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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Niklaus felt a chill run up his spine as he was already starting to back away. "The issue is that there are a few. I'll link with you as soon as I know something." He said. Shifting then and then taking off at a sprint towards Jason. As long as Zy was alive they would be okay. He just hoped that whoever took her would want to keep her alive.
Kenzi nodded as she instructed their adult pups to return home.

Lee sighed as she looked up and smirked, "Dad, when is mom coming home. I want to go for a hunt."
Jason smiled, gently brushing back some of Her hair. "Hopefully soon. I'm ready to see her too." He said. He'd only just finished his sentence when gen could smell Niklaus coming closer quite quickly. He frowned a little and then got to his feet, looking to Lee. "Stay with me." He said and then walked to the door just as Niklaus was opening it.

"Zy's gone. We don't know where she is or who took her. But we don't think it was the witches." He said, a little breathless. Jason stilled.

"What?" His voice was quiet but there was a threat behind it. He had to take a few deep breaths so he wouldn't snap at Niklaus in front of Lee.

"Jason I know what you're thinking. Is it possible there's anyone who could have taken her?" He asked. Jason was quiet a long moment. Two wolves came to mind right away and they were Lee's other aunt and Greyson, but they hadn't had an issue with that pack in a while.
Lee looked between them, "Where is mom?' she asked, "Weren't they supposed to keep her safe?" she asked confused. She pouted, "Where is mom? Does she not want to be home?"
Niklaus looked to Lee and shook his head. "No, sweetheart she does want to be home. We're going to find her okay?" He said. Jason had to clench his hands I tom fists, fighting the panic and anger.

"Come on. We're going to find the Alpha and then we're going to find my mate." He growled, reaching for Lee's hand. He needed to Ben the one to search for Zy but he also needed Lee somewhere safe.
Lee took his hand and nodded, "Will he help us find Mom?" she asked as she followed him. She wanted to help, but her powers still threatened her, and there was no telling how much of her power she would need.
Lee pouted, "Can't I stay with you, or granddad? Granddad said if you let me, I can stay with him, for the night." she offered. She didn't know this Alpha and she didn't like that her dad was Alpha and then this man came and took that from him.
"I think your granddad is with the Alpha. We will see Lee. But we need to get your mom home right?" He said, looking to her. It was easier to try to be calm with her around.
Lee nodded, "Okay, bringing mom back is more important." she confirmed as she started to follow him again.
Jason smiled some, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Niklaus was following close behind them, linking with Kenzi to let her know what was going on and asking her to meet them at the house. He realized letting her out of his sight was not the. Best idea and he hoped it would not be a mistake.
Wade sighed, sending Evanora with Johnathan in the garden and Kenzi with Faith upstairs, so she could learn what changes had happened. Wade opened the door and left it open, his grandson was with Abigail, getting her all settled before they reported to Kenzi about what happened. Wade was sure that everything was set before he sighed and looked between the three when they arrived.
As soon as they were in the house Jason went up to Wade, a pleading look in his eyes. "Someone took Zy. Please, if Lee could stay with you I can gonlook for her." He said. He was trying hard to stay calm but the last time this happened had been very bad. He was. It going to lose his mate or their unborn pup.
Wade looked at him and then Lee, before he looked at him and nodded, "We need to know where she is first." he stated. He sighed, "Allow her to go with your father, Evanora and she will be save." He looked at Niklaus, "We need to try and track her down, or at least figure out who has her."
Jason nodded, looking to Lee, he knelt in front of her. "Your granddad is in the garden. Why don't you go out with him, we'll get your mom home." He promised. When he stood again he waited until Lee was gone before speaking. "I have two guesses right now. Not that long ago another pack had taken her, their Alpha born was...attracted to her, but we have had an issue with them in some time. The other one is a wolf related to Lee, an aunt of hers. She wanted Lee for herself and she wanted Zy out of the picture. She has been our most recent issue. She can also make herself completely hidden." Jason said. He wanted Wade's input and wisdom and someone to help keep him focused. Which he was doing. Jason just couldn't fathom losing Zy.
Wade raised an eyebrow, "I will contact the Alpha Born. If she has that ability, Niklaus, Faith and you will go to the last known location and see if you can smell anything." He looked at Jason, with a sigh, placing his hand on his shoulder, "We will find her, but you have to be careful. We still have to deal with witches and poking a bee hive will only get you stung. Stay alert, but do not do anything, for any reason. I won't let you lose your mate, but I won't allow you to be lost in her place." He glanced to Niklaus, What him closely and keep him close. If anything happens don't allow him to fight, at any cost.

Lee grinned when she say Johnathan, as she got into the garden, "Granddad." she shouted as she ran to him, to huge him. Evanora smirked, such a sweet little girl who seemed to adore Johnathan, more then she thought she should. "Mom is gone." Lee pouted when she pulled away from Johnathan, then she smiled, "Dad is going to find her and while he does. I get to stay with you, granddad."
Jason sighed and closed his eyes a moment, taking a deep breath, and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know...I know, thank you." He said. Niklaus looked to Wade in curiosity but then nodded. I understand, not that I am questioning your decision, but what would be so wrong about him fighting? He asked, genuinely curious. He would do as Wade asked.

Johnathan frowned ever so slightly but then moved to Lee and picked her up. "He will find your mom, and we will enjoy time here with Evanora." It took everything in him not to sneer when he said her name. "She is your family too, I am sure you would like to get to know her too." He says.
Wade nodded, "Report in as soon as you find anything." He stated, linking with Niklaus, He isn't ready to deal with this objectively. The wrong move in a fight might be his last and I haven't ruled me out, as being Alpha.

Lee laid her head on Johnathan's should, looking at Evanora, "So many new wolves and changes." She commented, then turned to Johnathan, "Is she a good wolf, granddad. Dad said the new Alpha was good, but I don't like him."
Jason nodded, starting towards the door. I understand. He is your family and the possible Alpha. He is also my friend. I will keep him safe. He assured him before moving to follow after Jason.

Johnathan smirked some. "They are both good. But you see Evanora isn't actually a wolf. She is a witch. but she is very nice." He said. It was very difficult to say, but it was true.
Faith came from upstairs and sighed, "Ready." She did to her father before turning to Wade. "I'll try my best to locate her."

Wade nodded, "I expect so, and a report from the three of you." He stated.

Lee looked at Johnathan then Evanora, before she raised her hand, pushing Evanora across the garden. "Witches are bad." She protected.
Niklaus helped to keep Jason waiting while they waited for Faith, he could hear everything they were saying. He sighed and looked to Jason. "You need to stay calm okay?" He said. Jason looked to him coldly.

"I know. I am trying Niklaus. But she is my mate!' He hissed.

"And you should be lucky that Wade is letting you go. You need to keep your head level. Okay? Please Jason, this could get dangerous." He said. Jason sighed, but nodded. He understood. He would be as calm as he could.

"Lee." Johnathan scolded gently. "Witches have not been good to us. But Evanora is different. She is good." He said gently, grabbing her hand gently and pulling it away from Evanora.
Faith smirked when she came out, "This will be fun. The three of us, Alpha borns and the Pack Beta, all together. I'm sure we will find cousin Zyana." She assured them.

Lee pouted for being scolded, "But they hurt us." She commented.

Evanora sighed and dusted herself off, "It's fine. I am going to check on my daughter and grandchildren. I'll meet you two inside." She said before she started to go inside.
Niklaus looked to her and smiled some. "You know I am still having trouble getting over the fact that you'll be my daughter one day." He teased gently as they started off, Jason walking quietly behind them. Though Jason was listening and smelling, trying to catch any scent that would be of help.

Johnathan sighed a little. "I know Lee. I know they hurt us." He said, watching as Evanora went inside. "I am going to tell you a little secret okay? I don't really like Evanora either. But she is a good person and she is Alpha Wade's mate. He is my brother and so she is my family too. Which means I am going to protect her no matter what. And you little miss? Why don't you try to give her a chance?" He suggested.
Faith looked amazed, "Why not?" She smirked, "Is it because I'm part witch? Or because I use magic and am training with grandfather to be Alpha at the same time I am training to be high priestess to Wade?"

Lee looked at him and sighed, nodding, "Okay. But only as long as she is nice." She looked down and then to Johnathan, "Are you mad at me, granddad? I promise to be a good girl."
Niklaus laughed some. "It's more like I never thought I'd have a mate again or my very own pups. Now not only do I know I will have pups but they come out pretty amazing." He says.

Johnathan sighed a little and hugged her close. "No, I am not mad sweetheart. But I know you will be a good girl. Make sure you keep an open mind okay? It's okay to be cautious, but not closed off." he says. "You ready to go back inside?" He asked her.

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