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Realistic or Modern Monster Prom



night of the living punk

Welcome to the sweet, sweltering summer, finally. This is your last year of soul-crushing high school, and prom is fast approaching. Everyone is hyping it up -- this night is going to be the best night of your life, full of rockin' music, spiked punch, and dazzling disco balls. You would be excited, if it wasn't for one crucial thing:

You haven't got a date yet.

And there's absolutely no way you're going alone like some loser. You're mildly attractive, smart-ish, and tolerable personality-wise. And single as hell.

So, who are you going to go after? The vixen vampire chick you know from biology class but who is definitely out of your league, that werewolf jock who probably loves chasing footballs more than he will ever love you, or that ghost girl you remember from the school's stupid musical performance of Ghostbusters - at least, you think you remember seeing her there.

Anyways, you've got one week to snag someone up to spend this magical night with, because you sure as hell aren't going alone. Your school is bustling with other single-and-ready-to-mingle monsters that are probably just as desperate as you. So out and get 'em, Casanova!

Clearwater High has a student body of about 2000, all smack-dab in the middle of white picket fence, sunny California. Complete with a chess club, popular dramatical arts department, and a county-wide winning football team, there's a little something for everymonster. Of course, no high school can be without the predetermined, stereotypical cliques: jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, goths, and popular girls galore. Even some poor bloke has the job of being the school's mascot, a dopey large-headed shark squeezed into a jersey named Calypso. The principal is grumpy, the teachers are boring, and the bathrooms are a warzone - the usual. But Clearwater has been known for their crazy, over-the-top, awesome prom parties. At least they've got something going for them.​
One week, baby. Let's go rock 'em, Vega. You've got this.

Ricky twisted the white leather wheel in his hands, turning a sharp corner with a satisfying screech of his car's wheels. He was just now pulling into the parking lot for Clearwater High - often nicknamed something much worse by dear Ricky - as the bell rung for the day to begin. Students of all shapes, sizes, and species mingled about, dressed up in shorts and flowery dresses. Summer was well upon us, and even more, summer vacation was almost in Ricky Vega's grasp.

He turned the car's engine off, stuffed the jingling keys into his leather jacket's pocket, and hopped out. Ready to start the day. God, who was he kidding, he absolutely hated this place and couldn't wait to get back home and into bed. At least while he was here, he was on a mission - a mission that would possibly change his life and social ranking for the better. He was gonna get a date to prom.

He leaned up against the side of his 1958 Chevrolet Plymouth Fury, skin hissing at it touched the red-hot surface of the car -- either from it being crazy hot outside, or the car being cursed. He squinted, despite never really leaving the house without his sunglasses, and looked around the vast parking lot and front yard of the school for anyone he recognized. He knew a sad bunch of kids who could be deemed his friends, mostly because they're the only reason he still shows up every day to this junkyard. It baffled him how nerds could love a place like this, spending hours of their day with their noses in books. Society sure is going downhill, ain't it?

Nerds and books and grades aside, Ricky was immensely excited to be out of this place by Saturday this week. Saturday night, 7PM on the dot, prom will start and the end of their miserable highschool careers will end. They are officially adults now, free to rule the world as they please. Ricky almost laughed with glee at the thought of it.

Let's make sure this prom is the best prom Swampwater High and all of California has ever seen, Christine, he thought with a wild smirk, and gave the cherry red car a pat.

Aio Aio MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ElectraHeart-1990 ElectraHeart-1990 HollyLeafForever HollyLeafForever Safety Hammer Safety Hammer FireMaiden FireMaiden Andrita Andrita SP3CT3R SP3CT3R
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Byron was lying down along the wall that divided the school grounds from the sidewalk with his camera pointed at a small bird, one that looked scruffy and unwell but otherwise unremarkable. It was a Fawkes' Phoenix, a species of phoenix known for beautiful displays of pyrotechnical magic while they molted, and this one was clearly on the verge. Byron had been waiting for ten minutes, trying to be as silent as possible. If he startled it while it was in this state...

The bell went off, and the phoenix exploded right in Byron's face. He fell onto his back, and bluish-white streams of superheated plasma blasted out of his eyes. The lasers grazed the tail feathers of a harpy directly overhead, but Byron wasn't paying attention. His spines had embedded themselves in the pavement, and he had to do what was basically a cartwheel to dislodge them.

As he patted his hair down and dusted himself of, Byron heard the unmistakable sound of a half-century old car pulling into the parking lot. He put his glasses back on and set a course to converge paths with Ricky. "Class hasn't even started yet and a bird's already exploded in my face," Byron grumbled. "Hopefully, it's not foreshadowing for this Saturday."

Crookie Crookie
Chris Alice Sadowski

Chris Alice's morning started of per usual. Her brother waking her up and giving her only a few moments of peace before dragging her to the car and driving her to school. It wasn't Chris Alice's first choice but it wasn't as if she had a choice. Not having a car really could put a set back on someone, especially a high school senior. Although life was life so Chris Alice couldn't complain. Taking a quiet ride to school before her brother set off for work. Often times Chris Alice would be to caught up in her own head to really enjoy the time in the car with her brother, but her silence didn't seem to bother her brother so she kept on being quiet.

"Get out." Chris Alice's brother growled as he slowed to a stop. Looking up from her sketchbook Chris Alice sighed, shoving her items into her book back. Opening her door she slid out of her seat, her feet finding the ground. She shut the door, turning around to ask her brother a quick question on tonight's plans but before she could get out a work he left her in a cloud of dust. Shaking out her hair she sighed turning around, catching sight of her fellow classmates. Adjusting the strap of her book bag on her shoulder she made her way towards them.

Chris Alice offered a small wave to her classmates before stopping to speak. "Vega, Anders. How are we doing today?", she often called others by their last name finding last names to be far more interesting than first names. As she waited for their responses Chris Alice started to go within her mind. Prom was coming up and while she knew this was a big deal for most Chris Alice saw it as almost a chore. Of course, it was the senior's last big hurrah before graduating but Chris Alice really has no one in mind to go with nor was she about to spend a boatload on some dress when she didn't even like wearing dresses.

Crookie Crookie SP3CT3R SP3CT3R
Ji-Ho Beckett

Rolling down the street near school on his skate board, Ji was silently dreading everything that was about to come his way. As a Vila, it was stereotypical for him to already have many people lining up as a date for the upcoming Prom. However, Ji hadn't been asked yet because even though Vilas are seducing creatures, Ji was half Vila, and his first love will always be the music he played and listened to; also guys were too scared to ask. It didn't bother him too much. He didn't mind going to Prom alone, but it would be pretty embarrassing for the Vila to be the one going solo.

His fears didn't show however as he passed by several people with his freshly dyed silver hair and his big pastel pink hoodie. He looked awesome as always, and his guitar on his back only added to the immense confidence he was praised for. He smiled and got off of his skateboard and walked into the building. He looked at familiar faces on his way and ended up going to the one place he could be alone, his locker, because everyone knows you don't disturb a Vila looking at their reflection.

Putting away his skateboard, he packed his small bag with the necessary books for the day; like he'd actually study. He had music to write and a plan for prom to make. It's not like he could invite the jock he'd been screwing or last years music teacher, Mr Jacobs. That would never work for him. He needed an air tight plan, preferably one showing how not a slut he could be.
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( Yes I know my intro was a bit lacking... My apologies. I'm a bit tired and my posts will likely be a lot longer starting tomorrow )
Madison was seen glancing from the school entrance, checking to see if anyone was around. Looking to see a bunch of other students caused her to physically shudder and tense up significantly. It isn't exactly the most talkative of people. She squirmed a bit, shuffling through to avoid being seen. It wouldn't take Einstein for anyone to recognize her, as she didn't necessarily hide from anyone . However, knowing her own luck she would be spotted nigh instantly without much effort involved.

She continuously checked to see if anyone spotted her. Seeing so far she wasn't spotted, her eyes stopped their dilated process, and a heavy sigh was heard, although it was soft to the ears. It was a pretty good avoidance so far. She didn't slip up once. Perhaps this time would be the time when she atually avoided any contact whatsoever. However, Azathoth constantly kept talking to her in a voice that was of the eldiritch abomination type. She kepted on tryign to hush it's constant speaking, but the entity continued to speak in a sort of gibberish. Sure, she understood it, but she tended to ignore him which caused her not really to pay attention to what it was saying.
20171017_171228.jpgMorgan Al'Vere
Morgan finally stepped out of her car after sitting in the school parking lot for a little over ten minutes talking to her parents on the phone. The details will be spared, but Morgan is happy to be done with that conversation, but not so happy about what it meant. School. Thank god there was only a week lefr, but of course, she still had to find a prom date. Her friends all had dates or were busy, or they just didn't really actually like her that much; but reguardless, it was still something she thought about. Going to prom completely alone was embarrassing but....she shuttered at the thought of spending time with her parents on the weekend.

Her attention turned from her own inter conflict, opening her car's back door to get her messanger bag with all her stuff in it, obviously, before she shut the door and locked her car. Checking to make her outfit was alright in the very bad reflection, she tugged at the bottom of the white, somewhat body con dress she was forced to wear because the washer is broken at home, and she was out of clean clothes. This dress was paired with a lightweight gray cardagin, and pink floral flats. A terrible day to be Morgan.

Anyway, as the bell rang, she finally began making her way up to the school, passing the group that was gathering around Ricky and his car, god that guy scared her. He's mean, he deals with fire, two people who absolutly worship him in every way so something rude to her everyday...speaking of which.

"Oi shortstack! Don't run away from us."

"Oh wow, real original Todd. And I'm not running, I just don't wanna smell your body spray," Morgan comented, coming to a stop near a rather tall tree. Well, actually, it was a pretty average tree, every tree is pretty tall in her eyes. How was her family so-nope, not getting into that, she had to focus on these two absolidly meat heads coming up behind her. Her bag was jerked off her shoulder. She tried protesting, but, there wasn't much she could do. They both had like, two feet of extra tall to them.

Todd and his friend....Morgan didn't know his name, odd for her situation. Anyway, Todd was a tall, snaked headed, harpy thing. He was the real problem, his friend just kinda laughed when Todd did. "Oh hey, looks like I got your back half pint."

"Yes, I see that. Congratulations Todd, do you want a sticker? I have some gold stars in there," Morgan said. Despite talking back, she did look quiet nervous, these two could break her before she had any time to do anything. Her gold star comment didn't seem to sit well. His nostrils flared.

"I don't see why you try an talk back. You don't have friends who stand up for you, and you can't do anything, it's pathetic."

Morgan chuckled a little, "No, what's pathetic is this. You two come up and bother me everyday, hoping you'll get Ricky's attention. But has it worked? I don't think so. You're only joy is bothering me, so why take that away from you by actually doing something?" She asked, looking up at them "Why not go up to him and confess your weird little crush?" Todd was to stupid to really come up with anything else to say, and honestly they were-oh no.

Her eyes followed as Todd, with a real low blow, hung her bag up on a branch in the tree. Out of her reach, before walking away angry. They were terrible bullies, not because of what they did, they were just both really bad at it. Looking up, she sighed. "Damn it."
Ricky clamped a hand on Bryon's shoulder, flashing a devilish grin of sparkling white teeth. "I assure you buddy, nothing is going to ruin this Saturday. Even... birds exploding in your face." His smile faltered for a second - he didn't bother divulging into whatever extracurriculars Bryon attended to in his free time. He loved the guy to death, don't get him wrong, but they both were on different wavelengths. Whatever floats your boat.

He shook his head, and gave his friend a once-over. "We can get you looking like a world-class hunk in no time. I feel like you'd be just like one of those characters in chickflicks where if you give them a haircut and some contacts, they're drop-dead gorgeous. You can even try putting your mop back in a man-bun. Chicks and dudes alike will be running to even rub elbows with a reptile like you."

His curling smile returned as Veeva and Chris Alice made their appearances known. Ricky always loved an audience.

"Yes," Ricky sneered at Veeva, tapping a hand across his car's side-view mirror, "I always have to make an entrance. That's the only way I'm able to get anywhere."

"Now, as I was saying," he continued, flipping his sunglasses atop his forehead, "my dearest comrade Bryon here is in desperate need of a date for prom - as is all of us, at this point. Would any of you lovely ladies be willing to take a Kaiju out for the night of his life? The bidding starts at a dollar."
20171017_171228.jpgMorgan Al'Vere
Morgan was doomed. There was no way she could get her bag, and it had all her stuff in it. Oh, how the world was so cruel, she was already coming up with a plan for her three part book series depicting her struggles and - oh. Wait a minute. She stepped aside when a girl came up and got her bag down for her. Taking her bag, she kinda smiled, averting her gaze. "Oh...yeah, thanks." Morgan said quietly. There she was, back to her original little Morgan self. "Todd and his friend keep doing stuff like this, it's okay. You don't have to do anything," She added, fiddling with her bag strap, before Veeva walked away to rejoin the group Morgan had seen. And, she couldn't help but laugh when she saw the gurl hit Ricky upside the head. That was funny, but she stopped laughing so that he didn't see her and decide to smite her. But, she had her bag back, thanks to Veeva, so she could go on inside. Turning on her heel, she continued her walk to the school. Those people hanging out with Ricky were all out of her league for pretty much anything, so she was content to being alone for now.
"Do you really think I could pull that look off?" Byron turned bright red at Ricky's suggestion, or would've if he wasn't covered in scales. He never really put much effort into his appearance. Of his three immediate relatives, one was bald, one had a professional stylist, and the other was a reclusive cryptid that only left the house once a month at 3AM, so Byron had no experience in the hair department, and while he had contacts, he didn't trust that they were laser-proof as advertised.

After Veeva gave her own input, Byron sighed. Assuming I get turned down by whoever I ask, though, is it better to go with someone I hardly know for the sake of having a date, go alone, or just not go at all? He started to ask his friends on the matter, but made a snap decision and instead asked, "Have you guys decided on who to go with?" And, directed at Ricky, "I'm guessing you're taking Christine, seeing as you already ride her on a daily basis." Byron sputtered out the last few words trying to contain his laughter, even though the joke sounded funnier in his head.

Crookie Crookie Aio Aio ElectraHeart-1990 ElectraHeart-1990
Chris Alice Sadowski

Chris Alice rocked on her heels as she listened to the others speak amongst themselves. Only peeking interest when prom was mentioned, rolling her eyes when Ricky suggested bidding off Byron. "Sorry I spent my last dollar on a pack of gum." Chris Alice spoke in almost a sigh as if she was reliving a beautiful memory. Quickly snapping back to reality when Veeva seemed to strike Ricky causing her to purse her lips, her eyes going down to the large men's watch on her wrist. Slowly backing away when she realized the time.

"Sadly I think Christine is just a lil to big to find her way into the school." Chris Alice joked stepping back on her heels. "Gotta jet. Hopefully, you all are successful in your prom journey." She spoke in a chuckle before turning around and walking towards the school. Once inside she headed towards her locker, glancing over at Ji-Ho who seemed to be having a moment with himself and his reflection in the mirror. Her locker was a few down from him, opening it up revealed various knickknacks and thingy-ma-bobs all stuffed into her locker. Of course, they were not hers but items she had relieved the students of Clearwater High of. Manily things that had no real value that Chris Alice couldn't sell.

Grabbing her books Chris Alice retreated into her mind. Prom was only a few weeks away, and while others were thrilled she found herself dreading it. It wasn't the whole finding a date part, well it was a slightly large part to her dreading prom. She never found herself to be the girl with various people wanting to be with her. She was always playing the supportive friend. Helping others get to their dream girl/guy and never vice versa.

Having so much crap in her locker proved to be a slight annoyance. Shifting items around just to get to the books she needed for class. After gathering her things she turned around and started to attempt to transfer the books in her bag while simultaneously attempting to put the books in her bag from home into her locker. Long story short it was an interesting sight to see.

interacts: Crookie Crookie SP3CT3R SP3CT3R ElectraHeart-1990 ElectraHeart-1990
mentions: MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Veeva's hand smacked Ricky upside the head with more force than he expected, causing him to bark out in both pain and surprise. He grabbed his sunglasses before they toppled off his head, and with a hand already engulfed in flames, swiftly put them back on his face. He shook out his hand to extinguish the flames, and leaned back against the car, eyes narrowed to glaring slits at the itty-bitty-bitey vampire before him. "Yeah, you sure scared them off -- you might be too intimidating, Veeva."

Ricky was already fuming from the sarcastic physical assault - despite him totally deserving it - but the moment the group started picking on the Plymouth, his glare deepened. He cocked a tight-jawed smile, that was more or less him baring his fangs, at Bryon and Chris's remarks.
"Ha-ha, very funny," he said through clenched teeth, beginning to feel his head growing hotter by the second. He stretched his arms up, and while heaving a massive sigh, ran his fingers through his slicked-back hair to wipe away whatever flames were growing. "You guys know just how to make a man feel good 'bout himself."

He cheekily waved his fingers at Chris Alice as a snarky goodbye. It was no question that the group was going to join up sooner in the day, probably for lunch -- the perfect hunting ground for possible dates.

He rolled his eyes from Chris Alice's empty spot over to Veeva and Bryon. "You skipping first class?"
"You got this Tad. You got this." The Eldritch Horror said to himself, pacing back and forth in the empty bathroom. "Prom.. Prom can wait for now. Prom isn't as important as school. School is my future, and prom is just... it's just the biggest thing that's gonna happen in my high school career oh god I'm panicking again."

Tad sighed and turned on the tap before splashing some water on his face, trying to psych himself up for the day. Not only did he have a presentation in English to prepare for, but he also had an essay to write and PROM on top of all of that. So yeah, he was just the tiniest bit stressed. But that didn't matter, you know? He had gotten through troubles bigger than this before. He wasn't in the top of his class, but he was rather far up there.

So, after he dried off his black, featureless face, he picked up his bag and jogged to the library to gather up research, and maybe in the meantime, find a date.
(Open to anyone)
Ji-Ho Beckett

Ji-Ho was enjoying making sure he looked pretty but heard Chris getting things from her locker. Turning to help, he caught a particularly small and thin one from slipping out from behind other books. Ji felt the lockers to always be too small and get cluttered easily. Chris would probably want help.

"Need a hand," he asked kindly. The amount of lessons some people took meant they were carrying so much at once. There was never enough space in lockers to hold all of Ji's belongings and he rarely had the energy to carry so many books. This is why Ji always went back to his locker during the day so he could swap out his books for other things. It was a good system but he wasn't going to let anyone know about it yet. That would be like him telling them his skin routine. That was a secret only one person knew. Telling anyone else would be awful.
Chris Alice Sadowski

Chris Alice fumbled and groaned, her daily battle with her locker was growing tiresome. Each time she went to switch something out something else would slip through her fingertips. Honestly, she should have probably figured out an easier way to store her items but if she hadn't figured it out now there was just no point in trying since she'd be free of this place in a matter of weeks.

She felt a presence appear behind her, she tried to quickly wrap things up as she did not wish for anyone to look in her locker. Turning at the voice she smiled as she found herself face to face with Ji-Ho. "Looking as lovely as ever." She said plucking the book out of his fingertips and shoving it into her bag. Reaching behind her to shut her locker before Ji-Ho could get a good look. She gave Ji-Ho a wide smile before looking down at her backpack to zip it up.

She wondered if he had found a date to prom. Chris Alice assumed he had, based on what she knew of him. "Ready for some prom festivities?" Deciding to make light conversation before her first class. While she often skipped Chris Alice decided to try something new and actually go to class. Leave with a bang and all that. Of course, this small promise to herself would probably be forgotten or pushed to the side in a matter of days but at least she put forth a little bit of effort in the beginning.

interacts: MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Ji-Ho Beckett

Ji-Ho smiled at her as if to say thank you. He liked when people noticed the effort he put into his face. Vilas were naturally beautiful but being half Vila meant he had to deal with some undesirable characteristics, for example, moles or spots were sometimes found. Also his sun-kissed skin was a mixed bag with people. Fair skin was the trade mark of Vilas which Ji didn't have. This meant he had to put extra effort into his romantic performance compared to other Vilas who could practically hypnotise others with clear skin, big eyes and a killer smile. Ji simply had one of those therefore he had to make more of an effort with people if he wanted one particular person to take to prom. He was lukxky that wasn't the case and that he didn't care who he'd go with.

"Yeah," he stated, "But everyone knows my stance of these things. It's gonna take some major balls to prompose to me. I certainly don't have an eye on anyone. What about you?"
Byron threw his shoulders up in a shrug. "I don't see why not. If I go to class, Cassidy is gonna ask me out, and I'd rather die than go to prom with her." A lich walking in the other direction flipped Byron off, and he flipped them one back over his shoulder.

"Also, I heard someone found a secret dungeon by the basketball court," Byron recalled. "We could go check it out, assuming it hasn't already been pillaged. Maybe there's some enchanted jewels that we could sell and use the money we made to buy a ton of shit during lunch."

Crookie Crookie ElectraHeart-1990 ElectraHeart-1990
Veeva's eyes widened as she stopped "Oh wait! Let me call Tad to invite him!" she pulled out her phone smiling at Tads number before she called and pressed the phone to her ear.
Tad was happily and secretly reading the latest issue of his favorite yaoi manga, My Werewolf Boyfriend Vol. 4 while pretending to actually study. Page after page, his solid white eyes were glued to every picture and word. Things were getting spicy. So when he flipped to the next page, he almost had a heart attack when his phone went off.

Squeaking loudly in surprise, he scrambled to hide his comic, before quickly answering his phone. "Yes yes hello?!" He whispered frantically into his phone, his black cheeks somehow turning pink.
"Dude I'm in the library, why did you call me?!"

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