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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP

Avigayil shook her head, "No, I...well..." She didn't like talking about herself. She turned the knife in her hands, "I live near the forest...I'm there all the time." She found her words starting to pick up, "I mean, I've seen bears and wolves and such before and, well they're nice to me. They helped take care of me when I was younger and I help them to return the favor so..."

She realized how much she was babbling and quickly slammed her mouth shut. She never told people about herself. Then again, no one really asked about her. She has always been so good at hiding in the shadows.

She fidgeted with her skirt, looking away, "I...actually...I should look for more animals to help." If she was trying so hard to avoid the conversation, why was it she continued to speak to him?

Tardy Grade Tardy Grade
After wondering around for a while, trying mot to go directly in the same path as the scent to avoid suspicion, he is officially lost in the festival. Okay, I don't know what wrong turn I made, but this definitely doesn't seem like the path the leads to the cause of the scent. He sighs in defeat. Well, I'm pretty sure at least one of the others could find her. I better go back to the booth and actually do my job. He turns around and heads back to the direction of the booth. Whatever happened, it seems like it's over now.
Elizabeth had to fight off the need to laugh, but she just smiled slightly while her and Alexis began to walk towards the nightclub. "Yes, she's a werewolf but no they aren't here to get you,, in fact, Margo is their leader if she wanted to put you in jail she would had done it already instead of turning you to me!" She said while they were approaching the club.
@Echo the Guinea Pig Lord

The moon was already up in the sky, shining her silvery light and soothing the mind of the supernaturals and humans alike as they dismantled the fair behind them and the outsiders left the town for their homes or maybe to another place where they could had fun. Yet a car from the outside was entering the town, it was a peculiar one, a black BMW with obscured windows just parked on a lot not distant from the inn and from its gutter came out a a woman, probably in her late 40s considering her short black and pepper hair. She was wearing a black office suit and stiletto heels and her eyes were hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses, quite a bold choice considering the time of the day.
"So... Moonlight Springs.... What a quiet little town... I really hope I will find what I'm looking for here..." The woman said to herself while a slight grin formed on her face, she took a briefcase with her and began to walk towards the inn, with the moon shining on her sunglasses.
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Interacting with: McMajestic McMajestic

Felix felt this woman was charming, intriguing, perhaps a bit nice to look at. But he did not let that get in the way of telling anything but the truth. "I'm from out of town. My niece just got accepted into high school, so we're celebrating that. Funny to think that she's a senior already." The truth was, he didn't even have a niece. As far as he knew, he didn't even have a brother. But this girl was entirely oblivious, that is, if she were truly human. "My name is Felix, Felix Crosby. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss...?" His eyes were warm, his gaze sincere. The only thing being faked, it seemed, was his choice of words. "You take care now," Felix said, turning aside from the female and heading away from her.
Margo stiffened. A dead councilman? Wasn't the last thing she was thinking when chasing after the girl, that the last thing she needed was a dead body. For a second, she was tempted to run back over to the girl, and force her to come with WOLF, but she had more important matters to deal with at the moment. The girl would remain with Liz, the woman was the definition of charm. For now, she had a dead body to deal with. She spoke into her radio
"All units, we have a 10-91E, We need the area taped off, and we need tarps set up to block the area from civilan sight. I have some in my truck I can get. Location is near the stage"
Normaly, a 10-91E meant that an animal bite had happened, but they used it to reference a monster attack. She looked at James
"I can't carry all the tarps on my own, come help me. We'll deal with the Twilight Brew later."

TheRetro TheRetro @werewolves

Ethan saw Margo take James off to the side, and followed at a distance. He couldn't hear everything clearly, but he heard the words "bite marks", "Vampire", and "witches". Dear lord, he had really hit the jackpot with this town, hadn't he? He could pursue the girl, as she seemed to be the culprit, however the Witch Den was much more appealing to him. The Twighlight brew, was it?

Well, He was feeling a bit thirsty...
James was actually quicker than Margo. The only thing stopping him from sprinting past her was the fact he had no idea where Margo parked the truck.

"So, about the councilman. What exactly did he do? I'm just asking cause I never pay attention to the news." James asks to have a conversation other than death and magical creatures.
Scarlet nodded once in thanks for the small talk, and was just about to ask about the man's niece when he turned to leave. He seemed ever more suspicious now that she knew of a niece he supposedly had. She wanted to follow, to question him further, to find out who he was and he was doing in her town, but before she could static washed over her ears. Scarlet looked down at her pants, pulling out the walkie that was ever-present in her vicinity. She hardly bothered to remember it anymore seeing it was as automatic as the unconscious grab of a cell phone to bring it with her.

She held it up closer to her face, listening to Margo's staticy voice relay a 10-91E. Scarlet hissed to herself. "The one time I'm late the world decides to go fucking wild," she grumbled, a bitter tone in her voice as she turned towards the stage, rushing off in that direction. "I'm on my way over there," Scarlet radio-ed over, the first time anyone from the pack would be hearing from her that day. She had no supplies on her so the best she could is redirect traffic until reinforcements came.

Scarlet found the stench of blood thick in the air despite the fact this was a monster attack- most likely vampire, and headed off towards an alleyway near the stage. What she saw made her freeze in a mixture of disgust and anger. Definitely a vampire. She hated those blood-sucking mosquitos. Truly the bugs of her life. "Well, fuck," she muttered, trying to figure out what to do with the mutilated body. It was far from human anymore, with scratch marks all over, and obviously drained by the extremely pale skin. Perhaps the only signs of blood was on the scratches on the poor guy's body. Scarlet crinkled her nose, walking over to the body and grabbing it, moving back behind a dumpster so it was at least out of sight of people. She tried not to breathe in until she was safely out of the alley but even then the scent was disgusting.

"Move along people," she muttered, keeping as many people away from the alley as she possibly could. The last thing they needed was for something like this to blow up, but at this point she was sure rumors had already tip-toed into the crowd. She sighed heavily, making sure to stand a good deal in front of the alley for now, keeping anyone and everyone out of it while she waited for back-up to arrive.

(Rip if I need to edit this I can. I didn't think anyone was in the alley but I don't know lol)
Lukas decided to walk around the festival for a while longer, before deciding to wander away from the crowd for a little and clear his head. He really started doubting if any of this was actually an issue or if his loneliness in this town had just made him paranoid, that was until he noticed a woman apparently leading other people near an alleyway. The man immediately noticed the possibilities that had started swirling through his mind for why this woman and her "team" was so focused on whatever was in there. Lukas decided that he'd approach, looking as friendly as possible, and keeping his weapons completely out of sight and kept under his coat. "Hey there ma'am, does there seem to be an issue here?" Lukas took a quick glance and noticed what looked like someone laying on the ground. His face remained as gentle as it had been with a smile painted across his face. "Is there anything you might need help with?" Even if he wasn't allowed to approach any more, Lukas had seen what he needed: a body in the town coincidentally around the same time when the whole incident with that little girl happened in the festival.
TeddiBehr TeddiBehr
Right as he was at the booth, about to sit down, Logan gets a call from Ms.Sanders about a 10-91E. He sighs for a second and heads towards the location that Ms.Sanders said to tape off. Apparently, I was wrong.

When he gets there he sees another WOLF member trying to deal with the crowd. Logan decides to help the poor girl out, and try to distract the crowd so she could tape the area. "Move along please. There's nothing to see here. A guy just drank a bit too much." he says while trying to get to the front of the crowd. When he gets to the front, he whispers to the girl while keeping his attention on the crowd "Hurry up and tape the area. I don't think they are going to buy that lie for long. The others should be here soon." McMajestic McMajestic
Scarlet glanced around as a member of the team came up to her. Logan. She'd never really talked to him but she'd seen him around, which was odd considering she normally chatted with everyone in the W.O.L.F team even if she wasn't always the best at conversation. "I'm not exactly... prepared for crime scenes," she told him, gesturing down to the shorts and band tee shirt. She wasn't even in uniform and didn't really plan on getting into at that point. "You tape it off and I'll keep'em away." Her Beta brain kicked in and she looked around, trying to figure out what to do. "Although taping it off might only draw more attention but we can't risk people getting back there. Yeah, tape it off and hopefully somewhere in this festival something distracting will go on to keep the crowd away," she muttered, more to herself than Logan as she worked on brushing the crowd back into the heart of the festival and away from her.

She glanced back towards the dumpster, where a dead laid hidden from the world, and sniffed the air. The smell was getting worse by the minute and she knew all the creatures in town would probably be sensing it soon if they hadn't already. She hoped her team got here fast, and that maybe they could figure out what exactly had happened to the dead man in the alley.

Magadude Magadude
"Live near the forest?" he asked surprised. He could only interpret that she was from the non sanctioned regions of the forested area they'd failed to secure permits for. The forest reclamation act was not a smooth process. People who'd been calling the forest their homes or living in small plots and groups had to be paid and provided privileges to convince them to leave their green surroundings.

No easy feat.

"Well if you're here anyway you might as well enjoy the festival. The nocturnal animals are mostly sky bound in these parts. Wolves aside." he gave a deep throaty chuckle.

"Plus I can't very well have you walking in the forest at night. Not in good conscience at least. How about you take a break a the festival now that it's winding down?"

He thumbed back and pointed at the still bright and merry atmosphere on whose periphery they stood.

LillieOrDakotah LillieOrDakotah
Logan nods in agreement to tape the area up. He as he walks towards the area, the scent of something gets stronger. Then he finds the dead body behind the dumpster. He is a bit shocked at this, but quickly hides it just in case any citizen is watching him. After looking at the body for a moment, he starts to tape up the area and make sure no citizen is getting near the area.
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Margo and james got to her truck, and began hefting the tarps over her shoulders.
"The Council decides on city ordinances, along with the mayor. They all know about the monster population in Moonlight, but keep it on the downlow as long as WOLF takes care of everything. I think we scare them, they dont really like thinking about us."
They returned to the scene, and saw Nathan and Scarlett taping off the scene.
"Good work, guys. Alright, let's get these tarps up, and then we can investigate a bit before we call the coroner."
Magadude Magadude TheRetro TheRetro McMajestic McMajestic
Scarlet snorted at Margo's idea of investigation. "A drained body? Do we really need anymore information than that? It was the mosquitos trying to fuck up the festival." She turned back towards the taped off area, crossing her arms over her chest. "The body is pretty screwed up." Scarlet let out a sigh, trying to hide some of her obvious disdain for the vampires. She wasn't sure when her hatred for them had started, but perhaps it had been her parents. Some sort of feud lived within her family line and a vampires and the longer she listened to her parents talk of how much they disliked them, the more it rubbed off on her.

Now she stood, unable to keep a scowl off her face. Always so desperate and hungry. Why couldn't they run off into the woods like a werewolf? Feed on game instead of people? It wouldn't have been so hard if only they had the brains to do it. 'It's behind the dumpster. I moved it out of the way so nobody would see it and draw a crowd," she added, that way Margo knew where to go if the putrid smell wasn't enough to lead her in the right direction.

TeddiBehr TeddiBehr Magadude Magadude
James begins taping up one side of the alleyway and agrees with Scarlet with the obviousness of the situation. However the tone was not of Jame's liking towards a higher up like Margo is.

"Scarlet means that the obviousness of the situation kind of makes it seem doing an investigation kind of...well...ridiculous."

And with that James decided it was best to keep his mouth shut unless asked a question or a conversation is started with him. "I've done enough tonight. I don't know if I can take a whole lot more." Jame's thinks to himself.
Margo mentally sighed, and explained herself
"Yes, we know who the culprit probably is, but we dont know if he was attacked, did the attacking, or who exacly he is. i mean, he's so shriveled, im not even sure. We need to check for defensive wounds, and if there are none, then we know at least he wasnt violently attacked. at the moment, what we know is that he was attacked by a vampire. We need more before we decide to start pointing fingers."
Logan listens to the others as they talked. He agreed that right now, we know why to little to say what really happened. It seems that that girl, I should really stop calling her that. I believe her name is Scarlet, or something like that. Whatever, it seems that she has something against vampires. None of my business.
Scarlet glanced over at James as he tried to smooth things over for her. She crossed her arms over her chest, annoyed by his little translation. "I don't need you to try and make me sound nicer than I really am," she growled, rolling her eyes as she slipped under the tape and started walking over to the body. She crouched next to it, scrunching up her nose in disgust as she searched pockets for a wallet before tossing it over to Margo. "There, a little identification to get things rolling." She stood, walking back over towards the entrance and leaning against the wall, still trying to only breathe through her mouth. She could almost taste the copper scent of blood.

"This is a little too messy for my kind of self-defense, Margo. While I'm sure we can figure some things out from the raisin I still think we're only going to find that a vampire got hungry and found a snack. Really it's just a matter of which one did it at this point." She scanned the area as she spoke, looking for hair remnants or torn clothing, almost positive at least something had to be left behind as a clue

TeddiBehr TeddiBehr Magadude Magadude TheRetro TheRetro
"Well if you were at your shift, Scarlet, maybe you would have seen the huge fucking fia- er perdicament that we just had maybe an hour or two ago, you would know who did it." James states to Scarlet as he walks over to scan the dead councilman's cold hands for dried blood, or dried anything at that matter.

"Nothing, no blood. The guy must have been too shocked to even defend himself or he wanted to die. Either way, we still know who killed him, and I'm looking towards maybe a "get out of our town by tomorrow" or "you're going to jail" in here somewhere." James looks towards Margo who is looking at the wallet, and then to Scarlet who scowls at him, then to Logan who has been incredibly quiet this whole time.

"No? Okay then." James begins backing towards Logan as he fears that Scarlet's scowl may turn into biting.
Avigayil shook her head, "Oh no, I couldn't...I'm not very good with talking to people..."

She adjusted the basket in her hands, "Actually...I'd better go. I have a raccoon with a broken leg so..." Which was true. Not to mention she just wanted out of the conversation. Strangers were unpredictable. Never knew what they were up to. This man included.

Tardy Grade Tardy Grade
A tear stricken (but well concealed) blond haired female with crimson eyes walked out from the forest wandering around the center of town, she looked quite lost, there were bags under her eyes as well.
(anyone is free to interact honestly i'm just bored and am continuing my plot from the inn but i'm walking away from the inn so *shrugs*)
"Oh ... well I guess I-" but he hesitated.

"Gimme one sec." he took out his walky again and brought it to his mouth. It had been a while now so he should at least try and check in with the Boss before going out of his way to help anyone. Sending a girl who seemed nervous back into a forest with possible drunks? A twitchy girl with a knife at that? Yeahhh ... Taking her back to her place was probably the safest option.

"Come in, Boss? Can you hear me? Do you read? I'm escorting a civ back to their place. Over." ( TeddiBehr TeddiBehr )

LillieOrDakotah LillieOrDakotah
Reenra looked about she had no clue where she was aside from that she was lost and in town....or the edge of it at least..
"...Well I'm definitely lost"
"For being here my whole life I quite clearly have no sense of direction"
she was tired and just about ready to collapse, she looked around before walking some more.
McMajestic McMajestic @anyonebythebody

The festival seemed without incident for the most part, but leave it to a Hawk to discover something rather off-setting. People were starting to gather away from the festival, heading to the side of it. The attraction of the girl whom he had spoken earlier also peaked his interest. He decided to follow her, track her as she went. She seemed to go past the stage, carrying with her a transmitting device. He continued to press further after her, thinking that this was definitely not part of the party. But the problem was getting to her without being seen. He was beginning to have doubts about the whole "being human" card she was playing. It seemed, at least to Felix's unnaturally heightened senses at the immediate thought that she was one of Them, that he was on to something. But his friend seemed gone, both of them actually, leaving just him, a rogue human.

Then he got an idea. If he were to head onto the stagecrew balcony by the stage overlooking this alley, since they tend to have fire escapes, he might be able to catch sight of the scene, no pun intended. And so, with his best staff impression, the male went to the stage, past the sound system, and found a ladder he could climb hidden by the curtain. So he did, making sure to not be seen by anyone, or so he would hope. Getting onto the balcony, he walked on top of the set lights, traversing the stage. Then, he saw a door leading outside. This must be the fire escape. Pushing it slowly, he opened the newer door onto the alley, and there he saw some faces scattered in a scene. Instantly, the man recognized the girl he conversed with earlier, hovering near a dead body. She was not alone either, some of her friends were carrying with them forensic equipment. Something was afoot, considering they did not wear any sort of police uniforms.
Scarlet felt her scowl deepen into a glare as James spoke. "Maybe the cubs shouldn't be making suggestions. Leave it to the adults, alright?" she hissed at him, annoyed at how he would call his beta out as he did. Margo probably already knew Scarlet was late so it wasn't something he needed to rub in her face. She didn't need to know that maybe if she would have been there she could have done something- she was already beating the mental shit out of herself for it. Why hadn't she woken up to her alarm? Why had she bothered with the shower? She huffed, sniffing the air just to make a sound echo in the alley, and felt her body go stiff.

There was someone else. Someone she couldn't see. She walked casually, looking around as if attempting to observe the alley, her eyes roaming into dark shadows and behind the dumpster. She didn't think to look up until after she had looked over the ground area multiple times, but once she had her nose crinkled in annoyance. The fire escape. Someone was on the fire escape. Her keen eyesight recognized the face and she crossed her arms over her chest, glaring up at him. Not a werewolf or a vampire, but then what the hell is he? He instincts said human, but it had to be more than that, didn't it? This was just too much of a coincidence. "I'll be right back," she muttered, walking out of the alley and slipping backstage, heading towards the fire escape to figure out just who this guy was- or rather what he was.

TheRetro TheRetro
JokerValentine JokerValentine

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