because of higher-ups and the fact that it was less of a movie than a combination of corporate checklists, not because of the cast or directing. But it still wasn't a very good film.

But I largely agree. I think that there is good that forgets to be addressed because it's easier to lay out what is bad in a movie than what is good.

lol my post was more in reference to people who haven't seen BvS hating it because it isn't Marvel or they didn't do justice to XXX character or YYY storyline or whatever.

I mean if you saw the movie and had legitimate gripes ( Martha? Really? I mean taking aside the stupid laziness of the writing the scene was just flat acted badly ) that's fine.

But if you never saw it and you're just hating it because it's cool or it makes you feel superior or whatever. Yeah that's just dumb.

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