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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP

McMajestic McMajestic

The human managed to dip just out of sight from the throng below. And there he waited, in the shadows of the walkway. He heard the steps approach, slowly climbing. He waited, preparing himself mentally. But then he heard the voice. The one he had just talked to, of course it just had to be that way. But he had the upper hand, he had stealth. He knew where she was, but not vice versa. As she approached, closer, and then closer, the door began to creak. Almost there, or so he thought. Slowly, he removed the bag from his pocket, the salt from the pretzel ready to pop from the pressure. It would be very painful, maybe even deadly, if he detonated it on her. And by detonate, he meant slam the bag with a pop and send the salt crystals into her lungs and eyeballs. Boy would she bleed.

But instead, he waited for her to enter, and right then and there, he made his move swiftly. He grabbed her by her shirt, pulling her by her neck and quickly rapping his forearm around her. Then, he held the bag of salt to her head, as if it were a gun. "Don't scream," Felix said with a whisper of authority, "I don't know what you are, kid, but what I know is that you're no cop. And here you are, trying to gorge yourself on it with your posse. Tell me everything, and I'll let you live."
A yelp fell out of Scarlet's lips as she was yanked forward, her hands instinctively moving up to grab the arm around her neck, though she didn't waste energy clawing at it as she peered at her dim surroundings. "Gorge? What the fuck does it look like we're doing? Eating it?" she hissed. She breathed in, the scent of fresh salt reaching her nostrils. Her face scrunched up, and she tried to glance behind her. "Tell me, do you always bring a bag of salt with you when you try to strangle pretty girls?" she sneered. Training kicked in and she knew what to do. As much as she knew it would hurt, as much as it irritated her, she knew she needed the distraction.

All at once Scarlet slammed her hand into the bag of salt, popping it on impact. Her hand burned since it had taken the brunt of the force but despite the pain she was in she didn't stop, instead slamming her elbow into his ribcage which should have loosened his grip enough for her to slip away if the salt pop hadn't. She attempted to yank away, the burning sensation in her hand excruciating as she attempted to put some distance between her and her captor so she could stand facing him. She whimpered, but stood as tall as she could glaring at him with a safe amount of distance between them as she cradled her hand to her. It must have been a third degree burn over most of her palm and some of the inside of her arm. She didn't want to look at it, though, and instead kept her eyes on the man who had tried to subdue her, ready to run if she needed to. "I think I have an entire pack behind me and you only have yourself, so let's re-evaluate who has to tell who everything," she hissed. Scarlet knew she had just given something away with her choice wording, but it was something she had done on purpose. She wanted him to know what she was, so perhaps he'd be a bit more cautious. Salt may have hurt, but his little bomb trick was nothing compared to what a werewolf could do when it was irritated.

JokerValentine JokerValentine
McMajestic McMajestic

Clever girl indeed. But now, the real authorities would have much to question. And plus, if they had to admit this girl to treat her wounds, they would find out the truth. That is, if Felix wanted to let her even get as far as the hospital alive. He breathed out, and snickered a pathetic smile. "I don't strangle the pretty ones," he said with literal salt on his tongue, "besides, I'm into girls with a heart that still works." The hunter, recovering from having just let this girl go, decided to let his emotions get to him. "Oh, you're feisty I see. Does killing the innocent give you that sort of high, or are my tricks giving you an adrenaline rush. Either way, I don't care as much as I should." Now, he could have pulled the easy trick and pulled out his gun and finish her, but that would be too loud. With the air now delightfully salty, Felix could not do much to think about what to do next.

He decided to try again, this time being a bit softer. "I have plenty more salt bombs in my arsenal," he lied, but perhaps convincingly, "and by the time it enters your bloodstream at that concentration, your pack won't be able to save you then. By your hissing, you seem to be a werewolf. A dog, more like it. If you were any other creature, I'd look the other way. But you, a mutt of all things, I simply can't do that." Felix decided to rush after the girl, running at her directly.
The distance between them gave Scarlet just enough time to react, and she dove to the left, rolling back to her feet and sprinting towards the exit, though she couldn't help but slow down, looking back over her shoulder as his hatred registered. She knew that hatred well. It stemmed from betrayal or from loss. "I'm not a mutt! And for the record, we don't kill innocents!" She panted slightly, watching him, knowing she was wasting time, knowing she was giving him plenty of room to hurt her, to kill her, but she had been so confused. "My team works to protect the people here, not kill them. I don't know who you're talking about, but none of my pack did it." She looked at the man, hoping he'd listen to her, that he'd understand that it was not something werewolves did in Moonlight Springs. Perhaps he could calm down. Perhaps they could figure it out apart or together, but if he were to lunge at her again she'd have to get out of there.

Now she stood in the exit, waiting for a response, whatever it may be. She kept herself light on her toes, ready to spring out into the world if everything went wrong, though she hoped it wouldn't, because as much as she didn't want to, she felt sympathy for this man. Innocents. He must have lost someone. This couldn't just be blind rage, could it? She hoped not.

JokerValentine JokerValentine
Logan looked at the crime scene along with the other WOLF members. Then he notices a faint smell compared to the dead body, but still noticeable. There was someone near them, most likely watching them. Logan, don't pay attention to it. If you pay attention to it, the others will know. Just focus on the crime scene.

Right as he forces himself to not investigate to scent, one of the others seems to notice the scent and heads off on her own. Oh thank god someone noticed. He continues to look at the crime scene, not really getting any clues if this was a attack or something else, when he hears a yelp from the above. I guess it's a good thing I didn't check that scent out. He stops in his thought for a minute. Maybe I should help her out? But I'll do it in secret. From the souls of it, it sounds like they are on the fire escape He looks at the crime scene one last time and says "I'm pretty sure we're not going to find anything here. The only thing I think that could possibly help is talking to the vampire who did this. And I'm going to guess that, that's not going to happen tonight so if you will excuse me I am going to go see the talent show." He says walking away from the ally. As he exists the ally, he picks up some rocks and goes to the back of the stage, making sure not to make any noise and remain in the shadows. He picked a good angle to throw the rock to at least distract the person so the girl could escape, when he over heard what the girl was saying. Fine, I'll wait. If this guy lunges at her, I'm throwing these rocks. Logan stands in the shadows, patiently.
McMajestic McMajestic JokerValentine JokerValentine




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