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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP

JokerValentine JokerValentine
Lukas looked at the inside of the apartment, and wasn't awfully impressed with how plain and simple it looked. However, when the man told him to close the door and left, Lukas' mind decided to prepare for the worst. As the man was off doing his business, Lukas closed the door as instructed before pulling out his golden 1911 and loaded it before taking off the safety and putting it away in his pocket this time, where it'd be more accessible if necessary. Standing around, Lukas didn't notice anything particularly out of the ordinary but he did notice something rather unsurprising to him: there was no Atlanta Hawks memorabilia anywhere to be found. Lukas chuckled a little because now he knew that this had an ulterior motive to it all.
Carlos smiled at Penelope and took up the glitter tattoos for some children. "Well one time I painted on my friends face... Does that count for anything?" His voice was very gentle in the way he spoke. Not quiet, but calm. "But yes, I spent a summer helping at fairs to put these things on. The kids loved it!" A sweet smile crossed his face and he looked at her. "I'm Carlos by the way. I'm a member of the W.O.L.F"
RolePlayerCassandra RolePlayerCassandra
((to differentiate my charas, i'll try to always put pics or gifs on margos, and leave ethan's blank))

Ethan walked to the town centere, fresh pack of salt in his pocket. he doubted he could make any moves tonight, but it was always good to be prepared. He smiled plesantly at the other townspeople walking into the faire, and offered to help one who had a large load in their arms.
Interacting with: RoninN7 RoninN7

Quite readily Felix approached the stranger, and sized him up. After a bit of looking, he let out a small laugh, nearly a puff of air out of his nose. "I would have thought you had gotten the hint," he said with pleasure, "it would be best that we talk in private, I figured. It's not every day where I get to see a fellow Hawk." And truly it wasn't. Yet what were the reasons for him coming? Was there something more? Felix had already known this town to be an oddity, a nest of disgusting creatures. Especially werewolves. And then there was the festival too. Maybe if they went together, they could do a little bit of hunting. "Tell me, what are you hunting here?"
"Names Penelope. I would shake your hand if both of ours weren't so busy." She said, waving the next person towards her.

"Your with W.O.L.F huh? That's cool.Gotta love the little creatures. I have a pet Husky myself." Penelope told him while she took the Rolled up Henna ink and started making a flower on the customers hand.

" So, how did you get involved with them?"

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
"Nice to see you, Penelope. I'd help you with the tattoos, but my hands shake like they're in an earthquake." Melody looked at the sun fading over the mountains. She liked the dark and shadows; the black energies made her summonings so much easier. Not that she expected to need them, however.
JokerValentine JokerValentine
Lukas laughed a little at what the man said to him; he realized he'd just encountered a fellow creature hunter. What was odd to Lukas, however, was the fact that he called himself and Lukas Hawks. It seemed funny to him that hunters had a specific name but that wasn't what was important to Lukas. "Well, I was told of rumors and certain creatures of a... supernatural persuasion roaming these parts," Lukas spoke softly, "I was about to give up on this town and move on, but I guess that now that I found you I can conclude that this town might not be such a disappointment after all."
* Midnight's hands were flying, handing out jugs of rootbeer, refilling samples and selling her lucky charms, giving them a silent non magical blessing for each person*
Margo began her patrol around the festival, smiling as she saw the bustle start up. her fears began to alleviate. She stopped by a booth, and bought an icecream sandwich, telling herself it was promoting town economy, not slacking off. as she was about to take the first bite, she saw Carlos working at the tattoo booth, an smiled.


" Patrol going well, Carlos?" she chided
" Also, Hello Penny. Melody." she nodded at the two.
RolePlayerCassandra RolePlayerCassandra Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Shagranoz Shagranoz
Carlos laughed a little bit at her comment and beckoned for the next customer to step forward. "Well, my dad was with them too, so I got in to follow his lead. He's a good man." When Margo came and told him about the patrol, he tilted his head. "Ma'am, I'm not on duty tonight. I can go on patrol if you want though?" He asked, ready to stand up and work.
RolePlayerCassandra RolePlayerCassandra
TeddiBehr TeddiBehr
Interacting with: RoninN7 RoninN7

Felix thought about what he said, but was quiet at first. Instead, he went to the center coffee table, and took out the drawer. Inside was a dagger, as well as a rather simple gun. With in were a few bullets in silver. Clearly this place was not so sleepy after all. "This town is active. I hear there are witches, vampires, and dogs all over the place. It's our duty to get rid of them, I guess." He looked his own gun over rather briefly, seeing how simple it seemed in comparison. He didn't have the money to buy a gold one, and even then whey would you? It is porous and tough to clean anyways. "I hear that the festival is a good place to make new... friends."
"Its ok Melody, I got more then enough help." She said, referencing Carlos. She then went and explained to her customer how to treat the Henna to make it last longer.

"He does sound like a good man. I work over at the inn. I basically just clean the rooms and such. Its a good job for someone nosy like me." She joked.

"Why, hello Margo. Do you want to get some Henna done? For you its only half price." Penelope said, trying to tempt her.

Shagranoz Shagranoz Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed TeddiBehr TeddiBehr
Melody raised her eyebrows as Margo came over to the inn's booth. She had never been able to explain it, but something didn't seem... normal about the other woman. And she definitely wasn't a witch- the telltale energies of mana weren't flowing correctly for that. It wasn't her place to pry, though.

"Good to see you around, Officer. Whatever happened, they did it," she said, pointing to Midnight and Penelope.
Carlos smiled at Margo and Penelope's conversation. "Sure! I could do some of the glitter for you? Maybe a pretty blue?" He asked and held up a little blue glitter star. Then Melody said something about them doing something and Carlos looked a bit confused. "W-What did I do?"
JokerValentine JokerValentine
The man said all the right words and Lukas pulled out his unloaded model 1873 revolver and loaded it u with bullets before placing it on the opposite side to his 1911 pistol. "I'd be delighted to go meet some new people and go through with business at this festival of yours," Lukas smiled before opening the door to the apartment, "but I'm afraid I'll have to meet you there, I've got some errands to run." Lukas then went off to the store to buy a fresh batch of food and returned to his apartment. If there really were creatures here, he'd need to stock up on bullets before heading out.
"Well if you change your mind I will probably still be here later." She said to Margo. Readjusting her grip on the Henna applicator, she began to make the lines in the woman's flower design.

Penelope glanced over at Carlos. Seems like he took Melody Seriously.

"Nothing Carlos, we did nothing. We were just sitting here like the perfect, innocent little angels we are."

TeddiBehr TeddiBehr Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
When night had fallen, Avigayil had wandered into the festival. There were a lot of people. Not really her specialty. Sighing, she wandered to the side, just watching the festivities. She let her fingers play with the hem of her shirt.
Leslie looked at her watch and realized her shift was over. She stood up and walked to Penelope.

"I'm going to go walk around."
Logan gets off his bed, and realizes it's 4. Well then. Looks like I kind of over slept. I know I shouldn't have spent most of last night deciding which suit to wear. It was clearly the red one anyway. Or was it the blue? It doesn't matter, I'll just go with the classic black tucks. Just before he pulls out his tucks he remembers that he has to wear the WOLF uniform. He sighs a bit, but puts away his tucks. He puts on his uniform and goes to the festival.

When he gets there, he notices no one else is manning the WOLF booth. Well, I don't know a single thing to do in a festival, so I wouldn't mind. He goes into the booth and sits down. I wonder if they are selling any suits in this festival.
Leslie walked around and stopped when she saw the W.O.L.F. booth. She had a question to ask them. She noticed one man there. She walked there.

"Hello." she said with her Irish drawl.
Some musicians were getting on a stage in the middle of the festival, they all kinda looked middle aged and none of them were known faces from the town, however out of nowhere came out a very known facce of Moonlight Springs' nightlife, the one and only Elizabeth "Sparkle Liz" Bartley, dressed in a ridiculous pink outfit (
) far more suited to a glam rockstar from the 80s.
"Alright gentlemen! I hope I'm not late!" She said with a bright smile that shined under the moonlight.
"Oh so... You are Miss Bartley, right? Nice to meet you! We are the Jason and The Argonauts, we were pretty popular back in the days!" said smuggly the lead guitarrist while Liz just smirked a bit condescently "Yeah you sure did... Ever heard of the Sparklez? We are going to sing some of their songs!" She chirped while grabbing the mic and straightening her dress.
"Hell yeah! Those girls were the shit when I was in high school!" Said the drummer, a portly man in probably his late 40s, Liz's smile got even brighter at the answer.
"Alright then! get ready to rock out and sparkle under the moon!" Said Liz while striking a pose, causing the dads to laugh, Liz couldn't help but giggle along them.

"Hey there Moonlight Spring! Are you ready to rock out?!?" Said enthusiastically Liz through the microphone, expecting quite the audience... instead of the few bored looking families and the not-really-paying-attention teens. "Well then! We will start with a catchy tune from the Sparklez! Get Psyched!!!" She yell before the song started and she began to sing.
Interacting with: RoninN7 RoninN7 , but now is open

As his new friend, Lukas, departed after their new friendship well under way, he was again alone. Surely this man would not act out of character during the festival. The way he was armed, it would cause panic if he fired into an open crowd. As much as he would like to open the eyes of the ignorant humans he was defending, or so he liked to put it to himself, he couldn't quite do that. What gave the Hawks danger is that nobody could properly identify them. The creatures, however, were easy. The Hawks were the true predators, as they were the ones that hid, better than anything they sought to get rid of.

After taking some time to relax, that is, write a few emails for his low-paying job and drink a glass of water, he quickly took his supplies, and put on his coat and black dress shoes. He was headed for the festival. Going downstairs, the man did not exit the door they came in but rather went down another flight to the garage. From there, he got into his old red car, and drove off to the festival. It was a brief drive, but in the need to get a quick getaway, it came in handy. Exiting out of the car, Felix locked his car and made his way into the chaos. To his astonishment, there was a lot to see. There were drinks, food, dance, a booth for the wildlife center, all great things yet all possible targets to check out. But for now, he should enjoy it all.
James for the most part enjoyed walking around the festival. The amount of people in Moonlight Springs weren't enough to crowd the place, and other than the crumpled up flyer next to a store, there was no litter anywhere. James decided to go sit down at the W.O.L.F. booth. Walking through the crowd reminded him of the party, though. James got chills down his back even though it was around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. "Probably should get to the booth quick, don't want to have a stupid panic attack like the 1st day on the job when hunters almost shot me. If it wasn't for Margo I would be dead." James thought to himself. As James approached the booth he saw Logan sitting in one of the two chairs and a girl standing around talking to him. "Better meet people, not going to want to spend the rest of my life unsociable." James told himself.

James walked up to the booth and said hello to both Logan and the girl. To the girl he said "Hello there, the name's James. Do you have any questions?"
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