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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP

"Pleasure to meet you. I had a question to ask you. One of you at least." she asked hoping they could understand her over her accent.
James instantly picked up what the girl was saying, after listening to his favorite Youtuber, who happens to be energetic, talk fast, and be irish at the same time, for hours on end whenever the W.O.L.F. internet wasn't busy being fixed by some internet guy who obviously has no clue what he is doing. "Ask away." James said to the girl.
Melody rolled her eyes as Elizabeth started her set. "Whoever designed the outfit must have been on acid. I'm going to be seeing that in my sleep." She had to admit that the woman had a good voice, though, and the backing band was on point. It seemed that this was going to be an excellent show, ridiculous fashion aside.
She shouldn't had waited so long between towns to feed. The way her throat scratched when she would take in a deep told her so. How long had it been?  Two, Three days? Taking another deep breath, Adeline winced at the pain in her throat. Definitely three days. Slowly exhaling Adeline ran her hands through her hair, pulling at the ends. Four months, That's when everything went to Hell in a hand basket. That's when... Shaking her head, Adeline pushed forward. No time to linger on the past. She had a much more pressing matter at hand. Adeline hadn't been a vampire for long, and despite not having someone to show her the ropes she knew that waiting this long to feed had put her in a perdicament. One day was okay, but by the end of the second day she would have feed. Now going on three days, Adeline felt she was going insane. Every step she would take hurt. The pain in her throat would only get worse, and reached down to her stomach causing it to twist in an unbearable knot. She needed to find some place she could hunt. Not kill. A bite here, and a sip there and she would be done. At most She could try and glamour a human, make them forget she was ever there. That's if she could control it.

Wandering down a empty street, Adeline tried to focus on a plan. She needed to feed now, that much she knew. though were was the question. Breaking into a house was a no go, and Adeline wouldn't risk feeding in a place where someone could walk in on her. At most she needed to find Somewhere big, that if needed she could lead her prey away from. Turning down a street, Adeline was met with a burst of lights. Booths of all kind lined along what she could describe as the town square. She watched as human after human walked in. Licking her lips, the knot in Adeline's stomach tightened in excitment. Her legs moving fast as they could as she made her way forward. Her eye's scanning the potential prey. Adeline covered her nose with the hem of her sweater, the smell of humans being too much for her. She couldn't allow herself lose control. No matter how hungry she was. Walking furthur into the festival, Adeline came across a group of older humans as they set up stage. The smell coming off of them making Adeline's fang grow sharper. No. too public. She scolded herself for even thinking of it. Her frustration and hunger pulling her in different Direction. She was about to give up, find some place else when a woman dressed up like a old 80's Cartoon walked by. Adeline's eyes glued to her, entranced by her. Watching as she walked up on stage, Adeline drew closer to the stage watching as the woman began singing. He voice drawing her in. Before long Adeline realized that she had walked as close as she could to the stage, in the middle of a crowd.
She smiled.

"Well, I have some employees who have a special...religion. Though we-I mean they haven't been able to worship it lately. It takes place outdoors and at night. But they had to move it indoors because we've been hearing wolves. It's a bit scary. And I have inn patrons. Do you think one of you could investigate?"

She looked at the man with wide eyes.
James took into careful consideration what the girl was stating exactly, whether she was talking about some religion, or just so happened that she and her employees are witches, maybe vampires. James wouldn't bet money on the vampire part, he did know that this town housed all sorts of magical beings such as witches, vampires, and obviously werewolves. However he didn't know they owned businesses. He always thought they would be more like his grandparents and hide in their house and take in money from selling their paintings. Speaking of which the paintings value has actually doubled. They were expensive before, now they are darn right outrageous.

But, back to the girl. "Sure, we can look into that, maybe we can find out why they seem to head that direction. I wouldn't think that would be a hunting area for wolves seeing how it is so far off from the local river."
"...Big man of steel behind the steering wheel.
Twenty five tons of hardened steel deliver the big money deal!!!
Liz struck a pose, as the song came to an end, meeting only the lukewarm reception of the older public and the amused giggles of the younger audience. But she was happy that at least someone in the small crowd ( TheKrownedKat TheKrownedKat ) was actually enthralled by her or at least her music.
"Alright guys and gals! That was "The Hardest Part" because starting out strong in a concert is, well... the hardest part!" Her grin vanished when nobody laughed but she regained her sparkling smile in a second and twirled the mic before the band got ready for the next song.
"So! get ready for the next song! get Psyched for a tune from 1984!!
What are words for when no one listens anymore
What are words for when no one listens...
Leslie smiled.

"Thank you. I'm Leslie by the way," she held out her hand, "Owner of the Twilight Brew."
Ethan noticed Felix come through the main entrance, and made his way over to him. They had met up before, when ethan had first come into town. he had gotten ethan oriented with the town, and the monsters felix believed to be in town.
"Hey, mr.Hawks, are you ready for for it to all go downhill? I mean, this many people in one area? Theres bound to be a few monsters ready to strike."
JokerValentine JokerValentine
James smiled back.

"You're welcome, Leslie. I hope to see you around here more. This town is quite...eh...boring."

And with that James decided that the Band playing deserved at least someone to laugh at their jokes. So James walked up to the front and sat down next to some girl who looked like she was having the worst hangover of her life.
Alexis took quite some time to find the fair. Mostly because she got chased by a raccoon, or what she thought was a raccoon but actually turned out to be a skunk. She didn't get sprayed luckily, but that thing was mean! She only found the fair because someone started singing very loudly, and Alexis guessed that was the right direction. The fair was very loud the more she got in. It wasn't very calming and neither was the smell of humans.

She took several deep breaths but that only made it worse. "No! Nononono! You are over this! You eat beans not people!" She whispered to herself and gripped her head. One man laughed a bit and grabbed her arms to drag her a little bit away. Alexis stopped breathing for a minute as she watched the man laugh at her.

"You a little vamp, huh? Hungry? You wanna... Go ahead and go back to my place? I'm sure there's something we could both drink back there..." He whispered and started to try and hold her hand. Alexis panicked and suddenly clapped her hands over both his ears with as much force as she could muster. He let out a cry of pain and began to drop to hold his head. Without even thinking she began to dig her nails into his neck. She even began to draw blood, but he did nothing but stare in horror. Alexis was panicked as her body reacted to the smell of the fresh blood, it was like she couldn't stop her body from digging her fangs into his neck.

The man went limp as she sucked every bit of blood from his body. She was crying as this happened, trying to stop herself, but nothing worked. He'd scared her and she couldn't stop anymore. He was dropping to the ground within a minute and Alexis began to sob as her fangs slid out of his neck. He was dead and his eyes glazed over.

She left the man lying in the alley and raced off towards the concert. What had she done. She'd just killed a man. She'd just murdered someone and in public! She'd promised not to do that! She'd even tried to rip him up with her nails! Instead of staying and trying to hide the smelly body, she rushed to try and find Liz.

Instead of waiting for her to finish the song, Alexis ran onto the stage and clung to Liz's legs to both shelter herself from the crowd and her fears. There was no blood on her clothes, just a smell of it that only a vampire could pick up. She'd killed a councilman, an important one, yet she didn't know it. All she could see was her original captor reaching down to get her, so she'd acted first. Alexis clung to Liz's legs and refused to go away or do anything other than cry. She felt horrible.
Klythemnestra Klythemnestra TheKrownedKat TheKrownedKat Everyone Everyone else because murder
Reenra walked out of the inn after helping Ziggy at the inn to check with the booth, But kept getting majorly distracted and ended up wandering through the town
"Wow The festival is really hyped up this year"
she smiled and continued wandering not watching where she was going and bumped into someone
She watched him walk away and smiled as she walked to other booths. She decided to walk to the stage and see the performer. She chuckled when she realized that it was someone she had met a long time ago.
James jumped up in surprise of a girl clinging to the head singer. James walked up to ask if the head singer or girl needed help, but smelled blood...Was the girl hurt? Did she kill someone and then regret it son after? There were unanswered questions. Jame's first question to be answered was if the girl was dangerous and how did she know the lead singer.

"Uh...h-hi. Do either of you two need...uh *hard swallow* help?"
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Leslie knew that something was wrong. She discreetly sent a message to Midnight.

"Keep an eye out."

She walked up to the stage and tried to catch the little girl's eye.
Margo was walking around, enjoying music from her childhood, when a girl suddenly ran onstage,interupting the music. Margo frowned, and jogged up to the stage. She crouched next to the girl, placing a soft hand on her shoulder.
"hun, are you OK?"
She could smell blood on the girl, and began worrying about injuries.
"sweetie, are you hurt anywhere? Do we need to get you first aid?"
She walked over to Margo who was comforting the girl. A cup of hot chocolate materialized, but she did it inconspicuously. She stopped before the two and offered the drink to the little girl.

"Hey Margo."
"Let me get by
Over your dead body
Hope to see you soon
When will I AAARGH!!
Lord almighty! Oh uh... I have a little emergency... Uh... the lead guitarist will take my place for a oment! Get Psyched! Whooo... goddammit Alexis..." She grumbled as she walked down the stage a bit ashamend and with the little vampire still clinging to her her leg, but then a scent hit her. Blood. Alexis just fed off someone, someone important too, since she just reconized the scent. "Wh-What did you do Alexis?" asked a very concerned Liz. Soon a couple more people gathered to help the girl.
"Are you alright?" Liz asked still concened while kneeling down a bit to look the teen vampitre in the eyes.
*Midnight sighed and sat down as the initial rush finally faded away as she flipped open another cask of rootbeer, pouring a huge glass for herself when she got a message, sending a message back* ten four, keeping an eye out

Codebreaker Codebreaker
Alexis let out a small shriek of terror and she clung to Liz's legs tighter. She knew that the people had found her. They would find out. She needed to leave as fast as she could right then before she got too panicked and broke. She quickly shook her head and bolted away from Liz and the crowd of people. She ran and ran through the crowds and back into a little garden of someone's yard. There were tomato plants and she hid in there.
Codebreaker Codebreaker Klythemnestra Klythemnestra TeddiBehr TeddiBehr TheRetro TheRetro
"Okay, that's going to ruin the show." Melody looking at the unfolding scene with a tinge of nervousness. A stage crasher was definitely not normal. Something was off about the girl but what? Drugs weren't likely- there were virtually no drugs in town. Mental illness? Possible, but unlikely on simple math. "Midnight, do you have any potions on you? Something that might help heal any injuries she might have?"
Logan just sits politely as the two talk. He could barely understand her, so he didn't mind that much. But he did at least understand a few words. One of them being wolves, and Logan instantly knows what she is talking about. After the two of them finished their conversation, both of them left the booth.

Then suddenly he sees some commotion coming from the concert and the music stopping. What the... maybe I should go check if everything is okay, he thinks as he gets out of the booth and see what is happening at the concert. After seeing people already handling it, he goes back to the booth. Whatever is happening, it seems like it's already being taken care of.
James quickly hops up and stops the band from playing the All Star song.

"Look, guys, if you are going to play something play something worth playing. eh...wait...You want ME to sing something? I...guess.

James walks up to the mic and says.

"Well. uh. hello everybody! I'm going to have the band play you something actually worth listening to. The name of the song is Dr. Feelgood."

James looks over to the guitarist and gives him the go sign. Then he starts singing the lyrics of the song from heart.

Slowly the people that were in line began to migrate somewhere else. Soon there was no one left.

Penelope turned to Carlos and said," Well, I am packing up for the night."

She reached down and picked up the money that they had earned and split it, handing half over to him.

"Here, thanks for helping me out today. Maybe i'll see you around." She said her goodbyes and went to explore the festival.

Penelope went and got some cotton candy. she loved the way it tasted and how it dissolves in your mouth. She was about to take a bite when she heard something happening near the stage. She jogged over to see what was happening. It seemed like it was being taken care of but being the nosy little shit she is, Penelope stayed in the audience to try and see if she could figure out what was happening.
Leslie saw the girl run away then saw the man from earlier go up on stage to distract the crowd. She looked to the woman who was performing earlier.

"I'm assuming you know her?"

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