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Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian Emira Blight Emira Blight JaxbyDaniels JaxbyDaniels

Would you all prefer to fight a Warrior King or a Giant Demon? These will be 2 vastly different fights. Only one of them will happen.

King Hemhart will be a more physical fight (essentially fighting a 9 foot descendant of a Giant wielding a blade) with (ideally) the castle having a bit of a puzzle, while the Giant Demon (Mozreliun) will be a more magical higher stakes fight with legions of undead and shit and (ideally) the fight itself needing side things to get done.

Regardless, the fight will probably devastate Kraiven land. This is a fork in the road moment for the RP, as it will shape the crew and their morality henceforth. Kraiven is an innocent land afterall

I WOULD put this in the RP, but with 3 of you it's better to do this in the OOC than the IC.
Me when my parents start destroying my mood for nothing
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian JaxbyDaniels JaxbyDaniels Emira Blight Emira Blight
I will be awaiting all of your input, as I won't make my post until I get all of your inputs. This is like the good and evil moment for the pirate crew though, so choose wisely. For reference, this is the alignment scale I'm using to balance things as I go. You don't have to put your own characters on this scale. This is what I'm considering as I move forward in this RP

-500 Extreme Evil
-400 Significant Evil
-300 Great Evil
-200 Evil
-100 Evil-leaning Neutral
0 True Neutral
+100 Good-leaning Neutral
+200 Good
+300 Great Good
+400 Significant Good
+500 Extreme Good


-200 to -500 is the evil alignment. At -200 is where the person begins to see some form of joy, mirth, or humor in death. Let's take eating humans for example. Someone of -100 may be someone who kills and eats humans as a food source and judges it based on taste, like eating a severed finger is no different to them than eating a slice of bacon. At -200 is where that being starts eating people as a hobby instead of just for food, or takes joy in tearing them apart before eating them. When it goes lower, it could go into the territory of perhaps consuming people whole and enjoying the sounds of their anguish

At -300 is where most humanity towards life is abandoned. Death is death, and they want to inflict a lot of it. Maybe they can have some qualms about killing specific people, MAYBE they'll have some mercy, but the probability is nearing slim at this point. If there isn't a real reason to kill them, they may think up a reason to kill them, no matter how petty.

At -400 and -500, there tends to be a form of seeking out innocents to kill. Sadism, torture. Looking to inflict as much pain on a victim as possible if for no other reason than their own entertainment or sexual gratification. These are the types of people who, if you give them a task, they will look for a way to kill as many people as possible while also completing the task.


Neutral is a spectrum of alignments from -100 to +100. These alignments basically say that they are generally apathetic about the lives of others, taking no pleasure nor going out of their way to either save or kill an innocent, but being more likely to do so when given a choice. In the case of these, should they fail to do what they are more karmically aligned to do, it wouldn't weigh on them too much. Basically, whether they live or die has no effect on them mentally. They wouldn't risk their own life to save an innocent, or go too far off the path to kill someone without a damn good reason or on orders.

An evil-aligned neutral person would be willing to torch an innocent village, but would give advanced warning before doing so, ready or not. A good aligned neutral person would only torch the village if there is damn good reason for doing so, and even then they'd ensure everyone was evacuated.

The True Neutral alignment of 0 is typically assigned to someone who is either aligned with someone else's will, a mindless thrall, or maybe a child who has no inherent sense of right or wrong. For a normal person to reach this, they are a true enigma, or maybe so apathetically that their mood in the moment is the only real predictor of behavior


Good is the spectrum of alignments from +200 to +500. At the point of +200 is when a good sense of justice is established. This is when someone in danger cannot be overlooked and they are likely to intervene unless intervening presents too much of a danger to their own life. +200 is when their own life still matters more, but if they can intervene without themselves being sent to the gates, they will do so.

At +300 is when picking on the weak is grounds to put the bully into the ground. When an innocent is in danger, they will absolutely swoop in to prevent such danger. Their sense of justice is high and their tolerance for picking on the weak is slim to none. It tends to be at this point where someone is strong enough to stare down any enemy endangering others and not flinch.

At +400, you get into the realm of benevolent saints. We're talking pacifism or extremely tight-conditioned psuedo-pacifism, and all done in favor of preserving life rather than taking it. Taking a life is reserved for when all other options have been ruled out as unplausible or when ALL other methods have failed. At this point, killing them is the absolute only way to keep them from killing others. They take great pride in preserving lives. At this point, committing any sort of crime is only ever done in the pursuit of the greater good. +400 is where Chaotic Good ends

+500 Karma is usually to people serving under a divine being that has them preserving life as much as possible. Maybe the Batman type of crazed karma where taking a life could be seen as taboo regardless of anything else about the person. Extremely few ever have this type of Karma. The decision to take a life at +500 is something the user may have spent days agonizing over and it's not uncommon for them to still have a breakdown at them having done it. It could be completely earth-shattering to do so

  1. Dr. Laylah- Extreme Lawful Good (The greatest good in the Basenjis)
  2. Orabelle- Lawful Good
  3. Demestral- Chaotic Neutral- Good
  4. Nakaos- Chaotic Good
  5. Vespera Seyres- Great Good

  1. Sebas- True Neutral due to Orabelle and Lostro
  2. Duradel- True Neutral
  3. Ashlynn- Chaotic Neutral

Evil Aligned
  1. Adonis- Great Chaotic Evil
  2. Evangeline- Extreme Lawful Evil (The Biggest Evil in the Basenjis)
  3. Elaina- Lawful Evil
  4. Lostro- Chaotic Neutral-Evil
  5. Avery- Chaotic Neutral-Evil
Moesha_Alazne Moesha_Alazne
The meme stuff has been great and all, but unless you're going to join the RP, I can't spam the OOC with stuff from a complete outsider. Apologies in advance
↖(^^↖))((↗^^)↗↖( ^^ )↗↙( ^^ )↘


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a reply will be out this afternoon or evening!

i lied lmao i completely got sidetracked i am so sorry
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Sorry, I havent really been around - Mental Health issues, wont get into it but time blended together and i just sorta blanked out. Im sorry, i promise i wont make this a common thing, I genuinely feel terrible. I'll be making a post today or tomorrow, my apologies again.
Sorry, I havent really been around - Mental Health issues, wont get into it but time blended together and i just sorta blanked out. Im sorry, i promise i wont make this a common thing, I genuinely feel terrible. I'll be making a post today or tomorrow, my apologies again.
Nah, you're good. Holidays are famous for slowing RPs down to a crawl anyways.
Take care of yourself
just so yall know im still around ill be more active starting monday for replies - i plan on making posts tomorrow.
Im good now! Was dealing with stuff and then got sick but I'm doing better and will be around more. Thanks for the concern tho
started working on my reply - it will be out tomorrow afternoon/evening when i finally have more free time since im tired and gotta be up at 6am, apologies for the wait and once again ill be around more now starting tomorrow so shouldnt be an issue again
Hey WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian Henceforth, the gill-borne and lung-borne are both going to be part of the race Locathah (Low-Cah-Thah)
I want to avoid using -borne and -folk in the official race names if at all possible, so gill-borne was a placeholder name until I found a new one

I wanted to make one up myself, but coming up with this shit is kind of hard, so we'll go with the DnD race for fishfolk, which is Locathah
Nancy is a Lung-borne Locathah, lung-borne basically meaning amphibious


For JaxbyDaniels JaxbyDaniels , a proposal for a sidequest is about to hit Chilby on my next post. Accept it or not.
For you, Wayf, I'm about to take a backseat into primarily an NPC controller so you can take the lead in terms of the actionable plot. Right after Chilby accepts or rejects the sidequest, things are gonna progress a bit faster


On a third and final note, I want input from the two of you about whether to go all in now, or keep it slower until 2023. I've been relenting a bit, which is why things are currently moving at a snail's pace in terms of progression. Army is granting me block leave from 17 Dec-02 Jan, and I fly on 19 Dec to hang with the fam and see the new nephew. Holidays are infamous for killing off RPs, but real life comes first always.

So: Streamline it and get to the action now, or keep it slow so we can go all in when the new year rings in?
Sure thing, I'll update Nancy's ref

I'd like to keep things slow until the new year, personally. I got a busy month for myself as well, and I assume Emira Blight Emira Blight has been doing holiday stuff since they've been offline for a while. Kicking things up in Jan after things calm down sounds good to me.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

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