• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne - Characters


Name: Darian Kingsley
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: Arsenal
Gender: Male



Weight: 177

Body Modifications/Implants:

Blood Type: AB+

Personality: Darian seems, at first glance like he's an asshole but once one gets to know him, they realize that Darian is actually a nice guy. He cares immensely for his friends, and should one get harmed he would hunt down whoever did it should they ask. Darian believes life is a privilege, and the only way to lose the privilege is to take an innocent's life, though don't let that fool you into thinking Darian is completely good, as one of his biggest hobbies besides swordplay is stealing. Darian is rather adventurous, and throws himself into fights whenever a chance arises. In a way, he considers himself an artist with his art being swordplay.

Backstory: Darian was born to a family who owned land far away from major cities. The family was a clan of swordsman that has trained in various sword types from around the world. A few months before he turned five, his younger sister Violet was born. When Darian turned five years old, he for the first time picked up a sword, as the Kingsley Clan began the training of their swordsman at a young age. Upon picking the sword up, his technique with the sword was much like that of the strongest swordsman in the clan. The clan has existed on the land for a few generations, though the clan was split slowly over those generations until tensions between of the clan reached a breaking point. The clan split into two while Darian was a young teenager. One half was lead by his father, and the other by his uncle, Robert Kingsley. The dispute started over who had the right to be the clan's head after the old head, Darian's grandfather died before he could pick a successor. As Darian entered his later teens, the rift between the two halves continued to grow until one night where the half lead by his Uncle attacked at night. During the battle, Darian's dad sacrificed himself to give Darian and Violet time to escape, but while they where escaping, Darian and Violet got separated. After he escaped, Darian tried searching for Violet to see if she made it to the outside world, but to no avail. This caused Darian to believe that she was killed during the fall.

Relationships: Darian isn't close to many, he has a few acquaintances but no-one he'd truly call a friend. He has no familial ties as all his family he was close to was killed to his knowledge.


Enhanced swordsmanship - Darian possesses the innate aptitude for the ways of the sword, including anything sword-shaped (i.e daggers.) He is able to wield a sword with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing them to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets. While holding a weapon, he gains enhanced reactions being able to react to gunfire, though that doesn't mean he'll be able to move in time. He also can deflect projectiles such as arrows, but not bullets as bullets would break his swords.

Weapon Creation - Darian also possesses the ability to almost instantaneously create weapons from nothing. The weapons he creates seem to be some-type of metal with a hardness slightly harder than that of steel.

Power: (1-10) 6
The destructive power depends on which type of sword he's using. A dagger would be 4, most one-handed swords would be 5 and two-handed swords would be 6.
Defense: (1-10) 2 Defense-wise, Darian is barely stronger than a normal human.
Recovery: (1-10) 2 Darian's recovery is just like that of a normal human.
Range: (1-10) 3 Darian's weapons can only exist up to 25 ft away. He can also create throwing knives and throw them about 10-12 feet.
Speed: (1-10) 4 Darian when sprinting at full speed can barely reach 40 MPH. Though he can move his body itself at higher speed and faster reaction speeds.

Intended Tier: Beta


Weapon Creation: Any weapon Darian creates dissipates after three minutes, or if they are more than 25 ft from him. He also cannot create any modern weaponry, i.e guns. He can only have five weapons created at a time. If he creates a sixth the first one he made dissipates.


Enhanced swordsmanship: Anyone who is impervious to being cut will negate everything that Darian can do. Darian only keeps his boosted reaction-speeds and power while holding a weapon, should he let go of the weapon he keeps it for a few seconds, but then it goes away.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Horseback riding, parkour/freerunning, and sleight of hand.
Personal Items: Cellphone


Starting City:
Affiliation Underground Palace - does various jobs including stealing things, and contract killings
Signature Color: Color
Anything else I missed?
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Name: Junko Tanukana

Nickname(s): -

Alias: Zeva

Gender: Female

Age: 26



Height: 5’ 0”

Weight: 100 lbs


Body Modifications/Implants: None besides piercings she normally wears

Blood Type: AB

Personality: Junko is an artist. Her art is music. Her passion is shown through deep base and haunting melodies. Music is normally the thing where Junko can attain peace. But outside of making chilled and disturbing music Junko is known as a firecracker. People that have worked with her can openly state that the artist has a short temper. When asked about the outburst and fits she often throws, Junko normally just shrugs. She doesn’t think about it. The girl says that not a lot pisses her off. But some of the things that do are constantly around her. Junko says she's not a people person and something that would just make one person upset tips her over the edge. And in the music industry, that sort of behavior is seen quite often. Not to mention the venues she visits and plays at.

Backstory: Junko has often been known for her behavior even through school. She has snapped at classmates and has been in detentions so often teachers often had seats, reserved for her, away from the rest of the class. She’d seen plenty of counselors and Junko’s parents even had her see a psychiatrist. That got nowhere with the doctor saying Junko was constantly closed off. Meditation, art classes, and social gatherings still didn’t help. The first thing that Junko seemed to take a liking to was a martial arts class her parents enrolled her in. She became very devoted and it seemed like Junko finally had something she could release her energy through. That was until a competition where she demonstrated her pent up energy on her competitors during the one-on-one fights. Almost all of her fights were won by knockout and her instructor immediately knew there was a problem. It wasn’t until she hospitalized her last opponent that her instructor called for an immediate removal of Junko from his class. Of course this outraged the girl and she responded by lashing out at her teacher. He fended her off but not before he suffered a sprained wrist just blocking one punch Junko threw. It took several grown adults to subdue her and remove her from the property.

Afterwards Junko kept to herself, even blocking out the parents from life. She kept to herself, now getting more into music towards the start of her college life. Occasionally, she would be seen still practicing martial arts and even with a wooden sword. But then it was back to secluding herself. Sometimes heavy thumps would be heard in the house but she would merely just apologize. It would seem that music was taking up all her attention because the fits seemed to stop. Junko became absorbed in her music and her private training sessions.

Little did others know that on the day of the martial arts’ competition Junko learned that she could make her punches and kicks do much more than normal. She first found this out at the arcade on a machine that was designed to test the strength of the person playing it. It was just a cushion you’d hit and it would gauge your strength depending on how hard it was hit. Upon hitting it the first time, the machine said that Junko was hitting at the strength of a professional boxer. Junko broke the machine when she wanted to test how hard she could really hit. She thought she had super strength but soon found out she had more.

One day when Junko was walking to her apartment, now living alone, she was crossing a bridge when a group of kids on skateboards bumped into her. She had her laptop in hand and the bump made her collide with the railing of the bridge. She dropped the laptop threw the railing and it fell. Much of the music she’d made in the past 4 years were on the laptop and seeing it fall towards the river at bottom sent a wave of panic through the girl’s body. She immediately tried to reach out and grab it but the notebook was already halfway towards the water. But the object had ceased its descent. Surprised at the situation Junko lost concentration and her laptop did fall into the river. But a more important discovery had been made. Not only did she possess increased strength but she seemed to have the ability to move things with her mind as well.

Since then she has lived in the darkest part of Blackfall and has great influence there. She's well known in the underground world and respected for being a person with abilities that actually looks out for them. In turn they offer the same. She has the Blackfall underground world at her back and despite living in the most densely crowded crime area she is rarely bothered. At least not on purpose for she has left prime examples of those who would try to do any harm to her.

Relationships: Maybe her parents?


Abilities: Telekinesis - Junko can manipulate the area around her with precision and speed. Only the effect of her abilities can be seen.

Enhanced Strength

  • Power: (4) (Junko has the strength of a top athlete pumped up with adrenaline. She can lift heavy objects like light to moderately sized vehicles but she can’t completely pick them up. Her telekinesis strength is powerful enough to seize a regular sized vehicle but would have difficulty stopping anything larger in its tracks. In close proximity (about 18 feet) the strength of her telekinesis is much stronger and measures at a 6 but is only in short burst. She can’t lift a heavy vehicle and keep it afloat but she can flip it out of her way if she desired so. Junko has also taught herself how to use her telekinesis to act as a jigsaw that can cut up to 2 inches deep. This takes an immense amount of concentration to the point where Junko uses her finger to guide this ability and has to be no farther than a foot from the intended target.)

  • Defense: (4) (Even though Junko possess enhanced strength she must rely on the mastery of her Telekinesis skills for proper defense. Her enhanced strength doesn’t do much in terms of making her take less damage from fatal weapons, objects, or attacks)

  • Recovery: (2) (Recovery is the same as any healthy human)

  • Range: (Enhanced Strength-1: Telekinesis-5) (Junko’s reach is that of several meters. But the strength of her Telekinesis weakens the further she tries to use it. Her ability is strongest within a 12 feet radius but starts to fall off beyond that. Her melee abilities are just that; melee)

  • Speed: (4) (Enhanced strength allows Junko to perform better than the average human and that with the combination of her Telekinesis can give her very fast burst of speed.)

Tier: Beta

Limits: Junko’s Telekinesis may be powerful but it’s strength decreases the further Junko has to use her ability. If she wants to hit something at even a moderate distance then Junko must throw an object that is within that 18 feet radius. The furthest Junko has been able to use her abilities is the same as the effective firing range of a pistol (between 20-15 meters.)

Junko’s average enhanced Strength is only at an athletic human’s level when they are at peak adrenaline levels. So punching holes through walls, chucking vehicles, and leaping buildings isn’t exactly on her list of possibilities.


Telekinesis - Junko needs focus and a certain level of concentration to perform advanced techniques using this ability. Junko can’t use the ability while asleep and even being drugged can lead to either low or no performance of this power since it takes concentration. At greater distances than 18 feet the strength of her ability falters as well. Her Telekinesis cannot reach Past 20-25 meters

Enhanced Strength - Junko can still feel muscle strain and get tired and worn out. It just takes a little bit longer. She can’t heal immediately so injuries can still take a toll on her in the midst of battle.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Martial Arts (excelling in Karate, Muay Thai, Systema, and a unique self taught sword style that involves her main katana and several other blades used by her Telekinesis.)

Equipment: She carries a poster tube that holds one Shirasaya (Katana without Guard) and several blades without handles.

Handwrap. (If she’s expecting a fight then her hands will already be wrapped.

Personal Items: Laptop, Axent Wear headphones (cat ear headphones), smartphone, unusual fashion sense.


Starting City: Blackfall

Affiliation: Not currently affiliated with anyone

Signature Color: Navy Blue

Extra: Junko Tanukana - YouTube (link to the type of music Junko does)
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Name: Junko Tanukana

Nickname(s): -

Alias: Zeva

Gender: Female

Age: 26



Height: 5’ 0”

Weight: 100 lbs


Body Modifications/Implants: None besides piercings she normally wears

Blood Type: AB

Personality: Junko is an artist. Her art is music. Her passion is shown through deep base and haunting melodies. Music is normally the thing where Junko can attain peace. But outside of making chilled and disturbing music Junko is known as a firecracker. People that have worked with her can openly state that the artist has a short temper. When asked about the outburst and fits she often throws, Junko normally just shrugs. She doesn’t think about it. The girl says that not a lot pisses her off. But some of the things that do are constantly around her. Junko says she hates people that take advantage of those less fortunate. “People that punch down.” And in the music industry, that sort of behavior is seen quite often. Not to mention the venues she visits and plays at.

Backstory: Junko has often been known for her behavior even through school. She has snapped at classmates and has been in detentions so often teachers often had seats, reserved for her, away from the rest of the class. She’d seen plenty of counselors and Junko’s parents even had her see a psychiatrist. That got nowhere with the doctor saying Junko was constantly closed off. Meditation, art classes, and social gatherings still didn’t help. The first thing that Junko seemed to take a liking to was a martial arts class her parents enrolled her in. She became very devoted and it seemed like Junko finally had something she could release her energy through. That was until a competition where she demonstrated her pent up energy on her competitors during the one-on-one fights. Almost all of her fights were won by knockout and her instructor immediately knew there was a problem. It wasn’t until she hospitalized her last opponent that her instructor called for an immediate removal of Junko from his class. Of course this outraged the girl and she responded by lashing out at her teacher. He fended her off but not before he suffered a sprained wrist just blocking one punch Junko threw. It took several grown adults to subdue her and remove her from the property.

Afterwards Junko kept to herself, even blocking out the parents from life. She kept to herself, now getting more into music towards the start of her college life. Occasionally, she would be seen still practicing martial arts and even with a wooden sword. But then it was back to secluding herself. Sometimes heavy thumps would be heard in the house but she would merely just apologize. It would seem that music was taking up all her attention because the fits seemed to stop. Junko became absorbed in her music and her private training sessions.

Little did others know that on the day of the martial arts’ competition Junko learned that she could make her punches and kicks do much more than normal. She first found this out at the arcade on a machine that was designed to test the strength of the person playing it. It was just a cushion you’d hit and it would gauge your strength depending on how hard it was hit. Upon hitting it the first time, the machine said that Junko was hitting at the strength of a professional boxer. Junko broke the machine when she wanted to test how hard she could really hit. She thought she had super strength but soon found out she had more.

One day when Junko was walking to her apartment, now living alone, she was crossing a bridge when a group of kids on skateboards bumped into her. She had her laptop in hand and the bump made her collide with the railing of the bridge. She dropped the laptop threw the railing and it fell. Much of the music she’d made in the past 4 years were on the laptop and seeing it fall towards the river at bottom sent a wave of panic through the girl’s body. She immediately tried to reach out and grab it but the notebook was already halfway towards the water. But the object had ceased its descent. Surprised at the situation Junko lost concentration and her laptop did fall into the river. But a more important discovery had been made. Not only did she possess increased strength but she seemed to have the ability to move things with her mind as well.

Relationships: Maybe her parents?


Abilities: Telekinesis - Junko can manipulate the area around her with precision and speed. Only the effect of her abilities can be seen.

Enhanced Strength

  • Power: (6) (Even with her enhanced strength and Telekinesis, Junko doesn’t brute force her way through most opposition. And her telekinesis has limits.

  • Defense: (4) (Even though Junko possess enhanced strength she must rely on the mastery of her Telekinesis skills for proper defense. Her enhanced strength doesn’t do much in terms of making her take less damage from fatal weapons, objects, or attacks)

  • Recovery: (4) (Junko’s enhanced strength seems to also act as self-repairing when it comes to anything that would affect that ability specifically. Like bones, muscles, skin cells.

  • Range: (Enhanced Strength-1: Telekinesis-7) (Though Junko cannot reach very far she is very adept in manipulating the area around her. Her reach is about 18 feet in a radius but she can hurl items of moderate size at a furious speed. Her melee abilities are just that; melee)

  • Speed: (4) (Enhanced strength allows Junko to perform better than the average human and that with the combination of her Telekinesis can give her very fast burst of speed.)

Beta Tier:

Limits: Junko’s Telekinesis may be powerful but it’s range is greatly limited. If she wants to hit something at even a moderate distance then Junko must throw an object.

Junko’s average enhanced Strength is only at an above average human’s level when they are at peak adrenaline levels. So punching holes through walls and leaping buildings isn’t exactly on her list of possibilities.


Telekinesis - Junko needs focus and a certain level of concentration to perform advanced techniques using this ability. Junko can’t use the ability while asleep and even being drugged can lead to either low or no performance of this power since it takes concentration.

Enhanced Strength - Junko can still feel muscle strain and get tired and worn out. It just takes a little bit longer. She can’t heal immediately so injuries can still take a toll on her in the midst of battle.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Martial Arts (including multiple fighting styles and sword training)

Equipment: She carries a poster tube that holds one Shirasaya (Katana without Guard) and several blades without handles.

Handwrap. (If she’s expecting a fight then her hands will already be wrapped.

Personal Items: Laptop, Axent Wear headphones (cat ear headphones), smartphone, unusual fashion sense.


Starting City: Callinety or Blackfall

Affiliation: Who are they sided with? THIS IS NOT ALIGNMENT!

Signature Color: Navy Blue

Extra: Junko Tanukana - YouTube (link to the type of music Junko does)

The personality and backstory are fine, but the main thing I have is the lack of description for the powers and the balancing of the powers itself.

1st. You have no defined strength limit, and you wrote power as a 6. That makes her in the ability range of being able to lift a heavy vehicle with either her telekinesis, her enhanced strength, or both. Please give a measurement of her strength, in tons or pounds or an example, and also how much she can lift with telekinesis.

2nd. The range. 7 is the range of a sniper rifle. 7 is about 900 meters (0.9km) and 8 is about 1.5 km. An 18 foot radius, or about 5.5 meters, falls under the range of 5.

3rd. Recovery. Enhanced strength does not repair damaged tissue. Sure, the muscles can hold a broken bone together but the bone will take the same time to heal. If she has a regenerative healing factor, say so. (Though telekinesis and enhanced strength are enough for a beta tier. A regeneration factor would put her in gamma, which is not happening at the time.) Her recovery would be a 1 or a 2, depending on how healthy she is.

You're missing starting city and affiliation.

Name: Darian Kingsley
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: (Can't think of one atm)
Gender: Male



Weight: 177

Body Modifications/Implants:

Blood Type: AB+

Personality: Darian seems, at first glance like he's an asshole but once one gets to know him, they realize that Darian is actually a nice guy. He cares immensely for his friends, and should one get harmed he would hunt down whoever did it should they ask. Darian believes life is a privilege, and the only way to lose the privilege is to take an innocent's life. Darian is rather adventurous, and throws himself into fights whenever a chance arises. In a way, he considers himself an artist with his art being swordplay.

Backstory: Darian was born to a family who owned land far away from major cities. The family was a clan of swordsman that has trained in various sword types from around the world. The clan has existed on the land for a few generations, though the clan was split slowly over those generations until tensions between of the clan reached a breaking point. The clan split into two while Darian was a young teenager. One half was lead by his father, and the other by his uncle. The dispute started over who had the right to be the clan's head after the old head, Darian's grandfather died before he could pick a successor. As Darian entered his later teens, the rift between the two halves continued to grow until one night where the half lead by his Uncle attacked at night. During the battle, Darian's dad sacrificed himself to give Darian time to escape.

Relationships: Darian isn't close to many, he has a few acquaintances but no-one he'd truly call a friend. He has no familial ties as all his family he was close to was killed.


Enhanced swordsmanship - Darian possesses the innate aptitude for the ways of the sword, including anything sword-shaped (i.e daggers.) He is able to wield a sword with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing them to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets. While holding a weapon, he gains enhanced reactions being able to react to gunfire, though that doesn't mean he'll be able to react. He also can deflect projectiles such as arrows, but not bullets as bullets would break his swords.

Weapon Creation - Darian also possesses the ability to almost instantaneously create weapons from nothing. The weapons he creates seem to be some-type of metal with a hardness slightly harder than that of steel.

Power: (1-10) 6
The destructive power depends on which type of sword he's using. A dagger would be 4, most one-handed swords would be 5 and two-handed swords would be 6.
Defense: (1-10) 2 Defense-wise, Darian is barely stronger than a normal human.
Recovery: (1-10) 2 Darian's recovery is just like that of a normal human.
Range: (1-10) 3 Darian's weapons can only exist up to 25 ft away. He can also create throwing knives and throw them about 10-12 feet.
Speed: (1-10) 4 Darian when sprinting at full speed can barely reach 40 MPH. Though he can move his body itself at higher speed and faster reaction speeds.

Intended Tier: Beta


Weapon Creation: Any weapon Darian creates dissipates after three minutes, or if they are more than 25 ft from him. He also cannot create any modern weaponry, i.e guns. He can only have five weapons created at a time. If he creates a sixth the first one he made dissipates.


Enhanced swordsmanship: Anyone who is impervious to being cut will negate everything that Darian can do. Darian only keeps his boosted reaction-speeds and power while holding a weapon, should he let go of the weapon he keeps it for a few seconds, but then it goes away.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Horseback riding, parkour/freerunning, and sleight of hand.
Personal Items: Cellphone


Starting City:
Affiliation: Currently no affiliations
Signature Color: Color
Anything else I missed?

Accepted! Beta Tier!

Name: Xavier Winterbottom
Nickname(s): Booty Consumer
Alias: Spirit Dude
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Height: 5'9
Weight: 124
Costume: He typically wears the outfit in the picture above.
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: B+
Personality: Xavier is really vulgar and can be a mean guy. He is really a slice of life guy, but combined with a slice of life EX: "Hey Xavier, wanna get some tacos?" "YEAH! DO THEY SERVE ASS?!" He really doesn't trash talk anyone and is more sarcastic when coming to do that. He does have respect for others but barely any. Out in the world he is "The Doer" he is focused on immediate results, he's living at one place at one moment then another the next day, he's a risktaker, "OH?! SOME BADDIE SHOOTING DOWN GUYS WITH FLAMES? MEH, LETS DO IT!" He isn't respectful to law or anything in his way of what he is doing, though, he won't kill someone thats in his way. He's not a villain.
Backstory: Xavier was born into a middle class family. As a 5 year old he found that he could unleash a spirit, he used this and bragged about it to his friends. He loved the thing as he used it as a friend everyday, even though it was technically himself. One day he found a stack of dirty magazines in his big brothers collection of magazines. His brother found him but approved of it and they bonded together with the magazines. He typically could sneak magazines in with his power. One day mom and dad caught him and his brother browsing the magazines.
Relationships: Dad and mom, bigger brother, little sister, Samuel, his friend.

Abilities: True spirit. This allows his true spirit, personality, and inner self come out and form into a being that he can summon at will. He used to have quite a perverted inner self, but now since he's adventuring he has an adventuring inner self along with a tad of pervertness. His spirit is pure white with large yellow eyes and a pure black pirate hat. It has a slit for a mouth. He has a cloak on his back which is pure black with a golden outline. His spirit has a holster with a flintlock inside of it. The spirit allows Xavier to have an increased reaction time and enhanced speed. He is weaker than other heroes but with a good ol' speed barrage that can count in no time. His punches can hit rapidly which makes up for his strength. His spirit also allows him to have a good ol' dodge with the increased reaction time. On a casual day he traverses 115-130 MPH for a few minutes, then stops, he can go pretty fast though it can hurt him. He can go 350 MPH only for 30 seconds so he doesn't die, but soon after he stops he can go once more in a continuous cycle. He can react to things easily. He can react to a handgun bullet coming and easily dodge it. He has the reaction time of 70 ms.
Power: (1-10) 3
Defense: (1-10) 2
Recovery: (1-10) 2
Range: (1-10) 3
Speed: (1-10) 6
Intended Tier: Beta
Limits: Yes he can extend in the 300's or so but only for a few seconds, if he continues to go his flesh will begin to rip apart and his bones break. If he goes too fast he could trip.
When he goes too fast on someone he is easily hittable. He and his spirit tend to focus on one person at a time so sometimes he'll need a group alongside him to help in villain attacks. If he goes too fast he can run into something. If he goes too fast and the opponent manages to dodge he'll barrage the floor or wall resulting in pain to the fists. If his spirit gets hurt he gets hurt at the exact location the spirit was hurt.
Skills & Equipment
Skills: Thievery, he can easily snatch someones wallet. Climbing and parkour, he can easily get away from someone by climbing.
Equipment: Flintlock from his spirit. Small switchblade he carries around. A hammer.
Personal Items: Dirty magazines. Phone. Radio. Body pillow in the back seat of his favorite waifu. Camp set. Tooth brush. Tooth paste. Brush. Printed pictures of dirty...things.

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: Heroes, he doesn't like the "villain shit" as he has stated before.
Signature Color: Lavender
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Helios Armstrong
Nickname(s): Apollo, Helie, Sunshine
Alias: Starshine
Gender: Male
Age: 25


6, 2
Weight: 189lbs
Costume: Got a costume? (Optional!)
Blood Type: O+
Personality: Helios is a very positive person. He always smiles at one another and tries to have everyone be in a good mood. However, that comes at a cost. Helios isn't really smart and is self-conscious about it, since he is a bit insecure. Since he is always positive, negatively lives inside him and sometimes spills it all into great anger. Helios cares about everyone, including those considered villains. He believes everyone can be saved and has a no-killing rule.
Backstory: Helios was born in his mother's dying arms. She called him the brightest star in the sky before passing away. Helios' father, being the genius that he is, named Helios after the Greek/Roman sun god. Helios had a normal childhood with his father and step-mother, growing up to be the smartest kid in Middle School. He was as bright as the sun.

That is until Helios was dared to stare at the sun. That changed his life forever. Helios was sent to the hospital because he was blinded. In the hospital, they noticed the changed genetics of Helios and discovered he had superpowers. Eventually, he went back to school with his vision recovered but still damaged. There, his grades went downhill as he entered high school. In high school, Helios was bullied for his lack of vision. One day, Helios had enough and punched a kid into the ceiling.

Helios was sent home to his screaming, angered father. Helios had enough judgment and tension so he ran away to Blackfall. There, he had an experienced that changed his life for worse. He doesn't want to talk about. Eventually, Helios returned to find his father dead from suicide.

Helios failed high school and never went to college. Today, he owns a pub called the Hero's Special, where he works as the main bartender. Failing to live up to his parent's dreams, Helios wonders if he could have done more.
Relationships: Luna, his step-mother, his costumers

Helios gets his powers from the sun. If Helios forces and takes in the sunlight in the atmosphere like photosynthesis, he gains powers that increase his abilities. Helios is many a powerhouse that can punch really hard. There are different levels but they divide into threes; Base, Medium, and Max. Base means he has no powers, Medium means he has medium but controllable powers, and Max means he's powerful but he can't really control himself.

Base: Level 1
Power: 2
Defense: 2
Recovery: 1
Range: 2
Speed: 2

Medium: Levels 2, 3, 4
Power: 4
- His strength is, of course, his strongest advantage. He punches like a brick and is good to close combat.
Defense: 4 - Helios can defend himself from punches and some weapons.
Recovery: 3 - Helios doesn't recover very quickly. He can be out of the fight for a while.
Range: 2 - This is his worst strength. Helios must use his limbs up close to attack.
Speed: 3 - While Helios isn't a #fastboi, He can run faster than most humans.

Max: Levels 5, 6, 7
Power: 6
- His punches become super heavy and strong.
Defense: 2 - His defense actually gets worse since his strength takes up all the power.
Recovery: 1 - Helios is now super vulnerable.
Range: 3 - Helios' range increases by leaving burn marks.
Speed: 5 - Still not a #fastboi, but he's hard to hit.

Intended Tier: Beta Tier
Limits: Helios gets his powers from the sun, so when it's nighttime or cloudy, his powers are weaker. The stronger he gets, the less control and vulnerable he has so Helios prefers to stick with Medium power. Helios' vision gets worse as his powers goes on.
Weaknesses: If he uses his powers for too long, he will get sunburned, which is as painful as third-degree burns. Another thing that happens is if he gains too much power and goes past Level 7, he will explode and die.

Skills & Equipment
Since Helios' powers involve his punches, he uses no guns or weapons. Instead, he uses material arts and sword-fighting as his skills. Non fighting skills include bartending, barbecuing, and photography.
Equipment: Bow and Arrow (yet he barely uses it due to close combat powers and bad vision) and a Sword
Personal Items: 7 pairs of Glasses, A Rosery, A Sony Camera, Photo Album, and Sunscreen

Starting City:
Affiliation: Neutral
Signature Color: Yellow?
Extra: Helios is fucking stupid.

Accepted! Beta Tier!

Name: Junko Tanukana

Nickname(s): -

Alias: Zeva

Gender: Female

Age: 26



Height: 5’ 0”

Weight: 100 lbs


Body Modifications/Implants: None besides piercings she normally wears

Blood Type: AB

Personality: Junko is an artist. Her art is music. Her passion is shown through deep base and haunting melodies. Music is normally the thing where Junko can attain peace. But outside of making chilled and disturbing music Junko is known as a firecracker. People that have worked with her can openly state that the artist has a short temper. When asked about the outburst and fits she often throws, Junko normally just shrugs. She doesn’t think about it. The girl says that not a lot pisses her off. But some of the things that do are constantly around her. Junko says she hates people that take advantage of those less fortunate. “People that punch down.” And in the music industry, that sort of behavior is seen quite often. Not to mention the venues she visits and plays at.

Backstory: Junko has often been known for her behavior even through school. She has snapped at classmates and has been in detentions so often teachers often had seats, reserved for her, away from the rest of the class. She’d seen plenty of counselors and Junko’s parents even had her see a psychiatrist. That got nowhere with the doctor saying Junko was constantly closed off. Meditation, art classes, and social gatherings still didn’t help. The first thing that Junko seemed to take a liking to was a martial arts class her parents enrolled her in. She became very devoted and it seemed like Junko finally had something she could release her energy through. That was until a competition where she demonstrated her pent up energy on her competitors during the one-on-one fights. Almost all of her fights were won by knockout and her instructor immediately knew there was a problem. It wasn’t until she hospitalized her last opponent that her instructor called for an immediate removal of Junko from his class. Of course this outraged the girl and she responded by lashing out at her teacher. He fended her off but not before he suffered a sprained wrist just blocking one punch Junko threw. It took several grown adults to subdue her and remove her from the property.

Afterwards Junko kept to herself, even blocking out the parents from life. She kept to herself, now getting more into music towards the start of her college life. Occasionally, she would be seen still practicing martial arts and even with a wooden sword. But then it was back to secluding herself. Sometimes heavy thumps would be heard in the house but she would merely just apologize. It would seem that music was taking up all her attention because the fits seemed to stop. Junko became absorbed in her music and her private training sessions.

Little did others know that on the day of the martial arts’ competition Junko learned that she could make her punches and kicks do much more than normal. She first found this out at the arcade on a machine that was designed to test the strength of the person playing it. It was just a cushion you’d hit and it would gauge your strength depending on how hard it was hit. Upon hitting it the first time, the machine said that Junko was hitting at the strength of a professional boxer. Junko broke the machine when she wanted to test how hard she could really hit. She thought she had super strength but soon found out she had more.

One day when Junko was walking to her apartment, now living alone, she was crossing a bridge when a group of kids on skateboards bumped into her. She had her laptop in hand and the bump made her collide with the railing of the bridge. She dropped the laptop threw the railing and it fell. Much of the music she’d made in the past 4 years were on the laptop and seeing it fall towards the river at bottom sent a wave of panic through the girl’s body. She immediately tried to reach out and grab it but the notebook was already halfway towards the water. But the object had ceased its descent. Surprised at the situation Junko lost concentration and her laptop did fall into the river. But a more important discovery had been made. Not only did she possess increased strength but she seemed to have the ability to move things with her mind as well.

Relationships: Maybe her parents?


Abilities: Telekinesis - Junko can manipulate the area around her with precision and speed. Only the effect of her abilities can be seen.

Enhanced Strength

  • Power: (4) (Junko has the strength of a top athlete pumped up with adrenaline. She can lift heavy objects like light to moderately sized vehicles but she can’t completely pick them up. Her telekinesis strength is powerful enough to seize a regular sized vehicle but would have difficulty stopping anything larger in its tracks. In close proximity (about 18 feet) the strength of her telekinesis is much stronger and measures at a 6 but is only in short burst. She can’t lift a heavy vehicle and keep it afloat but she can flip it out of her way if she desired so. Junko has also taught herself how to use her telekinesis to act as a jigsaw that can cut up to 2 inches deep. This takes an immense amount of concentration to the point where Junko uses her finger to guide this ability and has to be no farther than a foot from the intended target.)

  • Defense: (4) (Even though Junko possess enhanced strength she must rely on the mastery of her Telekinesis skills for proper defense. Her enhanced strength doesn’t do much in terms of making her take less damage from fatal weapons, objects, or attacks)

  • Recovery: (2) (Recovery is the same as any healthy human)

  • Range: (Enhanced Strength-1: Telekinesis-5) (Junko’s reach is that of several meters. But the strength of her Telekinesis weakens the further she tries to use it. Her ability is strongest within a 12 feet radius but starts to fall off beyond that. Her melee abilities are just that; melee)

  • Speed: (4) (Enhanced strength allows Junko to perform better than the average human and that with the combination of her Telekinesis can give her very fast burst of speed.)

Tier: Beta

Limits: Junko’s Telekinesis may be powerful but it’s strength decreases the further Junko has to use her ability. If she wants to hit something at even a moderate distance then Junko must throw an object that is within that 18 feet radius. The furthest Junko has been able to use her abilities is the same as the effective firing range of a pistol (between 20-15 meters.)

Junko’s average enhanced Strength is only at an athletic human’s level when they are at peak adrenaline levels. So punching holes through walls, chucking vehicles, and leaping buildings isn’t exactly on her list of possibilities.


Telekinesis - Junko needs focus and a certain level of concentration to perform advanced techniques using this ability. Junko can’t use the ability while asleep and even being drugged can lead to either low or no performance of this power since it takes concentration. At greater distances than 18 feet the strength of her ability falters as well. Her Telekinesis cannot reach Past 20-25 meters

Enhanced Strength - Junko can still feel muscle strain and get tired and worn out. It just takes a little bit longer. She can’t heal immediately so injuries can still take a toll on her in the midst of battle.

Skills & Equipment

Skills: Martial Arts (excelling in Karate, Muay Thai, Systema, and a unique self taught sword style that involves her main katana and several other blades used by her Telekinesis.)

Equipment: She carries a poster tube that holds one Shirasaya (Katana without Guard) and several blades without handles.

Handwrap. (If she’s expecting a fight then her hands will already be wrapped.

Personal Items: Laptop, Axent Wear headphones (cat ear headphones), smartphone, unusual fashion sense.


Starting City: Blackfall

Affiliation: Not currently affiliated with anyone

Signature Color: Navy Blue

Extra: Junko Tanukana - YouTube (link to the type of music Junko does)

Accepted! Beta Tier!
Name: Xavier Winterbottom
Nickname(s): Booty Consumer
Alias: Spirit Dude
Gender: Male
Age: 18

View attachment 381031
Height: 5'9
Weight: 124
Costume: He typically wears the outfit in the picture above.
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: B+
Personality: Xavier is really vulgar and can be a mean guy. He is really a slice of life guy, but combined with a slice of life EX: "Hey Xavier, wanna get some tacos?" "YEAH! DO THEY SERVE ASS?!" He really doesn't trash talk anyone and is more sarcastic when coming to do that. He does have respect for others but barely any. Out in the world he is "The Doer" he is focused on immediate results, he's living at one place at one moment then another the next day, he's a risktaker, "OH?! SOME BADDIE SHOOTING DOWN GUYS WITH FLAMES? MEH, LETS DO IT!" He isn't respectful to law or anything in his way of what he is doing, though, he won't kill someone thats in his way. He's not a villain.
Backstory: Xavier was born into a middle class family. As a 5 year old he found that he could unleash a spirit, he used this and bragged about it to his friends. He loved the thing as he used it as a friend everyday, even though it was technically himself. One day he found a stack of dirty magazines in his big brothers collection of magazines. His brother found him but approved of it and they bonded together with the magazines. He typically could sneak magazines in with his power. One day mom and dad caught him and his brother browsing the magazines.
Relationships: Dad and mom, bigger brother, little sister, Samuel, his friend.

Abilities: True spirit. This allows his true spirit, personality, and inner self come out and form into a being that he can summon at will. He used to have quite a perverted inner self, but now since he's adventuring he has an adventuring inner self along with a tad of pervertness. His spirit is pure white with large yellow eyes and a pure black pirate hat. It has a slit for a mouth. He has a cloak on his back which is pure black with a golden outline. His spirit has a holster with a flintlock inside of it. The spirit allows Xavier to have an increased reaction time and enhanced speed. He is weaker than other heroes but with a good ol' speed barrage that can count in no time. His punches can hit rapidly which makes up for his strength. His spirit also allows him to have a good ol' dodge with the increased reaction time. On a casual day he traverses 115-130 MPH for a few minutes, then stops, he can go pretty fast though it can hurt him. He can go 350 MPH only for 30 seconds so he doesn't die, but soon after he stops he can go once more in a continuous cycle. He can react to things easily. He can react to a handgun bullet coming and easily dodge it. He has the reaction time of 70 ms.
Power: (1-10) 3
Defense: (1-10) 2
Recovery: (1-10) 2
Range: (1-10) 3
Speed: (1-10) 6
Intended Tier: Beta
Limits: Yes he can extend in the 300's or so but only for a few seconds, if he continues to go his flesh will begin to rip apart and his bones break. If he goes too fast he could trip.
When he goes too fast on someone he is easily hittable. He and his spirit tend to focus on one person at a time so sometimes he'll need a group alongside him to help in villain attacks. If he goes too fast he can run into something. If he goes too fast and the opponent manages to dodge he'll barrage the floor or wall resulting in pain to the fists. If his spirit gets hurt he gets hurt at the exact location the spirit was hurt.
Skills & Equipment
Skills: Thievery, he can easily snatch someones wallet. Climbing and parkour, he can easily get away from someone by climbing.
Equipment: Flintlock from his spirit. Small switchblade he carries around. A hammer.
Personal Items: Dirty magazines. Phone. Radio. Body pillow in the back seat of his favorite waifu. Camp set. Tooth brush. Tooth paste. Brush. Printed pictures of dirty...things.

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: Heroes, he doesn't like the "villain shit" as he has stated before.
Signature Color: Lavender

Accepted! Beta Tier!


PS. He a fastboi
Nickname(s): Astra
Alias: Electra
Gender: Female, but likely requires Firetruck assistance
Age: 14



Height: 5'4
Weight: 98

Body Modifications/Implants: Nope
Blood Type: B-
For a silent person, Astraea gets her sense of sass across. She makes sure her opinions are known, sometimes by means a bit too outrageous. Although she likes to be heard, Astra needs her space from other humans. (If you're a doggo you are not allowed to leave). She doesn't quite always understand other people's limits and has a habit of pushing them a little too far. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's a bad habit that pops up. Either way, she's not afraid to fight back even without physical violence. Astra seems to have forgotten that she's allowed to back down, now seeming like she's constantly in a mood to fight. It's a way of life for her, and she strongly dislikes those who refuse to stand for themselves and fake it till they make it.
For a child to have a stable mental health, they usually need something of a structure. Some say that structure is what keeps the mind in check. Welcome to the world with nothing of the sort. As a baby, Astraea's vocal chords were damaged by a rather unfortunate event that landed her mother in jail. Her father did perfectly fine raising her until she was around five, when he too was arrested (He had a thing for illegal substances). Astraea was placed with a foster home and this was when she broke the world. For a little five year old, having powers is the greatest thing ever! They don't understand the dangers of messing with these things...

Astraea set her drawings on fire to make her foster sibling believe that she had powers. Kevin, the foster sibling, mocked the muted girl in a whiny voice and tried to set his own paper on fire. Astra, being a reasonable five year old, grabbed his shirt and set that on fire too. She didn't understand that immense heat would harm anything, so she was rather annoyed to watch Kevin wailing and shrieking. What the heck Kevin, shut up you're fine.

Kevin was not fine, and neither was the house. Their foster mother ran into the room to try and save Kevin and abandoned her cookies in the oven. The cookies and oven caught fire and the house decided to be extra flammable that day by having a dried christmas tree just ready to burst into flames. Short to say, the house was not fine and Astra was sent somewhere else (Still no one knew how the fire started. Ps, Kevin lived).

One burned house later and Astraea decided houses sucked and that she was going to live in a tree with her new friend George. She and George ran away from their foster parents and got lost in a park. George got scared and ran away from her after Astra made a fire to keep them warm. Astra considered this rude and stuck her tongue out at him while enjoying watching her very large wood pile burn. (RIP forrest she murdered)

If you skip to a few years forward, Astra had put herself back in school by simply signing up with a woman who pretended to be her mother. School was interesting for her, and she picked up reading quickly. Though she couldn't talk back to her taunters, she sure could punch them hard.

At age thirteen, she set up an appointment with a larger hero agency in Callinety to have her abilities measured and to apply for a job. While she was a bit too young to actually have a job, the agency signed her up as a trainee where she could be sent out as assistance for the actual heroes. The name Electra means "The Fiery Sun" in greek.
Kevin-Nearly killed when five
Annie-Set house on fire at six years old
Lauren-Hero agency contact

Heat Energy Generation/Manipulation
Flash-A smaller amount of effort used to create a visible flame. Can be used as close range attacks and fired in short bursts to cause slight damage. Range minimal, power on lower end and could cause 1st degree burns or singeing of hit area.
Flare-Takes a medium amount of effort and concentration, but can be used for a much wider range of purposes. This can be used to create a line of energy manifested in the form of fire. Range is a bit farther, spreading around 10 feet at most, but with 2nd degree burns inevitable upon hit (Not taking into account other abilities). The flare can be used as a beam, or a defensive wall (Wall only covers one side of user, and is only a small area).
Blast-The largest amount of power that can be used. The Heat energy(Fire) can be projected in a dome like manner around user to create a full barrier. Capable of causing 3rd-4th degree burns on those who come in contact with the attack. Attack is diluted slightly when used in the dome format, but when fired in a beam like manner it becomes capable of causing 5th to 6th degree burns. Used in that form, accuracy is reduced immensely.
Power: 7 (Her highest power when in full use is capable of melting a car and severely injuring a person)
Defense: 2 (The defense is that of a regular human, though she is able to block many things should they come too near.
Recovery: 1 (While her power is high, her rate of recovery is slow even for a regular person)
Range: 5 (When using her powers to full potential, she has a much higher range than average human)
Speed: 2 (Her average highest speed achieved was 15 miles per hour when running on foot, making her on the slower end of heroes)
Intended Tier: Beta

-Fire needs oxygen to burn, take away oxygen and you remove the fire.
-Using full power takes a lot of stamina and using an attack can cause recoil similar to that of a gun.
-Energy has to come from somewhere, no source for energy and no fire. (Aka, needs a larger amount of food to use power)
-The effect of the attack depends almost entirely on who it's interacting with. If the opponent has a far higher tolerance of the attack, there may be no effect.
-Without access to oxygen, fire is completely useless and will not be able to generate.
-The colder the temperature, the harder it is to create and maintain heat energy. Meaning a freezing temperature will drain her energy faster.

Skills & Equipment

-Rock Climbing (Without safety gear)
-Sign Language (ASL)
-Fire tending
-Effective house demolishing
-Sewing (Though not very well)
Pocket knife
Backpack capable of holding as much as a highschool student taking all AP classes
Hero Costume
Personal Items:
Sweat clothes (Shirts and pants) x7
Crunchy bois (Pretzels)

Starting City:
Affiliation: Hero Association (Undefined currently)
Signature Color: Astra will be hecking blue
Last edited:
Suzume Mori
Nickname(s): Suzu
Alias: Good-Witch
Gender: Female
Age: 20

View attachment 380195
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 120lbs
Costume: None
Body Modifications/Implants: none
Blood Type: O+
Personality: Caretaker, wants to help those who world shows back or don't have money to go hospital. Doesn't want anyone harm anyone, if able she would stop argues at begin.
She stayes calm in every situtation. Suzume's goal is to get homeless have better living conditions and in health care. She doesn't like wars and fightings.
Backstory: Suzume had easy childhood at Japan, she was friendly with everyone at school, when she started show her powers, she was trained by her grandmother to use her powers.
She was 16 when she married to rich american consutant, who taked her to first live 2 years in Russian, where she learned more about different style medication ways, before he taked her to Blackfall. There they where attacked near slums, sending their car to river, killing her husband and driver. Suzume was rescued by locals and she made choise to start helping them, after not getting anyone help them, she moved to slums too. She gets money from selling medical salves to nearly hospital and some locals sometimes pay her little bit.
Relationships: None

Healing hands: Heals other than permanent injuries and abnormal injuries by touch. Is faster at under sunlight
Calming touch; Can calm down even raging rhyno by touch. Also is stronger at under sunlight.
Power: (1-10) 2
Defense: (1-10) 2
Recovery: (1-10) 5 (4)
Range: (1-10) 1
Speed: (1-10) 2
Intended Tier: Alpha
Healing hands
  • Limited to only others
  • By touch
  • Doesn't work on permanent injuries or abnormal injuries that cannot be treated.
  • Can’t raise the dead
Calming aura
  • By touch
  • Works 5 minutes after touch

Weaknesses: Darkness
Believes that everyone can be good.

Skills & Equipment
Can speak japanese, russian and english.
Knows how to do healing salves and potions from local plants and how to grew them.
Knows how to make clean water.
Has some basic medical education.
Equipment: stethoscope, water cleaning equipments, cauldron where she makes potions, medical equipments.
Personal Items:

Starting City:
Affiliation: None
Signature Color: You can either state a color or provide me with a hex code of one. This will be the color of your character's chart.
Extra: Has own shinto altar

Accepted! Alpha Tier!
Mark Worthington
Nickname(s): The Steamy Robot
Alias: The Goldman
Gender: Male
Age: Biologically 3, Physiologically 30


Weight: 175 pounds
Costume: See above.
Body Modifications/Implants: Whole body is metal.
Blood Type: None
Personality: Mark is a robot. But that doesn't mean he does not have feelings. Mark tends to want a happy outlook on life, and sees the best in people. But he also has seen stuff that no person wants to see. When he is in his buisness kode, he tries to be pragmatic, but also kind. His way with dealing criminals is tending to throw them into jail, but kills them if he has to. He believes in rehabilitation and sometimes talks with his enemies. He has even gotten a few to become good.

He wants to be liked, and for people not to see him as this dangerous robot. He will often avoid interviews when he can so he won't get questioned about stuff. He feels like he has a duty since his maker died, and so he tries to live up to him. He contemplates his life when he is not working, or when he has nothing to do. He has respect towards other heroes like him because just like him, they are doing good work. No matter what he has gone through, or what the world throws at him, Mark still goes on.
Backstory: Mark Worthington was a wealthy man. His father and mother were famous people for creating one of the first robots, and have been in the technology buisness ever since. Mark wanted to live up to that, and studied hard. He even isolated himself to make his parents proud. But all that came back were failed tests, and robots that never worked. Mark never stopped.

After college, he was finally finished on working on a robot. He used his money, and his blood and tears. Then the robot turned on. Mark was happy, and started making other robots based off of the original one. He started taking over his parents buisness, and when his parents died in a car crash, he fully took over the buisness. As Mark created his latest robot, someone founded about the robots.

Mark was in his office with the latest robot he made. When he heard a knock on his door, he opened it. That was the last day Mark Worthington lived. But the robot who was with him turned on. Everything was hard to look at first, but it was a instinct that the robot knew his creator was the one on the floor, dead. Grief overtook the robot, and felt compassion.

Unkown to the robot, Mark had made it so that it would recognize him when the robots would wake up, and have them slowly develope feelings. As he saw the agents walking around, the robot quickly used his skills that Mark had put in there to defeat the agents. The robot had felt a lot of feelings that day. The robot jumped out the window into a river, and was carried away.

As the robot came on land, he saw on billboards that Mark Worthington, his maker, was dead. So the robot decided to take the identity of Mark Worthington. It took a year for Mark, the robot to get a job. A illegal one. He had to do jobs often, and finally one day, got his own nice home. As more robots were created, and sentient ones came out, so did Mark.

Society could not handle this, so Mark had to stay home often. But while at home, he started using the supplies that the original Mark gave him. The robot, Mark quickly used his knowledge of what his maker supplied him with to upgrade his home ND body. When the day came that people allowed robots to have jobs, Mark looked for jobs.

When he found a job as a detective, he applied for it. Those months were hard, as nobody would try to trust him. He kept working, and working, until he was ready to become a detective. That landed him his money to get into a better house. As he kept on working, he saw heroes. He never really cared for them before, but rememered about how the original Mark Worthington tried to do good.

So after having to illegally get guns, he started working as he a hero. The public called him The Goldman because his armor was golf and armor. He continued to work as a both a hero, and as a detective. He knew, that this was his life.
Relationships: Orginazation Mark Worthington: Dead, but still someone the robot Mark Worthington looks up too.
Strength: Mark has the ability to lift cars, and blow people back with a punch. A punch that is meant to be hard is dangerous to someone with no powers.
Agility: Mark has more agility than most, and is pretty fast.
Armor: His body is robot armor, so it can take strong hits.
No Food: He doesn't need to drink or eat.
Power: 6- Mark can cause dents in cars, and can break a few bones in someone's body with a really hard punch.
Defense: 5- Mark is able to shrugged off most bullete, up to shotguns. He can not take any RPGS, or tazers because electricity seems to mess with a robot.
Recovery: 2- If you are able to injure Mark, then he is like most people. He can be burned, and when he is damged, he can be shot and injured, but he can also use his enineering abilities to fix himself.
Range: 5- Mark was applied with eyes that can follow a target to medium range or anything shorter than that.
Speed: 3- Mark was given enhanced agility, so he can go pretty fast.
Intended Tier: Gamma
Limits: Fuel- Mark has to fuel himself with oil so he doesn't shut down. If he over over overworks himself then his Fuel goes down a lot more quickly, and he glitches out, so he has to be careful
Weaknesses: Anything Stronger- Shotguns, while not able to damged him can get his defense low, so he is more accessible to attacks, and anything stronger than that will injure him.
Shunned- People fear what they don't understand. He often has to be careful as both a hero and someone trying to get by, as people are often scared of him and attack him.
Viruses- If someone is able to get into his sytem, the only thing he can do is try to fight it, but he still has a constant chance from getting viruses from outside forces, or from his system.
Electricity- Electricity seems to stun him and injure him from time to time, making it harder to move.
Who is there?- A robot living in a town is noticeable. So anytime he is shut down and fueling, he can be attacked without waking up.
Sleep- He has to shut down for a night like everyone else, an different he doesn't he seems to malfunction and stop moving.
Skills & Equipment
Egineering- He has experience with Egineering and fixing stuff.
Detrctive- He is a detective, and so he knows what to do at a crime scene, and when to use his skills to catch someone.
Equipment: Two Pistols- He carries special pistols he made, which is able to hurt someone, but make it feel worse than it is.
Tiny Helicopter- Mark created a tiny helicopter, which he uses to scan the area, and uses it as a scout.
Personal Items: He carries his personal pipe around him, both as a hero, regular robot, and a detective.
He carries a journal/notebook. He uses it to write his experiencee, and to make notes.

Starting City:
Callinety, Section Two
Affiliation: Police Department
Signature Color: Gold
Extra: N/A
(Here it is.)
Name: Napoleon Lutchman
Nickname(s): The-One-You-Don't-Want-To-Speak-To
Alias: Man Of Silence
Gender: Male
Age: 45



Height: 6'5
Weight: 167
Costume: He typically gets bored of the ol' costume, so he just wears dark clothing, usually a coat with a undershirt and shades on, even at night time for some odd reason.
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: O-
Personality: Napoleon is quite the protector. He wishes to protect the world of the evil doers of the world. He is quiet, but forceful. He is a original man as well. He tends to stick to things until his task is accomplished. He is a quiet and a peaceful man, just loving all the nature around him. He thinks of the loud risk takers as an annoyance and hates to work with them. He loves skillful thinkers that can do their job correctly and plan. He has even said he wants to die in peace, not wanting to die in battle and die finishing his job. Overall he is a calm, peaceful, and smart man.
Backstory: Napoleon was born into adoption, his mother not wanting to keep him because he was an accident and wished to give him to a better family. Napoleon had spent years in the adoption center, he was odd because well, he was quiet, he didn't spend time doing the normal things like other kids did. He didn't even talk to his teachers at school. Napoleon was an all A kid, being the top at his classes, his teachers loved him. His powers didn't manifest until he was eight years old where a couple of kids decided to try and rip him off his dignity and take him down. The kids had hated that Napoleon was the best and just wanted him gone. Napoleon remained calm and easily got away from the kids attacks as they were just running and trying to ram him. Thats when Napoleon only got slightly irritated and unlocked his power. With his power he took out part of the water molecules from the childs body, the child was instantly dehydrated and had a migraine. The kid forfeited from his pain. Napoleon liked his power. He could see the molecules and atoms of everything around him. He practiced everyday alone in the adoption center. One day a family came in and found Napoleon, they were the Lutchman's. They saw him as a interesting child and took him in. Napoleon and his new little sister Margaery were a like. Though, Margaery was only a alpha tier and could manipulate flowers, he loved Margaery as if she was really his little sister. Napoleon still grew speaking few words, but his parents still kept him. Napoleon grew and finally got a full scholarship to a college where he spent 4 years getting a masters degree. Napoleons occupation was a scientist working with atoms and molecular organisms. He loved his job dearly. At his house he trained for both fitness and his power. He found out new ways to use his power, such as bringing multiple molecules together and firing them. Such as fire, he brought multiple molecules together to form multiple chemical reactions, creating a fire blast. Most people know not to get on the bad side of Napoleon as he can use his ability to great lengths.
Relationships: He really hasn't had any but his little sister that he vows to protect from the villains of the world.

Abilities: Molecule and atom manipulation. With this ability he can even see molecules and atoms of things he holds, sees, etc. He can change properties of things around such as the child, he stole some of the water in his body and made him dehydrated. With this as stated earlier he can combine atoms and molecules to form chemical reactions and fire things off. Not only does he have this good power but he knows how to use it well. This power can vary on the different molecular elements he uses. Though he can't easily take all the blood from someones body and kill them instantly as he has limits which will be described in limits and weaknesses. He can also combine elements and make new substances which last for a little while. These substances can be ugly, beautiful, combat, defensive, he just experiments with them daily in his free time.
Power: (1-10) With bare fists its a 2, with different elements he can range from 3-6 depending on how much energy he uses and what the element is.
Defense: (1-10) Regularly its a 2, but with elements added its 3-5, depending on the element and how much energy he uses like before.
Recovery: (1-10) 4. He can usually recover well, even being able to pull skin or organ molecules from other peoples bodies and putting them on his to recover, but it is limited because 1. he is a hero 2. he is limited to the amount of people around.
Range: (1-10) 8. He can sense his enemies molecules without even seeing them. Though he has to take some time to find him the results are dangerous. He can guide a molecular attack towards his enemy without even seeing them.
Speed: (1-10) 2. He has regular speed.
Intended Tier: Gamma.
Limits: He cannot take a mans life instantly. He has a energy strain with it, the more energy he puts into the molecules and the whole process the better it is, but instantly killing someone will instantly kill him too. He can't do anything like that so he has to be smart and creative and not just try and take all of the blood from his enemies. He is weak in hand to hand combat and running from things or people.
Any element that can counter the element he is using. It is sometimes slow to gather up all the molecules so he is vulnerable during that time. If he wastes too much energy he can easily be picked off. If you somehow manage to make him mad he'll throw all of his energy at you and try to down you but that'll waste his energy and make him vulnerable. Lack of elements in an area though thats not common at all as he has high range.
Skills & Equipment
Skills: Sneaking or stealth. Trickery. Analyzing scenarios.
Equipment: A small safety pin.
Personal Items: Phone. Car. Not that much really.

Starting City: Callinety.
Affiliation: Lawful good / Heroes.
Signature Color: Burgundy
Extra: "I just want a quiet life..."
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Mark Worthington
Nickname(s): The Steamy Robot
Alias: The Goldman
Gender: Male
Age: Biologically 3, Physiologically 30


Weight: 175 pounds
Costume: See above.
Body Modifications/Implants: Whole body is metal.
Blood Type: None
Personality: Mark is a robot. But that doesn't mean he does not have feelings. Mark tends to want a happy outlook on life, and sees the best in people. But he also has seen stuff that no person wants to see. When he is in his buisness kode, he tries to be pragmatic, but also kind. His way with dealing criminals is tending to throw them into jail, but kills them if he has to. He believes in rehabilitation and sometimes talks with his enemies. He has even gotten a few to become good.

He wants to be liked, and for people not to see him as this dangerous robot. He will often avoid interviews when he can so he won't get questioned about stuff. He feels like he has a duty since his maker died, and so he tries to live up to him. He contemplates his life when he is not working, or when he has nothing to do. He has respect towards other heroes like him because just like him, they are doing good work. No matter what he has gone through, or what the world throws at him, Mark still goes on.
Backstory: Mark Worthington was a wealthy man. His father and mother were famous people for creating one of the first robots, and have been in the technology buisness ever since. Mark wanted to live up to that, and studied hard. He even isolated himself to make his parents proud. But all that came back were failed tests, and robots that never worked. Mark never stopped.

After college, he was finally finished on working on a robot. He used his money, and his blood and tears. Then the robot turned on. Mark was happy, and started making other robots based off of the original one. He started taking over his parents buisness, and when his parents died in a car crash, he fully took over the buisness. As Mark created his latest robot, someone founded about the robots.

Mark was in his office with the latest robot he made. When he heard a knock on his door, he opened it. That was the last day Mark Worthington lived. But the robot who was with him turned on. Everything was hard to look at first, but it was a instinct that the robot knew his creator was the one on the floor, dead. Grief overtook the robot, and felt compassion.

Unkown to the robot, Mark had made it so that it would recognize him when the robots would wake up, and have them slowly develope feelings. As he saw the agents walking around, the robot quickly used his skills that Mark had put in there to defeat the agents. The robot had felt a lot of feelings that day. The robot jumped out the window into a river, and was carried away.

As the robot came on land, he saw on billboards that Mark Worthington, his maker, was dead. So the robot decided to take the identity of Mark Worthington. It took a year for Mark, the robot to get a job. A illegal one. He had to do jobs often, and finally one day, got his own nice home. As more robots were created, and sentient ones came out, so did Mark.

Society could not handle this, so Mark had to stay home often. But while at home, he started using the supplies that the original Mark gave him. The robot, Mark quickly used his knowledge of what his maker supplied him with to upgrade his home ND body. When the day came that people allowed robots to have jobs, Mark looked for jobs.

When he found a job as a detective, he applied for it. Those months were hard, as nobody would try to trust him. He kept working, and working, until he was ready to become a detective. That landed him his money to get into a better house. As he kept on working, he saw heroes. He never really cared for them before, but rememered about how the original Mark Worthington tried to do good.

So after having to illegally get guns, he started working as he a hero. The public called him The Goldman because his armor was golf and armor. He continued to work as a both a hero, and as a detective. He knew, that this was his life.
Relationships: Orginazation Mark Worthington: Dead, but still someone the robot Mark Worthington looks up too.
Strength: Mark has the ability to lift cars, and blow people back with a punch. A punch that is meant to be hard is dangerous to someone with no powers.
Agility: Mark has more agility than most, and is pretty fast.
Armor: His body is robot armor, so it can take strong hits.
No Food: He doesn't need to drink or eat.
Power: 6- Mark can cause dents in cars, and can break a few bones in someone's body with a really hard punch.
Defense: 5- Mark is able to shrugged off most bullete, up to shotguns. He can not take any RPGS, or tazers because electricity seems to mess with a robot.
Recovery: 2- If you are able to injure Mark, then he is like most people. He can be burned, and when he is damged, he can be shot and injured, but he can also use his enineering abilities to fix himself.
Range: 5- Mark was applied with eyes that can follow a target to medium range or anything shorter than that.
Speed: 3- Mark was given enhanced agility, so he can go pretty fast.
Intended Tier: Gamma
Limits: Fuel- Mark has to fuel himself with oil so he doesn't shut down. If he over over overworks himself then his Fuel goes down a lot more quickly, and he glitches out, so he has to be careful
Weaknesses: Anything Stronger- Shotguns, while not able to damged him can get his defense low, so he is more accessible to attacks, and anything stronger than that will injure him.
Shunned- People fear what they don't understand. He often has to be careful as both a hero and someone trying to get by, as people are often scared of him and attack him.
Viruses- If someone is able to get into his sytem, the only thing he can do is try to fight it, but he still has a constant chance from getting viruses from outside forces, or from his system.
Electricity- Electricity seems to stun him and injure him from time to time, making it harder to move.
Who is there?- A robot living in a town is noticeable. So anytime he is shut down and fueling, he can be attacked without waking up.
Sleep- He has to shut down for a night like everyone else, an different he doesn't he seems to malfunction and stop moving.
Skills & Equipment
Egineering- He has experience with Egineering and fixing stuff.
Detrctive- He is a detective, and so he knows what to do at a crime scene, and when to use his skills to catch someone.
Equipment: Two Pistols- He carries special pistols he made, which is able to hurt someone, but make it feel worse than it is.
Tiny Helicopter- Mark created a tiny helicopter, which he uses to scan the area, and uses it as a scout.
Personal Items: He carries his personal pipe around him, both as a hero, regular robot, and a detective.
He carries a journal/notebook. He uses it to write his experiencee, and to make notes.

Starting City:
Callinety, Section Two
Affiliation: Police Department
Signature Color: Gold
Extra: N/A
(Here it is.)

Accepted! Gamma Tier!

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Name: Napoleon Lutchman
Nickname(s): The-One-You-Don't-Want-To-Speak-To
Alias: Man Of Silence
Gender: Male
Age: 45



Height: 6'5
Weight: 167
Costume: He typically gets bored of the ol' costume, so he just wears dark clothing, usually a coat with a undershirt and shades on, even at night time for some odd reason.
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: O-
Personality: Napoleon is quite the protector. He wishes to protect the world of the evil doers of the world. He is quiet, but forceful. He is a original man as well. He tends to stick to things until his task is accomplished. He is a quiet and a peaceful man, just loving all the nature around him. He thinks of the loud risk takers as an annoyance and hates to work with them. He loves skillful thinkers that can do their job correctly and plan. He has even said he wants to die in peace, not wanting to die in battle and die finishing his job. Overall he is a calm, peaceful, and smart man.
Backstory: Napoleon was born into adoption, his mother not wanting to keep him because he was an accident and wished to give him to a better family. Napoleon had spent years in the adoption center, he was odd because well, he was quiet, he didn't spend time doing the normal things like other kids did. He didn't even talk to his teachers at school. Napoleon was an all A kid, being the top at his classes, his teachers loved him. His powers didn't manifest until he was eight years old where a couple of kids decided to try and rip him off his dignity and take him down. The kids had hated that Napoleon was the best and just wanted him gone. Napoleon remained calm and easily got away from the kids attacks as they were just running and trying to ram him. Thats when Napoleon only got slightly irritated and unlocked his power. With his power he took out part of the water molecules from the childs body, the child was instantly dehydrated and had a migraine. The kid forfeited from his pain. Napoleon liked his power. He could see the molecules and atoms of everything around him. He practiced everyday alone in the adoption center. One day a family came in and found Napoleon, they were the Lutchman's. They saw him as a interesting child and took him in. Napoleon and his new little sister Margaery were a like. Though, Margaery was only a alpha tier and could manipulate flowers, he loved Margaery as if she was really his little sister. Napoleon still grew speaking few words, but his parents still kept him. Napoleon grew and finally got a full scholarship to a college where he spent 4 years getting a masters degree. Napoleons occupation was a scientist working with atoms and molecular organisms. He loved his job dearly. At his house he trained for both fitness and his power. He found out new ways to use his power, such as bringing multiple molecules together and firing them. Such as fire, he brought multiple molecules together to form multiple chemical reactions, creating a fire blast. Most people know not to get on the bad side of Napoleon as he can use his ability to great lengths.
Relationships: He really hasn't had any but his little sister that he vows to protect from the villains of the world.

Abilities: Molecule and atom manipulation. With this ability he can even see molecules and atoms of things he holds, sees, etc. He can change properties of things around such as the child, he stole some of the water in his body and made him dehydrated. With this as stated earlier he can combine atoms and molecules to form chemical reactions and fire things off. Not only does he have this good power but he knows how to use it well. This power can vary on the different molecular elements he uses. Though he can't easily take all the blood from someones body and kill them instantly as he has limits which will be described in limits and weaknesses. He can also combine elements and make new substances which last for a little while. These substances can be ugly, beautiful, combat, defensive, he just experiments with them daily in his free time.
Power: (1-10) With bare fists its a 2, with different elements he can range from 3-6 depending on how much energy he uses and what the element is.
Defense: (1-10) Regularly its a 2, but with elements added its 3-5, depending on the element and how much energy he uses like before.
Recovery: (1-10) 4. He can usually recover well, even being able to pull skin or organ molecules from other peoples bodies and putting them on his to recover, but it is limited because 1. he is a hero 2. he is limited to the amount of people around.
Range: (1-10) 8. He can sense his enemies molecules without even seeing them. Though he has to take some time to find him the results are dangerous. He can guide a molecular attack towards his enemy without even seeing them.
Speed: (1-10) 2. He has regular speed.
Intended Tier: Gamma.
Limits: He cannot take a mans life instantly. He has a energy strain with it, the more energy he puts into the molecules and the whole process the better it is, but instantly killing someone will instantly kill him too. He can't do anything like that so he has to be smart and creative and not just try and take all of the blood from his enemies. He is weak in hand to hand combat and running from things or people.
Any element that can counter the element he is using. It is sometimes slow to gather up all the molecules so he is vulnerable during that time. If he wastes too much energy he can easily be picked off. If you somehow manage to make him mad he'll throw all of his energy at you and try to down you but that'll waste his energy and make him vulnerable. Lack of elements in an area though thats not common at all as he has high range.
Skills & Equipment
Skills: Sneaking or stealth. Trickery. Analyzing scenarios.
Equipment: A small safety pin.
Personal Items: Phone. Car. Not that much really.

Starting City: Callinety.
Affiliation: Lawful good / Heroes.
Signature Color: Burgundy
Extra: "I just want a quiet life..."

Accepted! Gamma Tier!


Name: Heather Kamelotte

Nickname(s): Cass

Alias: Angel

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown



Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 133 lbs

Body Modifications/Implants: Wings of Hawk species on her back

Blood Type: O

Personality: Heather is the weird chick but in a nice way. She is known to space out quite often but snaps out of it with a smile. Anyone who knows Heather see her as a kind and approachable person despite her quiet and reserved personality. Heather enjoys drawing and often does so in the park she lives next to. Merely, seeing others happy fills the woman with warmth.

She works a part time job at a cafe where she delivers food and other products customers order. So she's well known in her area even despite the fact that she doesn't spend much time with other people.

Her pastimes often include her sitting off somewhere and observing people. Most times illustrating their activities. People in her area recognize her but have also taken notice that despite showing interest in observing people she normally keeps it at just that. Her social interactions are often kept to a minimum and she has never been one to hold a conversation long. But at a glance she seems like a gentle artist. Just a woman that is socially awkward but has her heart in the right place.

This personality, however, changes drastically when in the midst of combat. Heather doesn’t exactly remember her past lives clearly but when the adrenaline kicks in her reaction is always fight over flight and she takes on presence of a soldier.

Backstory: Heather is known as a Phoenix. Where she was first conceived or even how is unknown due to her memory seemingly being tampered with. Her previous lives are slowly remembered through dreams she has. Due to the rarity of Heather’s species she was taken and experimented on by the US Government. They wanted to see what was the secret to her rebirth ability. They believed it held the secret to immortality. On the side they’d perform further test to see exactly what made her species work. The only thing they managed to find out was that when Heather officially “died” she seemed to have different methods of coming back to life. It was here that the experiments took a toll on her mental state. Being killed over and over again in various ways is something that even had many of the scientist removing themselves from the experiment.

Eventually, some of the scientist got together and made plans to end the experiments on the girl. They planned on having her escape. Instead of giving her the usual drugs to sedate her powers they slipped her medicine that did the opposite. Her powers were amplified. Heather had already gone through test to use her powers at her limit and, truly, see how much damage she could do and the results were shocking. Heather’s blue flames could melt just about anything and their area of effect could span city blocks easily.

With these powers amplified it didn’t take Heather long to escape and obliterate the facility taking out anyone and anything that may have been inside. She then quickly fled and disappeared from radar. At least until she finally resurfaced again in the city of Callinety.

Relationships: A small friendship with the waitress at a cafe Heather often visits


Abilities: Phoenix mimicry - The ability to possess traits reminiscent of a phoenix, including reincarnation, Healing, and pyrokinesis

Reincarnation - This ability lets Heather resurrect after death. How long it takes, where it happens, and other factors vary based on her method of death. If the body can repair itself then it Heather will return to life after her wounds have been reversed. This is only applicable to causes of death that don’t involve the body being destroyed in any way. Decapitations, limb removals, and destruction of the body normally results in Heather life force taking host in a recently deceased female’s body. That body then morphs itself to become a likeness to Heather’s and then she is reborn in this fashion. She does retain memory of her past lives but can not recall her age. The furthest back she can remember is a little under a century. She says that as she lives on her memory of older times, that aren't significant events, begin to fade.

Healing - Heather has the ability to heal wounds but only to a certain degree. She cannot bring the dead back to life nor restore lost limbs. Her healing is connected with the person’s life force as well, meaning that the person being healed has to want and accept the healing ability. This applies to an unconscious person as well since their life force and will is still intact.

Pyrokinesis - Heather’s strongest active ability. She can conjure blue flames in her hands as well as red. With red Heather can perform more actions while blue flames are normally just used for destruction and is harder to control due to its heat intensity.

  • Power: (7) - The experimentation succeeded in making Heather an efficient "super soldier." Their goal was to make it so they could just send Heather into battle and wipe out the enemy platoons with little to no help.

  • Defense: (2) - Due to the testing phase leaving on seeing how Heather’s reincarnation worked, there was no chance to work on defensive capabilities nor was Heather born with any.

  • Recovery: (6) - Heather’s healing capabilities are good and is even able to heal others. Bone breaks, lacerations, puncture wounds, will all heal within a short time.

  • Range: (6) - Heather has the effective range of a flamethrower from world war II with the effective range of 20-40 meters

  • Speed: (4) - Twenty to forty mph. However, when diving, she can exceed 120 mph

Tier: Beta

Limits: - She may possess much power but tapping into it takes a large toll on her current body. Each time she uses her power at its max then she takes a lot from a pool of her life force. She can even die if she uses too much power too often without rest.

Her healing on others is limited to their willingness to be healed. And healing also drains Heather’s life force as well. Any ability she uses has a price on her body.

While there’s no known way to stop the reincarnation from happening once Heather dies, she is incredibly weakened once she is reborn. It takes a couple days to be back at regular operating levels. And it takes a couple weeks to be able to use her full power again.

Weaknesses: - Heather’s body is not a fortress. She can take damage easily just like any regular human and the healing doesn’t work immediately on bigger wounds. Being knocked out, shot at, etc. are all problems she constantly face in battle. She’s a glass cannon. Healing others is more of an active skill where healing herself is more passive and thus takes more time.

Her flames need oxygen like any other type of flame. No oxygen, no fire.

Her wings are a pretty big target since they are so large. They do heal faster than the rest of Heather’s bones if damaged but the wings are something Heather has to take extra precaution to protect.

Heather suffers from PTSD due to the experimentation in the labs. Because of this even though Heather possesses the reincarnation ability she still fears being killed. She still feels the pain and anguish just before death. If she comes into any deja vus with any of the ways she was killed before, Heather can freeze up in fear. In extreme cases she can even go back to thinking she’s in the labs again and suffer a mental breakdown. Basically, she’s mentally fragile.

A Phoenix cant be killed as they are immortal but in Greek mythology there is, supposedly, a way to dispatch them for a very long time.

Skills & Equipment


Wing Tuck - Wings can shrink down to a much smaller size when not being used. They can still be used like when they are regular sized but flight is impossible while in this state. Heather can make them return to either size in an instant.

Melee - Heather knows some form of CQC

Weapons - Heather is proficient at different firearms.

Scouting - Being able to fly high above ground makes Heather adept at recon and gathering information from above.

Stealth from above - Heather can pounce on people from above without hardly making a sound and a person seeing her in the sky, at a glance, would mistake her for an actual Hawk.

Equipment: - Heather carries a tactical 9mm Beretta to use in place of her powers.

Personal Items: - She carries a tablet and stylus where she does all her art work with.

For cold whether she has a type of sleeves for her wings. Her wings do get cold too. They are a part of her.


Starting City: Callinety

Affiliation: Not currently affiliated with anyone

Signature Color: Green (same color as her eyes)

Extra: - Heather Kamelotte - YouTube my playlist for Heather
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Luna Marevader
Nickname(s): Artemis, Serena, Lunie
Alias: Agent 27C of CPAD: "Moon's Eye"
Gender: Female
Age: 24


5, 2
Weight: 132lbs
Blood Type: B-
Personality: Luna is a very isolated and dark person. She has schizophrenia and phobias of crowds and open-spaces. She hears voices in her head, therefore she hates public interaction. She has hallucinations and disorganized speech/behavior, lack of speech, and believes everyone (except Helios) is either using her or out to get her. She also denies the existence of the mental disorder. Luna is basically trapped in her closet that she works in. Luna is depressed and wants to escape her pains but sadly can't. Her only connection to the outside world is Helios but it isn't enough. Luna wants freedom but might not ever get it. When she is alone though, she is less depressed and more focused but her fears of the outside still remain.
Backstory: Luna had a very rough childhood for obvious reasons. She should never leave the house or even her room. She even feared her parents. Since Luna would never leave her room, she didn't eat much and almost grew an eating disorder. However, her parents delivered her food everyday. Her parents had to decide what to do with Luna, especially with her education. They found a solution with an online education program and Luna began to learn.

In her room was a computer. She spent much of her time on it and discovered how to edit and hack it. She became a techno wiz through her isolation. Her skills were put to the test when, unfortunately, her parents were murdered. Luna did her hacking and surveillance to discover who the killer was. The killer was arrested, as she was actually a very serious serial killer and has been on the run for 7 years.

Many years later, when Luna turned 19, the Callinety Private Agency of Defense approached her and offered her a job. Luna accepted and has been part of the CPAD ever since. One day, on the frightening way to work, she bumped into someone and began to freak out. The man decided to help her and took her back to his pub. There, she calmed down and he told her that if anything bad happens, she can come back to his pub or apartment.

This began a long friendship with Helios.
Relationships: Helios

Luna can control water and weather. The way she can control water is that she can change the temperature, density, and can move it with her mind. Since clouds and rain are water, she can control that too but only to a light drizzle. Her potential of her power is to control lighting but hasn't figured it out yet.
Power: 3 - Her water is able to destroy rocks and bricks.
Defense: 1 - She posses no supernatural defense.
Recovery: 2 - She mainly posses no supernatural recovery but water does help with the posses.
Range: 4 - She can send her water 10 feet around her and it leave an impact after the water falls away.
Speed: 1 - She is a bit overweight and a terrible runner.
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: She needs to be near water of any kind to be able to attack. The amount of water nearby also determines how much she can attack.
Weaknesses: Her schizophrenia makes her hard to focus and focusing is required to use her abilities.

Skills & Equipment
While her phobias and her weak powers make her useless, her skills make up for it. Her closet of work is the Watch Tower, the Headquarters of the Callinety Private Agency of Defense (CPAD), an important agency in Callinety. She is like Tank from the Matrix and operates from a computer, assisting people on her radio call to do surveillance, scan areas, and hack into areas.
Equipment: 3 Monitors, 2 Drones, A Headset, A Commutation Device, and Police Files on the Computer
Personal Items: A picture of her and Helios on the desk, a water jug, and a shotgun in the corner

Starting City:
Affiliation: Callinety Private Agency of Defense (CPAD), A Hero Organization
Signature Color: Blue
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Name: Heather Kamelotte

Nickname(s): Cass

Alias: Angel

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown



Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 133 lbs

Body Modifications/Implants: Wings of Hawk species on her back

Blood Type: O

Personality: Heather is the weird chick but in a nice way. She is known to space out quite often but snaps out of it with a smile. Anyone who knows Heather see her as a kind and approachable person despite her quiet and reserved personality. Heather enjoys drawing and often does so in the park she lives next to. Merely, seeing others happy fills the woman with warmth.

She works a part time job at a cafe where she delivers food and other products customers order. So she's well known in her area even despite the fact that she doesn't spend much time with other people.

Her pastimes often include her sitting off somewhere and observing people. Most times illustrating their activities. People in her area recognize her but have also taken notice that despite showing interest in observing people she normally keeps it at just that. Her social interactions are often kept to a minimum and she has never been one to hold a conversation long. But at a glance she seems like a gentle artist. Just a woman that is socially awkward but has her heart in the right place.

This personality, however, changes drastically when in the midst of combat. Heather doesn’t exactly remember her past lives clearly but when the adrenaline kicks in her reaction is always fight over flight and she takes on presence of a soldier.

Backstory: Heather is known as a Phoenix. Where she was first conceived or even how is unknown due to her memory seemingly being tampered with. Her previous lives are slowly remembered through dreams she has. Due to the rarity of Heather’s species she was taken and experimented on by the US Government. They wanted to see what was the secret to her rebirth ability. They believed it held the secret to immortality. On the side they’d perform further test to see exactly what made her species work. The only thing they managed to find out was that when Heather officially “died” she seemed to have different methods of coming back to life. It was here that the experiments took a toll on her mental state. Being killed over and over again in various ways is something that even had many of the scientist removing themselves from the experiment.

Eventually, some of the scientist got together and made plans to end the experiments on the girl. They planned on having her escape. Instead of giving her the usual drugs to sedate her powers they slipped her medicine that did the opposite. Her powers were amplified. Heather had already gone through test to use her powers at her limit and, truly, see how much damage she could do and the results were shocking. Heather’s blue flames could melt just about anything and their area of effect could span city blocks easily.

With these powers amplified it didn’t take Heather long to escape and obliterate the facility taking out anyone and anything that may have been inside. She then quickly fled and disappeared from radar. At least until she finally resurfaced again in the city of Callinety.

Relationships: A small friendship with the waitress at a cafe Heather often visits


Abilities: Phoenix mimicry - The ability to possess traits reminiscent of a phoenix, including reincarnation, Healing, and pyrokinesis

Reincarnation - This ability lets Heather resurrect after death. How long it takes, where it happens, and other factors vary based on her method of death. If the body can repair itself then it Heather will return to life after her wounds have been reversed. This is only applicable to causes of death that don’t involve the body being destroyed in any way. Decapitations, limb removals, and destruction of the body normally results in Heather life force taking host in a recently deceased female’s body. That body then morphs itself to become a likeness to Heather’s and then she is reborn in this fashion. She does retain memory of her past lives but can not recall her age. The furthest back she can remember is a little under a century. She says that as she lives on her memory of older times, that aren't significant events, begin to fade.

Healing - Heather has the ability to heal wounds but only to a certain degree. She cannot bring the dead back to life nor restore lost limbs. Her healing is connected with the person’s life force as well, meaning that the person being healed has to want and accept the healing ability. This applies to an unconscious person as well since their life force and will is still intact.

Pyrokinesis - Heather’s strongest active ability. She can conjure blue flames in her hands as well as red. With red Heather can perform more actions while blue flames are normally just used for destruction and is harder to control due to its heat intensity.

  • Power: (7) - The experimentation succeeded in making Heather an efficient "super soldier." Their goal was to make it so they could just send Heather into battle and wipe out the enemy platoons with little to no help.

  • Defense: (2) - Due to the testing phase leaving on seeing how Heather’s reincarnation worked, there was no chance to work on defensive capabilities nor was Heather born with any.

  • Recovery: (6) - Heather’s healing capabilities are good and is even able to heal others. Bone breaks, lacerations, puncture wounds, will all heal within a short time.

  • Range: (6) - Heather has the effective range of a flamethrower from world war II with the effective range of 20-40 meters

  • Speed: (4) - Twenty to forty mph. However, when diving, she can exceed 120 mph

Tier: Beta

Limits: - She may possess much power but tapping into it takes a large toll on her current body. For example, if she uses her power at max to create a carpet bomb she will immediately die afterwards. No if, ands, or buts.

Her healing on others is limited to their willingness to be healed. And healing also drains Heather’s life force as well. Any ability she uses has a price on her body.

While there’s no known way to stop the reincarnation from happening once Heather dies, she is incredibly weakened once she is reborn. It takes a couple days to be back at regular operating levels. And it takes a couple weeks to be able to use her full power again.

Weaknesses: - Heather’s body is not a fortress. She can take damage easily just like any regular human and the healing doesn’t work immediately on bigger wounds. Being knocked out, shot at, etc. are all problems she constantly face in battle. She’s a glass cannon. Healing others is more of an active skill where healing herself is more passive and thus takes more time.

Her flames need oxygen like any other type of flame. No oxygen, no fire.

Her wings are a pretty big target since they are so large. They do heal faster than the rest of Heather’s bones if damaged but the wings are something Heather has to take extra precaution to protect.

Heather suffers from PTSD due to the experimentation in the labs. Because of this even though Heather possesses the reincarnation ability she still fears being killed. She still feels the pain and anguish just before death. If she comes into any deja vus with any of the ways she was killed before, Heather can freeze up in fear. In extreme cases she can even go back to thinking she’s in the labs again and suffer a mental breakdown. Basically, she’s mentally fragile.

A Phoenix cant be killed as they are immortal but in Greek mythology there is, supposedly, a way to dispatch them for a very long time.

Skills & Equipment


Melee - Heather knows some form of CQC

Weapons - Heather is proficient at different firearms.

Scouting - Being able to fly high above ground makes Heather adept at recon and gathering information from above.

Stealth from above - Heather can pounce on people from above without hardly making a sound and a person seeing her in the sky, at a glance, would mistake her for an actual Hawk.

Equipment: - Heather carries a tactical 9mm Beretta to use in place of her powers.

Personal Items: - She carries a tablet and stylus where she does all her art work with.

For cold whether she has a type of sleeves for her wings. Her wings do get cold too. They are a part of her.


Starting City: Callinety

Affiliation: Not currently affiliated with anyone

Signature Color: Green (same color as her eyes)

Extra: - Heather Kamelotte - YouTube my playlist for Heather

Accepted! Beta Tier!


Name: Joe Robinson
Nickname(s): N/A
Alias: Dyna Wave
Gender: Male
Age: 16


Height: 5'9
Costume: Got a costume? (Optional!)
Body Modifications/Implants: You put metal in your body? (Optional!)
Blood Type: For transfusion reasons.
Personality: What you're like. If you provide too little, expect that you won't be accepted. I want to know how your character sees the world.
Backstory: 1 paragraph minimum. Doesn't have to be tragic or world-breaking.
Relationships: Important people in their life?


Power: (1-10) Include
Defense: (1-10) a
Recovery: (1-10) description
Range: (1-10) for
Speed: (1-10) each
Intended Tier: Remember now that if you make your character's stats too powerful, it's back to the draft with you. Most stats are under 5, and your character can still be in gamma-tier. Again, read the lore! If you got this far, and still haven't read the lore, read it now.
Limits: Limits of ALL abilities.
Weaknesses: The stronger the ability, the more likely it has a fatal weakness. A weakness is NOT a limit, as a weakness is capable of canceling an ability out altogether.

Skills & Equipment
Skills: These are not powers. They are skills.
Equipment: Maximum of 5, ammunition does not count.
Personal Items: As many as you can carry without looking like a nerd.

Starting City: Callinety or Blackfall
Affiliation: Who are they sided with? THIS IS NOT ALIGNMENT!
Signature Color: You can either state a color or provide me with a hex code of one. This will be the color of your character's chart.
Extra: Anything else I missed?

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Luna Marevader
Nickname(s): Artemis, Serena, Lunie
Alias: Agent 27C of CPAD: "Moon's Eye"
Gender: Female
Age: 24


5, 2
Weight: 132lbs
Blood Type: B-
Personality: Luna is a very isolated and dark person. She has schizophrenia and phobias of crowds and open-spaces. She hears voices in her head, therefore she hates public interaction. She has hallucinations and disorganized speech/behavior, lack of speech, and believes everyone (except Helios) is either using her or out to get her. She also denies the existence of the mental disorder. Luna is basically trapped in her closet that she works in. Luna is depressed and wants to escape her pains but sadly can't. Her only connection to the outside world is Helios but it isn't enough. Luna wants freedom but might not ever get it. When she is alone though, she is less depressed and more focused but her fears of the outside still remain.
Backstory: Luna had a very rough childhood for obvious reasons. She should never leave the house or even her room. She even feared her parents. Since Luna would never leave her room, she didn't eat much and almost grew an eating disorder. However, her parents delivered her food everyday. Her parents had to decide what to do with Luna, especially with her education. They found a solution with an online education program and Luna began to learn.

In her room was a computer. She spent much of her time on it and discovered how to edit and hack it. She became a techno wiz through her isolation. Her skills were put to the test when, unfortunately, her parents were murdered. Luna did her hacking and surveillance to discover who the killer was. The killer was arrested, as she was actually a very serious serial killer and has been on the run for 7 years.

Many years later, when Luna turned 19, the Callinety Private Agency of Defense approached her and offered her a job. Luna accepted and has been part of the CPAD ever since. One day, on the frightening way to work, she bumped into someone and began to freak out. The man decided to help her and took her back to his pub. There, she calmed down and he told her that if anything bad happens, she can come back to his pub or apartment.

This began a long friendship with Helios.
Relationships: Helios

Luna can control water and weather. The way she can control water is that she can change the temperature, density, and can move it with her mind. Since clouds and rain are water, she can control that too but only to a light drizzle. Her potential of her power is to control lighting but hasn't figured it out yet.
Power: 3 - Her water is able to destroy rocks and bricks.
Defense: 1 - She posses no supernatural defense.
Recovery: 2 - She mainly posses no supernatural recovery but water does help with the posses.
Range: 4 - She can send her water 10 feet around her and it leave an impact after the water falls away.
Speed: 1 - She is a bit overweight and a terrible runner.
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: She needs to be near water of any kind to be able to attack. The amount of water nearby also determines how much she can attack.
Weaknesses: Her schizophrenia makes her hard to focus and focusing is required to use her abilities.

Skills & Equipment
While her phobias and her weak powers make her useless, her skills make up for it. Her closet of work is the Watch Tower, the Headquarters of the Callinety Private Agency of Defense (CPAD), an important agency in Callinety. She is like Tank from the Matrix and operates from a computer, assisting people on her radio call to do surveillance, scan areas, and hack into areas.
Equipment: 3 Monitors, 2 Drones, A Headset, A Commutation Device, and Police Files on the Computer
Personal Items: A picture of her and Helios on the desk, a water jug, and a shotgun in the corner

Starting City:
Affiliation: Callinety Private Agency of Defense (CPAD), A Hero Organization
Signature Color: Blue

Accepted! Alpha Tier!
Nickname(s): Astra
Alias: Electra
Gender: Female, but likely requires Firetruck assistance
Age: 14



Height: 5'4
Weight: 98

Body Modifications/Implants: Nope
Blood Type: B-
For a silent person, Astraea gets her sense of sass across. She makes sure her opinions are known, sometimes by means a bit too outrageous. Although she likes to be heard, Astra needs her space from other humans. (If you're a doggo you are not allowed to leave). She doesn't quite always understand other people's limits and has a habit of pushing them a little too far. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's a bad habit that pops up. Either way, she's not afraid to fight back even without physical violence. Astra seems to have forgotten that she's allowed to back down, now seeming like she's constantly in a mood to fight. It's a way of life for her, and she strongly dislikes those who refuse to stand for themselves and fake it till they make it.
For a child to have a stable mental health, they usually need something of a structure. Some say that structure is what keeps the mind in check. Welcome to the world with nothing of the sort. As a baby, Astraea's vocal chords were damaged by a rather unfortunate event that landed her mother in jail. Her father did perfectly fine raising her until she was around five, when he too was arrested (He had a thing for illegal substances). Astraea was placed with a foster home and this was when she broke the world. For a little five year old, having powers is the greatest thing ever! They don't understand the dangers of messing with these things...

Astraea set her drawings on fire to make her foster sibling believe that she had powers. Kevin, the foster sibling, mocked the muted girl in a whiny voice and tried to set his own paper on fire. Astra, being a reasonable five year old, grabbed his shirt and set that on fire too. She didn't understand that immense heat would harm anything, so she was rather annoyed to watch Kevin wailing and shrieking. What the heck Kevin, shut up you're fine.

Kevin was not fine, and neither was the house. Their foster mother ran into the room to try and save Kevin and abandoned her cookies in the oven. The cookies and oven caught fire and the house decided to be extra flammable that day by having a dried christmas tree just ready to burst into flames. Short to say, the house was not fine and Astra was sent somewhere else (Still no one knew how the fire started. Ps, Kevin lived).

One burned house later and Astraea decided houses sucked and that she was going to live in a tree with her new friend George. She and George ran away from their foster parents and got lost in a park. George got scared and ran away from her after Astra made a fire to keep them warm. Astra considered this rude and stuck her tongue out at him while enjoying watching her very large wood pile burn. (RIP forrest she murdered)

If you skip to a few years forward, Astra had put herself back in school by simply signing up with a woman who pretended to be her mother. School was interesting for her, and she picked up reading quickly. Though she couldn't talk back to her taunters, she sure could punch them hard.

At age thirteen, she set up an appointment with a larger hero agency in Callinety to have her abilities measured and to apply for a job. While she was a bit too young to actually have a job, the agency signed her up as a trainee where she could be sent out as assistance for the actual heroes. The name Electra means "The Fiery Sun" in greek.
Kevin-Nearly killed when five
Annie-Set house on fire at six years old
Lauren-Hero agency contact

Heat Energy Generation/Manipulation
Flash-A smaller amount of effort used to create a visible flame. Can be used as close range attacks and fired in short bursts to cause slight damage. Range minimal, power on lower end and could cause 1st degree burns or singeing of hit area.
Flare-Takes a medium amount of effort and concentration, but can be used for a much wider range of purposes. This can be used to create a line of energy manifested in the form of fire. Range is a bit farther, spreading around 10 feet at most, but with 2nd degree burns inevitable upon hit (Not taking into account other abilities). The flare can be used as a beam, or a defensive wall (Wall only covers one side of user, and is only a small area).
Blast-The largest amount of power that can be used. The Heat energy(Fire) can be projected in a dome like manner around user to create a full barrier. Capable of causing 3rd-4th degree burns on those who come in contact with the attack. Attack is diluted slightly when used in the dome format, but when fired in a beam like manner it becomes capable of causing 5th to 6th degree burns. Used in that form, accuracy is reduced immensely.
Power: 7 (Her highest power when in full use is capable of melting a car and severely injuring a person)
Defense: 2 (The defense is that of a regular human, though she is able to block many things should they come too near.
Recovery: 1 (While her power is high, her rate of recovery is slow even for a regular person)
Range: 5 (When using her powers to full potential, she has a much higher range than average human)
Speed: 2 (Her average highest speed achieved was 15 miles per hour when running on foot, making her on the slower end of heroes)
Intended Tier: Beta

-Fire needs oxygen to burn, take away oxygen and you remove the fire.
-Using full power takes a lot of stamina and using an attack can cause recoil similar to that of a gun.
-Energy has to come from somewhere, no source for energy and no fire. (Aka, needs a larger amount of food to use power)
-The effect of the attack depends almost entirely on who it's interacting with. If the opponent has a far higher tolerance of the attack, there may be no effect.
-Without access to oxygen, fire is completely useless and will not be able to generate.
-The colder the temperature, the harder it is to create and maintain heat energy. Meaning a freezing temperature will drain her energy faster.

Skills & Equipment

-Rock Climbing (Without safety gear)
-Sign Language (ASL)
-Fire tending
-Effective house demolishing
-Sewing (Though not very well)
Pocket knife
Backpack capable of holding as much as a highschool student taking all AP classes
Hero Costume
Personal Items:
Sweat clothes (Shirts and pants) x7
Crunchy bois (Pretzels)

Starting City:
Affiliation: Hero Association (Undefined currently)
Signature Color: Astra will be hecking blue

Accepted! Beta Tier!

  • basics

    Name: Arianna Drales
    Nickname (s): Anne, Ree
    alias: Cancer
    gender: Female
    age: 28.


    Due to occasional overuse of her power, Arianna is almost uncomfortably skinny, bony and almost without any fat. As a result, she is stuck in an almost prepubescent body, despite her height. Her hair is kept shoulder-length, black in color, rather dull and completely straight. Her eyes are a purple so dark that it’s easily mistaken for black, and seem to be constantly glowering. She sticks to conservative skirts and occasionally jeans, usually with sleeves at least elbow length. She prefers darker, more practical colors with a little splash of something brighter, and often adds a scarf or a coat – she is easily susceptible to the cold.

    Costume: As Cancer, she wears a rather conservative dress that flows nearly down to her ankles, somewhat reminiscent of the Victorian era. She wears gloves that extend up to her elbows to prevent unintended physical contact. With her stockings and lace-up school shoes, she almost seems like an innocent girl, but little can be further from the truth. She wears a face mask painted with a Cheshire-cat like grin, somewhat jarring compared to the rest of her outfit.

    Height: 5’7
    Weight: 114lbs
    Blood Type: O+
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  • basics

    Name: Arianna Drales
    Nickname (s): Anne, Ree
    alias: Cancer
    gender: Female
    age: 28.


    Due to occasional overuse of her power, Arianna is almost uncomfortably skinny, bony and almost without any fat. As a result, she is stuck in an almost prepubescent body, despite her height. Her hair is kept shoulder-length, black in color, rather dull and completely straight. Her eyes are a purple so dark that it’s easily mistaken for black, and seem to be constantly glowering. She sticks to conservative skirts and occasionally jeans, usually with sleeves at least elbow length. She prefers darker, more practical colors with a little splash of something brighter, and often adds a scarf or a coat – she is easily susceptible to the cold.

    Costume: As Cancer, she wears a rather conservative dress that flows nearly down to her ankles, somewhat reminiscent of the Victorian era. She wears gloves that extend up to her elbows to prevent unintended physical contact. With her stockings and lace-up school shoes, she almost seems like an innocent girl, but little can be further from the truth. She wears a face mask painted with a Cheshire-cat like grin, somewhat jarring compared to the rest of her outfit.

    Height: 5’7
    Weight: 114lbs
    Blood Type: O+


Accepted! Beta Tier!

Handler Walksun
Nickname(s): Han, Walksun, Quiet
Alias: Quiet's Assassin
Gender: Male
Age: 19


Weight: 139lbs

Body Modifications/Implants:
This metal left arm.

Blood Type:
Personality: Handler Walksun is a bit different ever since travelling to Blackfall. He had grown mature traits, like some patience and seriousness. However, he still is a immature goof and a bit of idiot. His idiotic sense allows him to think everyone is either a friend or a villain. Since he thinks everyone is his friend, he trust people and thinks they'll trust him. He would even take a bullet for them. His idiocy makes him brave. Handler also a bit of a geek, really likes girls, and struggles with anxiety.
Backstory: Handler Walksun was born and raised in the faraway city of Innovalle. There, he worked for the hero agency there. He was the sidekick of Yany Mits and the cousin to the metahuman doctor Yolya Markov. There, Handler had many adventures and was overall a happy person.

Until one day when the terrorist group the Freighters arrived in the city. They murdered Yolya and many others in a terrorist attack. Soon, it was discovered that they were after Handler personally and Handler had to run away with Yany. They hoped on a plane but before it took off, the Freighters blew it up. Handler survived and had to run. He never knew if Yany survived.

For 2 years, he ran away and stopped in the city of Blackfall. There, he took shelter in an abandoned apartment basement. He knew he had to hide it out until he heard that the Freighters were defeated for good.

However, that was boring. Handler took on the disguise of a assassin, practiced his fighting skills, got upgrades, and became Quiet's Assassin! He became a vigilante to fight the crime in Blackfall and to bring justice. Actually, it was just to pass the time. Handler made friends, but also enemies.
Relationships: Yany Mits

Like Green Lantern, he had the power to create anything in a see-through purple state. First it was just shields but it has evolved into anything. He many uses this power for shields and forcefield like objects as most things he creates are weak and pointless.
Power: 3 - With his shield and weapon creation, he can do some damage on the spot. He can also damage people with his metal arm.
Defense: 6 - His shields and forcefields give him defense.
Recovery: 1 - His weakest strength. Handler has the body of a regular human.
Range: 4 - Handler can throw his shield like Captain America and hit people. Also when every someone touches his created objects, they would get a purple rash and also bacteria for unknown reasons.
Speed: 2 - Handler has the speed of aa normal human.
Intended Tier: Beta
Limits: Handler can't control the objects he creates with his mind so whatever is heavy, like a car, he can't use. The objects he creates are weaker versions of their real life counterparts. Things will break easier and not be as effective. Handler needs to focus on his abilities to work.
Weaknesses: Anyone with any magnet or metal manipulation powers can easily take out Handler became of his metal arm. Anything that can take out metal also applies here. Anyone that has a strongest construct than Handler's contrusts would render Handler's power unless.

Skills & Equipment
Handler has the skills of an Assassin. He can sneek around places, hide in the dark, snipe from a rooftop, and much more.
Equipment: Sniper rifle, grapple gun, parachute, sticky grenades, and a minigun inside his metal arm
Personal Items: A television with movies, games, A computer, a generator, pictures of him in Havaera.

Starting City:
Affiliation: Vigilante
Signature Color: Black
Extra: Here's a fun fact. Quiet's Assassin true identity in the War between City Walls and H&V 2 was Handler. That was the major plot twist planned for both rps before each were cancelled.
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Name: Marcus "Mark" Lionwood
Nickname(s): Mark, Marcus, Marky (by little brother)
Alias: Police commissioner
Gender: Male
Age: 47


Height: 6"1
Weight: 163 lbs
Costume: "Costumes are for freaks who are above the law"
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: AB+
Personality: Vigilant is a good word to describe him. He is a serious guy who takes his job with the utmost importance. He's also stubborn but makes up for it with dedication. He doesn't like heroes or vigilantes, thinking they work above the law with no jurisdiction whatsoever. He fights for justice and what he thinks is right. He has a competitive side mostly stemmed by the fact that he has a brother with superpowers. His mindset is that if there's a will, there's always a way but that's not to say he's optimistic if anything he's realistic.
Backstory: Born in Callinety with his brother, he left a prestigious university with flying colours to find the job he always wanted, a police commissioner. He was inspired by the noble sacrifice the previous police commissioner did in his line of work and so he worked to rise through the ranks until he finally reached the prestigious position.

Relationships: His little brother, wife, and child.

Abilities: Unlike his brother, he's a normal human with nothing special. He makes up for it by being both smarter and more serious than his little brother.

Power: 1.5
Defense: 1.5
Recovery: 1
Range: 0.5, 1 with glasses
Speed: 1
Intended Tier: N/A, normal human

Limits: Anything your average joe does and slightly more
Weaknesses: Anything killing a normal guy I suppose

Skills & Equipment
-Tactical thinking
-Trained in hand to hand combat
-Taurus raging bull revolver
-Bulletproof vest
-Trusty trench coat
Personal Items:
-Cigarette and lighter
-Police badge

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: BFPD
Signature Color: #212121
Extra: He likes to smoke, a lot.


Name: Lucas "Luke" Lionwood
Nickname(s): Luke, Lionwood, Leo, Lucifer (Joke by older brother)
Police commissioner
Gender: male
Age: 36


Height: 6"
Weight: 161 lbs
Costume: "
it's a lovely tom ford, 3 piece, 2 button"
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: O
Personality: A near polar opposite of his brother, he is an easy going and fun guy to hang out with. He can be serious when the situation calls for it but he usually likes to hang around and just negotiate problems away. He is a big fan of heroes and vigilantes and sees no problem in them fighting crime as long as they're kicking the right butts. He doesn't like to excel nor does he like to be undermined, which means he isn't competitive one bit.
Backstory: Same story as his brother, but instead of going with Blackfall he went into Callinety
His brother and that's all

Abilities: Pyrokinesis. Unlike his brother, he is a superhuman gifted with powers. Where he lacks in brains, he makes up for brawns and will.
Power: 2.5
Defense: 0.9
Recovery: 1
Range: 3, about the reach of your average flamethrower
Speed: 1.2
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: Using the power is like running, he has to stop at one point.
Weaknesses: Fireproof barriers of any kind, stone, glass or anything should hold up to his flames. Liquid nitrogen blasters are also able to counter fire

Skills & Equipment

-Tactical thinking
-Smooth talker
-Hand to hand combat
-His 9mm m9 beretta handgun which he prefers to use more than his power
-Bulletproof vest
Personal Items:
-His suit
-Police badge
-Hair gel

Starting City: Callinety
Affiliation: CPD
Signature Color: #fff20a
Extra: He shares a very close bond with his brother, usually talking over the phone about recent progress and success

D duegxybus
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Name: Marcus "Mark" Lionwood
Nickname(s): Mark, Marcus, Marky (by little brother)
Alias: Police commissioner
Gender: Male
Age: 47


Height: 6"1
Weight: 163 lbs
Costume: "Costumes are for freaks who are above the law"
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: AB+
Personality: Vigilant is a good word to describe him. He is a serious guy who takes his job with the utmost importance. He's also stubborn but makes up for it with dedication. He doesn't like heroes or vigilantes, thinking they work above the law with no jurisdiction whatsoever. He fights for justice and what he thinks is right. He has a competitive side mostly stemmed by the fact that he has a brother with superpowers. His mindset is that if there's a will, there's always a way but that's not to say he's optimistic if anything he's realistic.
Backstory: Born in Callinety with his brother, he left a prestigious university with flying colours to find the job he always wanted, a police commissioner. He was inspired by the noble sacrifice the previous police commissioner did in his line of work and so he worked to rise through the ranks until he finally reached the prestigious position.

Relationships: His little brother, wife, and child.

Abilities: Unlike his brother, he's a normal human with nothing special. He makes up for it by being both smarter and more serious than his little brother.

Power: 1.5
Defense: 1.5
Recovery: 1
Range: 0.5, 1 with glasses
Speed: 1
Intended Tier: N/A, normal human

Limits: Anything your average joe does and slightly more
Weaknesses: Anything killing a normal guy I suppose

Skills & Equipment
-Tactical thinking
-Trained in hand to hand combat
-Taurus raging bull revolver
-Bulletproof vest
-Trusty trench coat
Personal Items:
-Cigarette and lighter
-Police badge

Starting City: Blackfall
Affiliation: BFPD
Signature Color: #212121
Extra: He likes to smoke, a lot.


Name: Lucas "Luke" Lionwood
Nickname(s): Luke, Lionwood, Leo, Lucifer (Joke by older brother)
Police commissioner
Gender: male
Age: 36


Height: 6"
Weight: 161 lbs
Costume: "
it's a lovely tom ford, 3 piece, 2 button"
Body Modifications/Implants: N/A
Blood Type: O
Personality: A near polar opposite of his brother, he is an easy going and fun guy to hang out with. He can be serious when the situation calls for it but he usually likes to hang around and just negotiate problems away. He is a big fan of heroes and vigilantes and sees no problem in them fighting crime as long as they're kicking the right butts. He doesn't like to excel nor does he like to be undermined, which means he isn't competitive one bit.
Backstory: Same story as his brother, but instead of going with Blackfall he went into Callinety
His brother and that's all

Abilities: Pyrokinesis. Unlike his brother, he is a superhuman gifted with powers. Where he lacks in brains, he makes up for brawns and will.
Power: 2.5
Defense: 0.9
Recovery: 1
Range: 3, about the reach of your average flamethrower
Speed: 1.2
Intended Tier: Alpha
Limits: Using the power is like running, he has to stop at one point.
Weaknesses: Fireproof barriers of any kind, stone, glass or anything should hold up to his flames. Liquid nitrogen blasters are also able to counter fire

Skills & Equipment

-Tactical thinking
-Smooth talker
-Hand to hand combat
-His 9mm m9 beretta handgun which he prefers to use more than his power
-Bulletproof vest
Personal Items:
-His suit
-Police badge
-Hair gel

Starting City: Callinety
Affiliation: CPD
Signature Color: #fff20a
Extra: He shares a very close bond with his brother, usually talking over the phone about recent progress and success

D duegxybus

Accepted! N/A Tier

Accepted! Alpha Tier!

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