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Fandom MHA/BHNA Collaboration


Was sure I had already posted it. Guess not.
Thank you, PlusUltra. You are a valuable member of this team.

If it hadn't been for you bringing up that posts were overlooking your character, I wouldn't have been able to fix this.

Thank you.

Next time, I only ask that any complaints such as post overlooking are brought to me or Kapowne Kapowne directly via PM.

You are approved to post.
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 I think Hikari is supporting Lily to be the house rep?

King Crimson King Crimson Resurrecting Hot Compress Hands?
PlusUltra PlusUltra if you have specific issues with something I've done, PM me. Please do not blast me on the OOC.
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 As Pyro said, Hikari is referring to Lily. It's her way of showing support.
After all, if she's the one backing them up, there's no way they could lose! (At least in her mind)

HerculePyro HerculePyro Basically she warmed her hands up and put them Lauren's head, seeing that she'd passed out, and was having trouble breathing.
Hikari isn't exactly a doctor.
King Crimson King Crimson Ill clarify she never really passed out. She was paralysed just staring foreword unmoving... maybe that does count as passed out?
Ahh. But wait until she discovers her power is actually Phoenix fire and she has healing fire hands!!!
King Crimson King Crimson as soon as the Harambe references die down and society begins to forget a hero rises above the rest of the human population and reminds us of Harambe 😂
I wonder if the T.A. should do anything about the whole Genki situation, and if he can. I pretty sure we should have cameras watching the students however...
I wonder if the T.A. should do anything about the whole Genki situation, and if he can. I pretty sure we should have cameras watching the students however...
EMIYAman EMIYAman He'd definitely appreciate the help for sure lol, he's never fought anything close to this before.
And yea I think Manipulator said that they had some kind of recording devices on each student in the post where he grabbed Yua out of the river
Hello everyone! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this rp, Ill try my best to be active.
Not great.
Corona Virus has kept me, and probably quite a lot of other people here at home.
On the bright side, I can now safely say that everyone in this RP is better at writing superheroes than the current writers at Marvel Comics.
First off staying at home sounds like good news to me, second off that's not saying much if anything it might as well be an insult to be compared to current marvel creators. That is all. Also hi.

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