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Dice Monsterhearts: Ruse Cruise - Mechanics

Teh Frixz

That lady robot
This is where we will be doing our string sharing and recording. We can also figure out our backgrounds in here. No sense in cluttering up the main thread/OOC.
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How this works is the first string puller (@Cirno ) will go first on what the playbook asks her to do. From there, you may interject your back ground strings of you wish or remain silent, waiting for another victim to pounce upon.

Strings usually have a heavy amount of background attached to them, when you pick someone be sure to come up with the answers to the situation asked in your skin.
Hiyo! Question for esteemed MC. @Teh Frixz: Is String considered separate from backstory? Was wondering if mortal backstory going last was deemed a non-issue.
Slightly. It's backstory definitely different from your own background. It's the one that's much more recent and relies on other players rather than your own character design.

For example with the Chosen (@Grey )

You have two friends who you can rely on for monster-slaying support. Take a String on each.

This background string can be used on NPC's or on PC's. You can name them out of our player base or make new ones up for me to abus- use.




Sorry about that, I didn't see that mortal background. Yeah nope, you get to go last in this thing, sorry random dice roller. Go ahead and declare someone else's turn and we can get back to you later @Cirno
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Strings On Victor:

  • The Tyrant (x2): His hold is strong, his favors intoxicating. Victor writhes in his patron's web of lies and power.
  • Robin Goodfellow: This strange being performed a task that Victor did not have the finesse, nor the patience, to perform. Victor waits with bated breath to know the price of that task.

Strings Victor Holds:

  • Gabriel Knight: This valiant fool seems to think he can save Victor, and by extension the world, from a truly Infernal fate. Victor knows this is a doomed endeavor, but does nothing to dissuade it. After all, who can tell what is unseen?
Strings On Robin:

I couldn't hide myself if I wanted to. Everyone gets a string on me.

Strings Robin Holds:

Mortals love shiny things, I think Ms. Singh is particularly infatuated with me. (+2 Strings)
Strings on Gabe:

Someone knows I'm Chosen, and they want me dead. The MC names them and gives them 2 Strings.

Strings Gabe Holds:

I have two monster-slaying buddies. I reckon Natalie Singh is one, and... Robin Goodfellow is the other.
Since her beauty isn't fleeting, she gains a string on everyone.

Gabe saved her unlife so he gets two strings on her.
Strings on Grant:

The Mortal reminded me what love is.

Strings Grant holds:

The Chosen saw me come back to life.
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@Ayl I think Ghoul Backstory strings are from the sheet:

Someone reminded you what love was, when you thought that death had stolen it away from you forever. Give them 2 Strings. Did anyone watch you die, or watch

you come back to life? If so, you both gain 2 Strings on each other.

For Mortal, I'm considering letting the RNG decide. Question for @DreamingofRoses, does Natalie know that Robin is Fae?
Cirno said:
For Mortal, I'm considering letting the RNG decide. Question for @DreamingofRoses, does Natalie know that Robin is Fae?
I would imagine she knows something is up with Robin, since they've both fought monsters with Grey's char. I leave whether or not she knows the specifics up to your discretion
Cirno said:
@Ayl I think Ghoul Backstory strings are from the sheet:
Someone reminded you what love was, when you thought that death had stolen it away from you forever. Give them 2 Strings. Did anyone watch you die, or watch

you come back to life? If so, you both gain 2 Strings on each other.
Oh, we weren't just making stuff up? Oops...
Ayl said:
Oh, we weren't just making stuff up? Oops...
Yeah. They're in the "Your Backstory" section on the character sheets (instead of Strings) so I got confused earlier too.
Alright! That should be it provided Natalie knows that Robin is a Fae. Under settings I'll get your rooms in order. Prepare yourselves.
I entrusted the Random Number God and they said to go dark 4.

Gabe gets 3 strings on Nat, Nat gains one string on Gabe. @Grey up to you whether it's noticed or reciprocated.

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