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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Kenzi bite her lip and hesitated as she sat down, then smirked, "It's really soft." she stated.

Ban looked at him, "That is another thing. It's clear I will have some trouble keeping her from wanting to find her way back. Kal will have to take what time you had with her in order to make sure that she will learn. Lee is a child that will try to escape, I am sure. And Roland wanted her to be what he couldn't help her to be."
There was another quiet laugh from the doorway. Niklaus had come up to see what they were doing, though he hadn't entered the room. "Try lying on it." He suggests. 

Jason frowned. "No, you can't do that. Let me talk to her Ban, I can talk her into not running back." He says. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her but he would let her go for what was good for her. 
Kenzi pouted at him before she sighed, biting her lip and looking at the bed before she did as he suggested. Seh held on to the bed tightly afraid of what might happen if she wasn't holding on,

Ban looked at him, "That isn't an option. There will always be a link to her that she will want to go after. I need to make sure that she is where she needs to be."
Niklaus smirked as he watched her. "You don't have to hold on so tightly." He says with a grin. 

"She will be." Jason growled. He bit his lip and took a moment to calm down. "Give her a chance. If she tries, then you can ask Kal to take it all from her but not until then please Ban." He says. 
Kenzi glanced at him and then glared, "What iF I fall? I doubt even you could catch me."

Ban sighed, "You have showed slight control of her now, but there is no way I can count on her listening to you when you aren't around."
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Niklaus laughed a little. "You aren't going to fall Kenzi. Those are meant for sleeping on. You'll be okay." He says. 

Jason hesitated. "I have a little control yes but just let me try Ban. What is the harm in trying at least once?" He asks. 
Kenzi sighed, nodding, hoping she could trust him, so she let go and nothing happened. She looked up at Abigail, "Like this?"

Ban sighed, "It is easier this way. I am coming to believe that you should be treated the same way. You have a pup on the way, you should be focused on that one."
Bigail smiled and nodded. "Exactly like." She says gently. 

Jason clenched his jaw again, trying to keep his temper at bay. "She stays with us tonight and will leave with you tomorrow." He says. "Then you do what you think is right, she will be in your care after all." He adds. 
Kenzi smiled happily, "Do I go to sleep now?"

Ban sighed, "I will make sure you don't recall her at all, your or any one in the pack, including Zyana." he stated. 
Abigail smiled. "Of you wanted." She says. "Do you want to sleep in here?" She asks curiously. 

Jason frowned even more, he hated the idea of it, he was afraid a part would always feel like it was missing because of it. "She's been good for a lot of wolves here Ban." He says quietly. "Why would you need to erase it from anyone here?"
Kenzi looked at her and smirked, "If I sleep here, how do I get up?" She asked.

Ban  sighed "Because she doesn't belong here and she won't remember them. There is no point in allowing any of this time to be remembered by any of this pack or Lee. It'll only make it harder on everyone."
Niklaus smirked a little and answered before his mother could. "Just sit up and swing your legs over the endge there." He says. 

Jason sighed some, closing his eyes momentarily. He did not want to forget. "And what of her connection to Eli and Brianna's pup?" He asks. 
Kenzi looked at him, hesitating for a moment before she tried to get off and smirked, "That was fun." she stated.

Ban sighed, shaking his head, "Also something that has to end. I don't know for sure how that is going to happen, but no one, born or not will know Lee."
Niklaus chuckled a little. "I'm glad you thought so. It's getting late, we should get to bed. Do you want to sleep in here?" He asks her curiously. 

"As long as it doesn't hurt their baby Ban. If there is even the slightest risk I won't allow it. They have tried too long for a pup." He says gently. 
Kenzi looked at them and shrugged, "If it's okay, I don't know any other bed." she commented.

Ban looked at him, "There is always a risk, for example. Lee might be the only reason it has survived so long. But I have no idea how her power works so I have no idea how she is affecting it."
Abigail nodded. "You can stay in here. Or in Niklaus' room. And he can just stay with you on the floor or something." She suggests. 

"Then we don't touch the baby. I will not let another pup be taken from them Ban. If something has to be done then Kal can do it when it's old enough. Do what must for the rest of us, but leave the pup be."
Kenzi looked at them and shrugged, "I'll stay here." she suggested.

Ban looked at him, "No trace of her, that is what has to happen. I am sorry if it effect the pup but the pup should never have had a connection with Lee." he said, and sighed, "I have to get everything ready, you should focus on the memories you are going to lose, if she means that much to you. I am sorry."
Niklaus and Abigail nodded. "Alright. Niklaus will stay in here with you dear. Just in case you need anything. He can slee on the floor." She says with a smirk before leaving. 

Jason frowned deeply but then nodded once and left. He would have to make sure Kal was extra careful, as he was sure he would be. 
Kenzi sighed as she glanced at Niklaus, "I'll be fine, you don't have to stay."

Zy smirked as she watched Lee playing with the other pups.
Niklaus shrugged. "Whatever you want." He says. He still had not come into the room. 

Jason came up to Zy and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey, you heard all of it?" He asks her. 
Kenzi shrugged, "If you want to you can, but I am just going to sleep." she told him.

Zy frowned, sighing as she nodded, "Yeah, I just don't know how she is going to take it." she told him as she looked up at him, "She'll be heart broken she has to go."
Niklaus chuckled. "I would go to my own room but I'd feel bad since I'm supposed to look out after you." He teases. "Go to sleep. I will figure it out." He says. 

Jason sighed. "I know. I will be the one to tel her." He whispers sadly. 
Kenzi looked at him suspiciously before she sighed and laid down, turning to her side and closing her eyes.

Zy frowned as she glanced at Lee, who was staring at them, she looked curious for a moment before she started to tear up and turned away towards the mouth of the cave and started to run. Zy's eyes widen, "Jason." she told him, figuring Lee had read their minds.
Niklaus smirked a little and stepped out of the room for a moment. The smell brought back all the memories of wat had happened. 

Jason cursed quietly and then took off after her. Luckily with his height he was able to catch up easily. "Lee," he says gently, reaching for her arm. 
Lee pulled away from him and cried, "You promised." she frowned, "You promised you wouldn't leave me. I tried, I was a good girl, you said I was, I behaved." she cried, "I was a good girl."

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