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Realistic or Modern Modern Mental Hospital/Asylum RP


I myself am strange and unusual
Hey there, friends! :D

So I'm looking for someone who will do this kind of roleplay with me! I would also like an added element of romance (I prefer MxM pairings mostly, but I will do MxF too). Although romance is NOT a requirement for my roleplays, I like them so much better. I find them more engaging and easier to add plot to. I'd really like someone who will respond at least once a day; the more active you are the more active I will be. I have a setup for this roleplay already, complex and full of detail, but I'm totally willing to change it a bit to add in your ideas too! c:

Basic Description:

Misty Valley Hospital is presumed to be the most highly qualified center for psychiatric care in New Hampshire. Dr. Brandt, the founder and CEO, is widely recognized in the field of psychiatry for his accomplishments over his career and Misty Valley seems to be his crown jewel. The hospital has only been open for 18 months, but it has already produced astonishingly high rehabilitation rates and positive reviews. It's doors are not open to everyone; there is limited space and they receive hundreds of applicants. Those who are lucky enough to be selected are well taken care of.

But the longer you stay there, the more you begin to notice that something's... off. Some patients are treated by much different standards than others. Some patients don't get to eat with the rest, some don't have to come out of their rooms. Some patients don't get better. But how can such a prestigious hospital get away with mistreating their patients?

Some in-depth descriptions and plot points if you're interested. These descriptions get fairly complex, so you don't have to read this quite yet if you don't want to as we'll discuss all this if we end up roleplaying together c: I also have a picture of what the ward looks like so we won't have any confusion of our environment.

Dr. Brandt has secretly been rejected by several world-renowned doctors, due to his unconventional and inhumane practices. He built Misty Valley to undergo his own research, walking a fine line between what is legal and what is unlawful (carefully hiding what would shut down his hospital and incriminate him). He has the entire hospital operating under his control, from the nurses to the janitors.

That also includes his patients. He keeps them under-control, treating those he can't use for his research dutifully and responsibly. Those he can get away with using, however, he treats however he pleases (even if some treatments may not be necessary).

This gets pretty complex, so if you don't understand everything, don't sweat it: I'll be happy to explain all this when we chat c: Also, just to clarify: I'll refer to orderlies as the people who monitor and control the patients (and probably help with treatments if needed), and then I'll refer to the psychiatrists (who one-on-one with the patients and carry out the treatments) as doctors.

The doors of the patient's rooms remain locked all night, and then they remain open all day. In the morning during breakfast they're given their morning meds by the orderlies (as a lot of anti-phychotics are either taken right when you wake up or right when you go to bed). Throughout the day each patient is individually called out of the ward to see their therapists, undergo treatments if they have any, or get checkups or other things. Each time a patient leaves their ward for any reason, they must be escorted by an orderly. If they have medications that must be taken multiple times a day, the orderlies would make sure each patient takes those. At mealtimes, food is brought into the wards. Trays of food are set out for everyone to self-serve. After everyone has eaten the eating area is cleared out again. Patients can go to bed at the end of the night whenever they please, but they have taken their nightly medicine and be locked into their rooms by ten. They can keep their room lights on for another hour, then it's lights out at eleven. The common room lights are always kept on though, for the orderlies.

As your character would walk the hallways of Misty Valley before they get to the ward, they would see the doctors offices and operating rooms. So basically, once a patient gets past the locked doors of their ward, there's mostly just a bunch of open hallways (like in a real hospital) and a couple more security points to get past before they could leave the hospital (or possibly escape). That being said, two orderlies are monitoring each ward at all times (even at night) and a handful of staff members are patrolling the hospital hallways. And if they see anyone trying to run away they just have to hit an alarm and the whole building goes on lockdown to prevent any crazed patients from escaping or something. The most private places in the ward would be the bathrooms; they don't have cameras in them and the doors open and close freely. They are single bathrooms though.

So other than medications, if there were any treatments that would require medical equipment or anything like that, that's the kind of stuff that would be in those operating rooms.

The help desk in the ward where the orderlies sit at is going to be important. There's some patient files in the filing cabinets (not all of them but the most important stuff is there), keys to all of the patients rooms (and the main doors to the ward), paper, pencils, pens, two computers, emergency supplies, a fire extinguisher, an office telephone, all the kind of stuff that would be appropriate there (and things we could possibly use to our advantage). However, there is always at least one orderly at the desk so that nobody can just grab a fire extinguisher and hit someone over the head with it XD

Things that will get you in trouble include: harming yourself or others, fighting, sexual or otherwise intimate behavior, general inappropriate or disruptive behavior, being subordinate to the staff, stealing from the help desk

Punishments include (but are not limited to): certain privileges being revoked, early lockdown or lights out

What I'm looking for in a partner:
  • Like I asked, I'd preferably like to get responses more than once a day. My usual post isn't anything TOO long, anywhere between 1-4 paragraphs (depending on how much there is to write, of course). I'm not big on having to word vomit more text just to meet a long length requirement; it can get boring. That being said, the more detail and insight you can give me into your characters emotions/personality, the better!
  • Please be very descriptive! I like to read what kind of hand gestures your character makes or what kind of expression they have, how they feel and what they think and all that! I'll be pretty picky about this one :p
  • Be willing to help me drive a complex plot! My characters have sub-plots and the setting is well-developed, however I don't have the whole over-arching plot planned out. I'd love for both of us to be a part of the plot c:
Also just wanted to mention, I have a small pool of characters I could use for this roleplay, all pretty diverse. I like to match my characters with my partner's so their personalities are compatible! I can also whip up a character pretty easily if need be c:

No-goes for me:

  • Lazy writing. No short replies, use proper grammar and vocabulary, and be DESCRIPTIVE! :D
  • Not helping to drive plot
  • Not paying attention to what I've written and therefore causing conflicting information in your post (I thought this was obvious but apparently not to everyone :p)

All this being said I'm super duper friendly and totally not funny and really excited to get a roleplay going! If you're interested please PM me with a writing sample or two of yours and I'd love to roleplay with you! Happy RP-ing~!!
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